Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 154: Evolution Day, Immigrants’ Choice

In Valoran, Evolution Day is a special festival in Piltover.

The purpose is to commemorate the opening of the local sea gate "Sun Gate", which is a symbol of progress, innovation and wealth.

Inventors and apprentices display their scientific research results on this day, businessmen select promising projects for funding, and there will also be many celebrations.

Of course, tracing the origin of this day is a complicated historical issue.

In New Piltover, there is no Sun Gate, at least not yet.

The Evolution Day here happens to be the founding day, and the passage of time has never stopped.

Adding the time spent on the road when traveling to and from Punk Hazard, it is now 1495, and it is exactly the third year since Orlan established his own country here.

After the continuous development of these times, the country has completely entered the right track, and only then did there be a formal celebration.

The next day, in the temporary gathering place of the fourth district, Tricia opened her eyes.

She was originally a slave of the auction house in the population of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Born in the North Sea, she had no ability and did not want to return to her hometown, because her hometown was also a chaotic lawless place, so she followed Leliana and Orlan to Piltover and was settled here.

Firefly Island would provide immigrants with interest-free loans sufficient for a month's living, so that they could settle down here.

The sun shone through the window onto her bed, and the dazzling sunlight also dispelled her sleepiness. The life of a slave was very difficult. She had not seen the sun in the morning for a long time.

The people in the auction house did not treat slaves as human beings. Except for improving the quality of life a few days before the auction to make them look more energetic, it was enough for them not to starve to death on weekdays.

Tricia was not a female slave who sold her beauty. She was usually asked to do various chores. Every slave who was not sold meant a loss in the eyes of the slave traders.

Although it was still early in the morning, it was very noisy outside the window. People of all kinds gathered together, as if they were going somewhere together.

She quickly got out of bed and put on a simple linen dress.

She hadn't found a job yet, and the jobs she was good at were all housekeeping jobs.

But there seemed to be less demand for this on Firefly Island, and there were no nobles or merchants recruiting servants.

For long-term planning, she planned to save the relief money in her hands as much as possible.

She reached out and gently stroked the transparent glass, and her thick calloused fingers could feel the warmth of the sun.

The streets outside seemed to have been completely renewed overnight, with bright colored flags hanging between the buildings, and the narrow streets were full of festive joy and auspiciousness.

The gold and red flags embroidered with gears and keys were flying on the top of the tower in the distance. It was the flag of Piltover and the new symbol here.

"Aren't you going to go with them? Today is Evolution Day."

When Tricia came downstairs and was about to fill her stomach by making some simple food in the public kitchen, the old man who was sweeping fallen leaves downstairs noticed her.

"What is Evolution Day?"

"I don't know, old man. I heard that it was the name of the anniversary set by His Majesty Orlan.

Three years ago, we were still an illegal area ruled by pirates and gangs. It was His Majesty Orlan who brought his Iron Guards to give us new freedom."

When it comes to this, the old man seems a little sad. He suffered a lot to survive in such a turbulent environment.

"The young people probably went to the second district. Aren't you looking for a job? Maybe there is a new opportunity. You work so fast, maybe you can enter the palace as a maid.

His Majesty Orlan has never hired a maid before. If you succeed, it will be a precedent."

"Is that so, old man? What about you? Why don't you go?"

"I'm old, so I won't follow you young people to join in the fun. I'll just look around here."

The old man seemed to open up and started talking about the previous topic, from the old king of the previous generation to Orlan, and even wanted to continue.

For the sake of her future livelihood, Tricia responded with a few words, then returned to her room to wash herself up, and then picked up a coarse cloth coat beside her and walked out of her temporary residence.

The coat was also temporarily distributed by Piltover. Compared with regular clothes, this coat was equipped with a set of exquisite lock hooks and buckles, and the whole coat could be taken off with a quick pull.

Tricia didn't understand why this design was for. In fact, it was a safety measure. This kind of clothing was mainly provided as uniforms for factory employees.

If an accident caused the clothes to be ignited, it could be taken off in an instant to ensure one's own safety.

Tricia arrived at the tram station, imitated the person in front of her and bought a ticket, and then she stepped onto the tram for the first time.

It seemed that because of the Evolution Day, people were all flowing in one direction, and the tram seemed a lot more crowded.

"Sorry, sorry."

Tricia accidentally bumped into a person who had red eyebrows, a golden chain on his lips and left earlobe as decorations, and a rather strange hat, which made Tricia feel very strange.

"It's okay. Are you going to Evolution Day as well?"

