Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 156 Isn't it reasonable to have a dragon near the basement?

The royal families on this sea are mostly a very special group.

The barrier of the sea makes each island an independent individual, which leads to the extremely stable inheritance of the royal family.

The royal families on some islands have even been passed down for thousands of years, and have never changed from ancient times to the present, which has spawned a strange self-confidence.

They believe that this country has always been theirs, and even if they leave for some reason, it does not mean that they have given up the ownership of this country.

The World Government also has an ambiguous attitude towards these royal families. Even if these royal countries lose their membership status or decline for other reasons, the World Government will still protect some nobles separately.

After all, for this kind of king, the country has no money does not mean that they have no money. The royal families usually squeeze the citizens for the last time, and then leave with the people's fat.

Even if they lose their kingdom, they have huge cash and treasures. The World Government does not mind raising such a few useless people, after all, they can also explode gold coins.

These people who are accustomed to luxurious life will not change themselves because of suffering, and the officials of the World Government can also make a lot of money in the process.

However, if their value is squeezed out, they will be directly discarded as garbage.

These royal families still have some potential special value. Sometimes they can be used to better enslave and control a country. After all, as long as they can return to the throne, these royal families don’t care about anything else.

No matter how hard the lives of the people below are, as long as it does not affect their power, it is enough.

"So, brother, what should we do?"

A man looked at a man with a somewhat mean face and a brown mushroom head next to him.

There is also a crown on the mushroom head, plus the address of the people next to him, there is no doubt that he is the former king here.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Fafle has now been passed down to the sixteenth generation, which can be called Bowen XVI. Well, the sixteenth may not be an auspicious number in the royal family.

It’s just that this Bowen XVI is a little special. When the royal family of the Kingdom of Fafle fled nineteen years ago, he was just a prince.

At that time, the king was still his father, Bowen XV. In pursuit of eternal life, he was completely deceived, and even Bowen XVI did not even have the opportunity to succeed to the throne, so he could only go into exile overseas with the royal family.

Even the succession to the throne was a hollow succession. Bowen XV, who consumed a lot of wealth, failed to achieve his goal after all, and died of illness outside a few years ago.

Bowen XVI, who had the throne but no real power, was very depressed, and the Firefly Island, which established the new kingdom, occasionally sent some news, which made him more unwilling, so he returned to this land.

"Don't be impatient. This person has a very terrible weapon in his hand. We have to find a way to find it first, and it's best to get that thing in our hands."

"Yes, and that one. If we can hand it over to the World Government, they will definitely support us to become a member country again."


Listening to his brother's speech, Bowen XVI's mouth twitched a few times.

The weapon he mentioned before was of course Iron Oz. If this weapon is mastered, the Kingdom of Fafler will definitely rise again.

Apart from other things, this weapon alone is enough to establish hegemony in the surrounding countries.

But his younger brother's first thought was to hand it over, which made him feel that his younger brother was too stupid.

But his younger brother thought so too.

[Stupid guy, his father actually chose him to be the king. How could the world government let such a weapon be in the hands of others? Handing it over early in exchange for benefits is the most profitable way. ]

Before, his brother was the successor of the void and had no real power, so his younger brother didn't care who the throne was.

Except for the members of the Fafler royal family, outsiders did not recognize this king at all, but if the country was really taken back, the meaning of the throne would be different.

Of course, this kind of intrigue is a matter for the future, and they are still in the same camp now.

This younger brother thinks that getting the weapon is a very reasonable thing, but he only plans to use this weapon to trade with the world government after getting it, so as to abolish his brother.

"Let's go. The secret passage should not have been discovered yet.

The big guy has not been seen around here. He must be hidden in the secret room that my father dug underground."

The mountain-like body cannot disappear out of thin air. In the eyes of the Fafler royal family, Iron Oz can only be placed underground.

In addition to the brothers, there are several followers beside them, who are also nobles of the kingdom at that time.

If the Fafler Kingdom is restored, these people will also benefit from it, so they will support each other.

Avoiding the crowd participating in the Evolution Day, these people came to a relatively hidden place, pulled away the vines and weeds outside, and revealed the cave inside.

