Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 134: Build your own monster, the crisis of the Overlord Universe

"Felder, there is no need to say anything more. To give you the simplest example, would you allow someone who owes you money not to repay it?"

"I understand, I'm just passing on a message to others, don't take it to heart."

Oran's example makes it clear that for Du Felder, money is the most important thing.

If someone fucked his mistress, Feld could laugh it off. In the face of interests, women were nothing.

But if someone owes him money, he must find ways to get revenge.

The smuggler is not from Feld, so there is no point in telling Oran anything about him.

It's just that Olan's tough attitude also made Feld feel a little strange.

Once upon a time, Olan was the one who used technology to gain benefits from him, but today, Feld found that he had nothing to do with Olan.

On the one hand, it has a friendly relationship with the navy, and on the other hand, it has a complicated relationship with Big Mom. Whether it is the navy or pirates, Oran has its own channels.

His unique technology makes him very important in the underground world, and they even rely on Oran's technology in some aspects.

"When did it start?"

After hanging up the phone, Felder couldn't remember when Olan became the behemoth in his eyes.

It was obvious that he had never lost contact with Oran, but all of this seemed to happen quietly without him noticing.

"This guy has become a little scary."

Felder had a feeling that even if he was the one who did this, Oran would naturally find a reason to kill him directly.

A few days later, Felder received a shipment of ashes, and Oran did fulfill his promise in this regard and returned the body.

However, Feld just threw this thing into the sea. A living person would still be interested in it. If it was a dead person, Feld didn't know how to deliver it to his door.

"Doesn't that guy Olan give you no face at all?"

"Yes, he sent the body back, but I didn't think you were interested, so I took care of it for you. Giberson, this matter is his bottom line. I advise you not to continue to provoke him in this regard. It will be harmful to you." Not much good.

Those of your subordinates are not worthy of what you have to do for them.

Thinking about the original Piecro, Olan was not easy to deal with. "

"I know, I'm not going to lose my mind because of this kind of thing, but that guy is not from the same group as us."

The most striking feature of the underground world is that there is no bottom line.

The main way to get around here is to do a few things, betray your brothers, betray your trust, frame others for trouble, and cheat on others. For the sake of profit, these people will do anything.

Each occupies a field and maintains a relative balance because their force is at a relatively balanced point, and fighting with each other will only harm their interests.

The Big Mom Pirates were able to forcefully intervene because of Charlotte Lingling's powerful force. Oran was able to fool them into killing Piecro because Oran itself was a breaking point.

Unless someone like Oran can break the deadlock, these people will choose to maintain the status quo as best they can.

"You are right, but now, no one can take his place."

Olan's bottom line makes him somewhat out of place in the underground world. Whether it is population or addictive drugs, these are hugely profitable industries in the sea, but Olan can endure it.

Although Olan has his own channels to make money, Giberson doesn't believe that some people would think he has too much money.

Oran's increasingly unsociable attitude means that sooner or later there will be conflict between them.

"Maybe we should make some preparations in advance, just in case."

"Well, you have a point, so be it."

Felder hung up the phone. He felt that Giberson's words were a bit dangerous and sensational. He was now focused on banking, and logically there would be no conflict with Olan.

However, Felder did not report anything to Olan. It is still necessary to be on guard in some matters.

On Firefly Island, the execution of several prisoners did not arouse public criticism. There are not many immigrants here today. They all experienced Oran's suppression of pirates and gangs during the founding of the country.

A few smugglers are not a big deal. Due to the national conditions, only those who know about those candies are executed.

They were only responsible for sailing the ship and so on. After checking clearly, Olan didn't embarrass them too much.

Correspondingly, Olan's own recent experimental project is coming to an end, and the transformation of Oz's corpse is gradually completed. At this time, Oz has gradually lost its original characteristics and was born into a new "monster".

From a frozen corpse, it turned into a special biological metal creation.

"The body structure of the ancient giants is really special. This thing is simply impossible to replicate. It is just right as a substitute."

This is a monster of his own, a special weapon used as a national war weapon, but essentially, it is a castrated version.

Material limitations made it impossible to realize some structures. At this time, the location on Oz's chest had become a huge energy source, which was also the last Hex Crystal brought by Oran.

