Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 176 The Runaway Golden Lion, a Trip to Rogue Town

After collecting the blood sample of the Floating Fruit, Orlan skillfully returned to his old job.

He had revealed Roger's intelligence to the Navy, so it was reasonable for Golden Lion, as Roger's old rival, to enjoy the same treatment.

Although the removal of the rudder made Golden Lion no longer restricted by this external object, the outcome of his attack on the Navy Headquarters would not change.

That was the Navy Headquarters, where countless navy troops gathered.

Even if the three admirals of the generation of Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji had not grown up, the Navy had a terrifying power that surpassed any group of pirates.

Let alone Golden Lion going to the Navy Headquarters alone, even if he took his own large fleet to fight together, the result would not change much.

The high-end combat power of the Navy was enough to deal with Golden Lion.

Unless Golden Lion did not go to Marinford, or chose to escape halfway.

But if he did that, he would not be Golden Lion.

Fighting to the end was the only choice Golden Lion would make.

Without the rudder, the Golden Lion might be able to unleash even more terrifying power, but the people who would be most affected would actually be the civilians living in Marinford.

It would be meaningless to let this group of people suffer large-scale losses, so it would be better to do something in advance.

"Oran, your intelligence is always a little unexpected."

It was okay to meet Roger last time. According to the location of Firefly Island, the pirates would inevitably pass by here after entering the Grand Line.

But the Golden Lion was going to attack the Navy Headquarters, and the Navy had not found out the intelligence, but Orran knew it first.

It can't be that the Golden Lion and Orran sat together and conspired to attack the Navy Headquarters together, right?

"You can choose not to believe me, but you navy will have to bear the consequences. Evacuate the families of the navy on the island.

When the Golden Lion goes crazy, ordinary people can't stand it."

"I definitely believe you, but at this point in time, the evacuation of civilians from the Navy Headquarters is not so easy to handle. Let's not talk about it for now. I'll go and deal with this matter."

Zeffa has always had a high degree of trust in Orlan. In addition to the initial things, they have also been in frequent contact afterwards. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are close friends now.

Then Zefa hurriedly walked to the building of the Navy Headquarters and came to Kong's office.

"Marshal Kong, I have an emergency to report. Golden Lion intends to lead his pirates to attack the Navy Headquarters!"

What Orlan said was that Golden Lion was going to attack the Navy Headquarters, but Zefa himself interpreted this sentence.

How could Golden Lion attack the Navy Headquarters alone? Wouldn't that be a gift?

Therefore, Zefa felt that Golden Lion must bring his subordinates with him.

Anyway, no one knows what the message will be like in the end.

"Where did you get this information?"

"It was sent by Orlan. He has a lot of cooperation with the Navy. I don't think he would joke with us about this kind of thing."

"What's the specific time?"

"I don't know. Orlan didn't say. I think it is necessary to transfer the civilians in Marinford. The impact of the Golden Lion's ability is too great. Even ordinary soldiers will die if they stay here."

Zeffa expressed his own views. As the chief instructor of the Navy training camp, Zephyr still has a certain voice and is an important senior figure in the Navy.

As time goes by, batches of students have come out of his training camp. The members of each special training camp are now the backbone of the Navy, and their students are all over the world.

"Wait a minute, we can't arrange for the evacuation of civilians directly because of his words. This will not only waste manpower and material resources, but may also cause panic. Xiaohe, come to my office."

Not only Crane, but also Sengoku and Garp were called over.

Because of Roger's surrender, all the Navy's energy is currently focused on Roger, intending to use this to combat the arrogance caused by the birth of the Pirate King.

This also led to most of the senior generals staying at the Navy Headquarters and not participating in other things.

Although the official news was that Roger was arrested, everyone in this room knew that Roger surrendered.

Shortly after Roger surrendered, Orlan told them that the Golden Lion was going to attack the Navy Headquarters, which inevitably made people feel a little weird.

"This is the information that Zefa brought. Let's assume that this information is true. Then is there any secret in it? For example, the conspiracy between Roger and the Golden Lion."

As the Admiral of the Navy, Kong has a lot to consider. Even if he knows that this kind of thing is unlikely, he can't ignore it.

Roger surrendered, but the Roger Pirates still exist.

Logically speaking, Roger's surrender should not cause his crew to rescue him, but what if it does?