"Sure enough, it's still there. These people didn't find it at all. Let's go."

After lighting the torch, several people walked into the tunnel, but before they took a few steps, the road ahead was blocked by boulders.

"Brother Wang, it seems that they have found this place. I'm afraid this road is blocked."

"It doesn't matter. It's such a long tunnel. Even if they found it, they can't block it completely. At most, they can block a part of it. Dig it up here, and the road ahead will definitely be unobstructed."

Under the leadership of Bowen XVI, a group of people began their earthwork. In fact, Bowen XVI's idea was not too bizarre.

It took a lot of time for the ancestors of the Fafler royal family to dig this secret passage. According to common sense, even if the new royal family finds this secret passage, they will keep it for special situations.

But Orlan does not belong to this conventional category. Not only does he not need this secret passage, but he also has a special way to seal it again.

It is indeed difficult to block it with human power, but it is different when it is a dragon.

It looks like just a piece of rock there. In fact, it is the product of Terra using the power of the mountain land to block everything. In layman's terms, it is solid from beginning to end.

Even if Cap uses it as a sandbag to practice punching, he will have to hammer it for a while.

According to their digging method, by the day when Leliana becomes the strongest in the world, they may have dug half of it.

But they did not waste too much time on this matter. While they were trying to reopen this passage, someone noticed them.

Right below these people, Terra opened his eyes. As a mountain dragon, it was building its own "underground kingdom".

That is to say, according to Orlan's intention, he was responsible for the excavation of underground facilities. Leliana and Terra had done this together.

As a mountain dragon, Terra had a special perception of the land and was keenly aware of the changes on it.

"Roar [This direction. Someone wants to steal our treasure?!]"

It was a good progress for this group of people to dig the ground, and they couldn't figure out the specific direction at all.

And the boulder was very solid, so the old royal family wanted to dig a road next to it to bypass it, but this led to their direction of advancement no longer being the royal city, but the bank.

Orlan called it the Zodiac Vault, which was the national bank here, and stored a large number of valuables.

In a sense, it was particularly reasonable for the underground bank to be guarded by dragons, and dragons had a special obsession with treasures, and mountain dragons were no exception.

In Terra's cognition, it was also a member of the family. In order to protect his family's property, Terra took out a red and white capsule from the small bag around his neck and threw it into his mouth.

With a low roar, Terra's body began to swell and grow, and he entered the youth form again.

Then he raised his claws and dug upwards.

The claws of the mountain dragon have very special abilities when digging. The solid soil under Terra's claws is no different from the loose snow. It didn't take long for the top to be completely dug, and several figures fell down with the soil and rocks.

"Ah! What happened! My hand!"

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Accompanied by a scream, several people fell on top of each other, and the torches in their hands went out when they fell.

There was no lighting in the underground tunnel, and several people groped together and asked about the situation of others.

Except for an unlucky noble who broke his leg during the fall, the others were fine.

"Damn it, what happened"

"Maybe it's an underground cave? Did we dig in the wrong place."

"Stop talking nonsense, where are the torches! It's too dark here, light the torches quickly."

In the dark, they couldn't see the situation around them, so they could only grope for the torches that had just fallen. But at this time, someone noticed something wrong.


"Your Majesty, Your Highness, did you hear any heavy breathing?"

The person who just touched the torch felt a sense of crisis, and felt a warm air flow passing over his head regularly.

With a sense of foreboding, he quickened his movements, trembling as he lit the match in his hand, igniting the extinguished torch.

The fire dispelled the darkness around them, broke the unknown in their hearts, and brought a new fear.

Along with Terra's breathing, the flame on the torch swayed, and the reflected shadow formed a hideous picture on Terra's scales. Against the background of the cave, it added a bit of gloom and weirdness.

The huge dragon pupils reflected the fire, without any emotion.

"There are monsters!"

The man holding the torch wailed in fear, and the torch fell to the ground. Then he climbed up with his hands and feet, trying to escape from here, but what greeted them was just a roar.


A fierce sound wave came out of Terra's mouth. In the underground tunnel, the sound wave was quickly bounced back, surrounding the ears of these people, and they were directly shocked unconscious.

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