Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 207: Royal Flagship, Fruit Ability to Send Letters

Chapter 207 Royal Flagship, Fruit Ability - Feishu Message

Pirate guerrillas do not refer to guerrillas formed by pirates, but guerrillas that hunt pirates.

In the original timeline, after Zefa finally quit the navy in despair, he established such an organization with people who were willing to follow him to fight pirates everywhere in the New World.

Roger ushered in a bad era. There were very few adventurers who simply aimed at the great secret treasure. There were more villains who sailed under the pretext of the great secret treasure under the expansion of ambition.

And these villains were full of fools.

The navy of the four seas was very different from the navy of the Grand Line, both in terms of strength and quality. These navies would clear out a group of weak pirates.

The terrain of the Upside-Down Mountain and the dangerous environment of the Grand Line would clear out the second group. Those who could continue to sail would usually have a mysterious self-confidence and feel that they were invincible.

At this time, they would become more and more lawless. No matter what the name was, it was just a stepping stone on their road to success in the eyes of these people.

Only blood can make these guys understand what they have entered.

The guards are responsible for internal defense, and most pirates will be stopped by coastal defense guns in advance.

Piltover's coastal defense guns are not old-fashioned artillery. The larger caliber and longer range will make most pirates not even have the chance to fire, and they will be destroyed on the sea.

Pirates who make trouble after entering the island can also be dealt with in time. The guards are also soldiers and need actual combat.

The rampant pirates even affected the merchant ships traveling nearby. In addition, fighting pirates can brush their reputation nearby, so the preparation of pirate guerrillas has been put on the agenda.

It is the same logic that powerful countries can escort in special waters.

Although it is inconvenient to travel on the Grand Route and there are few contacts between islands, countries such as member states cannot completely cut off contact with the outside world.

The navy will patrol regularly in its own jurisdiction, and they will also be responsible for helping to deal with problems in member states, but they will not provide 24-hour escort services.

They will be responsible for the king's attendance at the World Conference, but they will not be responsible for every merchant ship coming and going. This is a blank market.

After the reputation is established, this is a new source of funds.

More than 170 member states, because of the terrain, most of them are coastal countries. Only a few can protect their territories without relying on external forces, not to mention taking the initiative to escort.

If the morality is a little lower, if you raise a group of pirates yourself, Oran can prepare to collect tolls.

However, there is no need to do such a thing that hurts your feathers in the current situation of the sea. There is a lack of everything on the sea, but there is no lack of pirates like rookies.

These newcomers are like leeks. After cutting one batch, there is another batch.

"In other words, are we going to expand the army?"

"Yes, the open army should also be expanded. First select a batch from the guard team, and then recruit a batch of newcomers.

When the mecha unit expands, guerrilla members will be given priority for admission with the same conditions. That's about it."

"Meow, I understand. The ships at the shipyard have been built long ago and can be launched at any time."

Most ships are still the mainstream wooden ships on the sea, not ironclad ships.

There are only a few places with crooked technology points in the whole sea where metal ships were born. There are basically no ships like ironclad ships on the sea.

Except for a small number of flagships, Piltover's standard ships are also made of wood, which is enough anyway.

This basic material is not as difficult to copy as Hex Crystal. There are no difficulties in technology and materials. If necessary, ships can be upgraded at any time.

Like prosthesis, ironclad ships are not uncommon on the sea. There are manned submarines that can travel 10,000 meters in the deep sea.

Ironclad ships are not popular for various reasons. After all, this is a world where personal bravery is more important than anything else.

The technology tree of artillery stagnates after climbing to a certain point. Wooden ships are enough to survive in artillery battles of this intensity. Large-sized fast-growing wood grows all over the world, breaking the restrictions on the size of the ship's keel by trees.

Under the influence of many factors, coupled with the high price compared to wooden ships, ironclad ships have not become mainstream.

This thing is not as sophisticated as prosthesis in terms of technology, and it is difficult to use price to form a monopoly advantage.

