Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 144 Mecha Four-Event Competition, Punk Hazard

Armed swimming is just the beginning. When they successfully came to Brand through the turbulent river by various methods, they were greeted by a new round of physical limit assessment.

The Land Item - Mountains.

The content of the assessment is very simple. As long as you climb to the top of the mountain, you will be considered successful. However, the environment of this mountain climbing is something they have never experienced before.

"How can this happen? My body is so heavy."

"Me too, it seems like something is pressing on me. What on earth is this?"

"Look up, that's... the dragon of His Majesty the King."

A huge figure can be vaguely seen on the mountain. Now everyone in Piltover knows one thing, their king has a dragon.

As a fantasy species, dragons have always existed in various fantasy works. Whether as villains to set off heroes or helpers of justice, they are powerful incarnations.

This sea has been based on the kingdom system for thousands of years. The country belongs to the royal family, and the royal family's items can also represent the country. This is a fairly common concept here.

Most people think that it is quite proud that their king has a dragon.

"Is this heaviness caused by His Majesty's dragon?"

In fact, this is exactly the case. The assessment content of the Earth Item is the gravity field. The young mountain dragon controls the magic of the earth element, one of which is gravity.

Now those who climb the mountain are all moving forward against the gravity of Terra.

Although it is only twice the gravity, it is a huge burden for them who have just completed the armed swimming.

This is not just carrying heavy objects. In this gravity field, even a hair is heavier than before. It is challenging their physical limits in all aspects.

Even if someone falls down due to physical exhaustion, waiting for them is still the familiar bear. Today, the bear's duty seems to be a safety officer and also a referee.

After passing the first two items, the third item is not as difficult as they thought, and it can even be regarded as a tourist project.

On the top of the mountain, several huge hanging baskets have been arranged, and there are several balloons on the ground next to them.

Wind Item-the height of freedom

During the design process, the mecha was specially designed for airborne landing. Even the most basic exoskeleton has the function of hard landing, which requires the driver to be absolutely not afraid of heights.

Climbing a mountain does not mean anything. After all, they rarely look down during the climb, so this third item is just a simple test.


The burner is ignited, and the air begins to flow under the influence of heat. The balloon is gradually supported by the gas and flies to the sky with the basket.

The equipment on the top of the mountain is nothing else but the simplest hot air balloon, and the assessment content is also very simple. Take a hot air balloon to the royal city and observe the bottom along the way.

The reason given by the examiner is that someone will ask questions specifically after landing, and if you keep shrinking in the basket, you will also be considered out.

"It's flying up. Can this thing really fly?!"

"Isn't that as it should be? His Majesty's invention must be useful. I didn't expect that a balloon can do this."

As the flame burned, the hot air balloon gradually rose in height, and under the control of the bionic man, it floated towards the royal city.

The principle of a hot air balloon is not complicated. It uses heated air or buoyancy to fly, and the direction of flight is basically determined by the wind direction.

But things at the technical level are so strange. It is like a piece of window paper. As long as it is broken, the scenery behind the window can be seen at a glance.

But if no one helps, many people and even countries will never be able to break this paper in their lifetime.

The navigation of the Grand Line mainly relies on ships. If a hot air balloon, which is not even equipped with a rudder, flies on the Grand Line, it is basically equivalent to suicide. The bad and changeable weather can make the aircraft useless.

Before Oran came here, the people of Firefly Island had never thought that flying was such a simple thing.

After eliminating a few patients with acrophobia, the rest of the people successfully arrived at the Royal City and ushered in the last assessment-Mecha practical operation.

It is also the last of the four assessments-Fire Item.

"Young men, congratulations on passing the previous test and coming here smoothly. Your mechas are ready."

Olan personally served as the examiner of the last item. At this time, 120 exoskeletons were neatly placed behind him, waiting for their drivers.

"There is no doubt that you are all excellent police officers, but the number of mechas is limited.

Therefore, only truly excellent people can leave your names on the mechas. If you are ready, let's go!"

Put the theoretical knowledge learned before into practice, wear exoskeletons through the training ground full of gunfire, and the best performers will be the first batch of exoskeleton mecha drivers, and the rest can only serve as substitutes for the time being.

The previous training was not in vain. Through the practice of the trainer aircraft, these people have mastered the wearing process proficiently and walked into the training ground in batches.

"Is it like this in the official mecha? No wonder Captain Brand always wears his mecha. It feels great."

The trainer aircraft is just an empty frame. Although the operation mode is similar, the feeling of wearing is very different.

"The vice-captain's mecha is a higher-level Royal Guard model, but this is enough. There will definitely be opportunities to use better mechas in the future."

"Yes, if I had the chance to drive that Iron Giant, I would be proud of it for the rest of my life!"

"If people want to be satisfied, isn't this a pretty good set? If we had this back then, those pirates would definitely not be able to get to this island!"

The excellent equipment gave them more confidence and they were able to pass the first three levels. The final practice session was not difficult at all, it was just competition between them.

And this selection has become a special tradition. Not only has it become an assessment item for every newcomer, it has even evolved into a fixed sports event on Firefly Island, but it is a weakened version.

After ending the affairs of the special service team, Oran re-planned the development strategy for the near future, and then led people to Punk Hassad.

After a while, Punk Hassad, Oran, the "uninvited guest" came here.

He was indeed an uninvited guest, at least to some, like Caesar.

"Whoa, whoa, Siril, you're actually here. Why, you've changed your mind and are planning to accept recruitment from the World Government? It's a pity that if you come now, you'll only be the third in command."

Seeing Olan appear here, Caesar seemed a little proud, but Olan made Caesar sweat profusely with just one word.

"Hey, third in command? That's really an honor for me. Do you need my help to settle the recent accounts? My dear second in command?"

Sorry, I'm feeling particularly down today. I'll be strong again tomorrow.

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