Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 143 Field team preparation, driver selection

"Punk Hazard? What, did you successfully convince Punk to come and research some special projects?"

"No, it's another member of MADS, Caesar Kulan. When you arrive at Punk Hazard, someone will contact you."

Through the Den Den Mushi, Satan didn't say much, after all, it was also a secret project of the World Government.

"Caesar, I almost forgot about him, this guy has to work hard"

Olan didn't pay much attention to Caesar's situation, after all, he had little contact with Caesar in these years, but Oran still hoped that Caesar would rise step by step in the World Government.

The reason is simple, if one day, you find that your former colleague who is extremely bad has entered a hostile company and become a member of the senior management.

In this case, do you believe that the other party has an epiphany, or believe that someone is blind?

In Oran's eyes, the only redeeming point of Caesar is that he has a kind of persistence in cheating funds, and he is very courageous.

With him, it can basically guarantee that all the funds of the World Government will be wasted, and don't think about using them in the right way.

Just like the ability of the agents lurking on the island should not be too outstanding, people like Caesar who are in a high position are the most beneficial to Oran.

After hanging up the phone, the Den Den Mushi was also left here. According to Satan's meaning, some necessary contacts are still necessary.

And Oran was not in a hurry to go to Punk Hazard immediately.

Although Punk Hazard still has a "defective product to be destroyed" waiting for him to take it, a good devil fruit will not disappear out of thin air, and it is the same to finish the things at hand first.

With the departure of this group of World Government agents, Stussy and his team also had their own places to go. Only Alifa lurked on the island according to the order of the World Government, and Oran also held a small meeting on this matter.

"Okay, everyone, this is her information. Alifa, a member of CP8, is an agent trained by the World Government for many years. She can use some six styles and is now lurking on the island.

Ginny, you are in charge of the Intelligence Department. Now, in addition to collecting intelligence, your burden will also be heavier.

Let's start from here. Occasionally, pass on some false information to confuse the audience, and you can also try to dig out some new information from her."

"Leave it to me, Brother Oran. This is more challenging than simply collecting intelligence. But I don't have many people under my command. Xiongzi and I have found some reliable people in the past two years. Shouldn't the Intelligence Department also expand some people?"

The Intelligence Department that Ginny is in charge of has always had few people, and most of them are androids who assist her in handling related matters.

But she and Xiong are not idle either. Whether it is the craftsmen who came to this island with them at the beginning, or the local residents of Firefly Island, there are many people with clean backgrounds and little ability.

Ginny had already written a report on expanding the staff some time ago, and this time she also proposed it.

"It's about time. We also need to have our own spies in the outside world and set up an independent field team. There are no good people for the time being. You can take this position together. Is there anything else you need?"

"One, Brother Oran, please transfer Absalom to me. His ability is quite suitable for this kind of work.

I think he is quite loyal to you, but he is a little young. After training for a while, he should be able to take charge of this aspect."

"Let's talk about it after he graduates from Brand. He still needs to train for a while."

The transparent fruit is really good at stealth, but the transparent fruit can only make the body transparent, and the sound and smell are still there.

Absalom can't control this well now, and it is easy to be exposed because of these things.

When he is a few years older, it won't be a big problem for him to lead the field team.

"Brother Oran, the selection of the special service team of the guard is about to begin. Do you need to pay attention to it? For example, adjust the selection venue or something like that."

"No, the special service team is equivalent to the elite of the Kingdom Army. Like Iron Oz, they are all shown to others. If she wants to investigate, let her do it."

When a piece of equipment leaves the laboratory and becomes a weapon officially equipped in the army, its confidentiality begins to decline. Unless all the drivers are robots, there will be more or less information leaks.

However, these people are just drivers. Only Oran knows how to make it. If someone wants to steal the mecha disassembly research, then this thing will become a time bomb.

While Alifa was confidently preparing to make some achievements on Firefly Island, the people of Firefly Island were also thinking about how to make the most of her long-exposed agent.

The next day, the selection of the special service team officially began. Those who passed the initial screening had gathered in the sixth district. This is the mountainous area on Firefly Island. The terrain is the most complex, and the hydroelectric power station is also built here.

And their assessment location today is just under a waterfall.

"Everyone, I won't waste any more time. There are only 120 official spots. Even after the elimination in the preliminary round, the number of people is still far more than expected.

I know you all want to get the right to drive the mecha, but here today, we only look at ability.

Physical strength, courage, and intelligence are all indispensable! And the first item of today's assessment, the water item, armed swimming!"

Brand's voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the loudspeaker attached to the mecha, and then he pointed to the turbulent river on the side.

"I'm waiting for you on the other side of the river. You are free to cross the river from any position, but only half of you can stay! Now, the selection begins!"

Brand manipulated his mecha to run forward, and with one jump, he crossed the river of nearly a thousand meters and came to the other side.

This is not the widest part of the river, but it is an area with the highest drop and the most turbulent water flow. In addition to physical strength, the selection of drivers also depends on their ability to adapt to changes.

Whether to force through here directly, or choose to go around and cross the river from a more stable place, it all depends on how they choose.

Facing the turbulent river, many people chose to detour, but there was also one person who chose to jump directly into the water to force the crossing.

Some people relied on their physical strength to face the difficulties, while others could not bear the impact and were swept away by the river. After a period of twists and turns, they were swept to the downstream and saw the bear here.

At this time, the bear took off his gloves and stood on the shore. If someone failed to force the river and was swept down by the river, he would be slapped by the bear and sent to the hospital for treatment.

With the bear as insurance, their lives were guaranteed, but if they were slapped by the bear, it meant they had failed the selection.

For a while, the captain of the security team, Xiong, became the last person the police wanted to see.

Although he was very gentle, if he failed this time, he didn't know how long he would have to wait in line.

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