Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 213: A strange boarding operation

Piltover's excellent heritage, the person in charge will appear in places where they shouldn't be.

As a captain, giving up command and joining gangs would be unreasonable in the normal world, but it was not uncommon on this sea.

The distance between the two ships is too close, and it is easy to accidentally damage friendly forces by firing, so it would be better not to fire.

Since the birth of naval warfare, gang-hopping has been a very important part of it, but this kind of battle is also more dangerous.

The environment at sea is far more complex than on land. Sea winds and waves cause turbulence. Differences in ship speed and hull height increase the risk of jumping.

But it is undeniable that in this sea, the upper limit of a ship jumping into gangs is what can ultimately determine the final outcome of the battle.

The operation of physically cutting cannonballs is not uncommon on the Grand Line. If the strongest individual on the ship cannot withstand the people on the opposite side, then it will be useless no matter how good the artillery battle is.

This is also the reason why Kate comes here to be the captain. Among all the people who don't know how to fight in water, at least she can fight.

His usual work is relatively leisurely, and because of his personality, he is more suitable for leading such external operations.

After giving the order, Kate had disappeared on the Power Gear.

Although flying is not among her skill points, she can cross this distance by jumping even without relying on equipment.

"Left rudder 5, full speed forward!"

After Kate disappeared, the first officer also took over the command, and then the Power Gear slightly adjusted its course and moved rapidly toward the sea ahead.

"Captain! It's the gear flag, reinforcements have arrived!"

In the sea ahead, a ship belonging to Alabasta is facing the pursuit of pirates. On the sail is a sun pattern composed of a ball and petal-like flames.

That is the flag of Alabasta, and it is an important symbol that sailing on the sea will not be regarded as a pirate and directly attacked by the navy.

Without a flag, no one would know whose ship it is. The pirates on this sea have special "sincerity" and will never lower their flags no matter what they do.

If you lower your flag or use someone else's flag, you will be regarded as a "low-level pirate" and will be ridiculed by the entire pirate community.

Ordinary countries naturally fly their own national flags when they go to sea. Piltover's flag, which is derived from gears and machinery, has gradually become prominent on this sea. At least people from neighboring countries can still recognize it.

"We're finally here. Brace yourself! The support ships are already here!"

The performance of Alabasta's ship is pretty good, but its speed is not as good as the pirate ship behind it, and the distance between the two sides has been getting closer.

"That ship is so fast. Can it run so fast without sails?"

The figure of the Power Gear gradually expanded. Wind power was the mainstream in this sea. Even foreign ships were very rare. Ships like the Power Gear, which had no sails or wheels and were driven by unknown power, naturally made them curious.

"Isn't the King of Piltover a scientist? It might be some new invention. Don't worry about it! Keep going! If the pirates catch up at this time, all your efforts will be in vain!"

The captain of Alabasta made a slight estimate of the size of the Power Gear. Judging from the size of the ship, even if their people did nothing, they could destroy the pirate ship behind them by ramming it with the hull.

"It's okay, Captain, those pirates have stopped."


When he looked back, the pirate ship that had just been behind him had changed its direction. There seemed to be fire on the ship, as if something had changed.

The people in Alabasta were full of doubts and confusion about this. Even if Piltover's ship had arrived, the pirates should not give up directly.

In fact, those pirates were more suspicious than the people in Alabasta.

Just now, a white figure jumped out of nowhere and killed half of the people on the deck in one glance.

"Are there any capable people on your ship?"

Kate looked at the pirates on the ship. According to common sense, if there are people with abilities on the ship, they will usually jump out on their own and introduce their abilities to the enemy after using their abilities once.

Perhaps in the eyes of pirates, this behavior is cool and can increase their deterrence.

However, for Kate, pirates' ability users are equal to Oran's material. Ordinary pirates are killed directly. Troublesome pirates are given to the navy in exchange for bounties. The ability users decide subsequent arrangements based on the strength of the opponent's ability.

However, this ship was filled with ordinary pirates, and there were no espers. After all, espers were still very rare.

Even the Monster Pirates in the New World cannot arrange for all cadres, big and small, to be equipped with Devil Fruits.

If you can get a Devil Fruit, you can become more or less famous among pirates.

After standing on the ship for a while, she received no response from the pirates, and did not even receive any effective attack. Kate did not continue the attack, but turned back to her Power Gear.

"Is that guy some kind of human-cat monster?"

