Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 138: True Ancient Body, New Bait

Chapter 138 True Ancient Body, New Bait

It sounds outrageous that a pilot goes out of the warehouse to fight, but it is not uncommon in this sea. For example, Franky, who has learned a little bit of technology tree, does this every day.

Of course, Leliana's fight out of the warehouse is just a test. In theory, this large mecha is of little help to her. Instead, it will be a limitation. At least at this stage, this will not be her mainstream fighting method.

Fighting out of the warehouse is not the most ideal state.

There is an upper limit to the amount of armed color domineering. If it is overused, it will only use up its own domineering in advance.

When Leliana grows to a certain stage, she can attach domineering to her huge body like Barrett in his heyday. That will be the best time.

At that time, Leliana may try to control the new mecha and use the giant mecha to swing the more terrifying Elbaf Spear.

The Elbaf Spear swung by the ancient giants may really give the Red Earth Continent a middle part that day.

After losing consciousness, the wolf began to shrink in size, and finally returned to the height of a regular giant. At this time, it sank directly to the bottom of the sea and became motionless.

"Dad, aren't you going to fish him out?"

"Don't worry, let him soak for a while. The giant's physique can't drown. This guy is not easy to deal with. Ordinary people can't keep an eye on him."

As he said that, Orlan manipulated the mecha to find a suitable position in the shallows and dug a pit that could just bury San Juan Wolf.

For the ability user, the ocean is a ready-made cage. Buried in the sea, the sea water will make him unable to break free.

After burying the wolf, the second job is to draw blood.

The blood of the ability user is a good thing. Through the development and research of blood, related products can play a miraculous role in many places.

Through the bloodline factor of the big fruit, perhaps a real dragon can be shaped.

Not long after, the island's broadcast sounded again, this time with a relaxing music.

This means that the crisis on the island is over and the residents of the shelter can return to their homes.

"Have you seen the mecha driven by His Majesty the King? That thing is so great. Can we drive it after we pass the assessment? If so, I have to risk my life to be selected."

"What are you thinking about? Didn't Brother Brand say that it is just an ordinary patrol mecha. Now even the heavy mecha of the Guards is not open to the list.

But you are right, I also want to drive that big guy. This is simply a man's romance."

At this time, Iron Oz was still standing on the seashore. The residents who left the shelter saw the tall steel figure and inevitably yearned for him in their hearts. And it was not limited to male soldiers. Many islanders had this idea.

If there is really this opportunity, how many people can refuse the pleasure of driving a mecha.

"But I really didn't expect that our new king would actually drive a mecha to meet the enemy himself."

"Yes, he is different from the previous royal family."

The royal family not only did not run away, but also took the initiative to meet the enemy. This kind of thing refreshed the local people's understanding of the royal family and invisibly increased a lot of cohesion.

They even felt that this country was much better than when it was a member state. Even if the member states were protected by the navy, it would take time for the warships to arrive.

Compared to simply waiting for rescue, it is a better solution for the country to have a strong military force to counter external crises.

Compared to ordinary citizens, the happiest ones are actually the police cats who have joined the job.

San Juan Wolf was defeated before landing and did not cause substantial damage to the island.

However, the aftermath of the battle between the giants and the electric current released by Frankenstein before, countless fish and marine life were unconscious, and finally swept ashore by the tsunami caused by the aftermath.

The matter of fish growing on the tree has changed from a fictional story to a real objective fact. At this time, the cat team is busy picking up fish everywhere. It seems that there will be a grand extra meal tonight.

At the same time, on the sea where the wolf was imprisoned, Orlan was extracting the other's blood and storing it in his book, preparing to extract the bloodline factor later.

"Brother Oran, what are you going to do with this guy? Are you going to keep him locked up?"

"No, it takes a lot of food to feed this guy. I don't have any supplies to waste on this guy. Apart from blood, the biggest value of this guy is to exchange for money.

Three hundred and seventy million Baileys, this is also a huge sum of money."

On the sea, the bear asked Oran about his future plans.

In addition to providing bloodline factors, the evil wolf is a waste of food in Oran's eyes.

Now Oran lacks an experimental result.

That is to extract the blood of the devil fruit ability user while he is alive and preserve it with the Book-Book Fruit.

If the ability user dies later, will the bloodline factor in the preserved blood be inactivated?

If it is inactivated, it will affect the subsequent research, so Oran does not intend to take this risk, and letting the evil wolf live here will not affect him.

