Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 183 The fruit in hand, the person who never forgets Wano Country

The snow is not always soft. This is the castle of the Drum Kingdom. People will clean the area regularly. Areas that are not cleaned very much have become firmer under the years of trampling, leaving no footprints at all.

The castle in the original timeline became like that because it was nearly abandoned after the royal family was driven away, and only Gureva lived here.

Moreover, the winter island does not have heavy snowfall 24 hours a day. In this sunny season, they cannot find the invisible Absalom at all.

The fruit seemed to have rolled down the cliff, but in fact, when it reached the edge of the cliff, Absalom used his power to turn it transparent.

Wapol, who was in the naughty child stage, naturally couldn't see the clues and just made a fuss on the spot.

"Asshole! You guys, go and pick up the things for me! Otherwise, I will let my father execute you all!"

"His Royal Highness Wapol."

Looking at the towering cliffs, the guards looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The terrain of the Ciggu Kingdom is very special. In addition to the great plains, it is located on towering mountains, with several cylindrical peaks that look like iron peaks.

Since the top of the mountain is all flat, the royal family here built the castle on the top of the mountain as a matter of course.

This may be a special tradition. Almost all royal families have built their royal city at the highest position in the country, even Fish-Man Island is no exception.

The direction in which the fruit "slides" is still the steepest side, making it impossible to execute this order.

The guards had no choice but to prepare to go down the mountain from a gentler direction, and at the same time sent a person to notify the king of the Drum Kingdom.

Things in the treasure house are missing. If we don't make it clear quickly, we will be in big trouble.

Fortunately for Wapol who did this, the guards of the Drum Kingdom were already familiar with it.

What the people of the Drum Kingdom think has nothing to do with Absalom. Although the Devil Fruit has entered a transparent state under his ability, as a user of the transparent fruit, Absalom himself can see transparent objects. of outline.

Even if there are only faint traces, it is enough for Absalom to grasp the specific situation after transparency.

[The owner will be very satisfied when the fruit is obtained. This will save the trouble of transactions and no need to spend money. 】

Absalom took advantage of the guards to enter the castle and followed them in. He also rubbed his feet on the carpet at the door with the guards.

"Why do I feel so cold behind me? It seems like something has been following us?"

"Where is there anything? You must have been frightened by His Highness Wapol, don't be so nervous."

The transparent fruit only blinds the vision. It will still give people a strange feeling in the indoor environment, but the eyes have become untrustworthy at this time.

This haunted situation did not attract much attention. Absalom quickly found Oran and tiptoed to Oran's side.

The ears on the top of Kate's head moved, and the familiar smell was only Absalom.

[Master, I got it. 】

Absalom wrote some special characters with his fingers on Oran's back. Almost at the same time, several guards came in from the door.

"Your Majesty, there is a special situation, His Highness Wapol."

"King Oran, it seems that I am in some inconvenience today. Why don't we talk some other time?"

After the guard told some news about Wapol, the king of the Drum Kingdom couldn't sit still.

"It doesn't matter. Since the Drum King has something to do, I won't bother him."

With the thing in hand, Olan's purpose of coming to the Drum Kingdom has been completed. Judging from Absalom's description, there is no doubt that this fruit is the Tuntun Fruit.

Now that he got what he wanted, Olan naturally had no intention of staying here anymore and was originally planning to find a reason to leave.

This reason gave Olan a reasonable excuse.

"Thank you for your understanding. Children are too willful."

"It's okay. I'm a father. I can understand your feelings. The child is still young and it will be fine when he grows up."

Wapol is not his own child, so Olan doesn't care what he becomes.

Just talking about the level of interests, if Wapol becomes a wise king, Oran will have a headache.

After all, in terms of force, Piltover will never be afraid of the Drum Kingdom. If we don't consider the issue of the world government, Oran will now have several ways to destroy the island.

Even if Ginny comes here, she is still synonymous with invincibility. Countries in the first half of the Grand Line have no way to deal with people with natural abilities.

But this is a franchising country after all. Destroying the country has no meaning to Oran and will only bring trouble.

In this case, only Wapol's tyranny would be more suitable for Oran's population diversion policy.

If the Magnetic Drum Kingdom does not take the initiative to expel these elite talents, Olan will still find ways to poach them.

But this kind of talk was very popular with the king of the Drum Kingdom. After saying some polite words about contacting him later, Oran and the others left the palace.

Not long after, in the wind and snow, Olan looked at the Devil Fruit in his hand, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Nice job, Abu. This saves you a lot of trouble. What do you want?"

"No, it's my honor to be able to contribute to you, that is."

"Speak up if you have anything to say."

"Yes! It's time for another deal with Wano Country. Why don't you let me go this time?"

Since the first transaction was completed, the transaction with the Beasts Pirates has been on track. There is no need for special commissioners. It is only necessary to exchange goods at specific locations.

But Absalom himself is obsessed with Wano Country. Flower Street is a place full of desire for him.

"The New World is not peaceful recently. Let's talk about it later. I will let you go then."


Because of Roger's death and Golden Lion's imprisonment, the New World is undergoing a major reshuffle. Even Whitebeard and Charlotte Linlin are busy because of the flood of pirates.

Kaido is still developing in Wano Country, but he will go out to fight from time to time.

The original balance has been broken, and the fixed channels established by the underground world have also been greatly impacted.

With Absalom's current situation, it is not wise to go there. After all, the New World now has to be dragged over to fight if you pass by, and no one's face will work.

When these young people are scared of being killed, the New World can be slightly more stable.

Although he felt a little disappointed, Absalom regained his spirits. Orlan was worried about his safety, which really touched Absalom.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

The huge book served as a take-off carpet. The bear's ability was convenient, but if the bear didn't come along, it would be a one-way ticket.

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