If Roger's subordinates and the Golden Lion unite, even the Navy will have to mobilize elites from all over the world to deal with this matter.

"No, Roger will not join forces with Golden Lion, I believe him."

"Garp! At this time, you can't just say 'I believe him'. He is a pirate, and the king of pirates."

In fact, Garp didn't say one thing, that is, Roger told him privately that he was dying.

It seems strange to trust pirates at this time and place, but in the end, the possibility of pirates joining forces was still ruled out, which is unreasonable.

If they really have this idea, they should have done something as early as the Battle of Edwall, and there is no need to wait until today.

After discussion, the navy leaders finally decided to believe this intelligence.

"Let's arrange for the residents on the island to evacuate to nearby islands. There's no point in letting them stay."

There are a large number of civilians living in Marinford. If the Golden Lion destroys them with his ability, the losses will become very serious, not to mention that there are a large number of navy families here.

"The sea has been uneasy recently, so the fleet will be the one to retreat."

"Let me do it. I'll be responsible for the safety of the civilians."

"Well, then leave it to Zefa."

As expected, the evacuation work will be handled by Zefa. Apart from anything else, Zefa will definitely not let his wife and children stay on the battlefield.

It is Zefa's responsibility to lead the team to escort them to a safe place, so it is natural for Sora to let him take charge of this matter.

"Arrange for the people to evacuate in an orderly manner and do not cause chaos. Even if the Golden Lion can fly, it is impossible for it to appear here so quickly."

Zeffa left the meeting room first and went to organize the evacuation of relevant personnel.

"It's too late to mobilize elite troops from the surrounding branches. All navy officers below the rank of lieutenant will retreat to the rear and be responsible for artillery and logistics and medical care."

Then there is the arrangement of soldiers. New recruits are not even qualified to be cannon fodder in this level of battle.

Without a certain quality, simply piling up numbers will only become a mowing game for the Golden Lion.

As for the elite troops from branches all over the world like the war on the top, it is obviously impossible. The time and distance are destined. The surrounding navy cannot provide large-scale support to the headquarters in a short period of time.

"In addition, Garp, Sengoku, the matter of dealing with him is left to you."

The orders were conveyed by Sora one by one, and the Navy Headquarters began to operate urgently like a precision machine.

Such evacuation work would be drilled in previous years in order to deal with possible emergencies.

The transport ship quickly evacuated ordinary residents, and the Navy Headquarters also entered a state of high martial law.

On the castle tower of the headquarters building, searchlights scanned the situation in the air.

As a flying pirate, Golden Lion may appear from all angles, so the Navy has to be very alert for this.

"Report to Admiral Sengoku! Vice Admiral Garp, emergency, patrol ship No. 89 lost contact after sending an emergency call 2 minutes ago!"

The sky outside was dark at this time, and heavy rain was pouring down, as if mourning something.

The meaning of the patrol ship's loss of contact is self-evident. Sengoku took off his coat on his shoulders and then unbuttoned his suit.

I'm afraid that only Golden Lion could make the patrol ship outside the Navy Headquarters lose contact at this time.

"Are you here, Garp? It's time to get ready."

"I've been ready for a long time, my fist is waiting for him."

Sengoku and Garp walked to the outside together, ready to fight at any time

"Enemy attack! The enemy is in the square of Marinford, and the number of people is one!"

"It's Shiki the Golden Lion, he hit the Navy Headquarters!"

The Navy received the notice in advance, but it didn't suffer too many casualties, at least it didn't give Golden Lion the opportunity to step on the hill of corpses.

"The defense is tight enough. How could Roger be caught by you guys who are as useless as turtles! He is a man I recognize!"

Golden Lion questioned the navy beside him. Although the Navy Headquarters seemed to have been prepared, Golden Lion just regarded these as the Navy's way of warning after capturing Roger.

After all, he never told anyone that he was going to attack the Navy Headquarters alone, and even the pirates under Golden Lion didn't know.

As for Orlan, Golden Lion didn't think about it at all. When he was on Firefly Island, Golden Lion didn't mention a word about the details of this matter.

"Roger is the Pirate King. He has already left after winning the battle with you."

Under the rain, Sengoku and Garp walked slowly.

"Pirate King? So what! If he was willing to lend me a hand, we would have unified the world long ago!

Although we don't get along well with each other, we have lived through the same era as him. If he is here, bring him here! If you want to kill him, I will do it myself!"

