Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 187 The beginning of the great melee

At a port on Firefly Island, Crocus was basking in the sun and chatting with Lab.

According to the strange tradition here, the top leader of a department often appears in places where he shouldn't be.

As a king, Orlan would not stay in the royal city peacefully, so it is reasonable for Crocus, as the director of the hospital, to walk the whale outside as Orlan promised.

"Barrett. He is a troublesome guy."

Looking at the recent news reports in the newspaper, Crocus was a little anxious.

Although Barrett left Roger's pirate group not long after he boarded Roger's ship, Crocus also had a certain understanding of Barrett from the mouths of others.

Unsociable, fighting maniac, dangerous element, the above evaluations are all from Buggy.

Because Barrett has been betrayed all the time, he does not trust his companions. He believes in the logic that strength is everything. As the weakest one on the ship, Buggy is also something Barrett can't stand.

However, during the battle, Barrett accidentally protected others, and it was this behavior that made Barrett fall into deep reflection.

Protecting his companions would delay the decisiveness of the battle, which made Barrett feel that he had become weaker.

One night, Barrett and Roger had the last battle.

The result was no different. Roger still crushed Barrett with a crushing momentum, and after that, Barrett left Roger's pirate group.

Kurokas checked Roger's condition after the battle. Orlan's medicine allowed Roger to fight without considering his physical condition, but Kurokas was also paying attention to post-war conditioning to prevent Roger from getting too excited.

Boom! Boom!

"What's going on?"

Kurokas suddenly felt the ground tremble, as if something big was moving. When he looked in the direction of the sound, he saw Steel Oz walking towards the coastline step by step.

"Is that the combat weapon made by Dr. Sidilier? How did he open this thing?"

Kurokas didn't know what Orlan was going to do, and other citizens had the same doubts.

"What's going on? Are there pirates coming again? Why did His Majesty Oran activate all the national defense weapons?"

"I don't know. Didn't you hear the alarm? His Majesty has to do everything himself. What are the guards doing?"

Oz's size means that every time it is activated, it will attract attention. Since San Juan Wolf was defeated by Oz, Oz has basically lost the opportunity to activate it. There are not many enemies worth it.

Without a large-scale war or a specific opponent, activating Steel Oz is a waste.

And deploying this weapon is a special operation against Barrett.

"Brother Oran, is it really okay to do it so loudly? If all these are displayed in front of the navy, I'm afraid it will attract their attention."

Before, Zefa passed the message to Oran. As mentioned before, Oran planned to have a fight with Barrett there, and at the same time give the navy more time to assemble and prepare.

Compared with Barrett, San Juan Wolf a while ago is nothing. Although San Juan Wolf looks big enough, if Barrett is serious, it will only take one or two moves to deal with San Juan Wolf.

Orlan even sent out not just one or two people, but took away most of the combat power.

In the training ground, Ginny and others have seen the power of Shiki. It seems not a good choice to put this thing in the open.

"Oz and the others have seen it, and my goal is to let them see it.

Look at this, this is Shiki's manufacturing cost."

Orlan handed a financial report to Ginny. Looking at the strings of zeros, Ginny felt dizzy.

"Is it so much?"

"Yes, and this is not the most expensive project. This thing is made to be used. If you have to be cautious every time you put it in the open, then there is no point in making it.

Let the world government notice it and have a desire, so that I can take this opportunity to get enough funds and then make something more deadly."

The production of Project Gold can be perfectly summarized by the word "burning money", and this is the result of the Project Universe having spent an incalculable amount of money to complete the big framework.

The display of weapons requires a suitable platform. There is no doubt that Barrett meets this standard. Although he lacks more than 20 years of enlightenment in Longchang, he is also a first-tier strongman.

There is no need to win, as long as he can fight for a while, then Shiki's value is enough. Orlan does not believe that the world government can give up the idea of ​​​​this thing.

"Like I told you before, we have to temporarily disguise ourselves as an ordinary gear, "understand" them, integrate with them, become an inseparable part of their interest group, and then reverse at an appropriate time.

The World Government is a behemoth, and it takes perfect preparation to shake it."

The fact that the World Government can exist for 800 years is the best proof of its size.

If I am not mistaken, then the Joy Boy at that time was the ability user of the Nika Fruit.

In the original timeline, Mercury Vouchuri's defense was quite exaggerated, and Nika Luffy could not break the defense with a punch, and even suffered a counterattack.

But Vouchuri's fangs were broken by a punch from the ancient robot.

Nika Fruit, ancient robot, elephant master, ancient weapon, Joy Boy, who held several trump cards in his hand, lost.

If there is no trap in Joeyboy's mind, it means that the enemy is stronger, and he must accumulate enough strength for this.

Not to mention anything else, just those five hard-to-kill old things in Mary Joa were really troublesome to deal with.

"The intensity of this battle is strong enough. There is no point in fighting in a small way. Let's see the world's top power. This is the intensity of the enemy we will fight against in the future."

Sitting on Oz's shoulder, Oran told several people around him about the next stage of the plan and Barrett's troubles.

"Riley, are you ready? Your chances of winning against Barrett are not high now. This is probably the first setback in your life."

Leliana's growth has been smooth, and she has not encountered any setbacks. There are basically no opponents who can cause trouble to her.

But Barrett is also a monster. He has experienced fighting on the battlefield, fought against top warriors, and is eleven years older than Leliana.

Oran believes that Leliana will be able to close this gap in a few years, but not yet.

There is always a difference between training and real combat. Without experiencing this kind of combat, it will be difficult for Leliana to fill the gap.

