Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 182: The Drum Kingdom, the Fruit of Tuntun

"Kate, Abu, come with me."

After leaving the royal city, Orlan called Kate and Absalom.

At this time, Orlan was not sure whether the fruit was the Swallow Swallow Fruit. If not, it would be fine. If it was, he must get the fruit.

That's why he only called Kate and Absalom.

Although many individuals are Orlan's creations, they all have their own behavior patterns, such as Zac and Blitz, who are good-inclined individuals.

They will complete the orders given by Orlan, but the process will be very different.

In this situation where there may be a conflict, Absalom and Kate are more suitable for this task.

The Drum Kingdom and Piltover are neighbors, but they are not on the same route. If they go straight forward normally, they will not intersect.

Unless they accidentally arrive at other islands, causing the magnetic field to reset, they will change direction.

For people with special ideas, it is not difficult to travel between the two islands.



Soon, Orlan waited for the two at the port by the sea.

"The situation is very simple. A devil fruit appeared in the Drum Kingdom. It is very likely the target we are looking for.

This time we have to get the fruit, no matter what means, do you understand?"

It would be best to get the fruit through peaceful means such as trade. The problem is that devil fruits are often hard to come by.

As a kingdom with the right to participate in the World Conference, the Drum Kingdom is not poor, and can even be considered rich.

But devil fruits may not be bought with money. Orlan is not sure whether the royal family of the Drum Kingdom will choose to sell the fruit if it falls into their hands.

Of course, no matter what means do not mean to kill people.

After all, the Drum Kingdom is still a member country. If it does so, the image accumulated over the years will be in vain.

It's just that there will be some radical means.



Not long after, the bear also came here. Orlan asked Kate and Absalom to enter his book, and then signaled the bear to shoot him over.

This is the fastest way to move at present.

Fortunately, Bear had been to the Drum Kingdom in recent years and knew the specific coordinates there. With a wave of his hand, he sent Orlan from Firefly Island to the destination.

A bear paw-shaped bubble crossed the sky and flew towards the Drum Kingdom.

Drum Island, a winter island on the Grand Line, is covered with snow most of the year. Winter is a normal thing here.

Although there are four seasons on the Grand Line, the premise of the four seasons depends on the local environment of the island.

For example, the spring on Winter Island is slightly warmer than the cold winter, but it can't get rid of the restrictions of winter after all.

A bear paw mark suddenly appeared on the snow accumulated for many years, and then Orlan walked out of it.

Patting the scattered snow on his body, Orlan released Kate and Absalom from the book again.

"Well, it's much more comfortable here than Alabasta. Winter Island is still suitable for cats to survive."

The surrounding coldness did not have any effect on Kate. At the height of the elephant master, the area where the fur tribe lived was originally a high-cold area, and this fur was born for this reason.

If they feel cold, they can put on more clothes, but if it's too hot, they can't take off their fur.

At this time, several bears holding hiking poles suddenly passed by Orlan and bowed to him.

It's not that these bears are so polite, but that's their living habits.

Like many countries in the Grand Line, the Drum Kingdom also has many unique creatures.

These bears are examples. They are called hiking bears, just like mountaineers. They usually move on the snowy mountains with special mountaineering picks.

Although they are bears, they are very polite. If pedestrians walk towards them, they will bow to indicate, and people should return the greeting accordingly.

In line with the principle of respecting biological principles, Orlan also returned the greeting, but not all animals are so friendly.

There are several white shadows in the snow, ready to move towards this side. This is a creature called Labang.

Although it is a rabbit, it is more dangerous than a hiking bear.

As a ferocious carnivorous rabbit, Labang has the agility of a rabbit and the physique of a bear, and often attacks prey collectively.

However, these people who fell from the sky did not look easy to mess with, so the Labangs just hid in the snow and observed, and were finally scared away by the electric current released by Kate.

"Master, how should we act? Should we rob directly or do something else?"

"Abu, things have not come to this point yet. Of course, we should have a good talk with the king here first, but where exactly did the bear send us to?"

The bear's specific positioning now still has a little problem. He can guarantee that he will send people to the island he has been to, but it is not certain which area on the island it is, and there is a certain error.

Judging from the surrounding terrain, this is obviously a snowy mountain.

"I remember that the castle of the Drum Kingdom is on the mountain. Anyway, let's go up and take a look first."

Then Orlan made another call and asked the people who were sent to the Drum Kingdom by him before where he saw the fruit.

"Your Majesty Orlan, you arrived so quickly?"

"It's not important. How is the fruit?"

"It's still in the warehouse. I got the warehouse manager drunk. The news should not have been reported yet."

"Very good, you did a good job. When you go back, you can work in Ginny's intelligence department."

Olan did not cancel all official positions. The androids only work at many key nodes, and apart from the top, not many people know that they are actually androids.

The extra positions are specially reserved for ordinary people to rise. People always have to have a goal to strive for. If all the motivation is gone, then the country will not be able to develop well.

Judging from the situation of this expatriate, he still has a certain ability to work in the intelligence department.

However, on the way to the castle, Orlan met an old woman with blonde hair, an old woman in the literal sense.

She is Dr. Gureva, a woman who is 117 years old this year. She is also good in medical skills. She is Chopper's "adoptive mother" and teacher.

After all, Hiluruk is a veritable quack in medicine. If it weren't for Gureva, Chopper would not be able to learn those medical skills at all.

But at this point in time, let alone Chopper, according to the biological customs of reindeer, Chopper's grandparents may not have been born yet.

"Hey, isn't this the King? Are you here again?

Why, are you interested in the secret of eternal youth?"

