The selection of Shichibukai is actually a complicated process. Not only must they have strong military force and a certain degree of deterrence, but they must also be recognized by the World Government.

Strength alone is useless. Defeating Shichibukai does not mean that you can replace Shichibukai. If the World Government is not satisfied, defeating Shichibukai will only lead to a stronger stranglehold.

Although the Navy is qualified to nominate Shichibukai, the World Government still has the final say.

The Navy's candidates must listen to the World Government's opinions, but the World Government does not need to take care of the Navy's emotions when deciding matters.

"It's too early. This kid doesn't have the strength to shock the sea. Let's wait until he has new performances in the future."

Before the Great Pirate Era began, Hawkeye had already emerged, but his prestige was not enough.

At this time, Hawkeye did not have the title of the world's number one swordsman, and with his different styles of doing things, he could not meet the World Government's expectations for Shichibukai.

"By the way, Crocodile failed in his challenge to Whitebeard before, and I heard that he lost a hand."

"That's Whitebeard, his failure is expected, and it's good that he can leave alive. Sidilier is still reassuring. If all the kings on the sea are like him, we can save a lot of trouble."

The selection of the Seven Warlords of the Sea should be cautious. It's okay for Crocodile to lose to Whitebeard.

Because Whitebeard is too strong, so strong that no one thinks that losing to Whitebeard means weakness.

But if the Seven Warlords of the Sea are easily defeated by newcomers passing by, the World Government will have no face to put. Many people are just temporary nominations.

When talking about the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Oran is an unavoidable topic. At least Sartan thinks that he is much less troublesome than others.

But if everyone thinks the same as Oran, then the World Government will be in real trouble.

The ambition of pirates is nothing more than treasure or power, but Oran is thinking about how to dig up the roots of the World Government.

"Speaking of Sidiliel, some researchers are going too far."

It is a good thing for the World Government to be "more stable" like Oran, but some people are not stable now.

That is, those excessive people mentioned by the God of Law and War Vochuli. He is not talking about Oran, but others.

For example, Ohara of the West Sea and the master of archaeology, Dr. Kroba.

"This behavior is trampling on the laws of the World Government. Should we ignore them?"

"It's not time yet. If they stop, it's not impossible to ignore them. But if they continue, we can only clean them up. After so many years, those archaeologists with bad intentions should have gathered together, right?"

Out of pursuit of procedural justice, the World Government did not choose to eliminate those archaeologists immediately.

After all, they have not touched the real secrets, that is, the part that the World Government does not want to make public, but they are not simply letting it go, but using Kroba as bait.

If Kroba stops, then the World Government can also turn a blind eye.

If they want to continue, they can also catch all the archaeologists with similar ideas.

"Should we give them some more time?"

"Let's wait until next year. Their progress is just like this. In order to show the kindness of the World Government, maybe we can find a special lobbyist."

Peter made an opinion and was recognized by several others.

"Vegapunk or Sidilier? They all know Kroba and occasionally go to O'Hara."

The World Government knows that Vegapunk will go there, and sometimes the World Government even sends people to take them there. In research work, it is normal to read some historical documents.

The World Government does not think this is a big deal. After all, Vegapunk did not study history in a big way.

From the original timeline, the blind confidence of the World Government has gone wrong as expected. If there was no traitor in Vegapunk's clone, I am afraid that the Five Elders would feel something was wrong after Vegapunk made everything public.

"Sidilier, he is more realistic than Vegapunk, and he has seen the power of the Demon Killing Order."

"Well, let's contact him before we act."

In Piltover, everything is as peaceful as ever. Relying on powerful military force, this place has not been invaded too much.

Absalom has not returned yet. For Absalom, every time he goes on a business trip to Wano Country, he has a sense of leisure like a vacation.

After completing the mission, Absalom always stays for a reasonable period of time.

And Oran also found Brook at this time.

"Brooke, how is your rest?"

"Yo ho ho, Your Majesty Oran, I have a very good rest and can start working at any time. Do you have any arrangements for me?"

"Here is a list of songs, you should familiarize yourself with it first."

Olan handed Brook a stack of songs, ranging from rock to folk songs.

"Choose some that you are good at and interested in, and get familiar with them first."