Blitzcrank's core, Kate's heart, Frankenstein's core, the starter of the Z-drive device, plus the current power source, this is the main distribution channel for the Hex Crystal he brought.

The rest are just scraps and can only be used to make gadgets.

Although Orlan has the technology, the materials still pose a considerable limitation.

"Swallow-Swallow Fruit, where is this thing?"

The designated devil fruit is still difficult to find. Orlan also sent a few people to the Drum Kingdom and even left a messenger in the Drum Kingdom.

The messenger's apparent job is to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. The excellent medical industry of the Drum Kingdom and Orlan's technology are complementary to a certain extent.

But this messenger has another task, which is to pay more attention to Prince Wapol, who was born last year in the Drum Kingdom. In this original timeline, the ability of the Swallow-Swallow Fruit.

Late at night, the cat army in the royal city entered an active stage. They wandered around every corner of the royal city, guarding the safety of the royal city with the androids and sentry turrets.

And Orlan's own spirit came to a new laboratory. In a room with a little futuristic style, a computer screen was flashing, and the 99+ message also showed how many missed messages there were.

[Hey, Sidilier, your original prophecy came true, and we are in big trouble now. ]

[Sidilier, what are you busy with again? Your laboratory is empty, we need your help. 】

【Listen, Sidilier, this is not a joke, we have encountered the biggest crisis, which is related to the survival of mankind, please reply quickly after reading it. 】

The messages seemed to tell the troubles encountered here. Looking at the messages, Orlan picked up the windbreaker on the hanger beside him and walked out to the base in the bay.

In this base, two dwarves were busy, they were Heimerdinger and Ziggs, but this Heimerdinger was not Orlan's teacher, here, they were colleagues.

"Hey, Ziggs, it's not time to rest yet, we have to stop it, otherwise it will bring us a greater crisis."

"I know, I'm busy, don't rush me, Zero's growth is something I didn't expect.

But Sidilier is right, it has become more powerful with the birth of self-awareness."

Many years ago, unknown creatures appeared in this world, bringing great crisis to the people living here.

They appeared in the deep sea and have seriously threatened the survival of local humans.

In order to fight these foreign monsters, people realized that they needed their own monsters.

Talented scientists joined hands and finally created their own monsters, and the Tyrant series was launched.

Scientists all have their own ideas, and they may not get along with each other. Among the many prototypes, Ziggs created the most powerful monster.

Mecha No. 00, Tyrant Zero-Sion.

It is the first and most successful one.

Orlan in this world is also a member of the research team. At the beginning of the birth of Zero, he mentioned this matter, but no one cared about it at that time.

Later, as the battle continued, Tyrant Zero really gave birth to self-awareness.

Ziggs realized this and wanted to destroy it, but it was too late.

With self-awareness, Tyrant Zero automatically restarted the battle program and gave itself an order to destroy everything.

This monster created for protection has become a new destroyer.

At this time, they have created a new monster-Mecha No. 06, Tyrant Behemoth-Moffit, trying to stop Sion with it.

But after several battles, Moffit failed, and Zero became stronger and more difficult to stop in the battle.

Ziggs and Heimerdinger had put aside their pride and contacted different people to stop the Zero, including Rambo, another genius in the Tyrant Universe.

However, Rambo had conflicts with them. Although he agreed to cooperate, he refused to join them and was preparing things to deal with the Zero.

At this time, Heimerdinger and Ziggs had completed the repair of the Tyrant Beast and found the No. 01 Mecha Tyrant Alien-Kazik from the warehouse again, intending to stop the Zero together.

Chi. Ka.

At this time, the hydraulic pump of the base gate sounded, and as the gate opened and closed, a person who was much taller than Ziggs and others walked in.

"Sidilier? Thank God, you are finally back. What have you been busy with during this period?"

"Some personal matters. How far have things progressed?"

"Not optimistic. After blocking the Zero last time, it retreated temporarily, but it appeared again this time. It seems that its target is inland. We must stop it.

Rambo has agreed to cooperate. Sidilier, we also need your strength. Where is Unit 10 now?"

Among the many machines, there are machines they jointly manufactured, and there are also machines that they completed independently. Unit 10 mentioned by Heimerdinger is Orlan's solo work, the Overlord Warhawk-Galio.

In order to stop the Zero, they now have to gather all their strength.

Today is 6,000

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