Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, the sea seems to have become the home of pirates, with new pirates going out to sea every day.

No sea area dares to say that it is absolutely safe, including the sea area with a naval branch nearby.

Although most pirates want to escape when they see the navy, there will always be people who take the initiative to provoke, and even ignore the navy.

A monster will appear every once in a while, such as the Golden Lion who broke into the navy headquarters alone.

However, in the sea area near Firefly Island, an alien appeared. The Power Gear can be said to be fighting pirates on a voluntary basis and assisting ships in distress around it.

At present, this service is still free. After all, it is the initial stage of entrepreneurship and has not yet had enough reputation.

Firefly Island is also taking the opportunity to train its own soldiers. At least it has to fire more accurately before taking business.

The soldiers on the ship are also growing up. Relying on the powerful performance of the Power Gear, they did not suffer any casualties.

Facing wooden ships and old-fashioned artillery, ironclad ships can be said to have an absolute advantage. Even in close-range bombardment, the armor of the ship can protect the crew to the greatest extent.

"It really helped a lot. These few years as the base chief are the easiest years since I joined the navy."

In the G6 branch of the navy, Bruglas lamented that after the establishment of Firefly Island, the pressure on the G6 branch decreased sharply.

"But it's a pity that I have to go to the new world, and this place will be handed over to the young people in the future."

The base chiefs of the navy are generally more stable, and Bruglas went to the new world because she took the initiative to apply.

The situation of the G6 branch is relatively stable and does not need too strong generals to guard it. For this reason, she took the initiative to go to the new world and planned to participate in more dangerous battles.

As for the new base chief of the G6 branch, Bruglas recommended Huoshaoshan, a young vice admiral of the new generation of the navy.

He has a relatively stable personality and is still in the growth stage. He is one of Zefa's disciples. He has met Orlan several times and has a good relationship with him.

The relationship within the navy is still relatively complicated. The navy itself has different factions, and sometimes fierce quarrels break out because of different opinions.

Not all navy members are friendly to Orlan, and there are also people who don't like him.

It would be bad for no one to get someone who doesn't get along with Orlan here.

Apart from other things, the pirate receiving point in the square has saved the navy of G6 branch a lot of trouble.

At this time, G6 branch can still see some people wearing dark blue uniforms. Those people were sent by Orlan to work for free. In general, let the navy help to systematically train these people and lay a good foundation.

In the training of grassroots soldiers, the navy still has a systematic method. Although it can't make them so strong, it can make them more familiar with naval warfare.

When these people return after learning, Piltover can use them as a foundation to form a virtuous circle.

If it is the training method of the Navy's six styles, the navy still needs to think about it for a while, after all, personal force is very important on the sea.

Although people who are strong enough can get the hang of it after watching it a few times, knowing and teaching are two different concepts.

Some people have outstanding abilities, but they can't lead students well. Some people have mediocre qualifications, but they can help freshmen cross the threshold.

The six-style training method that I figured out by myself is not the same as the systematic training method of the Navy and CP organization.

But the naval bombardment is not a big deal, it's nothing more than a few more auditors in the recruit camp.

Anyway, according to the current situation, these people will help fight pirates after they learn it, which is not a big problem.

There is now an additional skeleton military music officer on the Power Gear, and Brook has taken the first step in his debut.

By the way, Orlan suddenly discovered that Brook is actually a person who is good at commanding naval battles.

As a member of the former Kingdom Guard and the former acting captain of the Rumbar Pirates, these identities have given Brook an understanding of sea strategy.

At the same time, in Alupana, the capital of Alabasta, the twelfth king Nefertari Cobra is listening to the captain of the guard Ikalem to report on the recent situation.

Although it is a country that existed eight hundred years ago, the number of royal families in Alabasta is not large. Every king seems to pursue a policy of fewer births and better quality of life. There is no infighting within the royal family, and the term of office of each king is quite long.

"Is it another Piltover ship?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Cobra. I heard that it was the order of their king. The ship, led by his captain of the royal guard, has been fighting pirates in the nearby waters.

During this period, many of our ships have received their favors, but the national conditions of that country are a bit special."

"This is not a problem. Just treat it as a member country."

The time is not yet, Piltover is still a non-member country, and the promise of the Five Elders was not made public. Outsiders don't know that as long as the time comes, Piltover will naturally become a member country.

As the most special Shichibukai, this non-member country has a little official nature.

Cobra is not the kind of king who discriminates against non-member countries. The reason why Ikalem said this is a problem of the overall style of the sea. The relationship between non-member countries and member countries is inherently delicate.

With the special legal status granted by the Shichibukai, there is no problem in treating them as member countries. It's nothing more than that the World Conference will not see them.

"Your Majesty Cobra, should we make some response? After all, our citizens have indeed been helped by the other party."

"Well, it should be so. I remember that country sells a lot of things to foreigners. Is there anything we need?"

Cobra's attitude is very clear. Since the other party has provided assistance to people in his country, he will give the other party an order.

Although interests are not everything, interests are something that cannot be avoided.

Kobra knew something about Piltover. After all, this neighbor had weapons of mass destruction.

Fortunately, this neighbor is not a criminal, otherwise the people of Alabasta would really not be able to sleep.

"There are some, but Your Majesty Cobra, I have an opinion. All the ships they have rescued have shown that their ships are very fast and can move forward without the help of wind. Maybe we can buy a ship, or something like this Technology."

The rescued people have always had a good opinion of Piltover, not only because of the voluntary assistance, but also because of Kate's appearance.

In Alabasta, cats also have a relatively high status.

There was a lack of understanding of the fur tribe in the first half of the Grand Line. In the eyes of the Alabasta people, cat fur like Kate is the same type of existence as the patron saint of their kingdom. Therefore, the information collected by Ikarem has more... bona fide.

