Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 185 Douglas Barrett goes berserk!

Chapter 185: Douglas Barrett's Runaway!

With the upgrade of the emotional module, Blitz's system has become more and more perfect.

He is a nostalgic robot. Unless necessary, he still likes his original appearance.

And then, Blitz also ushered in a new job-eating.

This is not an MC world. The fusion of all things has a fixed formula.

Let alone the Wapo alloy made by Wapol in the original timeline, Orlan doesn't know the formula.

It is a memory alloy that Wapol made by chance while eating garbage to make toys.

With this metal, Wapol made a comeback and reappeared at the World Conference.

And the formula for testing this metal is not complicated, and does not require calculation or analysis. Orlan chose the simplest and dumbest way-try.

After testing the formulas one by one, you can always find what you need, and other substances produced in this process may also be useful in the future.

With the help of the android assistant, Blitzcrank began to experiment with the Swallow Swallow Fruit, mechanically repeating the process of eating and synthesizing.

Generation Hex crystal material, better source plan parts material, these are all things in Orlan's plan.

The statue on the construction site outside has not been carved yet, but the source plan combat body in Orlan's laboratory is already being manufactured.


A target in the laboratory was blown to pieces. Looking at the small energy cannon in front of him, Orlan began to think about where to install it.

This thing is similar to the laser cannon that Bega Punk made with Kizaru's bloodline factor in the original timeline, but Orlan used Ginny's blood, so the shells fired are also somewhat different, more like a special electromagnetic cannon.

At this time, there stood a special robot in front of Orlan, whose body was forged from special metals and was gradually improving its structure. If the Golden Lion was released, he would definitely feel very familiar looking at this thing.

"Olan, is this the "price" you get for treating the Golden Lion?"

"Yes, it will be the strongest combat power we put on the surface before Riley grows up. With such a special combat body and Steel Oz, most things can be stabilized."

At the same time, in the hospital in Piltover, Kurokas has successfully joined as the dean and gradually became familiar with the business with the help of Alison.

I didn't know much before, but now as the dean, he has a deeper understanding of the slogan "No unprovoked beating of patients".

As long as you comply with local laws and regulations and apply for registration, pirates are not prohibited from landing here.

There are not many people who dare to face the dangerous weather of the Grand Line, and these pirates are also an important source of income.

Those who follow the rules can bring economic flow, and those who don't follow the rules can be exchanged for bounties. As for those who don't follow the rules and don't have a bounty, they can only find ways to recycle waste.

Olan has never supported human experiments. His invention includes a special organism, which is simply a piece of unconscious meat made by imitating the human body.

Most of the projects that need to be tested are completed in this way, but human experiments are an indispensable link before clinical application. This kind of pirate who makes trouble can just fill that gap.

It is very dangerous to get sick during the voyage. It is possible that you will not encounter the next island for several months when sailing on the sea. If the doctor's level is not good, a scurvy will kill a whole ship.

If there are untreatable injuries on the ship, they will generally go to the local hospital for treatment, but it is impossible to expect the pirates to always abide by the rules.

For example, in the hospital, Kulokas saw a noisy pirate and the doctor who dealt with him.

"Why is he standing next to that equipment?"

"This is the order of His Majesty Oran. If you encounter a patient who is deliberately looking for trouble and trying to fight, stand next to the instrument.

If you damage the equipment during the fight, don't think about leaving without paying. It is said that these equipment cost at least hundreds of millions of Baileys."

There are laws in the country, and things must be done according to the law. In a sense, this is also a routine here.

In the days when the great pirate era began, such regulations were still necessary.

But not far from Firefly Island, a crisis is approaching quietly.

Roger's own choice is to make his last words public on the execution platform and start this era, but this matter is not an open secret for the members of Roger's Pirates.

Now the members of Roger's Pirates also have their own places.

For example, Crocus, who is the dean here in Oran, and Rayleigh, who has begun to live in seclusion in the Sabaody Archipelago. Roger's vice-captain is not simple. He even "seduced" the emperor of the Nine Snakes, Shaqi.

This is a problem of the Nine Snakes. Since the existence of the country of Nine Snakes, a mysterious disease has been circulating in the country.

Whether it is the emperor or the warrior, as long as the members go out to sea with the pirate ship, they may be infected and die, and this disease is lovesickness.

The disease that has lasted for many years without a solution has only improved in recent years.

As the emperor of the Nine Snakes, Guroliosa is a member of the Rocks Pirates. All this is the result of love.

After getting along with each other for a while, this disease disappeared.

Groliosa also returned to the Nine Snakes after the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, and she has been living in the corner in order to make up for the mistakes she made during her reign and to respect the current emperor.

When she returned home, she also brought the solution to this disease. So far, Xia Qi handed over the throne of the Nine Snakes to the new emperor Toli Toma, and came to live in the Sabaody Archipelago with Rayleigh.

Buggy and Shanks both went to sea in the East China Sea, but did not mention anything about Roger. Most of the pirates in Roger's pirate group chose to disappear, but there was an exception-Douglas Barrett.

He was not an official member of Roger's pirate group, but only acted as a challenger on the ship, because Roger was the only opponent he could not defeat anyway.

Roger's disease made Barrett anxious, but a few years after he withdrew from the pirate group, he received news of Roger's death.

Roger's death meant that Barrett no longer had the opportunity to challenge Roger. Losing such an opponent, Barrett was greatly shocked in his heart, and finally began a frenzied destruction mode.

Pirates, navy, bounty hunters, no matter who it was, it didn't matter.

Barrett sailed aimlessly on the sea alone, provoking anyone he met and then defeating them.

It can be said that after the emergence of the Great Pirate Era, Barrett was the first troublemaker who stirred up the sea.

Nowadays, the direction of his activities is approaching Firefly Island.

