Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 145: Caesar lost himself in the flattery, the

The port of Punk Hazard, where ships flying the flag of the World Government dock.

Today, this sea area, including the research institute and the island, all belong to the jurisdiction of Punk Hazard, also known as the Punk Forbidden Zone.

Without a pass, any ship approaching this sea area will be regarded as a pirate ship and sunk.

However, as time goes by, this rule seems a bit redundant because there are a little too many passes issued.

As for how these passes were issued, we have to ask our dear Caesar Courant.

As the deputy of the institute, he still has authority.

After all, in terms of ability, he is still much better than ordinary people, but he is not an ordinary researcher.

Whether in the eyes of outsiders or Caesar himself, they are comparing with the truly top researchers, and his personality that is so bad that there is no highlight at all makes him look extremely useless.

Even singing and dancing rap, Quinn can leave him behind by several streets.

Caesar himself probably couldn't figure out how much money he spent on eating, drinking and having fun. Those entertainment boats that could get close to the punk restricted area had Caesar's pass.

Now Caesar still knows how to restrain himself. He just lets the entertainment boats stay in the nearby waters, and then he sneaks out to spend money.

According to the development of the original timeline, this place was abandoned due to the explosion accident. After Caesar joined Doflamingo, he directly asked people to go to the island to play. After all, at that stage, he became the boss of the research institute as he wished.

The World Government is a big family, and it doesn't care too much about the funding issue, as long as it can produce results.

Vegapunk also invested a lot of funds in private research, and those results were not handed over to the government, but the World Government had no objection, after all, Vegapunk could really produce results.

For the World Government, this is also normal.

But Caesar still tensed up when he heard the word "audit".

After all, Caesar himself is the one who knows best what he has done. If the World Government knew that he had not achieved any effective results for so many years, and many things were still at the stage of just starting the project.

"Shu la la la. Just a joke, don't take it so seriously. I know you are not interested in this position. If you come here, I will make room for you immediately."

Caesar had seen Oran's ability to check accounts on the MADS ship that year, and it was quite difficult to deal with.

In order to prevent himself from dying suddenly, Caesar changed his attitude instantly.

Besides, he knew Oran's thoughts. If Oran wanted to join the World Government, he would not have chosen to go out and work alone. What Caesar said at this time was just a face-saving talk.

If Oran really took advantage of the situation and took up his words, then Caesar could only choose to accept it.

Perhaps that would be a good thing for him. At least in Caesar's cognition, Oran was more flexible than Vegapunk, and he might be able to pull the other party to join him.

At worst, 50-50, 60-40, or even 70-30 is not out of the question.

If two people work together, they may be able to get more funds.

Thinking of this, Caesar felt a lot more balanced.

"Dr. Sidilier, Dr. Caesar, please follow me. I am assigned by the Five Elders to coordinate some things."

Just as Caesar was thinking about it, a man wearing a sunflower mask and a white suit came over.

"Dr. Sidilier, your bodyguards and family don't need to follow. I will be responsible for your safety.

The next trip is confidential, please don't make it difficult for us."

Seeing that Kate was also going to follow, CP0 stopped her and explained the reason to Oran.

Although it doesn't make much sense to do this, the World Government has mentioned this matter in advance and told Oran not to tell others, but since it is a research, Oran's confidants will more or less know something about it.

Whether Kate and Leliana look at it or not, the result is the same.

The problem is that Orlan said privately that it was Orlan's own business, but CP0 couldn't let him lead people, otherwise it would become CP0's responsibility.

"It's okay, Kate, take Riley to find Punk first, and tell him that I will find him in a while."

"Okay, then Meow will wait for you over there."

Punk Hazard is not one experimental area, but three, each responsible for a different project.

There is only one left in the original timeline because the others have been destroyed in Caesar's weapons experiments.

The climate here is still pleasant at this time. Without the battle between Akainu and Aokiji for the position of marshal, the climate here has not become as exaggerated as that of Ice and Fire Island.