After all, no matter how hard you try, the things on it are all made of solid metal.

Generally speaking, popularizing ironclad ships is not of much value to Orlan, at least not at present. The performance of its own ships is already ahead of the outside world, which is enough for the time being.

A few expensive flagships alone can meet the needs of combat power, and not many people will care. The word "expensive" can discourage many people.

"By the way, Orlan, the flagship has basically been built. Do you want to personally host the launching and ribbon-cutting ceremony?"

Orlan has gone out in various ways over the years, from the World Government to the Navy, to the underground world and pirates, and has basically taken the ships of all forces.

Riding a dragon in the sky, riding a whale in the water, flying with his own ability and teleporting a bear over long distances, but he does not have his own exclusive ship.

Due to the objective needs after the founding of the country, coupled with the suggestions of a group of local residents such as Brand and the improvement of industrial level, a flagship symbolizing the royal power of Piltover began to be manufactured two years ago and was completed recently.

The lack of a flagship for the royal family will affect the prestige of their country in the eyes of local citizens, and they also hope that their king is stronger than the outside world.

The reason why such opinions can be received is that an institution in Piltover is responsible for collecting public opinion and adjusting specific policy implementation.

In addition to some hurdles that must be overcome, policies that benefit the grassroots people must still conform to the wishes of the majority.

This is an institution similar to the House of Commons of Parliament. The members of the institution are also considered to be part of the officials, but they only have the right to make suggestions and no executive power.

With the assistance of bionic people, Orlan will not feel overwhelmed, and naturally will not engage in constitutionalism, which weakens his power.

If it were not for the situation, probably no king would like constitutionalism. Although he has absolute force, it would not hurt to give up some power, but there is no point in doing such things that will cause trouble to himself.

"It's finished, go and have a look. This is our own ship."

"We? No, Oran, this is your ship."

"Kate, the so-called Sidiliel family, at the beginning, there was only me, and the origins of the family members are also very complicated.

We are not blood-related, but we have known each other for so many years and have a common goal. This relationship has long surpassed that of an ordinary family.

Don't pay attention to those small details, these things are all shared by us."

It's a pity that Doflamingo is still in the North Sea, otherwise he would feel familiar with this way of operation.

Maybe one day, Doflamingo will realize that some people not only go their own way, but also make many things more perfect.

For his own people, Oran never mind giving them better things.

"Meow, I understand. What's the name of the ship?"

"The name of the ship is "Power Gear", which can be regarded as a commemoration of the original black ship."

To be more precise, it should be called Power Gear II. After all, except for some cores, the rest of the things were blown up together in the Valley of Gods.

But it might be a bit strange to give a ship the name of the Second Generation for no reason. Orlan let it inherit the name of its predecessor directly, which can be regarded as a special inheritance.

Kate naturally knew what the black ship in Orlan's mouth meant. Thanks to the holographic mimicry device at the time, Kate was one of the few people who knew the information of that ship.

"They use a power core."

"Yes, the old ship has set sail again, and the new action has begun. Let's go and see this new ship together."

After reducing the extra functions and using all the core energy for the kinetic energy of the ship, the core of the original power gear can also drive larger ships.

At the same time, at the Piltover shipyard, Brand looked at the brand new steel giant with a bitter face.

"Hey, Brand, what's that expression on your face? Look at this ship, it's 129.02 meters long, 23.92 meters wide, made entirely of special alloys, and has a regular crew of 865 people.

This is the design that His Majesty the King personally gave me. I never thought that I could build such a warship in my life, hahaha!"

A middle-aged man with a pipe in his mouth, a mechanical arm on his left arm, and a red beret excitedly introduced the giant ship in front of him to Brand.

He is the current head of the shipyard in Piltover and an old acquaintance of Brand.

He was originally a shipwright on the island. Although he had never built an ironclad ship before, and this ship didn't even have a mast, he firmly believed that this warship could sail.

