Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 184 Core Upgrade, Swallow Robot

The fact that Wapol lost the "national treasure" did not cause any controversy. Even after the king of the Drum Kingdom knew that it was a devil fruit, he did not say anything to Wapol.

He was just grounded for a few days, a light punishment.

Oran controlled his ability and took Kate and Absalom on the way back, while in Piltover, everything was running as usual.

Piltover District 11 is the industrial area on the island. Due to the terrain, it is always downwind, and the terrain is suitable for sewage discharge, so most heavy industrial enterprises are concentrated here.

Boom! Boom!

The machines in the factory roared, and the ore was refined and hammered into suitable steel, and then it would be transported to the factory ahead to be processed into various required shapes, including some special military products.

Due to the special nature of Piltover, these heavy industries are more or less related to the military industry, and are also "state-owned enterprises" in the eyes of the islanders.

"Come on! This is the material for coastal defense artillery! You have seen it before, the era of great pirates is coming! If you don't want this country to become a hell like six years ago, use cannons to stop all pirates at sea!

This is a safe rear area. The soldiers are protecting the safety of the island with their lives. Do you want them to use unqualified weapons!"

The speaker is a middle-aged man with a big beard, two scars on his face, and an unlit cigar in his mouth.

He is Hachilani, the factory director appointed by Orlan, who is responsible for production issues here.

During the period of the Kingdom of Favre, Hachilani ran his own workshop on Firefly Island.

Originally, it was a watch workshop, but it went bankrupt in a few years.

As for why it went bankrupt

This workshop only sells large clocks such as wall clocks and table clocks, and the quality is exceptionally excellent. The clocks produced 30 years ago have no problems with internal operation except that the outer paint is damaged.

Although the accuracy has shifted by a few minutes over time, it still does not affect the use.

This thing is not a consumable, one is enough for a family, and Hachilani has no intention of reducing the quality. In the end, the industry went bankrupt due to the high quality of the goods.

And this kind of character is just right for heavy industrial production.

At this time, Hachilani was holding a vernier caliper and carefully checking the standards of each product.

This kind of character is a good factory manager for the king, who is serious and responsible, works strictly according to the standards, and strictly demands all employees including himself.

But for ordinary workers, he is a bit devilish.

"Who is responsible for this?"

"Director, the technician has reviewed it and the size is qualified."

"I know it is qualified. The standard allows an error of +-0.5, but if I remember correctly, all the products you handled this month were just above the passing line, right?

It is not easy for you to pass the test perfectly."


"Young man, work harder. I remember you are an immigrant, right? You have not experienced the dark ages of this kingdom. His Majesty Oran is the most special king I have ever seen in my life.

Although I have never been abroad, I don't believe that any factory outside treats you better than here! Work harder and don't wait until you lose it one day to regret it."

This is some daily life in the industrial area, and in another shallow area, it is another scene.

This is the largest shallow area in Piltover, but now it is like a rice field, growing rows of green fruits. These are the honey fruits brought by Oran, but they have been improved.

These honey fruits do not have the ability to reproduce, and the fruits they produce cannot be used as seeds to cultivate the next generation. The varieties that can be bred are only planted separately in the castle and taken care of by Frankenstein.

Honey fruits like places with abundant water sources. They are generally planted in wetlands. In the central waterway, there are many creatures with green shells crawling.

Insects, weeds in farmlands, and fruits that fall to the ground early due to unexpected factors are all their food.

These green shelled creatures are called river swift crabs in Valoran, and they are creatures with very low intelligence.

The specific manifestation is that they will not fight back when they are beaten, and they will only run around in a fixed area.

Although they feed on honey fruits, these swift crabs will not attack the roots of honey fruits. Only honey fruits scattered on the ground can attract their attention.

The meat is plump and nutritious. It is a classic delicacy on the Valoran continent and is suitable for various cooking methods.

It is not difficult to breed and reproduce. There were a few swift crabs on the ship that appeared here with Orlan at the beginning, and now they have grown to a large scale.

At this time, Leliana was holding a basket and catching swift crabs nearby.

"Dad, one for me, sister Kate, one for me."

Leliana was planning the food according to a special way of food distribution. After all, the food distribution ratio of Orlan's family has always been strange. On the whole, Leliana and Ginny eat 90%, and the rest of the people eat the remaining 10%.

If there are leftovers, others will not mind, and they will probably eat them together.

Don't get me wrong, leftovers refer to the 10% leftovers of Orlan, not the leftovers of Leliana and others.

If there is food left on Ginny and Leliana's plates one day, either they are sick, or the cook wants to poison and make food that is inedible.

A large part of the crops and swift crabs here will be processed and flowed into Piltover's domestic market. They belong to the category of high-end ingredients, and the honey candy fruits are even more health food.

There is no doubt that this part of the area belongs to Oran's private property, but this kind of thing is normal under the rule of the kingdom. After all, many countries clearly state in their bills that everything in the country belongs to the king.

Oran only occupies a part of the land to find people to cultivate it, which is already very restrained in the eyes of the locals, not to mention that it also provides many jobs.

"Princess Leliana, why are you here in person? It would be better if you didn't give me any instructions for this kind of thing."

At this time, the person in charge of the farm also came over. Seeing Leliana stepping on the muddy ground, the person in charge was shocked.

How could a princess do such a thing by herself? After thinking about it, he couldn't even think of any other words to describe such a thing except how appropriate it was.

"Why are we looking for you? I have hands and feet. I can do whatever I want."

Looking at the basket full of swift crabs, Leliana felt that it was almost enough, so she flew directly back to the direction of the royal city.

"The Sidriel royal family is really weird."

This is not the first year since the founding of Oran, and the entire royal family has also left a very stereotyped impression in the kingdom.

