Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 140 Why not kill the sniper? Because he can't shoot accurately.

"No need, concealment and lies are two different concepts. Concealment will only leave a blank space on the complete canvas, but lies are different. The birth of a lie requires thousands of lies to be perfected.

And the more lies there are, the more loopholes there are. "

"What do you mean?"

Stussy's original intention was to use false information to fool the Five Old Stars on behalf of Oran. After she started performing the lurking mission according to Vegapunk's orders, she discovered something special.

For example, Wulaoxing, who seems mysterious to the outside world, is not that difficult to deal with at all.

Stusi didn't know what Wu Laoxing had gone through, but he found that these five people had an indifferent attitude towards most things in the outside world. This extreme pride made them a little easy to fool.

There are many things that the Five Old Stars will not delve into. As long as the superficial logic makes sense, they will believe it.

After all, from the perspective of the Five Old Stars, the entire sea is just a chessboard, and they can clean up all mistakes at any time.

Rather than expending a lot of energy to eliminate all crises from their roots, it is better to let them go.

If someone tries to violate the rules, it will definitely show up, and that's when it's time to eliminate and kill them.

Of course, if it concerns the historical text and the blank 100 years, their attitudes will change appropriately.

If it weren't for the fact that Oz's appearance was so similar to that ancient steel giant, Wulaoxing might not have sent people out to investigate these things in detail.

As for how to say it specifically, you have to discuss it with Olan. After all, Stussi doesn't understand technical things, but Satan knows a little about technology.

It's not that easy for people outside the circle to fool him.

But Olan seems to have his own ideas.

"Just report it to them truthfully. I didn't intend to hide this thing in the first place, otherwise I wouldn't have used it in front of the entire island."

"Report truthfully?"

"Yes, the production method is very simple. This guy was transformed from the corpse of the ancient giant clan, the corpse of Yun Guo Oz.

If they can provide exactly the same materials and enough funds, I wouldn't mind building one for them. Needless to say, you can't find this through your intelligence investigation. "

"Don't worry, I won't let anything slip like this."

Olan is not against creating something for the world government. Anyway, in terms of authority, the highest authority owner in the hidden system must be himself.

Oran didn't know what Sartan's technical level was, but he knew that in the original timeline, Sartan was a pacifist modeled after a bear, and he didn't discover the highest authority hidden by Vegapunk in the end.

Using the World Government's money, consuming the World Government's resources, and destroying one's own soldiers, it is uncertain whether others will suffer losses, but Olan himself will definitely gain blood.

"Dr. Olan, do you have any habits that you can reveal? The information I stole must have a suitable source. I can't say it fell out of thin air.

Of course, if you don't mind, we can find a place to meet by chance tomorrow. It seems reasonable that the king was seduced by beauty. "

"Forget it, that's too abnormal. I haven't even had a queen in the past two years. How long is the execution cycle of your mission?"

They needed a suitable reason so that Stussy could successfully "steal" the information. That method was more reasonable and related to their execution deadline.

"There is no upper limit overall, but the mission period of the first phase is two months. If we have not achieved any results within two months, we will probably send more professional CP agents.

Most of our batch are "trainees" waiting to become full-time employees. "

"Trainee, the World Government is quite at ease with you, but since you are here, I just have a question.

Come and compare it to see if this list matches the number of people you have infiltrated? "

Oran casually pulled out a few sheets of paper from the drawer and handed them to Stusi. Looking at the photos above, Stusi looked slightly shocked.

"Doctor, your intelligence network is really powerful. These are indeed CP agents. I didn't expect that you would discover them as soon as they landed on the island."

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything so troublesome. These guys were discovered. It's just that these people are so weird. If they weren't too abnormal, no one would care about them at all."

As he said that, Olan picked up the top information sheet. That person was also the leader of Stussy's operation.

"For example, this person registered with 27 doctors in my hospital in one day. The reason for the pain was different every time. Did he think that he could contact me smoothly as long as he registered?"


There are twelve detailed divisions in Firefly Island, but they can also be divided into two. The Imperial City District is the most important area.

Ordinary things are scattered throughout the island, ordinary secrets are underground in the royal city, and the most critical secrets are in Oran's book. As long as anything that can be discovered by outsiders, there is no need to hide it.

The Cat Agent Team and the Cat Police will assist in the security defense of the island. Even the criminals with a bounty on them will not be killed directly as long as they do not break the rules of the island.

"Um. Where is he now?"

"In the psychiatric ward, the hospital doctors believed that he was suffering from severe mental stress, so he imagined that he was suffering from a serious illness.

After all, if someone can survive smoothly after suffering from those 27 diseases, it will be a miracle in the history of mankind, not just medicine. "

After completing the island registration, except for the restricted area, the rest of the area can be moved freely. As long as this person does not compile so many symptoms for himself, it will not arouse suspicion from outsiders.

"There is also this person. He had a conflict with the clerk because he only ordered a cup of coffee in the cafe and occupied a seat for twelve hours.

Are your funds very tight?"

"No, it's just that this person is a bit stingy, but why is he there?"

"Because it is a cat cafe, meow occasionally rests there.

Meow has never seen such a stingy person. He sat there for a day and didn't even want to buy a can of cat food."

Kate climbed in from the window beside with a stack of documents and answered Stussy's question casually.

Another agent may feel that it is difficult to contact Orlan directly, so he wants to try to contact Orlan's confidants.

The cats and humans on Firefly Island get along well, at least before it became an illegal area.

With the establishment of Piltover here, cats were included in the establishment as police cats, the relationship between humans and cats warmed up again, and many related industries were born.

That cat cafe has "royal capital" investment. For humans, it is a cat cafe.

For police cats, that place is a kindergarten and a nursing home, and it can also be used as a canteen.

