Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 15: Farewell gift, the name of the gift is Patrick

"Don't panic, keep your balance, hold each other!"

The flying gate transmission guide had already been notified to them, and now someone was shouting in the crowd what to pay attention to.


There was another muffled sound, and this time it was the bear himself who returned with the bear paw bubble, but now the bear had many more wounds on his body, but there was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

With his own hands, he completed the "rescue".

As planned before, if the bears failed, they would simply use the transmission. If they succeeded, they would first use the fruit ability to send several one-time positioning markers to the island outside.

The black ship became the core, and the equipment built around it became the cornerstone.

Compared with Piltover, this Hextech flying gate looks very rough, but it does not affect its operation.

The core is fully charged, the beacon is in place, and the canyon begins to flash with dazzling light.

This technological gate from another world, like a miracle project from the future, is slowly starting at this moment.

As the flying gate is activated, the surrounding air seems to be distorted by this mysterious power.

The light gradually became more intense, forming beams of light that danced in the air like lively ribbons.

Accompanied by a low and powerful humming sound, it seemed to announce the arrival of some important moment.

And the people in the canyon gradually turned into blue light spots.

"Benefactor! I will remember your words! If there is a chance, I will definitely repay your kindness today!"

"You are our hero. Even if we don't know your name, we will not forget this!"

Before the crowd gradually turned into blue light and dissipated, people shouted their words in the direction of Oran.

Except for the small number of people that Oran first contacted, most people didn't know Oran's name, nor did they know what his face looked like under the mask.

The roar of the flying door covered up the voices of many people, and Oran didn't care what they said. He turned around and merged into the blue light and completed the transmission together.

He never regarded himself as a hero.

With the blue light rising into the sky, the people in the canyon gradually disappeared, leaving only the empty canyon and the Hex Core that was still in operation.

On the battlefield, both the pirates who were fighting and the navy who began to fight back were attracted by this sudden vision.

Many people stopped fighting and focused their eyes on the center of the Valley of the Gods.

"Is this the treasure that Rocks wants? It's not the same as the rumors."

"Whatever it is, Rocks is now entangled, go grab that thing!"

Swish! Swish!

Before they could take any action, a flash of knife light cut their necks.

"Untouchables, that's not something you can touch."

Gringu, who came here at some point, also looked at the center of the Valley of the Gods, his eyebrows full of anger. According to previous records, that was the area where Eladin had been active before.

As for how Gringu got out of the situation and came here.

Originally, the situation on the navy side was not optimistic and was at a disadvantage overall, but for some reason, during the fight, the Roger Pirates suddenly changed camps and joined forces with Garp to deal with Rocks.

"Wait, Rocks!"

"Roger, you bastard, don't get in the way!"

Roger's behavior changed the situation on the battlefield, freeing up some members of the Knights of God to start investigating the cause of death of the Celestial Dragons.

When Gringu followed the sound of the Hexgate being activated and came to the canyon, it was already empty. Only the headless body of Eladin was still hanging on the rack, and the head that rolled to the ground beside him couldn't even close its eyes.

"These... guys"

Gringu's hands couldn't stop shaking. It was not fear, but anger, but the appearance of another person calmed him down.

"Saint Satan, why are you here? Is there any news?"

The Celestial Dragons usually don't add "Saint" or "Palace" at the end of their names. They only use it as honorifics in special occasions. Greengu's status in the Celestial Dragons is not low, but compared with those five people, it is not worth mentioning.

The person who came here was wearing a black suit, holding a cane, and his hair was curly.

It was Saturn, one of the Five Elders, the God of Science and Defense-Jaigolucia Satan.

"It was the noise here that attracted me, but unfortunately, I don't know what happened here."

As one of the Five Elders in charge of scientific defense, Satan himself is also a scientist. He can see that the things here are some unknown technology, but that's all. Just a face-to-face, even if Satan has experienced a long time, he can't determine what it is.

The cause of the death of the Celestial Dragons also needs to be investigated. Satan was about to say something, but his pupils suddenly shrank. Without too many words, he pulled Greengu behind him.

"Saint Satan, you"

BOOM! ! !

Boom! Boom!

A devastating force burst out from the energy core, sweeping across the entire canyon in an instant.

This force was like a violent beast, ruthlessly devouring everything around it.

The trees and rocks in the canyon were instantly crushed to dust under the impact of this energy, and the entire ground was shaking violently, as if it was about to crack.

Due to the design made by Orlan before he left, the overflowing energy flow seemed to be guided, like a sharp blade, splitting the Valley of God in two along the canyon.

The clouds in the sky were also torn apart by this force, revealing hideous cracks, as if the sky was also wailing for this catastrophe.

The human body is the strongest shield in this sea. With the protection of Saint Satan, Green Gu was naturally safe and sound, but Satan had several more hideous scars on his body.

"Saint Satan! You!"

"No problem, if you want to block it, I can naturally defend it, this is just to better experience this power."

Satan's body recovered quickly and soon returned to its original appearance. This is an ability possessed by the Five Elders. Even if their heads are chopped off, it is difficult to kill them.

Although the defense seems to be low, many people can break their defense, but it is difficult to cause effective damage, and they can be restored to their original state in the blink of an eye.

And this is Orlan's handwriting.

He couldn't leave the ship and Hexgate to the Celestial Dragons. This self-destruction program was his last gift. If ordinary people came to investigate, the results would be much richer.

In the annihilation caused by the explosion, nothing was left except ashes, and even the center of the explosion had sunk into the deep sea with the cracks of the island.

Satan could only take Greengu back to the gathering place of the Celestial Dragons, but from Satan's gloomy face when he left, it can be seen that his heart was not calm.

At the same time, on the beach of another island, Orlan stared at the sea level with a calm look.

"It's almost time. I hope you like this gift. It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied. After all, this is just the beginning."

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