Oran is a good king. He is usually very reclusive and rarely interferes in the lives of his people. However, he has developed a lot of people's livelihood and occasionally helps people treat their illnesses in the hospital.

This is the impression of ordinary people. They don't know that their king is away from the country for half of the year on average.

The king does not need to report to ordinary citizens when he travels. Only Brand, an official who has more contact with the royal family, is troubled by the impact of the monarch's offline activities.

The eldest princess likes to be in a daze near power generation facilities. She often sits there for most of the day and is quite lethargic.

This is how outsiders understand Frankenstein's usual dormant standby mode, thinking that she is a taciturn princess.

The impression of Leliana is that she likes delicious food, is good at fighting but has an easy-going personality. In a nutshell, everyone has broken their inherent understanding of the royal family.

The reason why Leliana went to catch the swift crabs was simple. Oran was about to come back. When he returned to the royal city again, he saw Leliana playing with the crab meat.

"Dad, welcome home, look at these, I made them myself."

"It looks delicious. Don't worry, let's eat first."

Olan knew how much crab meat a swift crab could produce. Judging from the crab meat on Leliana's plate, she was simply playing with the crab shells and waiting for Olan to come back.

After all, it was made for Olan. She didn't feel good about starting it before Olan came back.

Being able to temporarily restrain Leliana's appetite is enough to reflect the importance of Oran in her heart.

And the Tuntun fruit was placed directly on the table by Ao Lan.

Looking at the mouth-like pattern on the fruit, Leliana was a little curious about this fruit.

"Dad, did you go to the Drum Kingdom specifically just for this fruit?"

"Yes, although it does not directly increase combat power like your fruit and Ginny's thunder fruit, it is very important. With it, the limitations of materials science can basically be broken."

Different fruits have different applications and their own focus.

Although the bear can use the meat ball fruit to synthesize some special materials, the premise is that synthetic materials can be synthesized, and the meat ball fruit only acts as a pressure hammer.

But Tunton Fruit is different. Anything eaten, Tunton Fruit can fuse it together, and even create new materials that do not originally exist in the world.

This is the characteristic of the fruit, and these years of research have allowed Oran to determine one thing.

The ability of Devil Fruit itself is a special rule, and it often does not follow the physical rules in human eyes.

For example, in terms of the integration and transformation of the Tunton Fruit, even those with fruit abilities can't tell what the operating logic is.

Another example is a certain Fruit of Silence, which has the ability to create a soundproof wall that is invisible to the naked eye to isolate all external sounds, so that people inside the soundproof wall cannot hear any external sounds, and the outside cannot hear internal sounds.

The reason why this soundproof wall can achieve sound insulation is because there is such a rule in this fruit, which has nothing to do with eliminating vibration. It can make things like sounds disappear alone. If you want to use it to restrain the shaking fruit, you are just kidding.

"Tunton Fruit, a superhuman devil fruit.

It allows the person with the ability to merge with the food he eats and become a part of the body. It can also synthesize things to create brand new substances.

Blitzcrank, get ready, I'll give you a core upgrade later to make it your ability. "

Oran is already familiar with integrating superhuman Devil Fruit into the core of Hex, and Frankenstein is a living example.

It is difficult to reproduce the natural type like Zach, but the superhuman type is easier, which is also the fruit reserved for Blitzcrank.

"Blitzcrank, get ready."

Some time later, in the laboratory under the royal city, Blitzcrank's body was lying quietly on the experimental table, and the position of his eyes had become dim.

The special Hex core in its body was also taken out by Oran, and the fusion process is ongoing.

As the first special "life form" created by Orlan, and a hand-made version when the technology was not perfect, Blitz finally had the opportunity to upgrade.

"Bear, Kate, what do you think Blitz will become?"

Outside the door of the laboratory, Ginny was holding a grass root and was a little tangled. Not only her, but Kate and Bear were also here.

Blitz had some special meaning to them. It was a body made by several people in a small workshop in the Kingdom of Solbe.

Upgrading is also a good thing for robots, and Orlan did it himself. It is a big progress no matter how you think about it, but the waiting process always makes people impatient.

"No matter what the appearance becomes, Blitz's heart will not change."

Bear still had that gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were always staring at the door, waiting for the changes inside.

"Don't worry, Orlan will definitely do it well."


As soon as Kate finished speaking, the door of the laboratory reopened, and Blitz walked out of it with the familiar steps, looking unchanged.

"Hello everyone, I'm back again."

"Didn't Brother Orlan update you? Why don't you look the same?"

Ginny patted Blitz's iron belly, a little puzzled.

"Because this is a body made by everyone, Blitz likes this, as for the changes made by the master, they are here."

Blitz raised his arm and aimed at a pile of mechanical materials in the laboratory.

The same mechanical claws as usual, but this time the mechanical claws are like a big mouth, and the moment they touch the metal materials, they eat all the materials directly.

After Wapol in the original timeline ate the Swallow Swallow Fruit, he could only rely on his mouth to use his abilities, which was also the limitation of the Swallow Swallow Fruit.

But when the devil fruit was applied to the mechanical body, there were new changes.

Blitz's body did not have the concept of a mouth, so many parts of his body could complete the swallowing process.

When those materials were eaten, Blitz's body was gradually covered with a layer of white, not only the outer shell, but even the internal structure changed.

"This is Blitzcrank's new clothes, what do you think?"

A smile appeared on Blitzcrank's face. After integrating these new materials, Blitzcrank also had more facial expressions.

But the next moment, Blitzcrank opened his chest and spit out the materials he had "eaten" before.

"The new body is very strong, but in normal times, Blitzcrank still prefers this look."

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