Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 155 Platinum-lead disease, the old royal family who wants to pick peaches

Frankenstein waved in the general direction of Redfield's departure, bidding farewell to this new friend.

If it weren't for her being a mechanical life with special body abilities, she probably wouldn't even be able to see this direction.

Perhaps because she didn't know how to say goodbye to her friend, Redfield chose this special method, leaving a message and disappearing directly.

"New friend"

Frankenstein threw the piece of paper with the phone number into the trash can, not because she had any special ideas, but because the paper had no meaning to her.

As long as she looked at it once, she could remember the number on it completely, and the paper was redundant to her.

Choosing to throw it into the trash can was also to avoid littering.

While Frankenstein was thinking about his friendship, Orlan was also checking a special patient in the hospital.

"Your Majesty Oran, this is the special patient we met this time.

The patient has a strong burning pain both externally and internally, a bitter metallic taste in the mouth, white spots all over the body, and hair loss.

Accompanied by occasional coma and general weakness."

Outside a special ward, the doctor of Firefly Island was reporting the condition of a patient to Oran.

"We tested him and found no traces of bacteria or viruses, but we cannot rule out a new virus caused by an unknown virus."

"Where does the patient usually live?"

Listening to the doctor's description of the patient, Oran noticed something wrong.

"It's Frevans, what does this have to do with this disease, Your Majesty Oran."

"It's a big deal. Has it started at this time?"

Olan didn't say this. There are many special diseases in this sea, but many diseases are not naturally generated, but the result of human beings. This patient's disease is one of them.

He was able to come to Firefly Island through the channel of the underground world.

His original identity was a businessman who smuggled platinum and lead. He was not only born in Frevans, but also dealt with platinum and lead a lot when he was young.

And platinum and lead were also the cause of his illness.

"Do you know what the nickname of Frevans is?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Oran, I heard that it is called the White Town and is rich in a mineral called platinum and lead."

"Yes, you are right, his illness was caused by this mineral."

Platinum and lead are special minerals buried under Frevans, and they have their own uses in various fields.

Tableware, cosmetics, decorations, and even seasonings, platinum and lead have been developed and appeared in various fields.

However, this widely used substance is a toxic mineral.

This poison will not harm the user, and it will not be released if it is not mined, but as long as it is mined, the toxins contained in it will affect everyone in this area.

As early as a hundred years before the development of the platinum and lead industry in Frevans, the geological exploration team of the World Government had explored here and had discovered the truth about platinum and lead.

However, in the face of huge interests, the world government and the royal family concealed all this and let the ordinary people of Frevans devote themselves to the platinum-lead industry, constantly mining platinum-lead for them.

The people have obtained a lot of wealth, and the per capita income of Frevans has risen sharply.

Frevans has also developed from an unknown small town into a wealthy country, but the civilians of Frevans do not know that this money is exchanged for life, not the lives of one or two people, but the lives of all people.

The toxin content of platinum-lead is very small, and this is the most dangerous part of platinum-lead.

This trace toxin will continue to accumulate, and even be passed on to future generations through accumulation from generation to generation, making the lives of future generations shorter and shorter.

The original people can still live for seventy or eighty years without any impact, but with the accumulation of platinum-lead, the descendants may not even last until adulthood.

Now the mining of platinum-lead has a history of almost a hundred years, and the accumulation of platinum-lead has gradually reached the time of onset.

This patient had an earlier onset because he had more contact with platinum-lead.

According to the plot development of the original timeline, this disease eventually developed into a kingdom virus.

At the end, due to the accumulation of platinum and lead, three generations of a family fell ill almost at the same time.

"Wait, Your Majesty Oran, do you mean that platinum and lead are harmful? I still have tableware made of platinum and lead at home."

Because of the rarity of minerals, platinum and lead products were once sold all over the ocean, and even the countries in the Grand Route were no exception. Oran's words scared some doctors.

Oran is the representative of authority in this hospital. Whether it is the king's power or the top medical skills, the people here are convinced by Oran.

"Throw it away, it's not a good thing. Although the finished product is not harmful, it's better not to use it.

But don't worry too much. As long as it is not used as a condiment every day, it will not have much impact on the body."

"Then I will throw it away when I go back. The things they hid with great difficulty back then are actually poisonous. It's really unexpected."

