Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 208 Absalom's longing for Wano Country

"I knew His Majesty would come. This is the champagne I hid back then. This year is the best time to enjoy it. It is just right to celebrate the launch of this ship.

My life is complete if I can build such a ship."

Looking at the majestic ironclad ship, the head of the shipyard was full of joy.

Although it was the king's car and the design was given by others, his name would be mentioned more or less as the warship set sail.

As a shipbuilder, there is nothing more exciting than watching the ship he made set sail.

"Didn't you say it was gone when I asked you for it before? It seems that I can benefit from His Majesty Orlan."

"What are you thinking? Everyone knows that His Majesty doesn't drink. I want to celebrate by myself tonight."

"Don't be so stingy. It's just a bottle of wine."

"You said the same thing when you drank up the other bottles of wine. I won't be fooled this time!"

Brand finally failed to convince the other party, but Brand was ready to visit with gifts, as he did the previous few times.

It is common for two friends who have known each other for decades to do such things.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, clean up here first, His Majesty the King is coming"

Brand and the others quarreled for a while, and then sorted out the things around them, put away the cables and other things piled on the ground, making the place look a lot neater.

They had just dealt with the things here, and Oran and Kate came here.

"Brand, did you go out without Den Den Mushi this time?"

"It shouldn't be. It seems that I really forgot to bring it. No wonder it was a flying book to send a message"

Hearing Kate's question, Brand touched his pocket, but found nothing.

Today is his day off, and he came to the shipyard on a whim, so he forgot to bring Den Den Mushi.

Fortunately, the beacon book, a personal item, was not forgotten.

Oran's book has a feature that others can only use it, but cannot change it.

This is the reason why other people cannot change the size of the book except Oran.

Correspondingly, if Oran wants to change the size and content of the book, he also needs the book to be within a certain distance of him.

For someone like Brand who is too far away, the book on his body can only be used as a beacon. Orlan can sense its general direction and control another book to fly over, but he cannot make it produce new text.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem. Just remember to bring it next time. Your position is still very important. Maybe there will be a time when I need to contact you during the holidays.

It's okay for me to be here. I'm afraid it will be difficult for others to find you if I'm not here."

"Your Majesty Orlan, since you know about this, why don't you consider it."

"Let's go on board and take a look. Let me see how the craftsmanship of the shipbuilders is."

Brand tried to suggest that Orlan reduce the frequency of going out and do things more steadily, but Orlan selectively ignored him.

"Your Majesty Orlan, everything on the ship is designed according to your requirements. I have checked it many times and there is no difference compared to the design drawings.

Even the large warships of the navy will not be the opponent of this ship."

The design drawings of the ship were made by Orlan, so there is no need for too much introduction. He knows the performance of this ship better than anyone present.

With the reading function in the plain glasses, the situation of the ship has been calculated and directly appeared in front of Orlan.

In addition to the special kinetic system, there are also seastones mixed under the ship to avoid the perception of the sea king.

There is no compass or anything like that in the captain's room. Instead, there are several large recording pointers that record the location of nearby islands.

There are also several Den Den Mushi in front of the captain's seat. Such a large warship cannot be communicated by just having a loud voice.

"Kate, this ship will be under your command in the future. Brand, recruit suitable sailors in the country and prepare for the trial as soon as possible."

Even if Orlan firmly believes that there is no problem with his ship design, the ship's navigation also requires a trial. Operating this kind of ship is different from that of an ordinary sailing warship, and retraining is required.

Moreover, the people of Piltover are a bit special. At the beginning, those who had the ability to sail basically went out to sea together to find another way out. There are not many people on the island who know sailing and naval warfare. Most of the members have to be recruited from the immigrants who took the initiative to come to this island to live.

If you want this ship to perform perfectly, it will probably take a long time to adjust.

Yo ho ho, yo ho ho.

Bring Binx's wine to you.

Like the sea breeze, ride the wind and waves

In the bay where Lab lives, Brook plays his violin. He does not use a special bow, but his cane sword, which shows how strong Brook's skills are.

