Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 197 Believe in the loyalty of the undercover

Oran didn't know what Doflamingo wanted to do, nor did he care.

He was a Celestial Dragon who had been removed from the list. Although he had Celestial Dragon blood, which led to some special treatment from Marijoa, the premise was that Doflamingo's behavior did not touch the interests of the World Government.

Under the current circumstances, the World Government would not do anything to Oran for him.

If Doflamingo wanted to take action himself, he would experience what it felt like to have his home demolished by the pink girl alone.

"Let's start with the North Sea. The Grand Line is still too far away from us. Let's talk about other things after we have devoured the underground world here."

Doflamingo was still rational. At least he was not one of those fools who challenged the monsters on the sea by shouting "Pirate King, I will win" and so on.

Even when he met Oran in Rogue Town before, he didn't think of directly confronting him.

He hadn't even entered the Grand Line, but the other party had already established a foothold in the Grand Line. The gap was quite obvious.

Facts have proved that Kaido's "love for talent" is pretty good. If you anger someone like Red Hair, the ship will sink faster.

A few days later, the navy's warships arrived at Firefly Island.

"Your Majesty Oran, I wish you good health."

A little boy over six years old came over with a wild flower picked by the roadside. He was the first generation born after the founding of Piltover, and he grew up listening to Oran's story.

In this country, there is never a lack of praise for Oran, even after the news of the Seven Warlords came back.

Ordinary people know very little about the Seven Warlords, but someone on the island still captured the key information.

[The World Government recognizes the strength of this country]

[In legal terms, although this is not a member country, it is already a country recognized by the World Government]

Unless you have really experienced the darkness of the World Government, for most ordinary people, the World Government and the Navy are more trustworthy than pirates, and member countries are more reassuring than non-member countries.

The special country under the rule of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has made many people put down their hanging hearts and feel that the future of the country is finally stable.

"Your Majesty Sidiliel, it seems that the people of the country trust you very much."

Kuzan and Oran are not that familiar with each other. They have only met once before.

Unlike Zefa and other old acquaintances of Oran, and Borsalino's more familiar personality, Kuzan chose the title of Your Majesty.

"Most people are not fools. If you treat them well, they will naturally know how to be grateful."

"Most people? Then you must be a minority among the kings. The royal family of the Kingdom of Goa should come here to learn from you."

The word "most people" reminds Garp of something else, such as his hometown of the Kingdom of Goa, where the royal family is also relatively bad among the member countries.

The world government's sky gold is collected according to the population. The more people there are, the more they will be collected.

Faced with this situation, the Kingdom of Goa took a different approach and chose to divide part of the kingdom's territory into an illegal zone, where the citizens living there were not protected, so that the tax on Tianshangjin could be reduced.

But they just didn't protect those people, not that they didn't collect their taxes.

Garp didn't have a good impression of that country. Even if he returned to his hometown, he only protected the Windmill Village.

Amid the greetings of the people, Orlan returned to the royal city and showed Garp some of his research results.

Looking at the gray-purple lines in the culture dish, Garp's eyes were full of curiosity.

"What is this?"

"Bioalloy, a necessary product for making this kind of combat body, is through this metal that it can provide the body with powerful power, and even exert power close to the person himself."

Made by Blitz, the special biometal produced by the fusion of memory metal and alchemical potion borrowed from Mondo to a certain extent during the research and development process.

Mondo was originally a gangster's thug. Because he offended an alchemy baron, he was sent to a mental hospital by him.

There, Mondo experienced nerve puncture, lobotomy, and large doses of unauthorized drugs, and eventually became a madman.

And those drugs had a special reaction on him, making him almost immortal. Even if he was chopped by swords and shot by bullets, he could recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The self-healing ability of bioalloys comes from this idea.

"Next, we will conduct some data tests, do some inspections on your body, Vice Admiral Garp, cultivate new bioalloys, use these alloys to form muscle fibers, and then..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Every time Oran said a step, Garp would nod accordingly, showing that he knew these things very well. In fact, after these words were combined together, he didn't understand them at all.

In the end, he just followed Oran's actions step by step.

"By the way, Doctor, are you doing this kind of research on Golden Lion?"

"Of course not, he is not so cooperative. It took a lot of effort to get his sample before."