That's why he wanted to see if he could meet Kate, who has the best relationship with cats.

"It's Kate. Long time no see."

"I've seen you before. When you sneaked in here, meow noticed you. If I didn't know you and Orlan's order, meow would have taken action directly."

"You are still so irritable. I thought you would become more mature over the years."

"Meow has always been mature. In addition, meow knows your real age. Don't talk to me as an elder."

"Okay, I know, so this person is now"

"Detained for fighting and will be released in three days."

Stussy had no choice but to cover her face. There were four people in the action team this time. Now one is hospitalized in the psychiatric department and the other has been arrested. This made her very helpless.

It can be said that her teammates don't know how to restrain themselves. At least he knows not to expose the identity of the agent.

He said he knew how to restrain himself, but he still fought with others.

"Look at the bright side, compared with this group of rubbish, you have a higher chance of standing out.

Just think that you stole the intelligence by sneaking into the royal city. As for the reason for sneaking in, go fishing for a few days and sneak in again by purchasing supplies."

"Then I'll follow your arrangement. By the way, Dr. Oran, there are a total of four of us sneaking in this time, in addition to the two you found."

"Your Majesty! I have important intelligence to report. I found an abnormal person. She must have some special purpose. She actually tried to seduce me!"

Just when Stussy wanted to reveal the identity of the last CP agent to Oran, Brand flew in directly from the window on the other side.

From the situation of the mecha, he rushed over directly with overload mode.

"Your Majesty Oran, I think my situation is quite important. How about you let this stranger go out first?"

"It's okay, Brand. Just say it if you have something to say. Don't be shy about her."

"As you say, today is my holiday. I left work early at noon because Absalom said he wanted to experience the life of an adult. I decided to take him to relax and found a tavern I usually go to.

There I met a woman who actually approached me and actually believed my boast of being a "genius scientist". There must be something wrong with her. Normal women know what the situation is in that tavern and will never approach men there!"

Hearing this, it was Oran's turn to cover his face. He believed that Brand had misunderstood Absalom's understanding of adult life. At least Oran was sure that Absalom's orientation was completely different from Brand's.

In fact, this was exactly the case. At this time, Absalom was beating his chest and stamping his feet in his room.

As a good big brother, Brand always makes people feel close to him. As long as he is not allowed to touch scientific research, he is still very reliable, and even makes people forget some things, such as gays.

"So your pub is that kind of pub?"

"Ahem, no, it's just that everyone often gets together to drink, and drinking is also a part of adult life.

The key point is the latter. By the way, Your Majesty, I apologize to you first. When I was drinking before, I boasted to them that I was your important deputy.

I don't know where that woman got my bragging from, and combined it with my previous bragging. I guess that's why she came to chat me up."

Brand explained in detail what happened today, and through the description of the woman's appearance, Stussy also confirmed some things.

"Is she one of yours?"

"Yes, Dr. Oran, she is Alifa from CP8, she joined longer than us, and this time she came to perform the mission for promotion."

"Okay, I understand, you leave first, and we will execute it according to the plan in a few days.

Since I happened to meet you, I will help you."

According to the average quality of this group of agents, Oran felt that it was only a matter of time before Stussy infiltrated a higher level, but he did not mind giving some small help, and after Stussy left, Oran also issued a new order.

"Kate, Brand, remember these three people, reveal some information to them, but not too much."

"Your Majesty, what is the purpose of doing this?"

"Of course, let them stay here. I don't want the world government to withdraw these people and replace them with a group of smarter ones. It's better to let them become permanent staff on the island, so that we can save a lot of effort."

Stussy is carrying out his plan step by step, and the news of the giant robot is gradually fermenting on the sea with the spread of Morgans' newspapers.

The spread of newspapers takes time. Even if Morgans has its own news branches all over the world, it can't deliver newspapers to everyone immediately.

Especially islands in the doldrums, such as Nine Snake Island.

The doldrums shelter this island and also block this island. Newspapers are rare here. Many times, the news you see is a few days ago.

Some people are busy, which will cause a short delay in the news.

"Oran. You really got a big guy quietly."

In Punk Hazard, Vegapunk, who has finished his new research, saw Oran's work.

He had previously discovered some special information left by ancient scientists and found the ancient steel giant in a secret place.

It was just because the World Government and the Navy had a strong control over Punk Hazard, so they didn't bring it back.

Vegapunk believed in Orlan's ability and knew that it was not difficult for Orlan to copy such a thing. It might not even be a copy, but a real replica.

Just as Orlan admitted that he was not as good as Vegapunk in replicating the devil fruit, Vegapunk also knew that Orlan was better than him in machinery and biomedicine.

"But old friend, you are exposing it now. Have you thought about how to deal with the World Government? They will not leave this weapon alone."

Vegapunk muttered to himself, and seemed to not understand what Orlan did. In the same research institute, Caesar looked a little hideous.

San Juan Wolf was easily defeated. This was the information Caesar captured.

If Orlan started to make more powerful weapons and was valued by the World Government, what should he do?

"Sidilier, you bastard, you're going to steal my funds even after you quit?"

Some people are worried about others, some are worried about themselves, and some people are a little embarrassed at this time.

In the New World, at the headquarters of the Beast Pirates, Quinn's movements are now very stiff.

"What's wrong, Quinn, didn't you say that was your colleague? In that case, is it difficult for you to make the same thing for me?"

Kaido held his Eight Fasts and stood behind Quinn and questioned him.

When Kaido was reading the newspaper and sighed, "What a perfect war weapon, this thing can make the war more grand, that's the war I want!", Quinn interrupted.

"Hahaha, Brother Kaido, that's my old colleague. When we were in MADS, we worked together happily."

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