Kurokas sits on a rocking chair on the shore, listening to the music and Lab's cheerful shouts. He hasn't seen Lab so happy for a long time.

Bang! Bang!

A few gunshots interrupted Brook's performance.

"Is that the port over there?"

"It's the dock. Today is the day when the new warship is launched.

I've seen it before. It's an ironclad warship called Power Gear. I didn't expect that the ship here would be so big. It's not inferior to the ship built by Tom."

Merceman Tom, known as the world's number one shipbuilder, built the ship of One Piece and is the best shipbuilder in Crocus's eyes.

The builder of Power Gear may be mediocre, but the designer and the technology of the ship are ahead of wooden ships.

Technological breakthroughs will have a blow to the original means of productivity.

The size of a wooden ship depends on the length of the keel. For the stability of the ship, the keel is made of a whole tree trunk, which tests the level of the shipbuilder.

The metal welding process of the ironclad ship is no longer subject to this limitation, and the manufacture of the keel is a brand new track.

"Is that so? By the way, Mr. Kurokas, has His Majesty Oran mentioned any arrangements for me?"

Since coming to Piltover, Brook has felt that he has been forgotten.

Unlike other immigrants, Oran paid Brook a little salary according to the special policy of talent introduction, but there is no other arrangement.

Occasionally, Ginny or Frankenstein will bring people here to listen to his performance, but Brook is quite free.

Compared to this, Brook would rather be busy himself.

"Don't worry, Dr. Sidilier didn't forget you. I remember he mentioned to me that it was a singing superstar who was good at both civil and military affairs. It's just not the right time now. You just need to wait a little longer."

"Is that so?"

The fact is just as Kurokas said. If it's not the right time, Orlan will naturally come to him when he needs him.

"You should cherish your free time now. Since I was fooled into becoming the dean, my leisurely days are gone forever."

"But I think you are quite leisurely, Mr. Kurokas."

"I mean in the past! You have to see who you compare with."

Compared with ordinary doctors, Kurokas is indeed not busy.

But compared with Kurokas in the past, Kurokas now is very busy. After all, in the Twin Gorge, there may not be many patients in a day.

Time has been passing. It is now the 1499th year of the Haiyuan calendar, and it has been a whole year since Roger was executed.

Although the navy has launched many operations and captured a large number of pirates in this year, compared with the turbulent sea, this is just a drop in the bucket.

The number of pirates is still increasing day by day, and all countries in the world have been affected to varying degrees. Moreover, the more countries are connected with the outside world, the greater the impact will be. Small countries that are self-contained are relatively stable.

After all, they have no contact with the outside world and live a self-sufficient life. No matter how many pirates there are, they can't affect them unless someone can come to the door.

Among such countries, Wano Country is the most special one.

Under the island is buried one of the ancient weapons, Pluto, the god of the underworld. It pursues a policy of isolation. There are also powerful warriors in the country, and the world government does not have too many ideas about this country.

It just contacts them in a special way and trades seastone with them.

And Absalom finally came to Wano Country, which he had been thinking about, again after a long time.

The sea has not settled down, but in just one year, the new world has a relatively stable situation.

After Roger announced his last words, the New World near Raftel was the first to become chaotic. They all wanted to take advantage of their advantages to compete for the great treasure first.

But the New World is also the place with the biggest gap in strength. Those who can call the wind and rain in Paradise may not even be able to take other people's attacks in the New World.

The real monsters quickly showed them what the gap is with their strength.

Whitebeard defended his strongest strength, and Charlotte Linling and Wang Zhi and others followed closely behind, expanding their own territories, and at the same time giving cruel blows to the young people who challenged their majesty, making the New World temporarily quiet.

At least now most people in the New World know who they can't mess with.

Not long ago, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Sand Crocodile challenged Whitebeard-Edward Newgate, and was eventually defeated.

According to people familiar with the matter, Crocodile had no way to deal with Whitebeard at all, and withdrew from the New World after being seriously injured by Whitebeard.