Golden Lion will never cooperate with the Navy, so the birth process of Project Shiki is all up to Oran himself.

Orlan made this process much more complicated, and even took out some experimental logs from the Source Project universe to demonstrate the complexity of this technology.

Garp was still rushing to deal with Roger's mess, so he left here after completing the first round of data entry. He wouldn't be needed for a while.

But Kuzan stayed here temporarily, testing the new weapons with Oran.

In fact, this aspect is not very difficult. Olan already has an ice gun, and he only needs to replace the energy supply system.

But it's still the same old problem. Other people's research may develop step by step, but Olan's research takes out the finished product and then breaks it down, and then takes it out as a result bit by bit.

"Olan, Kuzan in the Navy is quite good. With him here, we have saved a lot of trouble."

Research continued, and Kuzan gained recognition as a model worker among Piltover members.

Now he believes in burning justice and his style is quite radical. Some pirates want to use Firefly Island as a stepping stone to become famous.

But before they even landed on the island, they were directly eliminated by the restless Kuzan.

It is the navy's responsibility to eliminate pirates. Based on this principle, Kuzan alone made the security team relax.

A fledgling can't deal with natural ability users, let alone a monster lieutenant general like Kuzan who graduated from Zefa's training camp and then studied in depth with Garp.

"But it's a pity. He's too active. It's hard to exchange those pirates for bounties."

Kate sat on the windowsill and told Oran about the situation during this period. Regardless of his status as a navy, Kate and the others felt that Kuzan was a good person.

"Young people are like this, but that's it for this period of time, this stage of research is almost over, and it's almost time for him to return to the headquarters and resume other tasks.

But in order to cooperate with the research, he probably comes every once in a while.

Remember to ask Ginny to pay more attention to the recent pirate information. Although most of the pirates are scum, occasionally a few heroes will be born. You can try to recruit them. "

There is another thing that is more convenient for the Shichibukai, and that is recruiting pirates. As long as a group of pirates choose to join the Shichibukai, the bounty will be automatically lifted and they will have a legal identity again.

As long as they are not a thorn in the World Government's side, just submit a list.

"Okay, I remember it, but the task you ordered meow to do before failed. I didn't find a suitable accountant."

Many jobs are inseparable from mathematics, and accounting is one of them. However, mathematics itself is very strange.

In a world where nine-year compulsory education has begun to become commonplace, an equal to 0.5x0.8 can blow up a group of fish that have slipped through the net, let alone here.

The accounting situation here in Oran is unique.

One of them is a real account, which Olan himself read.

A false account was prepared for the world government.

At the same time, there is also a special fake account to be prepared. This one is for the undercover agents, so that they think they have discovered the real account, but in fact it is still a fake.

The world government sometimes still has a lot of intentions, and such a special false account can deceive them.

"The World Government is really slow in its actions. By the way, how is the previous CP8 agent Alifa?"

"She opened a flower shop in the main city and has now settled down."

"There is no pursuit. The World Government will just send some new people over anytime."

"Meow, I don't understand, why do you want people from the World Government? We are enemies."

Logically speaking, eliminating the lurkers on the island is the key, but Olan's thinking is a bit special.

"No, if their identities are not exposed, they are indeed agents. But if we know their identities, then these people are not undercover agents, but model workers like Kuzan."

Who is the most loyal - a loyal undercover agent.

In order to complete his mission, the undercover agent will gain the trust here at any cost and will do his best to do everything well.

Before their real master assigns new tasks, they are the most loyal employees, and they don't get overtime pay for working overtime.

This kind of thing cannot be cleaned up. Instead of letting them hide in the dark, it is better to monitor the guys who have been exposed long ago.

"Meow understands, if there are changes over there, Meow will give them a loophole."

"Don't be impatient. This kind of thing will happen step by step."

As night approached, Alifa closed the shop and returned to the attic, waiting for new orders from the CP organization. Now that Oran has become a Shichibukai, theoretically it is time to take the next step.

She didn't know that Olan had already started planning how to squeeze the CP organization's labor force.

And Oran himself has arrived in a familiar place.

"Hey, Chu Yuxun, long time no see."

"My name is Wei, not Chu Yuxun. I really don't understand why you have such a nickname, but it's been a long time since I saw you. Brother, your life seems to be quite prosperous."

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