After the pirates invaded, they packed the platinum and lead tableware into boxes and buried them underground to avoid being robbed by the pirates. They didn't expect that the things they left behind would make people sick like this.

"Then your majesty, how can this disease be treated?"

"It can't be treated with conventional methods. Take him to the medical laboratory. Don't worry, this disease is not contagious."

Platinum lead disease is a very troublesome heavy metal poisoning. They attach to every cell in the body. Unless the person is burned to ashes, the platinum lead will not disappear.

But there are always more solutions than problems, and platinum lead disease is not completely hopeless.

First of all, the surgery fruit has the ability to treat this disease. The ability of the surgery fruit can easily cut the flesh and deal with the remaining diseases in the body.

Secondly, the meat ball fruit of the bear can also try to deal with this problem.

Although the meat ball fruit cannot directly shoot out things like viruses, the bear can only shoot out the pain caused by the virus.

But platinum lead disease is not a virus, but a tiny metal attached to the body, which is still within the influence of the bear meat ball fruit.

But if you do this, someone must bear the pain, which obviously exceeds the limit of human beings.

Therefore, Oran has his own treatment method.

When inventing and creating, some additional products are occasionally born. For example, when Oran was making a helmet, he accidentally made a shield suitable for Redfield.

When researching the P particle shield, Orlan failed countless times, and the result of one of his failures happened to be the birth of such a separator.

Through this machine, platinum lead may really be separated from the human body, but this still requires some small attempts.

When the patient woke up, he immediately accepted Orlan's idea of ​​experimenting on him.

His father and grandfather both died of this disease. At that time, he thought it was his family's genetic disease, but he didn't expect it was platinum lead.

This patient was lucky. The machine that Orlan accidentally made happened to be able to clean platinum lead from the human body, but after the incident, Orlan did not choose to announce the news.

Because it was meaningless.

What exactly is platinum lead? The World Government and the royal family of Frevans have long known it, but driven by interests, they gave up the residents of Frevans.

When the platinum lead disease did not break out on a large scale, exposing this matter would not cause any waves, but would be suppressed by the World Government.

Even without the intervention of the upper echelons, the ordinary people of Frevans might not appreciate Orlan’s cutting off their financial resources, but instead resent him.

After all, before the outbreak of platinum-lead disease, platinum-lead was a treasure trove in their eyes.

So Orlan decided to wait. When the platinum-lead disease broke out on a large scale in Frevans, he would stand up and reap a wave of fame and fortune.

The infected people would be cured and their lives would be guaranteed. Orlan would also be able to win the Ibel Medical Award again with this achievement and completely establish his reputation.

And not only fame, but also the population of Frevans is his goal. If the operation is done properly, perhaps even the territory of Frevans will become part of Piltover.

Today, Firefly Island is Orlan’s main base and the main mine he developed, but if he wants to develop further, it is not enough not to develop branch mines.

Just as Orlan was formulating the future course of action for Frevans, a group of uninvited guests arrived on Firefly Island. At noon on the day of evolution, several people took the underground world's supply ship to Firefly Island and took a tour of the nearby area.

They were neither full of curiosity like those who came to the island for the first time, nor like those who had lived here for a long time, lamenting the changes here.

There was only greed and disdain in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that this island would become like this. I thought it had been turned into a garbage dump by those pirates."

"This person still has some ability, but he actually turned our holiday palace into a hospital for those inferior people. He really can't tell the difference between the important and the unimportant."

This group of people was none other than the former royal family of Firefly Island.

After the kingdom was in crisis because of their chaos, they chose to flee here as soon as possible.

They ran to Mary Geoise with the remaining money of the kingdom and lived a life of debauchery.

Now, under Orlan's construction, Firefly Island has regained its vitality, and occasionally news about it can be seen in newspapers, and these royal families who went out for refuge have returned here again.

"But it may not be easy for us to take this place back in the current situation."

"Don't forget, there is no Piltover in the World Government, only the Kingdom of Fafler. Although the status of the member country was cancelled due to some accidents, as long as we can pay the Heavenly Gold again, the World Government will definitely be willing to continue to accept us.

If this person knows what's good for him, he can be given a noble status, otherwise... Humph."

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