"But don't worry, just let your hands and feet go and fight. Your Uncle Xiong and I will take care of other problems."

The seniority between them has always been different. Leliana's calling Brother Xiong is not inconsistent with Oran's nickname at this time.

Olan's actions refer to the position of the navy. Theoretically, he will not arrive too long before the navy. Coupled with the presence of Shiji, there will be no problem.

"I'm not worried. I don't think you trust me enough, dad. Maybe I can beat him."

Leliana acted very confident and had never encountered setbacks like this.

"Riley, confidence is a good thing, but you can't be arrogant. He is a very strong person, different from your previous opponents.

No, compared to him, those people are not even worthy of being called opponents. "

If it were Leliana who came of age seven years later, Oran would never worry. At that point in time, there would be few people on the sea who could be her opponent, and she was still younger after all.

"I know, I'll cheer up."

"Wait a minute, Olan, I have a question. The intelligence says that he is a user with the ability of the Fusion Fruit. Are Oz and Shiki his opponents with this ability?"

Looking at the information compiled by Oran, Kate realized something was wrong. This ability seemed to naturally restrain the weapons made by Oran.

"I've considered this. Oz has a temporary seastone armor added to his body, and the combined fruit can't do anything with it.

As for Shi Ji, he is not an inorganic being. "

Before taking action, Olan had already considered Barrett's situation.

Barrett's Fusion Fruit can merge inorganic objects it touches with himself, and can also fuse and reorganize inorganic objects with each other to create new weapons.

In a sense, this fruit is similar to the Tuntun Fruit, but there are many differences. The metal synthesized by the Tuntun Fruit will not return to its original state when the esper loses consciousness, causing permanent changes.

However, as long as the things combined by the Fusion Fruit are not damaged, they will disintegrate when the esper runs out of energy or loses consciousness.

There is a very special biological metal in Shi Ji's body. Although it is called metal, it is no longer in the category of inorganic substances.

It is a "living metal" that flows with blue blood composed of Devil Fruit blood factors, just like the body.

The blue blood produced by this special ingredient plus the blood factor has gone beyond the scope of the combination fruit.

Even if Olan's calculation is wrong, the sea stone inlaid on the end of Shiji's sword hilt will let Barrett understand what the nemesis of the ability user is.

Meanwhile, on Lime Island, Barrett is having a big battle.

"You losers, do you think you can defeat me if you get together?!"

Barrett swung a punch and slammed the person in front of him to the ground. The huge fist had already smashed into the ground. In addition to blood stains, it was also stained with a lot of gray-white powder.

That is the result of the broken rocks on the island. It is called Lime Island because almost the entire island is made of limestone and almost the entire island is exposed rock.

In the three years since he parted ways with the Roger Pirates, Barrett has defeated countless opponents, whether they were navy or pirates, they were all his targets.

There are even many "weak people" that Barrett does not bother to kill. Therefore, Barrett has many enemies over the years.

After the Navy decided to launch a targeted operation against Barrett, the entire Navy got into action. Some of the Navy's undercover pirates spread some news, which finally united these enemies of Barrett.

This will not only consume Barrett's physical strength in advance, but also allow him to kill more pirates at once when the navy takes action.

However, this group of pirates did not have any impact on Barrett.

"Douglas Barrett! It was you who ruined my dream and that of my friends! If it weren't for you, we would be competing for the great secret treasure today when the great pirate era begins!"

"Are you weaklings worthy of finding the Great Secret Treasure? It's not me who ruined you, it's your weakness!"

A stream of purple crystals spread along Barrett's feet, fusing the nearby rocks together.

At this time, Barrett's fruit ability has not yet awakened, and the range of ability is still relatively small. Moreover, physical contact is required to complete the fusion process. It is not like the prison break in the original timeline, where everything near the entire island can be included in the fusion range with one thought.

The huge rock arm was stained with a thick layer of domineering, and then a sweep swept away the pirates in front of him.

"Hehe, some interesting guys have come. This mark is the country where Roger is treating the disease."

When Barrett was cleaning up these vengeful pirates, the huge figure of Steel Oz gradually appeared here. With the blue blood made by the floating fruit in Ski's body, Steel Oz's mobility has been greatly enhanced.

Otherwise, with its density, unless it moves near the continental shelf, it can only move underwater by diving.

Barrett still remembers the gear mark on Oz's chest, because it was after Roger came here that he had a new judgment on his body.

"Originally, that was the target of the next stop, but now it's delivered to the door? It seems that the appearance of these pirates here is not just accidental."

Barrett noticed something unusual, but didn't take it to heart.

"Come on, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are useless."

Looking at the direction where Oz appeared, Barrett was not afraid at all, but walked to the coast and came to a ship anchored here.

To be precise, it's not a ship, but a submarine.

The submarine belongs to Barrett's Catapult. After leaving the Roger Pirates, Barrett used his ability to build such a submarine and stored a large number of weapons in it to match his fruit ability.

As Barrett stood on the bow, the appearance of the Catapult began to change, gradually wrapping Barrett inside, and the pirate ships driven by the pirates and the nearby rocks and soil all became targets controlled by Barrett.

Compared to the giant monster as big as the island that he created after his enlightenment in Longchang, this combined monster is much smaller, but it is still about the same size as Oz, and even smaller.

"Come on, if we compare the size, I won't lose!"

Barrett controlled the combined body to grab under him, almost grabbing a huge rock of the same size, and threw it towards Oz who was still moving.

"Everyone, disperse now, and the next action will be as planned before."

After the entourage dispersed, only Leliana and Shiki remained in the mecha, and Orlan also controlled the mecha and started a warm-up activity with Barrett for a large monster.

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