"They are all very good songs, Your Majesty Oran, are you good at music?"

"No, I just know some things that an agent should do."

Olan himself is not good at this, and he will show what it means to be tone-deaf when singing, but he has no problem writing songs.

After Brook debuted, he represented the image of Piltover, so he was naturally not allowed to sing songs about pirates, including the classic "Binx's Wine".

This was not conducive to promoting the image of the country. In addition to letting Brook write new songs himself, Orlan also prepared something for him.

Orlan himself can't do it, but it doesn't mean that others can't do it.

In Piltover on the Valoran continent, there is a talented singer-Seraphine.

In the K/DA universe, Akali and others also debuted successfully, and made a name for themselves in idol groups, and even derived different groups. Orlan knows the songs of bands such as True Damage and Heart of Steel.

In a sense, he is doing the work of a plagiarist. Anyway, music copyright cannot be effective across the dimensional wall. Orlan also marked the original author's name on the composer. If they break the dimensional wall one day, they may be able to use it.

"Besides that, it's about your image. The skeleton's appearance is very unique, which is your advantage. After all, the audience can't forget this obvious feature.

However, how to become a skeleton needs to be carefully arranged. Brook, you don't want all the listeners to know that you became like this because you got lost, right?"

Brook thought about becoming a superstar on the sea one day, and then telling that kind of outrageous story, it seems that he will really lose fans instantly.

When you go out, your identity is given by yourself, and sometimes it has become a standard to sell misery.

"Then Your Majesty Oran, what do you mean?"

"The Pirate Guerrilla has been established. You can be a military musician during this period. It's a good identity to be a military musician who protects the stability of the sea."

"Okay, I understand, I will work hard."

Finally, there was a task. Brook seemed full of confidence, and then he looked for those songs.

At this time, the Power Gear had arrived at the sea off Piltover.

The crew has been recruited now, and the first official voyage of his ship life has begun.

As for the fact that the natives are not good at naval warfare, they can only practice. Without actual combat, they will never become an experienced navy.

"Captain Kate! There is a contact on an unknown channel!"

In the captain's room, Kate is planning the direction of the ship according to the record pointer. If it does not go to the Four Seas, the conventional compass will not work, so now the ship is equipped with equipment for sailing on the Grand Route.

If there is a need to go to the Four Seas, it will also be updated.

And a Den Den Mushi on the ship has been chirping.

"Help, help! We are a ship from Alabasta, attacked by pirates, and our current location is.

Can anyone hear me! Request for support, request for support!"

In addition to being able to dial normally like a phone, the Den Den Mushi can also communicate from a public channel within a certain range like a radio.

The Den Den Mushi of ships within the range will ring when encountering such a situation. According to the customary tradition on the sea, in the face of such a situation, we must give the other party help to the best of our ability.

"Captain Kate, are we going over there?"

"Go, our mission is to fight pirates in the sea. Since we have encountered them, let's go and see what's going on."

"Yes! Full left rudder! Full speed ahead! All members enter combat positions and prepare for battle!"

The command was quickly transmitted to every member of the Power Gear through the commanding Den Den Mushi. Under the joint operation of everyone, the huge armored warship also turned around and moved in the general direction.

"This is Piltover. We have received a distress message. Don't give up. Rescue will be here soon."

On the ship of Alabasta, the sweaty captain finally breathed a sigh of relief. As one of Piltover's neighbors, they also knew the specialness of their neighbor.

At least they are an orderly force, and it is good to be able to provide support.

"Abandon the meaningless baggage! Go full speed! Support will arrive soon, and we will win if we hold on for a while longer!"

The Power Gear sailed very fast, far exceeding the average wind-powered ship. After changing direction, it soon saw the ship of Alabasta. At this time, the pirates had already bitten up, making it difficult for the Power Gear to fire.

The shooting of naval guns and the shooting of land artillery are two different concepts. Not only are both sides moving targets, but the surging waves will also affect the balance of the ship, making shooting much more difficult than on land.

Most of the people on the Power Gear are recruits. If they are not careful at this distance, it may be a friendly ship that is sunk.

At this time, a unique combat mode for this sea appeared.

"First mate, you take over the command."

"Captain, then you"

"Meow, go kill the pirates on that ship and let them stop first."

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