After all, the person who provided its design was their omnipotent King.

Even the arm that was lost during the pirate invasion was a prosthesis made for him by Orlan.

"You know, the large warships of the navy are only 60 meters long. No country can match such a ship representing the king."

"That's true, but have you ever seen a king riding such a warship?"

Pirates have existed for a long time, and it is not surprising that ships have cannons for self-defense. Even the ships of the royal family must have some ability to resist.

The problem is that this ship now, not to mention the gun positions reserved on the side of the ship, the deterrent power of the triple heavy guns at the bow and stern is enough.

The fact that ironclad ships are not popular does not mean that they are not strong. The steel hull means that they can withstand larger caliber cannons.

Good news, the king listened to the advice and built a ship belonging to the royal family to show his status.

Bad news, this is a warship.

"On the bright side, if such a ship goes out, even the escort fleet is not needed."

"Yes, it's hard to explain it in one sentence. It's simply a diplomatic accident to visit with this ship."

Brand can imagine what other countries will think when such a giant ship appears at the door of other countries.

Don't get me wrong, he's not worried about Orlan. After all, if Orlan is really angry, it's not the ship that will go over, but Oz.

The huge body looks bulky, but it can't produce a decent fighting force, so it can only let Oz wreak havoc

"Hahaha, this is our king, he is so different. That's why he is our king! Brand, you are the local closest to His Majesty Orlan, don't you have any experience?"

"It is undeniable that His Majesty is a good king, but he is too unique"

As a fan of Orlan, Brand did not feel that the idol's halo was shattered after approaching his idol. Except for being extremely "willful", Brand has nothing to say about other aspects. "

After thinking about it, other people seemed to not know that their king was not in the country at all. If everyone knew that their king's hobby was that he was not in the country for most of the year and randomly appeared in various places in the world, these people might understand him.

However, Brand did not say it. Anyone with a normal brain circuit on this island understood that everything in this country relied on Orlan itself, and the entire country could be regarded as an appendage of Orlan.

Without this country, Orlan could just move to another place and start from scratch.

But without Orlan, it would be even more difficult for Firefly Island to turn over, which was what Brand worried about every day.

At this time, Brand suddenly felt someone patting his shoulder. When he looked back, it was a book with a brown paper cover that was tapping his shoulder.

It was rumored in Piltover that there was an ability user who ate the Book-Book Fruit around Orlan. Anyway, there were so many bionic people, and outsiders could not tell the specific identities of these faceless people.

In theory, it didn't matter which fruit was eaten, but Orlan didn't mean to clarify it specifically. More doubts didn't affect him much.

"Okay, stop being in a daze. His Majesty Orlan is coming to see the new ship. Let's clean up here first."

Brand opened the book, which recorded Orlan's instructions in detail.

For the development of the Book-Book Fruit, Orlan is different from ordinary ability users. Ordinary ability users first master the most basic abilities, and then master advanced abilities. Very few powerful lucky people can awaken in the end.

Olan completed the awakening work on the same day, which led to him getting the full level of the Book-Book Fruit directly.

Influencing reality and illusion, the ability after awakening in the world of self-made fantasy in the book was mastered first, and the basic ability was not left behind, but the skill tree in the middle lacked some exploration.

Flying book transmission is part of Orlan's ability. As long as someone carries the special book he prepared, Orlan can complete the positioning through the book and let the other book fly over like a courier.

The key is the beacon book for positioning, which involves the application of another ability.

Olan has a book in his hand, which is a set with a book in the underground of the royal city.

Through these two books, a map of Piltover was generated in the book in his hand. The location of all those who got the Orlan beacon book would be prompted in it. Orlan called this ability the live point map.

If the awakening mode is turned on, he can clearly control the information of everyone on the island.

Because of this, Orlan knew that Brand was in the shipyard now, and when the Den Den Mushi could not get through, he directly sent him a flying book.

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