In addition, the giants are very different from the ancient giants. Without the special features of the ancient giants, they do not have the same transformation possibilities as Oz.

Not to mention this ordinary giant, even little Oz is far from his ancestors.

Keeping him is simply a waste of food, and we have to arrange a warden of sufficient weight to watch over him. It is more practical to hand over such a troublesome guy to the navy in exchange for money.

Olan didn't bother Zefa this time. His visit to Zefa was usually a private matter outside the rules. Exchanging a bounty prisoner for a bounty was not that complicated. He just had to follow the process, so he called the navy office directly.

It's just that this matter is beyond the scope of the ordinary navy. Three hundred and seventy million is not a small amount. If they want to use this fund, they must report it according to the process.

In the end, this news appeared on Seng Guo's desk. Sometimes Seng Guo was very suspicious. Sora trained him to be the marshal's successor just because he was lazy and left most things to himself.

"San Juan Wolf? You have solved a problem for us. Let's arrange for the G6 branch to take the bounty and hand it over. It is safer to imprison this guy in Impel Down City."

It was just an exchange for a bounty. The Warring States Period did not take this kind of thing seriously. In remote branches in the four seas, some navies would covet part of the bounty, but the navy headquarters would not do such a thing.

The purpose of launching the bounty is to hope that people from all over the world will cooperate with the navy to catch pirates, rather than for pirates to regard it as a reference to show off their strength, or even use it to show off to others.

The Navy Headquarters will not only distribute the bounty in full, but will even publicize the matter in newspapers to encourage some bounty hunters who are capable but short of money.

"Yes, I will inform Lieutenant General Brugulas later."

Brugulas, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, is currently the base commander of the G6 branch of the Navy, and is also a naval general whom Oran is familiar with.

After all, he had a lot of dealings with the G6 branch during this period.

[San Juan Wolf has been arrested. 】

The next day, the newspaper published the news that the wolf had been captured, but compared to this news, the report on the second page was even more eye-catching.

[Destroyer or guardian, an unknown super weapon. 】

The accompanying picture shows Olan standing on Oz's shoulder. It seems to have been taken from a high-altitude perspective. As for the content of the article, it's okay not to read it.

Except for the fact that Oz defeated the Wolf, which was reported truthfully, the rest of the news was all nonsense.

There is no doubt that this newspaper was written by Morgans, and the photo was also made by Morgans's men.

As we all know, the photographers in this sea are very capable and can sneak into various places silently and take unexpected photos. And this photographer may not even be a human being.

The person who took this photo was a news bird. It was following Morgans' orders to report on the San Juan Wolf. Unexpectedly, it happened to take a picture of the mecha controlled by Oran.

"Olan, let Meow go kill that bird, this guy is so bullshit."

Olan naturally also received the newspaper. Looking at the information reported in the newspaper, Kate had already begun to sharpen her claws.

As long as Olan has this idea, she will set out to try to kill Morgans, a talkative guy.

"There's no need, I had no intention of hiding it from the day I started using Oz.

This is our territory, and I can't just blow it up to nothing to hide the traces like I did back then.

Even if Morgans' people didn't take a picture of this thing, I would pass the news on to him and ask him to publish a report. "

A weapon does not have to explode to be effective; it can also act as a deterrent.

At the same time, this is also a bait and smoke bomb, an exclusive prop for the World Government.

Oran needs to give the world government a wrong perception, so that he can better defraud funds and openly study more dangerous things under the "shadow" of Oz.

Oran knew that the World Government had a very special thing - Mother Fire, which was the energy source for ancient weapons. Moreover, the World Government itself could not understand this thing, so in the end it had to use Vegapunk's hands to accomplish this. .

The people before Olan seemed to have set it up a bit too much. He wanted to use this method to attract the attention of some world governments, gain some trust and find an opportunity to suck blood, and finally complete his further goal.

If we find a reasonable reason to postpone it and study it for more than ten or twenty years, we will probably not be short of funds in the future.

In fact, Olan's plan went very smoothly, and Morgans' newspaper was also sent to Wulaoxing. Looking at the pictures in the newspaper, Sartan looked very solemn at this time.

"Sidelil. What did this guy do behind his back?"

The fighting power of the evil wolf is nothing in the eyes of the Five Old Stars. Any one of them present has a way to kill the other party instantly.

At this time, what Sartan was concerned about was the appearance of the transformed Oz. The appearance of this thing was too similar to the Iron Giant that invaded Mariejoia more than 170 years ago.

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