Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 198 Traditional Art: Fire Dragon Burning Warehouse, Moonlight Moria

She has the same pink hair style and a VI-shaped tattoo mark on her cheek. At this time, she is chewing gum and patrolling the streets of Piltover with a pair of Hex power gloves.

"I've heard before that you can run around the world as soon as you dream, but has your ability become wider? I don't remember that I have any talent for dream magic."

"Maybe. Where's Bakuren? You're not together?"

"She switched shifts and was with Caitlin. She might regret it when she finds out what happened tonight tomorrow."

Vi, a law enforcement officer in Piltover, was an orphan born in Zaun.

Even the old people living in Zu'an don't know the situation of Wei and her parents. Most people speculate that her parents died in an industrial accident.

Industrial accidents are a common occurrence in Zaun. The rule of Zaun by the Alchemist Barons is always full of chaos and violence.

Vi ended up in the "House of Hope" orphanage. Vi tried to find out her life experience, but gave up later.

As she grew older, she realized that some things were better left unknown.

If it develops according to the normal timeline, she will become the boss of a gang in Zaun and use her fists to speak truth in Zaun. However, the appearance of Oran brought an episode.

Vi was found by a gutter scavenger, who said that Vi was lying in a double cradle abandoned in the ruins of an alchemy laboratory.

When Wei was sent to the House of Hope, it had become an investment project of Oran, and he personally adopted this little girl with the same hair color as himself.

At that time, Olan had just become a disciple of Heimerdinger, but with some extremely profitable inventions, he had won the support of many families in the Piltover Council. While becoming a rising star in the scientific research world, he was also in Piltover. A small figure in the capital circle.

Charitable activities are also something that businessmen in the uptown area often do, but Olan is not just showing off, but doing real things.

At first, Olan didn't know that the pink-haired girl was Wei, but there were people on the side who made fun of her.

【You guys have the same hair color, this is fate. 】

On a similar topic, adoption is done. Under normal circumstances, the big families in Piltover would not treat the adopted people badly afterwards, and they would not be short of such a small amount of money.

Education and life will be in line with their own families, trying to train them to work for their own families, or to use them for marriage in the future.

Olan is a little different here. He treats his "family" more carefully.

For example, Wei's full name should be Wei Sidriel. Well, the order of names here is different from that in the Pirate World.

In a sense, Wei can also be regarded as the spokesperson of the Sidilir family in the Piltover police community. As for the name Chu Yuxun, it is just because of some antique TV series.

"I heard that you are now the king?"

"Well, that's about it. When I come back, I will bring some new family members. This is Oona's house, right?"

Looking at a house nearby, Olan suddenly remembered something.

Oona is the accountant of Olan's company here, and she is one of the more capable people under Olan.

"Yes, it's her family. Brother, do you want to check the company's accounts again?"

"That's not true, but I need some advice."


At Ona's house, she had just put her child to sleep and was reading the Piltover evening newspaper with her husband when there was a knock on the door.

"Honey, do you have any guests?"

"No, who would come here so late? Oona, it's your boss, and he's bringing Officer Wei with him."

Oona's husband walked to the door and looked outside through the door mirror, but when Oona heard that Olan came to the door with the police, her heart tightened.

No matter how nice Olan is to his employees, bringing the police to the accountant's house at night is enough to make people nervous.

"BOSS, it's so late at night, why are you here?"

With an uneasy feeling, Oona opened the door. She felt that she had done nothing wrong and was doing everything according to Olan's instructions. As long as she did not resign, there would be no problem in theory.

"Don't be nervous, I just stopped by to express condolences to the employees and discuss work topics with you."

"BOSS, I can't check the company's situation here. We have to go back to the company."

Oona also thought that Olan wanted to check the accounts. After all, her boss had been away for more than a year. Although there was no problem with power, it was reasonable to worry about the accounts.

"No, it's a problem with another account. You can understand that I am expanding overseas markets, but I lack the right manpower. There is a slight problem with the accounts."

Based on the generosity of the Five Old Stars, they would probably not ask about the accounts for decades. After all, if they had checked the accounts carefully, Caesar would have been imprisoned in Impel Down City long ago.

It stands to reason that as long as you can see the finished product and spend a little money, the world government will not care about it, but the thinking of the Five Old Stars is not that of a normal person, and it may be investigated one day.

In addition to preparing to find some work for the agents of the World Government, Oran decided to prepare some accounts specifically for them.