"Yes, I heard that I can find suitable jobs there. I want to go and have a look. What about you?"

"As for me, a friend asked me out, and I'm here to keep the appointment."

This person is naturally Redfield. Looking at the flow of people on the train, he is in a surprisingly good mood. After all, he can't hear the noisy hearts of these people.

The ability to read minds, which is close to passive, is not completely uncontrollable. Reading minds is as simple as breathing for Redfield.

If you don't restrain yourself all the time, you will inadvertently read the other person's heart.

For a long time, Redfield's dirty heart has made it impossible for him to look directly at the crowd. He even chooses to read minds inadvertently during communication. This has become his instinct and he can't socialize normally.

Now with this helmet, everything has become much better.

[The Star Avenue Station has arrived. Passengers going to the second district please get off at this station. Today is Evolution Day. I wish you all a happy Evolution Day. ]

A voice of broadcasting sounded on the train broadcast. The second district is now the most prosperous area in Piltover. It is adjacent to the Royal City District. It is the largest population gathering place and the economic center. It is also the main venue of this Evolution Day.

The buildings here are mainly divided into two categories. One is a special white rock, which is the main building material of the Royal City.

The other is built with limestone bricks and chamfered wood, with bronze and brass forming special decorations, reflecting the sunlight together with the glass on the building.

After getting off the bus, Redfield disappeared, and Tricia didn't even notice how he disappeared.

But Tricia didn't take it seriously, just treating Redfield as a special passenger.

"Keep your hands! Don't cause trouble for others on this day!"

There are also members of the security team patrolling the streets, scolding possible thieves while reminding those participating in the Evolution Day to keep their belongings.

It's okay for those who already have a sense of right and wrong before the arrival of the chaotic era. When they regain order, they support and maintain this order from the bottom of their hearts.

The most troublesome are those who were born during the pirate rule. These people can do anything to survive and lack a certain respect for the rules.

The more serious ones have been imprisoned for reform, but there are still petty thefts outside. It is an exaggerated project to eliminate such things and create a country where no one picks up things on the road.

That can't be done in a few years. If you want them to change from the root, it will take at least a generation of efforts.

Tricia covered her pocket with her wallet to protect her few living expenses. Apart from these, she had nothing else worth stealing.

The shops on the street exuded a burst of fragrance, and the gear-shaped honey bread was also placed on the shelves.

"Would you like one? Today is Evolution Day. These are free products, but each person is limited to one."

Today's celebration is an opportunity in the eyes of many people, and there are also people who want to take this opportunity to make their stores famous.

Although the sweet bread is attractive, Tricia's eyes stayed on the job notice.

"Um. Are you hiring odd jobs? Can I try?"

"Yes? Of course. Lady Ginny, Lord Bear, hello."

Before the woman finished her words, her eyes shifted to behind Tricia. Ginny and Bear also came to the venue of Evolution Day together.

"Hello, business is booming."

Bear greeted him enthusiastically, but Ginny only responded with her actions. Her mouth was full of food, and it seemed that she could not make any effective response.

If it were in Valoran, today's greeting should be "May the haze not enter your home", because the twin cities there left a foreshadowing due to development problems.

Correspondingly, if you want to curse the other party, you can also say "May the haze enter your home".

"It smells good, how much is each of these?"

"No money, these are free, if you want, Lady Ginny, just pack a few more."

The woman turned around and wanted to find a few paper bags. The man in front of her was a rare big shot, one of the few high-ranking officials in Piltover.

After such a long time, people on the island also know that the demand for food, especially desserts, in the Royal City is not small.

If we can get the dessert order from the Royal City, we can be guaranteed to make money in the future.

The excited woman was a little flustered for a while, but Tricia quickly handed over the paper bag she had put aside, and stuffed a few more breads in it according to the woman's previous words.

"No, how can we not pay? Wouldn't that be robbery? But your cooking skills are really good, I will come again next time."

Ginny took out a few coins and put them on the table, and then walked to the stall in front with the bear. For Ginny, Evolution Day seemed to be a food festival.

Tricia successfully found a job through her agility, and her life had a stable channel, and Redfield, who had taken the same tram with her before, began to experience this rare bustle.

Now he is bargaining with a fruit vendor, which makes Redfield feel very interesting.

Because of his ability to read minds, he would usually know the other person's limit price at the first moment of the conversation, and then he would not give in no matter what the other person said.

This process may seem troublesome to others, but Redfield can appreciate the fun of it.

At the same time, Orlan himself was doing temporary guidance in the hospital.

Sickness does not choose the time. Every once in a while, he would come here to deal with some problems for the people here.