After passing through the long corridor, the group entered the new experimental area, where the temperature can be clearly felt to have dropped.

"Dr. Sidilier, the following words can only be said here. If you continue to publicize it after you go out, it will cause unnecessary trouble. I hope you can understand."

"Don't worry, I know what to say and what not to say."

"Well, according to the Five Elders' instructions to me, the special weapons you made were transformed from the ancient giants.

The World Government has also done some research in this regard. For a long time, the World Government has been hoping to revive the ancient giants and has carried out related experiments."

The mechanical door in front of him opened with the efforts of hydraulic bearings. In the cold storage environment, many strange-looking people were frozen, most of them wearing prison uniforms.

Those were prisoners of the World Government. Many death row prisoners were sent here to serve as materials for human experiments. After all, many things could not be avoided in this project.

"These are all failed experimental products. Dr. Caesar is in charge of this matter. I don't know enough about the technical aspects. Let him explain the rest to you."

"Ahem. This, the ancient giants, after all, are an extinct race.

They are species abandoned by the times. Even on the ancient island, there is no trace of their existence. Because the special nature of genes makes cloning unrealistic, so"

Under the gaze of Orlan and CP0, Caesar began his long speech, from living environment to climate change, and pieced together a bunch of even weird conclusions.

He said that the research is still difficult and it is difficult to make a breakthrough, but there is still hope.

It will take more time for testing to achieve results.

In terms of cloning, Orlan agreed with this view. After finding Oz's body, Orlan tried it.

But the rest of the words were obviously Caesar's excuses.

"Therefore, the process of this project is very tortuous. It will take at least several years to achieve initial results."

Caesar's tone became more and more uncertain. This set of rhetoric was enough to fool CP0, but it was a bit difficult to fool Orlan.

People have come, and Caesar can't say nothing. Now Caesar just hopes that Orlan will not make him a little embarrassed so that he can continue to speak smoothly.

But in fact, Orlan not only did not make him a little embarrassed, but also helped him fill in some loopholes.

It seems that he wants to reasonably explain why spaghetti is mixed with No. 72 concrete.

"Yes, yes, that's right, it's a problem."

"Yes, yes, it's really difficult to overcome. This is a technology that has never appeared in the past."

Caesar echoed Orlan's words like a yes-man. At this time, Caesar felt for the first time that Orlan's smile was so reassuring.

"Two doctors, the business talk is almost over, so do you think this project is likely to succeed?"

"Maybe, if we follow this process, it may succeed."

Olan gave an ambiguous answer. In fact, he can be sure that if this project is studied in this way, the probability of failure is 100%.

Even if there is a result, it will be a deformed failure, but Olan did not say so. He needs Caesar to be an excellent comparison item.

Well, excellent for Olan.

According to the classic saying, if you say that this room is too dark and you want to open a skylight here, everyone will definitely not allow it.

But if you advocate tearing down the roof, they will come to reconcile and be willing to open the skylight.

Yes, this is also what Lu Xun said.

If there is Caesar as a comparison, spending more than 10 billion Baileys without any results will make people feel that this experiment is difficult.

At this time, Olan will appear again, and it can reasonably charge several times more. Although it is expensive, Olan can really produce experimental results.

In this process, Caesar plays a crucial role.

After all, every last one makes the first one stand out.

"Shu la la la, you are too conservative. This experiment will definitely succeed as long as there is enough funding."

Caesar didn't know what Oran was thinking. This person's personality is like this. A little flattery can make him soar.

After experiencing the initial confusion, Caesar entered a new doubt.

According to his relationship with Oran, Caesar couldn't think of any reason for Oran to fool the world government for him.

After eliminating many impossibilities, Caesar thought he had found the correct answer.

It must be because Oran was also fooled, so he spoke for himself.

Since even Oran can be fooled, the success rate of cheating funds is higher.

