Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 175 He can replace him and receive the same treatment as Roger

The mechanical transformation body of the Source Project is not inferior to the human body. Although the materials are somewhat limited without the Swallow Swallow Fruit, and currently it can only be rubbed by hand with the Bear Meat Ball Fruit, the body can be replaced.

The blood is to replicate the ability of the Float Fruit. As the ability user of the Float Fruit, the Golden Lion can make everything except people and animals that he has touched fly regardless of gravity.

This ability has long been integrated into the combat mode of the Golden Lion. Whether it is to make the Source Project better reflect the ability of the Golden Lion or the subsequent strategic significance, the blood of the Float Fruit ability user is very important.

According to Oran's own research plan, this will be the most perfect product that combines the Source Project Lin, the original concept prototype that replicates the ancient heroic spirit, and the most advanced Source Project technologies such as Super Body and Annihilation.

It will be a new concept that transcends machinery and humans.

The combat experience of the Golden Lion over the years is also what Oran needs. After all, the reference sample of this plan is the Golden Lion, so his combat style is naturally the most suitable for this body.

"Lion's Might: Goshojijuku!"

"Lion: Chikiri-dani!"

On the outer sea of ​​Firefly Island, the Golden Lion was destroying the empty sea.

Under his control, the seawater formed a roaring lion, and then the Golden Lion swung his double swords, and a series of slashes flew out of his hands.

Under the destruction of the Golden Lion, the outer sea area showed countless cracks, and even the mud and sand under the water were chopped into countless sword marks.

The owner of three-color domineering, the top swordsman of two-sword flow, and the user of the Floating Fruit.

Haki, physical skills, fruit ability, the Golden Lion can be said to be a monster with full abilities in all aspects.

After Rocks disappeared, without this monster on his head, the Golden Lion and Whitebeard became the first to rise.

The two of them occupied the ground and the sky respectively. Even in the new world full of strong people, no one could shake their positions.

If the Golden Lion has any shortcomings, it is probably that his luck is too bad, and he is born to be in conflict with people from the East China Sea.

"Chop the waves!"

With a single wave of his arm, the waves raised by the Golden Lion with the power of the Floating Fruit were split into two, and then the seawater condensed into a lion head in midair, biting towards the sea in the distance.

The Golden Lion holding the sword was obviously much stronger than the Golden Lion with the sword pressed on his foot as a prosthesis.

The people on the island didn't know what happened, they just felt that a local tsunami appeared somewhere outside the island, but this special martial arts performance was broadcast through the reading device on the Golden Lion.

"Is this the power of a top strong man? So strong."

In the royal city, the other people looked at the unilateral display of the Golden Lion, their eyes full of shock.

In those days, Roger only swung a knife to dodge in the training ground. Although the damaged field afterwards was enough to prove the power of that move, it was completely different from this scale.

[This kind of enemy. Sending others away before they take action should be possible]

[Troublesome guy, turning on the Moon Lion should be able to delay for a while. Meow needs to be stronger.]

[100% power output self-destruct mode should be able to hurt him]

Several people have their own ideas in their minds, and they are all thinking about how to deal with this kind of enemy.

"It's a troublesome enemy, but he is not young, we are still young, and there is still time. With enough time to practice, we will become stronger."

Feeling that the atmosphere is a bit serious, Ginny tried to liven up the atmosphere, but she was answered by Leliana's unusually firm tone.

"It doesn't matter, sister Ginny, it doesn't matter if you can't become stronger.

What I mean is that I will definitely grow up and become like him. No, become a stronger person than him! I will protect this island, protect everyone and Dad, and no one can mess around on this island!"

Leliana is not too naive. She can understand one thing. These people are willing to abide by the rules because they want to get something from Oran.

If one day Oran is unwilling to trade, and they want it very much, it will eventually lead to war.

You can't leave everything to others. Only with enough force can others abide by the laws here.

She wants to become stronger. Only when she is strong enough that no one can do anything to her can she protect everything she cherishes.


When Leliana issued her declaration, the wind seemed to blow in the royal city, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye and did not attract much attention.


The Golden Lion rejected Orlan's idea of ​​drawing blood. He cut his wrist with a sword, contributing a lot of blood like cutting his wrist, and then controlled his body to heal the wound on his wrist.

At the level of the Golden Lion, controlling the body is the most basic thing. The life return exercised by CP agents is just a trick in the eyes of these top strong men.

"Is this enough?"

"Enough, if you are ready, I can start the operation now."

"Then let's start. General anesthesia is not necessary. The trust between us has not reached that level yet."

The Golden Lion also has some understanding of this kind of operation. Under normal circumstances, general anesthesia is definitely the first step for brain surgery.

But the relationship between him and Orlan was not enough to make Golden Lion let down all his guard and fall asleep unconscious in front of Orlan.

"This operation will last for several hours, are you sure?"

"Just tell me what you want. If I move, I'm not Golden Lion!"

There is also an advantage to being close to the extraordinary world. In medical work related to orthopedics, tools such as hammers are no longer necessary. Orlan has his own ability to complete the process with a scalpel.

Just applying a part of the anesthetic is not enough to make the pain go away. The Golden Lion, as he said, was like a pillar, allowing Orlan to move there.

The adhesion of the nerves was carefully separated. After five hours of surgery, a bloody rudder was thrown to the ground.

The part inserted into the Golden Lion's brain even showed some signs of decay. If this thing had been left in the brain, it would have been difficult to estimate what impact it would have caused.

"Hahaha! This thing was finally taken out!"

"I used some special drugs to speed up the healing of your wound. The treasures you left behind are a bit too much."

The potion made of honey and fruit plus the Golden Lion's own control over his body, the wound on his head became insignificant a few hours after the operation, and there was no need to stay in bed to rest.

"Thank you very much. I will invite you again when I finish the things at hand."

Then the Golden Lion took off into the sky and disappeared directly into the sky.

"Ginny, help me confirm, is that guy gone?"

Some time after the Golden Lion disappeared, Orlan called Ginny.

"No, I didn't sense him."

The Thunder Fruit combined with the Observation Haki, through the island's radio wave transmitter to expand the influence, Ginny, the intelligence minister, is now a human radar.

In the known range, she did not detect the fluctuations of the Golden Lion's breath.

"Okay, then there is nothing else to do, everything will be fine as usual."

Then Orlan took out another Den Den Mushi and dialed a number skillfully.

"Zeff? It's me again, reliable information, Golden Lion Shiki plans to attack the Navy Headquarters."

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