Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 133 This is my territory, you have to follow my rules

"What's inside? Open it and check."

There was no emotion or anger in the prosecutor's tone. As the most basic level of artificial intelligence, they do not have such rich emotions and only know how to act according to the rules.

If one day they behave abnormally, there will only be one reason. As the person with the highest authority, Olan has set new instructions for them to achieve a certain purpose.


A tabby cat was scratching the outside of the box with its claws, its eyes very determined.

The island-based environment restricts the development of many things. It is difficult to cover everything with just one island. An island that can achieve self-sufficiency can already meet the needs of most people.

If you want to develop further, commerce is essential.

However, the environment of the Great Sea Route has restricted the travel of ships, and the development of most countries is in a locked state.

The environment of Firefly Island is sufficient to achieve food self-sufficiency, and Olan's technology can solve the energy problem, but there are still gaps in some raw materials and special crops, and they are still in the import stage.

Coupled with the existing export business and its special status in the underground world, the frequency of cargo ships appearing on Firefly Island is considered high among the countries along the Grand Line.

"There's nothing in it, just some candies and dry goods."

"Second warning, open for inspection."

Explanations have no effect. We only believe in the results. The members of the guard on the side have already moved towards here. Their loaded weapons and equipment are far more effective in deterrence than words.

The exoskeleton mecha is still under review and has no official equipment yet. These people only hold ordinary police equipment.

A special model between regular police uniforms and armor, the blue-based uniform is decorated with gold stripes.

The arms, chest, crotch and other parts are equipped with armor, and under the metal helmet is a special gas mask. The specific style and type are exactly the same as those of the original Piltover security force.

With the existing rules and regulations in place, Oran didn't make any special arrangements except for the upgraded mecha troops and the like. The belt around his waist bore the Piltover logo.

He holds an improved rifle in his hand. Both the firing mode and the ammunition have been upgraded. Compared with the round projectiles fired by the weird flintlock guns in the technology tree, these pointed bullets are much more powerful.

Seeing that the gun was pointed at his head, the businessman could only cooperate and open the box.

The preliminary inspection found no problems, and no mezzanine or other things were found in the box. It was just that the quantity was much more than what was reported on the document. .

"Well, it's difficult to do business across the sea. Isn't this just to save some tax?"

The businessman gave his reasons and seemed to know that avoiding inspections would look strange.

The reason for tax evasion doesn't sound wrong, but a candy ball floats out of thin air.

"You're lying. It has a special smell. Kittens can't smell the difference in quantity."

The air floated, and a werewolf appeared in front of the businessman out of thin air, and crushed the candy ball in his hand.

"You wouldn't tell me these things are powdered sugar, right?"

Absalom, today's trainee police officer, is still in the category of child labor, but this is not a concern in this sea. If you have the ability, you will naturally use it.

Brand has already started to let Absalom do some practical work, and Absalom also wants to contribute his own efforts, so such a mobile inspector will occasionally appear at the immigration inspection place.

The thing about transparent fruit is that experienced and strong people will overturn if they don't pay attention, let alone these ordinary people.

[Invisible werewolf? A wolf of the phantom species? Why haven’t I heard of this creature?]

There is also Kuzan among the crowd watching nearby. He is currently thinking about why the wolf can become invisible. Although Kuzan is still a passionate young man at this time, he also understands the rules of the navy.

They have no reason to intervene in the internal affairs of a non-member country like Piltover, at least not openly in the name of the navy.

Even if something happens, it is a private action.

[Smuggling? What is that thing?]

Kuzan's eyes were not chemical analyzers, so he couldn't tell what the thing was, but the prosecutors here had special test strips in their hands. As the color of the test paper changed, the results were self-evident.

The businessman's face also turned livid at this moment.

He tried to pay bribes in the hope that the goods could enter the island directly, but this was only the first step of his plan. If he really encountered such an upright person, the merchant would be inspected after resisting for a while.

Then he deceived him by concealing the goods. The consequences were nothing more than paying back taxes or fines, but he was still able to send the goods in.

And under the cover of this smoke screen, most people will relax their vigilance and think that they have found a loophole.

