Chapter 18 Shiki

"It is only natural for the navy to arrest pirates. Since Barrett left Roger's pirate group and started to act alone, he has caused a lot of trouble on the sea.

After Roger was executed, Barrett acted recklessly on the sea like a madman.

How much trouble did he cause in the past few months after the execution?

Aren't pirates who have no goals and are purely for the purpose of destruction the key targets to be eliminated?"

Zeffa's words are well-founded. There are many pirates on the sea. Under the ruling and management model of corruption at the top and chaos at the bottom, the number of pirates has been on a steady upward trend.

For most pirates, the attitude of the World Government is casual. Without pirates making trouble on the sea, how can the importance of the World Government be better reflected?

Only when pirates cause large-scale damage to ships on the sea and non-member countries can the member countries realize the importance of this identity and work hard to collect Tianshangjin.

The World Government will not make too much of a fuss to eliminate pirates who act for profit. Apart from Roger, the special individual, the last person who was valued by the World Government was Bondi Wald.

In terms of strength, Wald is a step behind Whitebeard and Golden Lion, but his style of doing things is too disorderly. Wald, known as the world destroyer, has been purely for the purpose of destruction in the end.

Therefore, the World Government will dispatch a large number of people and send Wald to prison as an undercover agent. The current Barrett is no different from what Wald did back then.

"That's true, but in fact, it's because Barrett's path is approaching Firefly Island.

I don't deny that Sidiliel has a close relationship with the Navy, but you seem to have a better personal relationship with him."

"Everything I did was in line with the Navy's regulations, and there was no crossing of the line."

Zeffa said this with confidence. After all, a good personal relationship was not enough for Zefa to violate the Navy's principles. All his help to Orlan was within the Navy's principles, including sending generals to capture some troublesome pirates.

"So, Marshal Kong, does the Navy really want to sit back and watch Barrett act recklessly on the sea?"

"How is that possible? That guy has already broken the bottom line, and the headquarters is already planning actions against him."

Barrett is a lone ranger, and it is this identity of a lone ranger that makes some actions difficult.

After all, Barrett doesn't have a crew, and it takes some time to stop such a reckless guy.

"This island is the only way for him to move forward. Because the storage time of the record pointer is too long, Barrett will definitely stay for a while, and this is our chance."

Zeffer took out a golden Den Den Mushi and placed it on the empty table.

That is the golden Den Den Mushi used to launch the Demon Slayer Order, which is the special authority of the Navy Admiral.

Although the World Government has authorized the Navy, the Admiral has the power to use the golden Den Den Mushi, or give the golden Den Den Mushi to others to decide whether to launch the Demon Slayer Order.

It's just that the action of the Demon Slayer Order needs to be prepared in advance. The basic equipment of the Demon Slayer Order is ten large warships, five vice admirals and elite soldiers of the Navy.

Unless the place where the Demon Slayer Order is launched happens to be around the Navy Headquarters, it is impossible to draw so many troops without advance preparation.

As a former Navy Admiral, Zephyr also holds a special golden Den Den Mushi.

Under normal circumstances, after Zephyr chooses to resign, the golden Den Den Mushi should be handed in.

However, the current situation of the Navy is in a tense period. The entire Navy has only one admiral, Sengoku, busy everywhere, doing the work of three people.

After all, Zephyr is a man who retains the rank of general, and he is needed to put out fires near the headquarters from time to time. This golden Den Den Mushi is left in Zephyr's hands as a special power.

Well, Garp doesn't have this thing either. This is a dead rule within the navy. If you are not promoted to admiral, you cannot hold this thing.

In addition to the permission of the admiral, only the World Government has the power to directly launch such an action across levels.

"Okay, then let's do it. The accident during Roger's execution has caused these pirates to become more arrogant. The navy really needs a big move to curb the arrogance of the pirates."

Then He was called over by Kong. After the discussion of the Navy General Staff, the feasibility of the plan was basically determined.

The action within the Navy headquarters has been determined, and accordingly, Sengoku has become busy.

