Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 188 As we all know, the damage of the mecha will activate the second form of the boss


As the catapult merged with the surrounding debris, Barrett's behemoth was born on the island.

This was a skill Barrett had honed on the battlefield. It was with this fruit and its unique ability that Barrett survived the battlefield and grew to where he is today.


Oz also opened his mouth and made a more piercing roar. Iron Oz retained this function for deterrence, but now it has a special purpose.

Barrett's behemoth simply roared when he opened his mouth and Iron Oz was not so polite.

After walking all the way, the energy storage work had been completed long ago. The moment Oz opened his mouth, the prepared electromagnetic pulse laser was fired from his mouth.

The beam of light with destructive power directly smashed half of Barrett's combined monster, and even the catapult wrapped in rocks was partially smashed.

"I underestimated you. It seems that your thing is not just a showpiece!"

As long as Barrett is alive, it doesn't matter how bad the combined object outside is. Only when the body close to the main body is damaged will it affect Barrett.

In a sense, as long as he is still standing on the land, Barrett has countless resources to use for synthesis.

Oz's shot did not play any effective role. Barrett continued to control his ability and used the rest of the things to fill the missing body. Moreover, this time, he also added domineering to the body outside.

To deal with a showpiece, simple fusion is enough, but the thing made by Orlan seems to have some real skills, so it has to be strengthened.

"Is this guy's physical strength a little too abundant?"

In the sky beside, Ginny was floating here. Barrett's way of strengthening was to add armed color to his combined monster.

Adding armed color is not surprising. Even if it is a miscellaneous soldier in the new world, it is not surprising to have domineering.

Although Piltover is not in the New World, with the help of Orlan, Ginny and the others have a broad vision and have mastered a certain level of domineering.

By the way, Orlan's experience in practicing domineering was exchanged from Bakin, and the original owner was Whitebeard.

Therefore, the current Leliana actually has the talent of Charlotte Linlin, the ability of Kaido, and some skills of Whitebeard.

Although Ginny is definitely not as good as Barrett in terms of domineering strength, it can still be seen what Barrett is doing. He did not concentrate his domineering in a certain area, but dispersed it throughout the monster.

Everyone's physical strength and domineering have limits. When this thing is exhausted, it takes a certain amount of time to recover.

If the domineering is exhausted before the end of the battle, there will be a vacuum period.

So in battle, few people will cover their entire body with armed color.

Even a navy admiral like Zefa only uses his Haki to concentrate on his arms, and with the help of his Observation Haki, he can achieve better results, whether in attack or defense.

People like Barrett either know nothing and are just showing off.

Or they have a lot of Haki and can withstand this consumption.

Judging from Barrett's situation, it is obviously the latter.

"No matter what, I want to see how strong you are!"


There was a thunder in the sky, and countless lightning gathered in Ginny's hands, and finally flew into the clouds in the sky.

After gathering, the clouds above Barrett's head seemed to collapse.


This battle was not a fair 1V1 from the beginning, but a special operation against Barrett. In addition to the people on Orlan's side, there were even large naval forces on the way.

The lightning struck Barrett's back, but it did not have any effect. Although the Haki covered a large area, Barrett still kept it strong.

"Only the weak will huddle together for warmth, you guys, come on together!"

Barrett controlled the giant to stomp forward, then punched Oz, and the huge fists collided.

Barrett had domineering as a blessing, and Oz also had external armor mixed with seastone, so Barrett didn't take any advantage.

At the moment of contact, Barrett also realized something different. There seemed to be something unknown on the iron giant, which made his fruit ability unable to assimilate it.

"Seastone? It's a big deal."

Barrett didn't believe that the thing in front of him was a living creature, and he didn't think the driver in the mecha could do the same thing as himself.

If the other party can also launch this scale of domineering, it is impossible to be unknown in the circle of strong people, so seastone becomes the biggest possibility.

Being able to get so much seastone, even if the purity is not high, is also a symbol of wealth.

Seastone is not cheap on the sea. If it weren't for the direct connection with Wano Country, it would not be easy to get so much seastone.

"It's a good thing, but it's a huge waste for a weak person who can only hide in a mecha to master it! Just give it to me, I will make it emit more valuable power!"

At this time, Barrett had a great interest in this mecha. The submarine Catapult was built by Barrett himself. He could be considered a civilian scientist. If the seastone on Oz was removed, this mecha would definitely be suitable for him to display his abilities.

After another fist bump, Barrett controlled his combined monster to solidify into a posture, from a monster used for fighting to a weapon to clamp the opponent, and then activated his ability and took the initiative to leave his combined monster.

"Let me pull you out of it!"

Barrett's eyes were fixed on the position of the cab. The giant combined monster was just a combat mode for him, and even a seal.

Although the damage caused was large enough, it limited a lot of flexibility. When targeting flexible individuals, it would be more effective not to use this ability.

However, what happened next was completely beyond Barrett's expectations. The door of the mecha cab even opened actively at this moment.

"Lion's Might - Chikiri-dani!"

Several golden slashes came, each of which had the power to cut through mountains, and now, all these attacks were concentrated on Barrett alone.

"Honkai Crossbow!"

Feeling the power of the slash, Barrett was not careless. After reorganizing his posture, he threw several punches forward in succession, interrupting Shiki's attack.

"This kind of attack... Are you a golden lion?!"

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