"Oran? This is Zefa, I have something to tell you."

Many times, the exchange of intelligence is mutual. In the past, Zefa was the one who received intelligence, but today, he became the one who issued the warning.

"What's wrong?"

"The devil's heir, Douglas Barrett, that guy is approaching your island.

You should have heard about his recent situation, indiscriminate destruction, fighting simply for fighting. I personally suggest that you take your family to live on an island near the headquarters for a while."

The reason why it is an island near the headquarters is also very simple. The headquarters has not been repaired yet. No one in the Navy Headquarters can use Wood Release now. They can rebuild the broken houses with a clap of their hands.

The damage caused by the Golden Lion is quite exaggerated. It is impossible to rebuild the headquarters without a few months.

The purpose of Zefa's call is also very clear, asking Oran to choose political asylum.

"Brother Zefa, what you mean is that you want me to abandon my country and flee? If this gets out, won't I be the same as those scum royals before?"

"No, the situation is different. Barrett spends most of his time searching for strong people. He disdains to attack the weak.

If you leave, Barrett will probably not stay."

"So the attitude of the Navy towards him is to let him go?"

"Of course not, but we are looking for opportunities. That guy is a lone ranger, and it is difficult to surround him."

A former member of Roger's pirate group is naturally now the Navy's key capture target, but because of Barrett's special situation, there has been no opportunity.

"I think now is an opportunity. From his current location, he will have to pass by an uninhabited island before he can get to me. It takes half a month for that island to store the records, so it's a good time.

I just happen to have some new inventions here."

Steel Oz's record is to defeat San Juan Wolf, but this is not enough. With the opening of the Great Pirate Era, the wave of the new era has swept in.

Either ride the wave or leave it to fate. Orlan's choice is naturally the former.

[It's time to take the next step of the action. ]

Looking at the special combat body of the Source Plan in front of him, Orlan already has a plan for the next step, but it still needs some assistance.

"Well, I understand what you mean. I will apply for some assistance from the headquarters, but Orlan, if the situation is not going well, I oppose you to confront that madman head-on.

Safety is more important."

When Zefa said this, he was simply considering it from the standpoint of a friend. Putting aside other factors and only considering himself, this is the safest choice.

"Thank you, don't worry, I know what's going on."

After hanging up the phone, Orlan tapped his index finger lightly on the lab table and retrieved information about Barrett.

Barrett was born in a country called Galzburg. The name of that country has long been forgotten by the world and is usually called the country of endless war.

No one knows how long the war lasted. There were civil wars among multiple forces at home, and wars were launched abroad to maintain the domestic economy, but this behavior was no different from drinking poison to quench thirst.

This country is full of orphans and minefields. In order to limit the enemy's forces, traces of mines can be seen in all areas.

Barrett was a war orphan born in this country. His father had died on the battlefield long ago, and his mother chose to abandon him after he was born.

However, Barrett did not die in the war, but was adopted by a soldier from one of the countries.

The purpose of this person adopting children was not simple, but just to train young soldiers.

Under his brainwashing education, these young soldiers performed the task of stepping on mines and opening the way with bombs, and regarded this as the highest honor.

These young soldiers are called bullets, and the pronunciation of bullet is the origin of Barrett's name. His surname comes from the highest commander of this unit-Douglas Gray.

When serving as a soldier in this country, Barrett's code name was number nine, and even now, this number accompanies him.

The reason these young soldiers fought was not money or other benefits, but an inconspicuous medal, a reward for the best soldiers in battle, which was what Barrett wanted.

It was also because of this medal that Barrett was betrayed by his companions.

He killed his companions when he was dying, took back his medal, and lost his trust in his companions. From then on, he acted alone.

On the battlefield, Barrett was called a hero who dominated the world and the strongest young soldier.

These titles gave him a strong sense of satisfaction and stimulated him to perform more dangerous tasks.

In another battle, Barrett was almost dying, but he accidentally found the "fusion fruit" on this battlefield.

The superhuman fusion fruit can make the inorganic matter touched merge with his body. Not only can it merge with the body, but it can also make the inorganic matter combine together and rearrange to create new weapons.

The most indispensable thing on the battlefield is weapons. With these things, Barrett survived the desperate situation and became more and more powerful, gradually gaining the title of national hero.

However, Barrett's strength caused some people to worry, such as his adoptive father, Gray.

Barrett's strength made Gray feel unprecedented danger, and the feeling of being out of control was not good.

Gray felt that he could not control Barrett's power, so he wanted to destroy him.

Gray promised to let Barrett leave the battlefield after the war and give him real freedom.

But this was just a lie. Gray's goal was to let Barrett capture the enemy's position alone and lose both sides with the enemy. When the battle was over, Gray would come out to reap the fruits of the battle.

It's just that Gray underestimated Barrett's combat power. Barrett eliminated everyone with just his fists and body, and even destroyed everything here.

After that, Barrett was hunted down by the World Government and eventually went out to sea to become a pirate. After challenging many strong men, he finally met Roger.

"Shiki, don't let me down with your power."

Looking at his latest creation, Oran also had a lot of confidence in it, and began to build weapons suitable for it.

At the same time, in the Navy Headquarters, Zefa raised an unexpected topic.

"Marshal Kong, I propose to launch the Demon Slayer Order on this island to completely put an end to the riots caused by Barrett."

The Demon Slayer Order was authorized by the World Government to form the Navy Headquarters to carry out indiscriminate destructive attacks on the areas where the signal was sent, and to completely eliminate things and people in an area that threatens the rule of the World Government.

The World Government has already completed the authorization, and the Navy can make its own decisions on the rest.

Although the Demon Slayer Order was launched very rarely, it did happen. Kong was more curious about how Zefa, who advocated the principle of not killing, would actually come up with such an idea.

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