Because of his family situation, Zephyr generally does not leave the headquarters for too long, and now a large number of the headquarters population has moved to a nearby base for temporary residence. After discussing this matter, Zephyr has to go back to guard everyone's family members.

In order not to waste too much time on the road, he ran here this time, and he will have to run back in the same way later.

Zefa really ran alone for Orlan.

"Zengoku, I'm Kong."

"Marshal Kong, what's the matter?"

At this time, Sengoku was walking Roger's way again in the Grand Line, responsible for investigating some special situations.

"Due to special reasons, the headquarters has planned a capture plan for Douglas Barrett, and the launch of the Demon Killing Order has been confirmed.

You will lead the operation this time, and the rest of the warships will be led by Gumier, Bruglas, Borsalino and Garp, and will assemble on Lime Island."

Five lieutenant generals are the minimum standard, and they will be upgraded to a certain extent according to the situation.

There is also a gap between vice admirals in the navy, from Garp to the lower limit of vice admirals. Perhaps it is Smoker who was almost forgotten by a certain man named Wei. In short, the strength gap of this class is huge.

Ordinary vice admirals are just making up the numbers to deal with Barrett. There is no strong enough high-end combat power to defeat him head-on. Simply bombarding him is meaningless.

The navy needs enough records to deter these arrogant pirates, although the effect may not be obvious. After all, the disappearance of Roger and Golden Lion, the two great pirates, did not have the expected effect.

But some things have to be done after all. If some people can give up the idea of ​​going to sea, it will help the stability of the sea.

Since it is to be done, there can be no mistakes. Golden Lion broke into the headquarters of the navy alone, which is no different from giving away heads. What the navy needs is the record of active attack.

In a sense, a lone ranger like Barrett also meets their needs. After all, he cannot cause large-scale wars alone.

"Brother Kong, I'm here"

"I know, you don't have to do that personally. Roger is dead, and the rest of the people can't make much trouble. It's just the request of the World Government."

"Yes, I understand."

A few days later, on Firefly Island, with the surge of energy in the laboratory, a special combat body has walked off the test bench.

A series of codes flashed on the orange-yellow mask, and liquid of unknown color surged in the body of the combat body.

There were clearly defined muscles on the exposed abdomen, but that was not the flesh of a carbon-based creature at all, but a special biometal synthesized by Blitz using the Swallow Swallow Fruit after hundreds of experiments.

Through the body constructed of countless metal fibers, this combat body can burst out extraordinary power. The most important thing is that this biometal can allow the serum of the ability user to flow in it.

Like the green blood invented by Vegapunk in the original timeline, these serums are a replica of the ability. Through these serums flowing in the body, the combat body of the Source Project can also exert the ability of the fruit.

Click. Click.

Every time the machine moves forward, the collision between the metal body and the ground emits beautiful musical notes. The golden hair behind the head floats with the machine's progress. Finally, the combat body raises both hands and grabs the two red long swords on the test bench.

The special double swords made of ferromagnetic ore as the basic material and through the fusion of Blitz are hard, heavy, and sharp. These are the characteristics of this pair of swords.

"Source Project, code name Gold. Individual name, Shiki."

The combat bodies of the Source Project universe are originally a reproduction of the ancient heroic spirit. Although they are mechanical life, these individuals are full of historical shadows.

Source Project Gold was born with the Golden Lion as the template, and the combat mode of the Golden Lion was also recorded, so the other party's body was needed.

This is also the reason why Orlan charged the Golden Lion for special medical expenses. Only when he cooperated to enter all the data could such a new Shiki be created.

Not everyone has the characteristics of Zoro's knife rack, and any knife can become a good fit in their hands.

Except for the special Project Armor, its body shape is exactly the same as the Golden Lion, including the rudder on its head and the golden hair.

This is the effect caused by data entry. If this part is removed, the balance and various parameters of the machine during operation will have to be modified.

However, no setting is redundant on Project Gold.

The golden hair looks like hair, but it is actually a new metal fused with gold, which has the conductivity and ductility of gold, as well as the hardness and toughness of other metals.

The reason for using gold is that this is the best formula that Blitz has tried so far, and all its properties are relatively good.