Golden Lion was surprisingly angry. He couldn't accept that his opponent died at the hands of a cowardly navy, but Golden Lion's words were destined to be unacceptable.

"The execution will be carried out in his hometown, Roger Town, the beginning of the East China Sea, in a week."

"Roger's death will surely defeat the spirit of all pirates."

Warring States and Garp walked out one after another, but these words made Golden Lion's body tremble a little, not because of fear, but anger.

"The legend of Pirate King Roger will end in that weakest sea?! Don't joke! This is a shame for that bastard! Slash!"

A golden slash was swung out from the Golden Lion's blade, and Shiki followed closely behind his own slash and rushed towards Garp and Warring States in front of him.

"So what if he's the weakest? East Sea is a symbol of peace, and pirates like you don't understand that at all! Fist Bone·Impact!"

"Shiki, don't even think about interfering with the execution. Now that you're here, go to Impel Down and spend the rest of your life!"

Garp punched and broke the sword energy that Shiki had slashed, and then he and Sengoku faced the enemy in front of them.

Although I don't know why only Golden Lion came, it's better this way.

"The weakest East Sea is not worthy of being Roger's destination! You are insulting him, which is simply unforgivable, and you will pay the price. Today, I will let you experience the horror of pirates!!

I am a flying pirate! Golden Lion-Shiji! "

Boom! There was a sound of thunder in the sky, and the strong wind carried the rain and rushed around.

Even the lowest rank in the navy below was a lieutenant, and they all fell down when faced with the baptism of the golden lion's domineering color.

"Domineering and domineering?"

After simply saying these words, a naval soldier fell heavily to the ground. He could not bear such intimidation at all.

"Lion Power·Earth Scroll!"

The golden lion held its big hand, and the ground of the island rolled up like waves. The earth and rocks gathered in the sky, turning into a huge rock and earth lion.

Boom! ! !

The earth shook, and the sound produced by the movement of earth and rocks was like the roar of a lion. The huge lion opened its mouth and bit in the direction of Garp and Sengoku.

When he arrived here, the golden lion's palm had already touched the ground. Now, another person is responsible for all the masonry in the surrounding area.

"Buddha's Impact!"

Facing the incoming Lion Rock, a golden light flowed from Seng Guo's body. The dazzling light enveloped his whole body and made Seng Guo's size grow a lot.

The Human Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Big Buddha Form, this is the ability of the Warring States Period. Whether it is attack or physical defense, this fruit is excellent.

As Warring States waved his palm, the lion's face was smoothed by the impact, and the hard rocks that made up the lion's face were also worn away.

But this attack on stone lions is of little significance.

The golden lion just shook hands again, and the shattered part was completed again. In the face of the fluttering fruit, it was meaningless to simply rely on strength to crush it.

Even if those stones turn into powder, their essence will still not be affected.

The golden lion hooked his little finger, and the warships that had just stayed in the port took off one after another, flying towards the city of Marinefando.

Seeing the crash in a residential area and the big explosion caused by the explosion of the ammunition depot, both Warring States and Garp breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they had followed the advice brought by Zefa and evacuated those people.

If there were still people living there, they couldn't imagine how many people would die in this explosion.

"It's not over yet, you cowardly navy!"

"Don't be too presumptuous, this is the Navy Headquarters! Giant Buddha Attack! Garp, now!"

"Fist Bone·Hao Chong!"

Sengoku's hands flashed with golden light and swatted in the direction of the golden lion. The shock waves coming from both sides seemed to want to trap the golden lion in place. Garp also tacitly understood that while Sengoku put pressure on the enemy, he came to the opponent and waved. his fist.

There was no temptation. From the beginning, the battle entered a fierce stage.

Shock waves continued one after another, and even large warships were flying around like toys.

The sword blade and the fist kept colliding. Even the golden Buddha of the Warring States period had several scars from the golden lion. Garp's arm was also bleeding.

However, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. The golden lion went deep into the enemy camp alone and fought to the death. In the end, it failed to change the result and was captured by the two men.

In the end, most of Malinfando was destroyed, even a corner of the navy building was chopped off with a sword, and the castle tower above was split open with a sword. Even with some preparations in advance, this battle still cost huge losses.

However, as the provider of information, Olan was packing his things at this time and planning to go to Rogge Town.

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