At that time, I deliberately asked people from the World Government to do accounting, and then told them that the general ledger was missing by one pele when I was in a bad mood.

"So, boss, do you want me to work somewhere other than Piltover?"

"No, you don't need to understand the process, but my purpose is."

"Wait a minute, BOSS. Honey, go check on the child. I'm afraid such a big noise will wake him up."

Oona first sent her husband away. Just because Olan didn't care didn't mean she could ignore it. Some words are not good to listen to too much.

And Wei followed Olan's eyes. In the end, only Olan and the secretary were left in the living room.

What Olan said made Oona more and more nervous.

"BOSS, are you sure that your business is legal?"

"Of course it is legal. You are a professional, right? Give me some advice."

"Burn it."

"Burn it?"

"That's right. With a big fire, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't find out the problem with the account. It's okay to find a pirate to rob a merchant ship. As long as it is done cleanly, the consequences may be..."

In a sense, burning warehouses with fire dragons will even be a traditional art. On the sea where the great pirate era begins, this kind of thing will become easier.

After all, the most abundant thing on the sea now is pirates. If there is any need, just discuss it with Kaido and let him come over to have a drunken madness, and all problems will be solved.

In addition to this plan, Oona also gave some suggestions on account calculation. An accountant who can do real accounts may not be good at fake accounts, but an accountant who is good at fake accounts must be good at it.

According to gossip, the best accountants are now studying in prison.

After sending Oran away, Oona breathed a sigh of relief.

"What did your boss say to you?"

"Don't ask about work topics. In short, if nothing unexpected happens, I should be promoted when the boss comes back."

"Wei, say hello to Bakugo for me."

"Are you leaving?"

"It's almost time. See you next time. I will ask someone to send a letter back in the future."

On the streets of Piltover, Oran disappeared, and in the royal city of New Piltover, another beautiful day arrived.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, be careful!"

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, have a safe journey!"

At the port, the navy's warships sailed away. After being a model worker for a while, Kuzan's popularity in Piltover was quite high. At least when Kuzan finished this mission and left, he was sent off by the local people.

"He's gone. He was also a good navy man."

At the port, several members of the guard team sat by the dock and watched Kuzan leave.

"Forget it, he saved us a lot of effort, but the natural ability user is really strong. Bullets hitting him are useless. Those pirates turned into ice sculptures when they were touched by him."

"That's a natural ability user, but aren't His Majesty the King and Lady Ginny also natural ability users? So they are also very strong."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Otherwise, why would His Majesty Orlan be awarded the title of Shichibukai? Have you forgotten what the newspaper says? 'Specially awarded due to special national conditions', that is a strength recognized by the World Government."

"Okay, stop chatting, the navy is gone, and we should work.

Don't forget, this country was also abandoned by the World Government and the Navy. Self-strength is the foundation!"

Bulu Bulu~

Just as these people were about to continue patrolling, the Den Den Mushi rang nearby.

Off the coast of Piltover, a lighthouse stands on a reef nearby.

Due to the ocean current, this is the only way to go to the port of Piltover.

And on the tower of the lighthouse, there are unusually obvious words.

[Registration is required to enter the island. Please contact the security team at the following number. Otherwise, it will be regarded as illegal entry and will be eliminated]

"Captain Moria! Look at the words on the lighthouse. These people are really arrogant!"

"Yeah, I heard that their king is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Let these guys have a taste of our power!"

On a pirate ship, several pirates are making a fuss. They are the Moonlight Pirates from the West Sea.

Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, the Moonlight Pirates have entered the Grand Line. Among many pirates, they are also a veritable supernova. The bounty of their captain, Moonlight Moria, has reached 110 million Baileys.

Since their debut, with Moria's leadership, there are only a handful of enemies that can threaten the Moonlight Pirates, which gives Moria's subordinates an illusion of invincibility.

"Shut up! Our goal is ONE PIECE! The New World is our stage! You are all my cherished partners. How can I let you suffer casualties because of meaningless fighting!"

At this time, Moria was in high spirits.

Unlike the fat onion otaku in the original timeline who was obsessed with forming an army of undead zombies, he now cherishes his partners, values ​​loyalty, and abides by some rules.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"According to what is said above, apply for entry. If no one causes trouble, resupply and leave here. I am a man who wants to become the Pirate King. How can I stop in such a place?!"

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