The combination ability of the Swallow Swallow Fruit has exceeded the conventional metal and material science. Even a difference of one gram will make the final synthesized materials very different, not to mention that the synthesized materials are not limited to metals.

Even every time Blitz synthesizes a new material, a new material is added to the synthesis formula, and the number of materials waiting for it to be tested is endless.

If Blitz itself is not a special mechanical life, the testing alone may be able to support a laboratory for a lifetime.

"Lion Power"

"Stop, Shiki, don't test weapons here, this place can't withstand your destruction."


Seeing that the new Shiki was going to continue testing his combat capabilities according to the previously set procedures, Oran called him to a stop and took him to a wider test site.

According to Oran's estimated impact, this special combat body is capable of tearing this place down completely.

Several moving targets were thrown out. At this moment, Shiki had completed the calculation of the target, and then the "rudder" above his head changed.

Several lightning bolts shot out from it. It was not a decoration, but a special electromagnetic cannon.

Different from the electromagnetic cannon in traditional cognition, it can fire special projectiles, or simply release beam currents, like Kate, releasing special electric lasers.

And the energy consumed is some of Ginny's blood products.

"Lion's Might. Slash!"

With a swing of his two swords, Shiki, as a mechanical life, did not need to train. He had the ultimate strength and body from the moment he was "born". With the combat program recorded from the golden lion, he swung out a slash.

The large target made of reinforced concrete on the shooting range broke with a sound and was smoothly cut into two pieces. Then the two swords in Shiki's hands flew into the air and shot into the distance.

The electromagnetic cannon on the head uses the electricity developed through the bloodline factor of the Thunder Fruit, but the body contains a special serum that is a replica of the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit.

After all, Golden Lion has eaten the Float-Float Fruit for decades, and his combat mode has long been integrated with the fruit ability. If this ability is not replicated, Shiki's combat program will not be perfect.

People cannot eat two fruits, but such a body is not affected. Shiki is not an individual with the fruit as the core like Frankenstein.

In two unrelated operating pipelines, the serum of the two fruits is clearly distinguished.

After excluding the factor of domineering, Project Gold is the peak of combat power without domineering, but the purpose of armed color is to enhance defense. Shiki's mechanical body does not care about this kind of thing, and the impact is not particularly large.

In terms of observation color, although it cannot be predicted through special sensors, it can react at a speed far exceeding that of humans. Coupled with Golden Lion's combat experience, Project Gold is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

As for the problem of Haki and the machine, although Frankenstein has the ability to use Haki, the relationship between this power and that special mind is still to be determined.

Shiki and Frankenstein have two completely different operating modes.

Frankenstein and Blitz are both emotional creatures, while Shiki is a simple combat weapon without the influence of emotions.

This is also the lesson learned from the Project Universe. Everything in Project Gold is copied from Golden Lion. If there is a similar emotional memory, I am afraid it will really go the way of a big traitor.

Golden Lion has never been a person who is willing to be inferior to others. Even if he joins temporarily, he is planning something new.

Orlan will not make the same lesson learned by the Project Company again.

"It's a pity, there is a problem that cannot be solved"

If there is any disadvantage of Project Gold, it is that it is too expensive, and it is ridiculously expensive.

From the dream to the Project Universe to the production of the basic framework, and then to the arrival of Golden Lion to make it finalized, and with the assistance of the Swallow Swallow Fruit to finally give birth to it, it took nearly three years.

Apart from the time cost, the consumption of materials is also very serious. Coupled with various expenses, the recent finances of Firefly Island are once again close to deficit.

At the same time, technical issues mean that this thing can only be made by Orlan himself. Even in the Source Plan Universe, which almost controls the world's economy, the Source Plan Company has not built a few machines of this level.

The super body went out of control, Doomsday escaped during the research process, and finally only one Annihilation was successfully born to deal with the crisis of the super body.

This level of combat unit has never been a mass-produced machine. If you want to mass-produce, you are destined to give up some things.

"It's time to think about learning Caesar's traditional skills"

Just as Orlan was planning to conduct new research on the fraudulent funding project, Zefa called again. After many days, Barrett has made new moves

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