"Everyone, please listen carefully. The Navy Headquarters asked me to give a lecture, and the minimum fee is 200 million Baileys.

You don't have to pay me for the lectures here, and I will pay you wages. Do you think you are making a lot of money when you think about it?"

Olan looked very casual and joked with the doctor beside him to make them less nervous.

Redfield's idea of ​​seeing what kind of person Orlan is on the Evolution Day was thus thwarted. At least for a short time, Redfield will not be able to meet Orlan.

Now Redfield is walking on the streets of Piltover according to the coordinates that Frankenstein left him before.

The buildings here are much more magnificent than the area where Tricia is temporarily staying. There are many buildings built with granite and iron pillars on the streets, and the biggest difference is the neat street lights.

It's just that the street lights have been turned off at this time. At night, the scenery here will be completely different.

And on the streets here, Redfield also found something different.

For example, a couple walking on the street nearby had some very special decorations on them. The glasses and the hair accessories on their heads were connected together to form something that looked like a mask.

This is a new aesthetic on the island. As the person who spread the prosthetic technology to the entire sea, Firefly Island, as the territory of Orlan, naturally has a large number of prosthetics.

Some of the members who came here for underground transactions also had prosthetic transplants outside.

After all, the process of this operation is not complicated, and Orlan has long passed it on in the form of fees. As long as there is a suitable prosthetic, those doctors can perform transplants and modifications.

Of course, military prosthetics are sold separately to the navy, but some scrapped products still leaked to the sea through various channels. Those people made some magic changes to make those scrapped prosthetics useful again.

This also brought some special aesthetics. Some people on Firefly Island would use decorations to pretend to be prosthetics, making them look like they have also undergone similar transformations.

Redfield crossed the square and finally arrived at the place where he had agreed to meet Frankenstein. This time, Redfield really saw what Frankenstein had been carrying with him.

It turned out to be a war hammer.

When he saw Frankenstein before, Frankenstein's war hammer was stuck in the ground nearby. At first, Redfield thought it was just a sprinkler system or something.

But this time Frankenstein carried it on his back, and the shape of the war hammer was much more obvious.

"It was a good experience. It was my first time to experience this kind of gathering.

And this helmet, I like it very much, but it's a pity that I didn't see your father."

Recalling the various scenes he saw on the Evolution Day, Redfield also admitted that with the help of the shielding helmet, he experienced a feeling he had never had before.

"My father is in the hospital, busy with something."

"Is that so?"

Redfield didn't know everything, he just didn't know what Orlan was like. After all, you can't really understand a person from the news in the newspaper.

But basic information can still be known, such as the winners of the Iber Medical Award, and Redfield still knows this information.

"Although it is unlikely, I still want to ask, are you interested in going to sea with me to be a pirate? I can give you the position of vice captain."

Redfield suddenly asked a more special question, but Frankenstein's answer was very firm: "No interest, I want to be with my father, he needs my strength."

"I knew it would be this answer, it's a pity, it's rare to meet someone who can be a partner."

Even with this helmet, it doesn't mean that Redfield will change his mind immediately.

This helmet only changed some of his lifestyles. It is impossible to make Redfield change his personality immediately and start recruiting subordinates, but it also gave Redfield a new goal.

He plans to start a new voyage to see if he will meet other people who suit his heart on the sea.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I'm a pirate. Pirates yearn for freedom, but they can't be trapped on an island just because of their friends.

Maybe in a few years, when I'm tired of sailing, I'll come here to live in seclusion.

I hope you can still welcome me then, and I'll tell you more interesting stories, my friend."

Redfield didn't think of staying here directly, which was also within Orlan's expectations. Such a lone ranger is not something or a few words that can be won over to become one of his own.

Leaving such a good relationship is already a good result.


"You are still so frugal with words. You can keep this. If you need it in the future, just call this number and I will come back to help you."

Redfield handed Frankenstein a string of numbers. There is no doubt that it was his Den Den Mushi number.

From the trademark of the brand that recorded the number, these Den Den Mushi were just bought on Firefly Island.

After all, before this, Redfield had no need for Den Den Mushi at all, and he had no one to contact at all.


"Why? Because we are friends. Friends don't need a reason to help each other. Unless in your heart, you don't regard me as a friend."

Frankenstein shook his head, and Redfield also caught the idea he wanted from this action.

"Goodbye, friend."

Redfield left here at a speed that Frankenstein did not even notice.

As for Oran's situation, Redfield regarded it as a suspense. He planned to go back here next time to see how special his friend's father was.

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