Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 199 Three seconds of silence for Moria, letter from Fishman Island

"Captain Moriah, we can already see the port."

"I see it. As usual, you have to spend money to buy supplies and don't hurt ordinary people.

But don't be afraid if someone fights with you. If you meet that kind of guy, let them know how powerful we are.

You are members of the Moonlight Pirates, and my most cherished partners!"

"Yes, Captain Moriah!"

The Moonlight Pirates' ship docked at a corner of the port. The chef on the ship went to the market to buy fruits and vegetables. The navigator asked about the nearby routes, such as how long it would take to get to the next island, and Moriah himself walked into the island with the mentality of visiting the island.

Even if you are just on the periphery, you can see that this island is different. Compared with the islands Moriah has visited before, the technology points of Firefly Island have climbed a lot. The trams whizzing by are something Moriah has never seen before.

"Captain Moriah, this island is really thoughtful. There are carriages specially prepared for large people."

Unlike the trams in the regular world, the trams on Firefly Island have some special carriages.

In addition to people like Leliana and Kuma who are already tall, there are also many tall people on this sea. Although there are fewer people, such people are also scattered all over the sea.

Therefore, many public facilities have taken this aspect into consideration.

Even though Moria's figure has not changed, his height is close to seven meters, which is quite convenient for him.

"But these people are really careless. They don't even send people to pay attention to a big pirate like Captain Moria landing on the island. The Seven Warlords are just like this."

"How can someone who doesn't even have the courage to go to sea appreciate the strength of others? I think he is the weakest one among the Seven Warlords."

There were not many people in the carriage. Moria watched his subordinates discussing these things without stopping them. After all, Moria also agreed with what his partners said in his heart.

"By the way, there are cats in this tram. Is it also for catching mice?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a wild cat that ran up from somewhere."

Moria's subordinates didn't know that their every word and action had actually been recorded by someone.

In addition to those cats, in the royal city, Ginny also sat on a very special chair, with a strange white helmet on her head, connected to the mysterious device behind her.

In addition to the intuitive bonus in combat power, the Thunder Fruit also has a special blessing for the observation Haki.

After Enelu ate the Thunder Fruit, combined with his own heart network, which is the observation Haki in Lan Hai's mouth, he was able to capture special radio waves, complete mind reading within the entire Sky Island, and monitor other people's inner thoughts.

And Ginny's device and the helmet that Orlan gave to the Red Earl can be said to be "matched". Redfield's helmet can limit his own ability through a special reverse principle, making Redfield's world a little more leisurely.

Ginny's equipment was just made recently, and the effect is to enhance radio waves.

The area of ​​Firefly Island is much larger than Sky Island. Through this, Ginny has the ability to grasp the situation of the pirates who landed on the island.

"Well, a group of naive pirates, initially judged to be not threatening."

"How do you feel about this device?"

"It's pretty good. With this, it's much easier to lock on to someone, and the range is also larger. It seems that their captain plans to prepare supplies and leave here after the record pointer stores the records.

The bounty on Moria has exceeded 100 million. Do you want to catch him?"

"There's no need. I don't plan to be a model worker for the navy. If he doesn't break the rules here, just let him go."

Alan actually mourned for Moria for a few seconds in his heart. The more high-spirited Moria is now, the more decadent he will be in a few years.

A person who values ​​his partners has lost all his partners, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

And Moria at this stage is like Luffy who just went to sea. It's meaningless to tell him that something can't be done, and the result will not change much.

The rumor in the original timeline is that Moria and Kaido are about the same in strength, and the gap is in the partners, but Oran thinks that this is not the case.

Kaido's strength is still stronger than Moria's. Moria finally relied on the unique ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit to successfully escape from Wano Country.

Even if he was wrong, it wouldn't matter. Moriah could only fight Kaido to a draw, but Kaido's animal army had already been initially built.

Moriah's men couldn't even beat Kaido's original men, and with those beast-transformed potions, Moriah would probably lose even more miserably.

Absalom was still under his command, and it was unknown what Moriah would become in the future.

[If it weren't for the fact that Kaido had a group of inexplicable orcs under his command, how could I lose. ]

Oran could even imagine what Moriah would say in the future. From this perspective, they seemed to be enemies.

"What's wrong, Brother Oran, do you have any new ideas?"

"No, I just thought about something else."

Even Moriah before Kaido, Oran wouldn't have thought it was that troublesome, not to mention the decadent Moriah. After thinking about it, Oran didn't take Moriah to heart, but read a special letter from Fishman Island.

At the same time, outside Fishman Island, Fishman Street.

Although it is part of Fishman Island, Fishman Street is not inside Fishman Island, but in the outside area.

The Great Pirate Era has just begun for a few months, but the island that has been most affected is Fishman Island.

Pirates cannot cross the Red Earth Continent through the official channels of the World Government, and can only take the special passage under the Red Earth Continent. Fishman Island, which is located on the must-pass land, has also become a severely affected area.

"Brother Shaq, someone is looking for you."

A blue fat man came to Shaq's residence. This was Jinbei, who was 20 years old at the time. He was one of the people who did not obey Shaq at the beginning, but now he has been defeated by Shaq.

At this time, Shaq is much stronger than he was back then, and he has a lot more scars on his body, but he has also achieved his goal. He defeated Fishman Street some time ago and became the recognized boss here.

During this period, he fought frequently. After all, how to be a boss was taught by Orlan. Strictly speaking, Shaq has been busier than the Sea King Army during this period.

"It's me."

"Otohime? No, I should call you Princess Otohime now. Congratulations."

"Don't be so polite, Uncle Shaq, aren't we still friends?"

"Friends are friends, etiquette is etiquette. I heard that you often give speeches in the square recently, and the effect is not good."

"Alas, it's the same as before. After the opening of the Great Pirate Era, some things have become more troublesome.

I'm here to invite you to the wedding. In addition, I also sent a letter to Mr. Oran in the name of the Kingdom of Ryugu."

Ahem, the challenge is half successful. I have been updating 10,000 times a day for 16 days. My thinking is stuck and I am a little tired. I will take a day off and update less.

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