Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 139 There is an undercover agent in the investigation team you sent.jpg

Chapter 139 There is an undercover agent in the investigation team you sent.jpg

Satan's fingers tapped on the table from time to time, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

That was a period of history in the past. About 172 years ago, in the era of great turmoil caused by discrimination against the fish people, a steel giant climbed onto the red earth continent and came to Mary Geoise, intending to destroy it.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of energy, the steel giant was paralyzed without causing any damage.

It is reported that the steel giant was made even earlier, nearly 900 years ago.

In terms of size, this thing is extremely similar to the ancient giants. The steel Oz, which was transformed from Oz as a prototype, is even more like that steel giant.

It is for this reason that Satan fell into deep thought.

"Satan, you are the one in charge of scientific defense among us. You know more about technology. How do you think Sidilier resurrected the ancient robot?"

"No, it's not a resurrection. The steel giant was destroyed long ago and it is impossible for it to exist until now.

And judging from the situation of the ancient steel giant, it would be easier for it to defeat the evil wolf, and it does not need humans to drive it.

The thing that defeated the evil wolf is at most a replica of Sidilier, and it is definitely not the ancient steel giant.

He has no access to that kind of information channel."

Faced with Nasujuro's question, Satan rejected it on the level of technology and strength. He didn't know that those scientists did not destroy the ancient steel giant according to their orders, but hid it and let it stay somewhere until now.

"What is that thing in Sidilier's hand?"

"Nasu Shoulang, you are being too picky. It doesn't matter what that thing is. As long as it can be used by the government, its source is not a problem.

Since Sidilier can make the first one, he can make more. If he is willing to cooperate with the World Government and make more weapons for us, it will be a good thing."

Vochuli didn't care about the source, but just hoped that this thing could be used by the World Government.

"Satan, didn't you say that Sidilier is a smart man? Then you can try the attitude of this smart man."

The World Government always has an inexplicable self-confidence and feels that it can control everything.

For people like Vegapunk and Orlan, as long as they are willing to study something for the World Government and stay away from those taboos, the World Government generally doesn't care what they do in private.

"That makes sense. Let's do a test using this method.

But there's no rush for this matter. Let's send someone to do a small investigation first. The CP agency has recently recruited a lot of new people, so let's do a test on their abilities."

Compared to the navy, the CP is the minions that the World Government trusts more, especially CP0. The consciousness of serving the Celestial Dragons is almost engraved in their bones.

Under Satan's arrangement, a special team set off with the mission and set off with Firefly Island as the target.

At the same time, some people have great opinions on this news.

Morgans never cares about exaggerating facts, and is proficient in taking things out of context and making things up. Words such as terrifying dictator, kind and wise king, and the strongest country have appeared a lot.

When the royal family of the Kingdom of Favre saw this news, they were not very happy.

Firefly Island used to be their land. After abandoning it, these people didn't miss it much. After all, in their opinion, that country was no longer save.

But now, the wasteland in their eyes has actually rejuvenated with new vitality, which also gave them a special feeling.

But they had no other choice. At least in Morgans' description, Iron Oz was almost unstoppable. Even if they wanted to restore the throne, they couldn't do it with words. They had to think long and hard.

A few days later, on Firefly Island, San Juan Wolf had been taken away by the warships sent by the navy. The city of Impel Down would prepare a special single room for him.

Merchant ships came to the island regularly as usual. The smugglers they had killed before did not make them feel scared. They regarded the island as a forbidden area, but there were a lot more rules.

Especially after Iron Oz appeared a few days ago, these people became more honest.

And along with the crew, there were also some CP members who had completed the change of clothes.

"Everyone, act separately. This is the direct instruction from the Five Elders. After completing this matter, maybe we can get the attention of the Five Elders and become CP0 directly."

After the leader gave the order, he walked alone towards the market and investigated the situation of Iron Oz according to the order from above.

The Five Elders only gave the target, but did not specify the method, so these people were familiar with the situation on the island and tried to find opportunities to get close to Oran.

No one chose stupid methods such as violent coercion. They were CP agents, and what they did was to infiltrate and investigate.

Looking at the thoughts of the Five Elders, it was obvious that they did not intend to tear each other apart directly. If the Five Elders had that idea, there would be no need to let them infiltrate.

However, the difficulty of this task was not low. After some investigation, they actually found that there were not many humans in the royal city. The easiest place to contact Oran was actually the hospital.

One of the agents even signed up to become a local drug experimenter in order to have the opportunity to get close to Oran.

But among this group of people, there was an exception.

Not only did she not try hard to find a way, she even entered the royal city directly that night.

"Dr. Oran, long time no see. Since you quit MADS, we haven't seen each other for some years."

A blond woman was sitting opposite Olan. She was none other than Stussy, one of the clones created by MADS.

A few days ago, Stussy passed the selection of the CP organization according to Vegapunk's orders and is working as an undercover agent in the World Government.

As a clone, she is different from Weibull and Leliana in that she knows exactly how she was born and her identity.

Therefore, they have great respect for Oran and Vegapunk, who regard her as an ordinary human being.

"Did Punk send you out undercover?"

"Yes, Dr. Vegapunk is wary of the government and believes that certain precautions need to be taken."

This is what Vegapunk did in the original timeline. Stussy not only successfully infiltrated the CP organization, but also became an important member of CP0, backstabbing Lucci and Kaku at the critical moment.

Now the world government probably didn't expect that there would be an undercover agent among the investigators sent.

"I am here with a mission from the World Government. The Five Old Stars have some doubts about the giant robot you invented, so let us investigate some sources. Do you need me to cover for you?"

I have been tired for too long. If I fail, I will give it a try first. I am still working hard to recover.

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