Most countries on this sea do not have the configuration of police dogs. Animals appear in the sequence, most of which serve as mounts or guards. Piltover's police cats are also a precedent.

"Hey, why are you silent? Who gave you the courage to transport such things to this country?"

"I have to make a phone call. There is a misunderstanding."

The moment Absalom discovered the problem, the guns around him were already pointed at the businessman's head, and his accompanying men were also treated similarly.

"There is no misunderstanding. We only look at the results for this kind of thing."

The goods were sealed and the relevant personnel were detained. At this time, a new cat cry was heard from the side.


After the incident, the tabby cat exploded at Absalom. It was declaring its sovereignty, indicating that these things were discovered by itself, not by Absalom, a wolf who ran away halfway.

These cats are very intelligent, and they know clearly that merit = dried fish. Absalom chose to leave the scene in stealth. Although the cat can smell his scent, it can't catch up with his speed.

Among the staff present, Absalom's work enthusiasm is comparable to that of the bionic man. It's not that he wants a reward, but he believes that Orlan will not treat him unfairly, as long as he can make achievements.

After all, all this strength comes from Orlan's technology. The feeling of being full of strength in his body is like nectar to him.

Garp's subordinates showed excellent repairing ability. They completed the repair work of the ship in just half a day at a speed comparable to that of professional shipwrights, and started the return journey with the repacked orders.

Orlan also handled the affairs of his own territory. Relying on those android assistants, Orlan did not ask much about most things after formulating the operating rules. The androids could handle it well for him.

However, the approval of some things still had to go through Orlan's hands, such as the approval of the death penalty.

"Olan, these are the criminals found at the immigration office today. The group hid addictive drugs in candies and tried to bring them in.

The masterminds have been arrested, and they have been interrogated separately. The person who handled it has been determined."

Kate handed over a report sheet, which recorded in detail what happened today.

"Is that so? Review and review. If there is no error, approve the execution and send them back as soon as possible."


Orlan signed the execution permit directly, but almost at the same time, his private Den Den Mushi rang.

"Feld? What's wrong?"

"Olan, you caught a few prisoners today, right?"

"That's right, don't tell me that this group of people has anything to do with you."

"No, no, how could that be? That group of people is only related to Kiboson. They are his subordinates whom he values ​​very much, so he found me.

Do you think if there is no big problem, just let them go?"

The network of relationships in the underground world is still very complicated. After the illegal smugglers were arrested at the port, his subordinates immediately reported to the higher-ups.

Although Kiboson is engaged in the warehousing industry, this is only his main business. People in the underground world are of the same level in this regard. There are more or less people in all walks of life, but the strength invested is very different.

Relatively speaking, Feld and Oran are the most familiar ones, so Kiboson found Feld and wanted him to act as a lobbyist.

"Feld, you should know the rules here, right?

It's not the first day that I have established a country here. After so long, my rules have almost spread in the underground world, right?"

"That's true, but the people below don't know the importance of doing things. That kid..."

"Needless to say, there are two iron laws in Piltover. Those who sell illegal drugs and people trade will only be sentenced to death. You know this very well, don't you?"

The sea is very chaotic, and the human trade is a highly profitable industry. Although the world government nominally prohibits human trade, there is a human referral center right under the nose of the world government in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The same is true for illegal drugs. Oran's current ability is not enough to clear the entire sea. After all, the roots of this big tree have long been rotten.

But he has the ability to keep his territory clean.

Olan has a certain status in the underground world. Since he started to do business through various channels, the rules of the island have been spread.

This group of people can be said to be breaking the law knowingly. After all, the huge profits brought by that thing make them willing to take certain risks.

Moreover, in this sea, this thing has always been a gray industry, without clear standard restrictions.

"Feld, we are old acquaintances. Today, for your sake, I will let you go."

Hearing Oran say this, Feld thought Oran was willing to let him go, but before he could say thank you, Oran's words blocked all his subsequent arguments.

"According to the rules, such people are directly sunk into the sea after being executed. This time, I will make a change. You can send someone to take the body away."

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