"What is a capable person? Who is she looking for?"

Some rookies who have just entered the Grand Line have no idea what a devil fruit is, let alone an esper, but even this kind of pirate can still pose a considerable threat to ordinary people.

"No wonder they say the Grand Line is the Sea of ​​Devils. It turns out that monsters like this live here. Don't worry about who she is. The merchant ship has also gone far away. Let's retreat first. If she comes back suddenly."

boom! boom!

Two shells exploded two balls of water on the sea nearby. Kate didn't come back, but the bombardment of the Power Gear had already arrived.

She chose to board in order to first remove the Alabasta ship from the battle. Now that the ship has reached a safe position, the rest is time for the guerrillas to train.

"What a big ship!"

"What are you standing there for! Turn the rudder quickly, that's the enemy's ship!! Such a big ship can't go fast!"

Facing merchant ships with weak armed capabilities, they can choose to plunder with great fanfare, but facing giant ships armed to the teeth, they simply can't muster the courage to resist, not to mention that there is a "cat demon" who doesn't know where he went.

But these pirates immediately realized that something was wrong. No matter how hard they tried, the ship could follow them, and the shells kept hitting them, bringing them endless psychological pressure.

"These bastards, are they kidding us?"

"Fight back! Lift our cannons to the stern. Even rabbits will bite when they are angry!"

These pirates also didn't know that the atmosphere in the command room on the Power Gear was also tense.


The pirates' counterattack hit the Power Gear, but the cannons didn't penetrate the ship's armor at all. Except for leaving a few stains on the hull, there was no effect.

After a series of bombardments, the pirate ship was still "lucky" to avoid all the bombardments, and even a few shells were fired farther than before.

"It missed again. If it doesn't work, meow, go back and apply to His Majesty Oran to replace a new batch of artillery."

On weekdays, Kate calls Oran without any modifiers. This is a small privilege. She thinks that using this name in private will make the relationship between the two parties become distant, so she has always maintained the name when they first met.

But everyone here is an outsider, so the name is a bit inappropriate.

Missing once or twice can be said to be adjusting the angle, but the few shots that were getting farther and farther made her feel that something was wrong. It might not be a problem with the crew's level.

Now they are just dealing with some small pirates, and the armor of the warship can keep them in an absolutely safe environment.

If they encounter stronger firepower one day and face the threat of death, there will be more trouble.

Even through the heavy armor, the sound of the enemy's shells will make the pressure stronger.

"Captain, give them a few more chances. Everyone has never fought a naval battle before. They also shot at targets during practice. This is the first time for actual combat."

Even if there are moving targets during practice, actual combat is still different. Except for a few talented monsters, the rest of the gunners can only be fed with shells.

When the number of shooting increases and they become veterans, these troubles will be gone.

There are gunners who are born to hit the target every time, but it is not enough to describe such people as one in a million. Kate's threat to replace people is an act of putting some pressure on them, and the first mate's persuasion is also a red-faced and white-faced role.

Although there is no royal family on the Power Gear now, it is still defined as the royal flagship in Piltover, and the crew on this ship have also been shortlisted after a fierce selection.

If you are persuaded to quit because you can't hit anyone, you will lose face when you return home.

"Today's weather is fine but the wind is strong and the waves are high. The luck of this group of pirates is really good, but your good luck is over!

Distance 6300, bearing. Main guns fire!"

This kind of warship does not fight alone. During free shooting, the observers at each gun position will calculate the distance by themselves, but there are also people responsible for overall control on the ship.


The artillery roared again. This time the shells did not miss, but hit the bull's eye. Only one shell completely sank the opponent's ship and sank it into the sea in flames.

After sinking this group of pirates, Kate did not say any polite words to the ships of Alabasta. She just said that the crisis was resolved and continued to perform her training mission.

Judging from the performance in this battle, these people still lack a lot.

"Captain, they just left like that. This is against the rules."

On the ship of Alabasta, the crew members who regained safety became confused. According to the default rules, the rescued must give some financial compensation to the rescuer to show their gratitude.

"Their ship is too fast. Wait until we go back and report to His Majesty the King, and let His Majesty decide."

In this day and age, ships going to sea, except for those in the underground world, more or less have some official background, otherwise they can't get a sea license, and they are pirates. This ship is also related to the royal family of Alabasta.

In the end, this news was also sent to Cobra, the current king of Alabasta.

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