Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 157 Naizut; Legendary Stonemason Dulang

Chapter 157 Naizut; Legendary Stonemason-Duran

Bowen Sixteen and others came to the secret room under the royal city as they wished, but they did not dig in by themselves, but were tied up by Terra.

Before, Terra was a little confused when he saw these humans who were directly knocked unconscious by his roar. He felt that these people were too fragile.

The darkness did not hinder his vision. Even if the torch went out again, he could clearly see the characteristics of these people.

One of them seemed to have something like a crown on his head.

Terra remembered that the crown seemed to have a special meaning in human society, so he did not bury these people directly, but took them back to the castle and waited for Oran to deal with this group of special prisoners.



In the royal city, a cat mecha driven by a cow cat and an orange cat completed the handover of the suspects with Terra and took them to a corner of the royal city.

Terra did not leave, but curled up on the side and took a nap like the guard until Oran came back.



"They said that Terra found these people digging something near the vault, and then captured them. Because they found a crown on one of their heads, they brought them back."

After Orlan came back, a slightly complicated translation activity was carried out on the scene.

Terra told the cats of the special forces what he had done in dragon language, and then they translated it into cat language to communicate with Kate, and finally Kate translated it into human voice.

Orlan hatched Terra, but this does not mean that he is proficient in dragon language.

If it is Terra who has entered adolescence, it can use its powerful mental power to connect with Orlan's mental power and complete the transmission of its meaning through telepathy.

But Terra, who has returned to his infancy, does not have this ability and can only express a general meaning. This multiple translation can express it in more detail.

"Well done, although they are just thieves, your reaction is still alert enough."

"Wait, Your Majesty Oran, these people are not thieves, they are the royal family before Firefly Island!"

Olan did not realize the true identity of these people, but Brand found something special.

The mark on the crown and the badge on the clothes are things that only existed during the period of the Kingdom of Favre. Except for those royal families, no one would carry such things on themselves.

A group of royal families who abandoned their country had no supporters in this country. When Brand saw these people, he felt only disgust and some worries in his heart.

He was worried that these people would come to mess with Oran and eventually delay the future of Piltover.

"Former royal family? Are you sure?"

"No doubt, I was a member of the Kingdom Army before, and I will never forget this symbol. And this person... is very similar to the previous king."

"Is that so? Then get rid of them to save trouble."

Olan's handling policy is very simple and rough. After all, Orlan's throne was not obtained by usurpation. He got it after these people voluntarily gave it up and drove away the pirates. There is no problem to worry about in terms of public opinion.

He doesn't need to care about anything in terms of legal principles. Instead of letting these people make trouble behind the scenes, it is better to eliminate them directly to save trouble.

The toad lying on the instep will disgust people even if it doesn't bite people.

"Wait! You can't do this! You vulgar man, do you know what you are talking about!"

Hearing Orlan's handling policy, Bowen Sixteen, who was pretending to be unconscious, woke up directly. He never thought that the other party even skipped the interrogation link and planned to execute them directly.

This is not a legendary doctor in the newspaper, but a "tyrant".

He doesn't even bother to find a reason to kill people.

"Hasn't he woken up a long time ago? Didn't I make it clear enough?"

"You can't do this. I am the king of the Kingdom of Fafler, a member of the royal family here! If you kill me, the World Government will not let you go!"

"It's a good joke, but have you forgotten that the Kingdom of Fafler was destroyed nineteen years ago? This used to be a lawless area, and I rebuilt it three years ago. What does this have to do with you?"

"The World Government has no records of you at all. The World Government still only has the Kingdom of Fafler on its list."

Bowen Sixteen tried to make Oran hesitate in this way. After all, he was a prince for a while. Bowen Sixteen was sure that Oran's "deal with it" was not a joke.

"I see, it turns out that the World Government will come to avenge me for you."

"You don't know anything, do you think that kind of weapon is a good thing? If you kill us here, the World Government will have a suitable reason to attack you and take the things away.

Why don't you join forces with us, we can give you the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Fafler, with this, you can naturally become a member of the Allied Powers, and we can share this country with you."

At this time, Bowen XVI's younger brother also spoke. Compared with his brother's words, he spoke more rationally, but Oran responded to them by taking out a Den Den Mushi.

"Sidilier, do you have anything to say?"

Soon, the Den Den Mushi was connected, and the Den Den Mushi turned into a scar at the corner of the eye and a beard.

"Five Elders, just a few things about ancient giants, Caesar's research"

To sum up what Oran said, the prospects are pretty good. As long as Caesar can handle the beginning, he can carry out the next step of research. You have to spur Caesar on.

"In addition, I have a special situation here. The name of the Kingdom of Fafler, Five Elders, do you still remember it?"

Olan put the Den Den Mushi on the ground, indicating that Bowen Sixteen and the others could say anything they wanted.

"Master Five Elders, I am Bowen Sixteen, you..."

"Sidilier, there is no need to waste our time on such an insignificant person. You are also a king. As a smart person, I don't need to teach you how to deal with such things, right?

I will send someone to supervise Caesar, that's it."

Satan hung up the phone after saying that. In fact, the Five Elders are also quite idle. Most of the time, they hold various meetings in the office.

Most of the things can still be handled by his subordinates, so Satan has time to answer the phone.

The royal family of Favre had no idea how many contacts Orlan had with the World Government and the Navy in private. He never relied on a certain weapon.

Satan's indifference to them hit the hearts of these old royal families like a sledgehammer.