"Then I wish you good luck. This is not my specialty."

As long as Oran doesn't interfere in this research, no matter what the final result is, Caesar will bear it himself. Even if the truth comes out, it has nothing to do with Oran.

Wasting the funds of the World Government, Caesar took the risk alone, and could also set off Orlan himself. For Orlan, this was simply a hundred benefits and no harm.

Flattery always makes people lose themselves. At least now, Caesar has begun to fantasize.

Of course, he was thinking about how comfortable his life could become, not researching something powerful.

From the beginning, he didn't think that the ancient giants could be successfully reproduced. Accepting this project was nothing more than for money.

After that, CP0 left here, obviously returning to report.

Caesar was still staying in his own self-entertainment activities, while Orlan himself went to find Vegapunk to get the thing he had long been eyeing.

"Punk, it's only been two years since we last met, and your head has grown a lot."

In another experimental area, Vegapunk was fiddling with some strange things.

"It can't be helped. The more knowledge the Brain-Brain Fruit stores, the bigger the brain becomes.

Would you like a cup of Bega coffee? This is something I've just researched. Just add a drop of water to it and you'll get a cup of steaming hot coffee."

"No, you know I'm not interested in coffee."

"What a pity, this is one of the dreams of mankind."

Vegapunk took out a dropper and dripped a drop of pure water into the cup. The unknown substance inside reacted specially and a cup of black coffee was produced in an instant.

Even if you don't drink it, you can feel the bitterness just by smelling it.

"It seems that your research has made some breakthroughs. What is this? A lighter?"

"No, that is a lightsaber I developed based on the ability of a person in the navy, but it is a failure.

Kate has experienced it before, you can ask her."

Seeing that Orlan was still fiddling with the handle, Vegapunk also mentioned what happened before.

"Well, Meow used that before. It can emit a blade composed of laser waves, but as long as it is turned on, it will attract countless insects."

At this time, there were countless flying insect corpses lying at Kate's feet, all of which were burned by electricity when they approached her.

"Interesting, Punk, how did you make this thing?"

"Why, are you interested? It involves a little bit of bloodline factor technology, but it shouldn't be a problem for you."

"No, I think your device should be a perfect mosquito repellent if it is reverse-engineered. There are quite a lot of mosquitoes in Firefly Island recently, so it's just right to deal with it.

But I think it's better to destroy the defective products in time, what do you think?"

Olan put down the handle, without the idea of ​​continuing to attract insects, and brought up the topic of defective products.

"That situation is different. I think there is room for improvement. But you are right. Some experimental waste products should be destroyed. Wait for me."

Experiments always produce some useless things, and the word "destruction" is not uncommon in laboratories. It's just that there is an additional fruit of failed research in the destruction list this time.

"Speaking of which, have you thought about how to explain the ability of this fruit?"

Vegapunk insisted that this fruit was a failure, just not wanting to continue researching this aspect, and to research more mythical beast fruits for the World Government.

But as long as it is eaten by people, there will always be some problems.

"It's not as complicated as you think. There are indeed no identical abilities in the sea, but there are still many similar abilities. Many fruits of superiors and subordinates are even exactly the same in terms of performance except for the upper limit.

There are many types of dragons, and this one just happens to be somewhat similar to Kaido's."

A simple and straightforward truth.

This truth is very tenable under the premise that there are no two identical devil fruits, which is still a common understanding in the sea.

Even if the technology of bloodline factors begins to become popular, this logic still makes sense.

Phantom beasts are creatures born in fantasy. Who can guarantee that there is no such pink dragon in the legend?

Afterwards, Oran did not stay here for too long. He left Punk Hazard with this nominal failure, and even took advantage of the convenience of the World Government to directly reach the Sabaody Archipelago and prepare to return to Firefly Island.

It was not until here that Oran took out the devil fruit.

"Come on, Riley, as I told you before, this special devil fruit is prepared for you."

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