Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 141 The vortex that affects the world

Quinn is a pleasure to work with - as long as I'm a licker, I can get funding and disgust that bastard Caesar, and there's nothing wrong with being a sidekick sometimes.

Kaido sees happy cooperation - both parties are equally matched, have equal qualifications for communication, and are at least of equal value.

And from Kaido's perspective, only war can determine value. Either you can fight, or you can make others capable of fighting.

Since Quinn said this and focused on his research experience at MADS, it means that Quinn can also do the same thing as Olan.

Kaido advocates individual strength more, but he also doesn't think that this kind of big guy who looks very powerful is worthless. In Kaido's view, only when this kind of thing is put into the battlefield can it have real value.

"Well, Brother Kaido, you may not understand scientific matters. Oran and I are good at different things, right?"

"So you can't get it out."

"No, Brother Kaido, you have to listen to my explanation. This thing can't be used just by thinking about it. It has to be used first."

"You can't get it out."

Kaido is not interested in the process, he only cares about the results, so all of Quinn's explanations pale in front of Kaido.

"Tsk, Quinn, do you know? There is a saying among pirates that there will be stains on any ship. If you look at it this way, the stain on that research ship is probably you, right?"

Kaido knew exactly what Quinn was capable of. If Quinn could really create such a thing, he would never hide it. He should have publicized it all over the world long ago.

At least now he has no interest in beating Quinn, and the mace is just to intimidate Quinn.

After all, he is the senior cadre he has chosen, so he cannot be attacked without any reason.

"No! Brother Kaido, you are wrong about this. Olan is indeed a little stronger than me, but the stain on this ship must be Caesar Coulang!"

When it comes to the technical gap, Quinn seems submissive, but when it comes to the issue of stains, Quinn seems extremely determined.

Even the fear caused by Kaido's force was overcome for a while.

At the same time, in the North Sea, the last member of the original MADS core group was also studying this report.

"Olan. It's a pity. If you had accepted my invitation, we would have built the strongest empire long ago."

In a sense, Gaji is taking the same path as Oran - becoming a king.

And unlike Oran's own search for territory, Gaji really has a throne to inherit, or it is the throne of a joining country.

The same technicians see different things in different locations. What Gaji saw was Iron Oz's deterrent effect on neighboring countries.

The status of a country is achieved through fighting.

Today's Germa 66 is much weaker than it was hundreds of years ago. Gaji's goal is to revive Germa, and for this he needs more military power.

Gaji's research has now made some breakthroughs. The clone soldiers have basically taken shape. In just five years, Gaji can train a twenty-year-old soldier. The problem of basic troop strength has been solved.

What he lacks now is a strong enough combat power. If he wants to gain a foothold on this sea, quantity alone will not suffice.

"It seems it's time to raise my own children."

Gaji is very realistic. Even if he refuses to admit defeat, he objectively realizes the gap between himself and Vegapunk and Oran.

He knew that when he was on the MADS ship, Olan somehow got a "child" of his own.

When she was only two or three years old, she could control a tiger like a cat. Gaji firmly believed that Olan must have done something to her.

Yes, that child is Leliana.

The birth of Stussy, Leliana, and Edward Weibull was a secret. Apart from Olan and Vegapunk, the only other insider was Barkin.

The rest of the people only knew that they conducted a mysterious research and suspected of creating human beings, but the specific details were unclear.

Gaji analyzed the situation at that time through his own understanding, and planned to re-enact Oran's path.

He can't build a giant robot now, but he can still do it if he starts cultivating stronger individuals.

"But Olan, I will tell you with facts, feelings are superfluous."

At the same time, a warship was sailing rapidly in the triangular turning current.

This is a special turning current. The strong current will make it impossible for ships to leave and can only drift along with the current.

This is the exclusive current of the World Government, connecting the three major institutions of the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, and Impel City. Only when one of the institutions opens the door of justice can ships caught in the current have the possibility to leave.

This rapidly rotating sea current can greatly shorten the time required for navigation, and the person escorted on this warship is San Juan Wolf.

Thick sea-floor stone chains bound his limbs and neck, firmly fixing the huge figure to the deck of the warship.

"This troublesome guy was finally caught. I heard that the navy from the G4 branch tried to capture this guy before, but ended up sinking three warships."

"Yes, otherwise why would this guy's nickname be Giant Battleship? The damage he can cause by himself is simply more terrifying than a warship. Dr. Sidilir has been a big help."