However, no one thought he was weak. Instead, they thought that he was quite good for challenging the strongest man in the world and only losing one hand, and being able to leave alive.

"Crocodile is quite strong. He can survive after provoking Whitebeard."

In a sense, this is also a recognition of Crocodile's strength, but Crocodile himself will become very angry because of such words.

In Crocodile's view, such words are just pure irony.

As for whether Whitebeard has let him go, only the two parties know.

"The air quality here has dropped a lot."

Onigashima has been built, and from here Absalom can see several bright chimneys emitting black smoke continuously.

This is the plan of Kurozumi Orochi, who joined forces with Kaido to persecute this place, and Kaido also wants to turn this place into a weapons factory, and the unlucky ones are still ordinary people.

However, this has no effect on Absalom. Absalom's own sense of morality is low, but because he is loyal to Orlan, he will firmly complete all tasks.

If Zack came here, he would probably feel very unhappy.

In addition to Absalom's own request, the beasts also wanted to come here, and they needed a technical guide.

After that, the number of potions sold increased slightly. Currently, Kaido's men have gathered together those half-orcs who have gained enhanced abilities by using animal potions and formed a legion called the Giver.

Among them, there are 35 second-generation potions and 0 third-generation potions.

In the past two years, Kaido purchased the third-generation potion, but because of their willpower, these people failed to successfully accept the transformation.

This is the current situation of the Beasts Pirates, and the strength differentiation is extremely serious.

Except for Kaido and Jin, Quinn can only be considered half, and there are really no qualified strong people among the rest.

As for Drought Jack, he is only a five-year-old child now, and no one knows where he is.

The use standard of the third-generation potion is high, and Kaido can't find a suitable candidate for a while.

Later, in order to pursue more quantity, Kaido temporarily gave up the third-generation potion and purchased more second-generation potions, and finally put together this elite team of more than 30 people.

But Kaido did not give up the third-generation potion, which is a stronger version. This year, as the sea is relatively stable, he added money to ask Oran to send a technical instructor.

Combined with Absalom's own opinion, he finally came to Wano Country happily.

"These are eight second-generation potions this year, and two third-generation potions."

Absalom handed the prepared potion to Quinn.

Due to the problem of raw materials and technical adjustments, the output will fluctuate to a certain extent. This is the official rhetoric.

But Quinn knew very well that the so-called problem might be that Orlan was rolling the dice according to his mood and finally decided how much to make.

As for why Quinn knew, he saw with his own eyes how Orlan arranged funds for Caesar.

A twenty-sided dice randomly determines how many percent Caesar can get, and there is a number 0 on this dice.

But according to Orlan, "I didn't use a dice with 20 sides of 0, which is already polite enough."

"Well, there is no problem with the goods, and the seastone is ready. Wait for you to play for a few days before taking it away. Let me tell you, the flower street is..."

Quinn leaned over Absalom's ear and spoke, and the two of them showed obscene smiles on their faces at the same time. In this regard, they are like-minded.

"By the way, I heard that Orlan made a robot and copied the Golden Lion guy?"

"Yeah, did you hear about it here too?"

"Isn't that natural? Although we are closed off here, we still have channels to contact the outside world. Orlan is indeed planning something big, and he must have been able to make more."

"Mr. Quinn, this is our secret."

"I know, I was just talking to myself, you don't have to answer, let's get to the point.

Babanuki, Holm, come here!"

The people who use the second-generation potion are already familiar with it, and Absalom is still the only successful example of the third-generation potion. In addition to Orlan, he has absolute say.

"The two of them decided to accept the transformation of the third-generation potion, and their willpower is also the strongest among us. You can do the rest."

Quinn was telling the truth. Kaido specially recruited volunteers in advance this time, and then tested them with the Conqueror's Color, and finally decided to let the two people who persisted the longest try the third-generation potion.

"I'm fine, but what's going on over there? I feel like someone is watching me."

"Oh, it's Kaido's daughter, don't worry about her, just keep going."

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