Similarly, Brand was also a little excited because Orlan did not let him leave when he said these words. There is no doubt that this was a manifestation of having completely regarded him as his own.

"Anything else you want to say? I still have the contact information of the Navy. Do you need me to contact the Navy to protect you? Or do you have a close relationship with a pirate and want to use him to threaten me?"

Orlan took out a few more Den Den Mushi and fiddled with them in his hands, but the mocking expression in his eyes never disappeared.

"Share, you share my things with me, this is the funniest joke I have heard this year. Brand, get rid of them, do it cleanly."

Olan left here and walked to the basement. He still had things to do. The phone call was also to pass on the news to Satan, so that he would have a wrong judgment of himself.

The royal family of Favre was not qualified to waste so much time on him, and as for public executions, he was too lazy to think about it.

Now Oran's reputation in this country is not low, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the entire kingdom are closely related to Oran. In this case, publicly executing these people will not bring any obvious benefits.

Just a group of royal family members who fled in embarrassment, they are not qualified to die in such a grand scene.

"Yes, I understand, please leave it to me."

Brand picked up the big gun beside him and escorted these people out of the royal city.

"Hey, you used to be a member of the Kingdom Army, right? Brand, I still remember you. How about you turn a blind eye and let us go? No one is following you. When we go back, we will definitely prepare a generous gift for you."

One person tried to bribe Brand, but it was useless. All he got in response was a gun blade piercing his chest.

"What were you thinking when you abandoned this country?"

There was no blood on the gun blade. As a body fell to the ground, Brand also went to the next target.

"When this country was bullied by pirates and gangs and people died tragically, where were you?"

"No, no!"


"Now everything is moving towards a better future, but you worms are back?"

"Forgive me, I was forced to follow. I don't like them!"


Neither begging nor inducement could make Brand's movements stop at all. Instead, he swung his weapon more vigorously.

"I will never let you have the opportunity to continue to destroy this country!"

When it was Bowen's turn sixteen, Brand seemed to be affected by some unknown force, and changed from piercing to slashing, and cut off the opponent's head in one go.

Brand understood what Oran meant. This was not only the role of an executioner, but also a new token of allegiance. Only by doing it cleanly and neatly could he truly enter the core circle around Oran.

Even without Oran, he had no good feelings towards these escapees. This result was inevitable after all. But after Brand did all this, a kitten ran away in the bushes not far away.

A few days later, the news that a noble was attacked and wiped out during the voyage occupied a corner of the newspaper, which was an explanation to others.

Morgans' newspapers have long been sold all over the world. Sometimes, his work in intelligence is even stronger than that of the World Government and the Navy. Even the Five Elders usually read his newspapers.

The space in this corner made Satan feel pretty good. Such an ambitious person who has a desire for power and knows how to use relationships and rules is much better than an idealist.

Unfortunately, Satan didn't know that the characters he saw were real or fake, and there was not much credibility.

At the same time, Oran himself came to a brand new place. This was a world he was familiar with, but it was not a world at the same time node.

"Sidilier, let's go, don't sleep, Teacher Dulang received a commission, we have to go to work!"

Some of the identities in the dream world were established by myself, and some existed as soon as I arrived.

Oran came to this dream world for the first time, but he had a new identity.

Although he hadn't figured out where this was, a familiar name came into his ears-Dulang.

Olan had some knowledge of Duran, but it was all through documents or descriptions of some immortal species and immortal species.

Duran's name may not be dazzling, but his works are well known. It is a legendary work-Justice Colossus Galio.

It is a very long history, which is closely related to the rune war that affected the entire continent.

Due to the power of runes, magic has become a force that destroys the world. Countless black magicians use this power to do evil and bring endless suffering to others.

In the western continent, a group of refugees were hunted down by the black magic war group.

After several days of sleepless trekking, the refugees had no choice but to hide in an ancient forest, where the trees had long dried up and weathered into fossils.

The mages did not retreat because of this, but followed in. It was in this forest that a dramatic scene appeared.

The mages wanted to kill the desperate refugees, but found that their magic had no effect in this forest.

These mages are not melee mages like Gandalf. Without magic, the combat power of both sides was equalized, and mortals relied on swords to achieve a long-awaited victory.

Then the refugees established their own country here-Demacia.

At first, people used this tree to make armor, and later mixed the fossils of the tree with lime to make a special magic-forbidden stone.

A stone with extremely high resistance to magic.

Relying on the walls made of magic-forbidden stone, Demacia was not afraid of magic and used its bravery to repel countless enemy attacks.

But the wall is dead, and they can't carry the wall to the front to fight. In order to make the magic-forbidden wall also play a role in the battle on the front line, a new plan was born.

Legendary stonemason, famous sculptor Duran accepted this commission and designed and made some kind of protective means for the army with magic-forbidden stone, and what he made was Galio, a special weapon that made the enemy's mages helpless.

Measurement, composition, and creation, under the baptism of time, a war colossus was born.

This is just the original Galio. It has no life. It is simply used as a wall, and its appearance is only to deter the enemy.

The usage is to push this giant stone statue onto the battlefield with the power of pulleys, rails and countless bulls, which is enough to block the enemy's magic within a certain range.

The next day, after waking up from the dream, Orlan picked up a pen and paper and quickly re-drew the design.

There is no magic stone here, but there is seastone, but the problem is not in the material, but in life.

"Arcane energy gives Galio life, so what about seastone?"

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