The soldiers on the ship discussed the specific situation. They had already entered the turning current, so there was basically no need to worry about someone hijacking the ship.

Besides, Wolf was a lone ranger, so the possibility of someone coming to rescue him became very small. The chains mixed with seastone were thicker than the waists of these soldiers, so they were naturally in the mood to chat.

"By the way, by the way, do you remember that big robot? The doctor has a good relationship with the navy, right? Do you think we can use that robot in the future?"

When they went to escort Wolf according to the order, Iron Oz had not been taken back yet, and stood on the beach like a door god, becoming a new landscape.

They are all soldiers, and they always have a yearning for powerful weapons.

And except for a few acquaintances and enemies who were sent away, most people still think that Orlan is just a weak scientist. It must be that this external force was relied on to defeat Wolf.

"Maybe, it would be great if we could use this. The vice admirals of the giant tribe in this headquarters are not as big as it.

If we can equip this, we can better uphold justice, and Wolf, the bastard, will not have the opportunity to cause so much damage."

With the prosthetic technology in front, many navy have certain expectations for this matter.

In fact, they thought similarly, and the navy's top brass did have similar ideas, but they were still considering the cost issue.

"Zhan Guo, you have been in contact with Sidilier quite often, right? What do you think of this thing?"

In the marshal's office, the real marshal Kong was discussing this issue with Zhan Guo.

"It's hard to say. If its limit is only to deal with pirates like the evil wolf, then it's a bit useless.

The bulky body may not be flexible enough. If the enemy is the type of golden lion, it may become a live target.

Of course, if its limit is more than that, it will be the most perfect weapon."

"Then do you think Sidilier is willing to make it for us?"

"This. If the money is in place, he should not refuse.

However. Marshal Kong, I don't think the world government will agree to approve such a large amount of funds, and we can't invest all the remaining funds in this thing."

After dealing with him for so long, Zhan Guo thought he had a certain understanding of Oran, and the navy's theory of justice was invalid for him.

Although the other party is willing to provide equipment to the navy, it is simply a military supplier, and in this regard, Orlan only talks about interests.

Without the funds, nothing can be discussed.

"Let's wait and see, the World Government should also take action. By the way, didn't Zefa say anything? He has the best relationship with Sidilier."

"No, you know, since that incident, Zefa has not participated in decision-making much."

In fact, Zefa also noticed this matter, but Zefa's focus was different from others.

When most people were attracted by the giant steel mecha, Zefa saw Leliana fighting outside the cabin.

"See, Yeklik, this is the result of Leliana's training.

That punch is something that only a few people of the same age can do, even adult navy soldiers."

"I've known this for a long time, so Dad, what do you want to say through this? Although I think the ability of the fruit is very important, I haven't given up training. I sweat as much as any other soldier, including those seniors in the training camp."

"No, I mean, when I was her age, I was also very weak, and today's strength is trained little by little.

Some people are born strong, and some people have to work hard after birth. As long as you work hard step by step, you can also do this."

"I've known this for a long time, but I have a new question now. Dad, do you think that the models that Uncle Orlan gave me will all have this large version?"

Yeklik's question made Zefa hesitate for a moment. According to his understanding of Orlan, it might be like this.

Who knows if Orlan will really send a model that can be driven one day.

[Should we make him bigger? Yeklik is not good at operating such a machine at his age.]

If Yeklik has awakened the ability to read minds, then Zefa's expression will be very complicated now. Facts have proved that a person who longs for superheroes when he was a child will not change even when he grows up.

The emergence of giant weapons has more or less affected the surrounding situation. For example, some pirates put away their inner thoughts and honestly chose to pay taxes to enter the country.

Some people living in the lawless zone saw this news and also had the idea of ​​emigrating. Many member states do not welcome refugees like them.

The collection of Tianshangjin is related to the population. The more people there are, the more Tianshangjin is collected.

It is difficult for refugees in the lawless zone to bring benefits to the country in the early stage, which means that the burden on others will increase.

In order to reduce the share of Tianshangjin paid, some countries even took the initiative to turn part of the country into a lawless zone, and maintained their quality of life by abandoning the bottom people.

Even if people living in the lawless zone reach a new country through thousands of difficulties, they may be greeted by a new hell.

As a non-member country, Piltover naturally has no such concerns, which also gives many people hope.

Staying where you are will only lead to death, so in this case, it is better to go out and try your luck.

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