It was not the first time for Oran to come to the Drum Kingdom, nor was it the first time he met Guleva.

He had invited Guleva at the beginning, but was rejected.

If Kulokas was busy with the whale Lab, then Guleva simply didn't want to go. With a slightly weird personality, she had no intention of working for others.

"No, and I think your secret to staying young may not be as good as mine. Do you want to guess how old I am this year?"

"Tsk, boring, forget it, you have more secrets than me, a woman."

Looking at Kate and Oran's appearance, Guleva returned to her residence with the plum wine she had just bought. The two had not changed much compared to a few years ago, and the reason was beyond Guleva's guess.

As for why there were two people, the footprints on the snow were enough to explain everything. After receiving more specific information, Absalom activated the transparent fruit and left here to make other preparations.

"King Sidilier, long time no see."

In the castle of the Drum Kingdom, Oran was warmly welcomed by Dalton, who was still the captain of the Drum Kingdom's guard at this time. Because Oran had been here several times in the past few years, he was also very familiar with him.

Before leaving, Oran had already communicated with the king of the Drum Kingdom. It was a bit rude to suddenly appear at someone else's door.

"Please follow me, His Majesty the King is waiting for you."

"Too bitter! These medicines are too bitter, you are all quacks! Father, drive these guys away! Their level is too poor!!"

As soon as he arrived at the door of the banquet hall, Oran heard a noise, and at the same time, there was the sound of plates being broken, and finally several doctors were thrown out of the room.

"Excuse me, King Sidilir."

Inside the open gate, the King of the Drum Kingdom looked a little embarrassed, as if he didn't want this scene to be seen by outsiders.

Olan is just the king of a non-member country, and he has no legal rights on this sea. Logically, the Drum Kingdom does not need to adopt this attitude, but the problem is that this non-member country is a little different.

As the king of a kingdom, he can't help but pay attention to the situation outside.

The fact that Iron Oz defeated San Juan Wolf a few years ago is still vivid in his mind. It is not good news for the Drum Kingdom that the neighboring country has such a terrifying weapon.

The most important thing is that for some reason, the World Government actually acquiesced that this non-member country holds such a dangerous weapon.

With enough force, even if many things are not in compliance with the law, it will not affect the communication.

If Oran does something abnormal one day, and the weapon he controls hits him, even if the navy can finish it off afterwards, the Drum Kingdom will be destroyed.

Due to the relationship in the medical industry, the two countries get along well, so the Drum Kingdom has always treated Oran as a real king.

The child who just made a fuss was Prince Wapol of the Drum Kingdom. Because the king of the Drum Kingdom had a son in his old age, he doted on this son very much, which led to Wapol's reckless behavior on weekdays.

Although the king has realized the impact of his doting, he can't change it.

"It doesn't matter, your son is still as cute as before."

Yes, cute, this is the image of Wapol in Oran's heart.

Before Wapol was born, the internal structure of the Drum Kingdom was still very unified. Even if Oran lured him with high salaries, not many people were poached.

The number of doctors poached recently has increased, not only because of the strengthening of Piltover's national strength, but also because of Wapol's promotion.

But as Wapol grows older, the situation in Oran has improved.

Wapol is five years old this year. Because of the old king's spoiling, he is very willful. Because of some trivial matters, he will act like a spoiled child with the old king and punish the people below.

The old king always reminds himself not to dote on Wapol so much, but after seeing Wapol crying, he still can't help but soften his heart.

As a result, they often have headaches afterwards, but they can't solve the problem.

The king couldn't be cruel to his own offspring, so the ordinary citizens were naturally affected. Under Wapol's crying, some people were sentenced to be banned from practicing medicine for some insignificant things.

Having lost their livelihood, they had to find another way, and the people that Orlan arranged here played their role, successfully digging those experienced people to Piltover.

In a sense, it is also a good thing for the development of a neighboring country to have such a royal family.

"You are welcome, Wapol, you go out and play for a while, and wait for your father to receive the guests."

Wapol was not satisfied with this sentence. At this time, Wapol was in a serious self-centered state. He snorted coldly and walked out.

The old king just laughed, vaguely passed the matter, and talked about Roger's affairs.

This was a common topic among the royal families of all countries during this period. After all, such a sentence had a great impact on the sea.

Wapol, who felt very unhappy, walked into the treasure house of the Drum Kingdom.

"Hey! Open the door!"

"Prince Wapol, but here."

"I order you to open the door! This country belongs to our family, and everything in the treasury belongs to me! If you don't listen to me, I will let my father drive you back to the village at the foot of the mountain!"

Under Wapol's insistence, the warehouse guard had no choice but to open the door and let Wapol go in.

"Your Highness, those are things that have not been registered yet, please don't mess them up"

It is obvious that the warehouse guard does not know how to target the naughty children, or the naughty children who are high above.

The more you don't let these creatures do something, the more they will do it.

Wapol, who originally came here to wander around with nothing to do, suddenly became interested and ordered several guards to carry the box outside, and began to search it wantonly.

Soon, a small treasure chest appeared in his hand. When Wapol opened it, a blue-purple fruit lay quietly on the mat inside.

There are strange patterns on the fruit, and even a mark like a mouth.

"What is this? Did my father hide something delicious here?"

At this time, Wapol didn't know what a devil fruit was, he just thought it was something delicious, but when he was playing with the fruit in his hand, he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, who dared to trip me!"

He didn't move, but fell flat on the ground for no reason.

But before Wapol could find the real culprit, he saw that the fruit just now seemed to have grown legs and rolled to the side at high speed along the ground.

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