Ikarem gave this suggestion as a result of many considerations.

Most of the merchant ships sailing on the sea these days have the smell of armed merchant ships, and they have more or less the power to protect themselves.

However, fighting is not their main task, and it is unrealistic to equip them with warships.

For merchant ships, just running fast is enough. As long as most pirate ships cannot catch up, most crises can be resolved.

As for the technology of warships.

This is really not particularly important to Alabasta. As one of the few large countries with a vast land area, Alabasta maintains a large number of armies, most of which are land forces.

As a franchising country, or even a descendant of one of the past twenty kings, they have a navy to escort them on the sea, so it is of little significance to develop maritime power.

Anyway, it can't develop as much as the navy. There are not many opportunities to sail on a regular basis. Even if it is for official business, the navy will help. It is better to focus on developing other things.

If Piltover is willing to sell relevant stuff, it could be a win-win.

"Don't you need the wind? It sounds good, but who should let me talk about it?"

"Let me go. They have helped our citizens so much. We can't neglect others in terms of etiquette."

Except for Oran, probably no other country dares to take the monarch offline in this way. The king still needs to consider carefully when going abroad.

Ikarem wanted to be the representative, but a female voice interrupted him.

Neferutali Titi, the wife of Kobra, the princess of Alabasta, and currently the highest-status person in Alabasta besides Kobra.

"Diti, you."

"Your Majesty the King, it might be appropriate for the Princess to go there. Don't forget that King Oran is also the winner of the Ibel Medical Prize, and the medical level there is also top-notch in the world.

If your Royal Highness goes down, you can also take care of your body. "

Alabasta's own naval power is not strong, which means that it cannot protect the safety of all sea areas within its territory, but it still has the ability to take care of the royal family's short-distance travel.

Didi's physical condition was not very good. After comprehensive consideration, Kobra made the decision to let Didi go to Piltover on behalf of Alabasta.

At the same time, a similar situation occurred on Fish-Man Island.

After Oran taught them how to better deal with the pirate invasion, Neptune and the others also took action.

When Whitebeard heard that his friend wanted to borrow his flag to protect the island, he agreed to the request without thinking, and even went to Fishman Island in person to teach the pirates who tried to cause trouble a lesson.

[This island will be my territory from now on! 】

The effect of such a sentence even exceeded the years of efforts of the Ryugu Kingdom, and Shaq also tamed several sea beasts during this period, and destroyed many pirate groups nearby with the speargun given to them by Oran.

The environment of Fish-Man Island has been improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. They have achieved good results in using force to deter them. The pirates passing through Fish-Man Island have become polite under the deterrent of force.

And then, it’s time to move to the second step.

Neptune announced a message in the Dragon Palace Kingdom. The improvement of the situation on Fish-Man Island has been helped by many humans. There are bad pirates among humans, but there are also people who are willing to get along with them as equals.

In order to express its gratitude to this group of humans, the Dragon Palace Kingdom plans to prepare a team to go to the sea world to expand exchanges with them.

Then, the situation got stuck again.

"Do you want to go to the kingdom of humans?"

"Although someone helped us, are those humans really trustworthy? Are they lying to us?"

Longing for land but also fearing it, wanting to live freely under the sun but fearing the environment there, this is a contradiction in Fish-Man Island.

Many children on Fishman Island dream of going to the Soap Bubble Park in the Shampoo Islands and having fun, but most of them have heard from childhood that the Shampoo Islands are dangerous and they must not go there secretly.

Although under the watchful eyes of the World Government, the Sabaody Archipelago and its surroundings are simply a gathering place for human traffickers. Humans themselves have to be careful here, not to mention these sub-human races.

Even if the royal family of the Ryugu Kingdom said that humans conveyed goodwill to them, they found it hard to believe that the number of volunteers has always been zero.

Fishman Island still doubted the words of the royal family. Even if someone expressed gratitude for Whitebeard's protection, at best, they would be more enthusiastic in Fishman Island. If they really go to a strange place, they are still very worried.

"This won't work. The citizens are too suspicious of humans. If this misunderstanding persists, then discrimination will never disappear. There are good people in humans too."

"Shaq also sent news about Fishman Street. There are almost no people willing to go there. A few who are interested have been dissuaded by their friends."

Neptune sighed immediately afterwards. At present, it seems that Orlan has pointed them to the right path, but it is quite difficult to complete this path.

"It seems that we need a role model."

People are always full of doubts about unknown places. Only when they see someone do this and it's safe, can more people come to follow.

"Otohime, you mean."

"Let me go. Isn't it because of Eve that mermaids and fishmen gather on Fishman Island? Eve gave Fishman Island the sun and weather changes that belong to the deep sea.

We are not a race living in the dark. We are always longing for the sun. Things that can be seen everywhere on land are precious to us.

I don't want our descendants to hide in the deep sea forever. Someone has to take this step first. Since the plan was proposed by us, we should take the first step, right?

I believe in Mr. Oran's character. I am also the princess of Fishman Island. As long as I go to the land and return safely, it can prove that it is a safe place."

Because of her unique gentleness and understanding, Otohime has a high prestige in Fishman Island. Her physical weakness is also known to everyone. In a sense, there is really no more suitable candidate than her.

As Otohime's husband, Neptune also knew that although Otohime was weak, she was very determined to make decisions, and finally agreed with her idea.

The next day, the first name on the volunteer list appeared - Otohime.

"Otohime actually..."

"And Boss Shaq, is he going too?"

"The human they all believe in. Should he be a good person? Like that Whitebeard? Maybe we can trust them and give it a try."

The visiting teams from two different countries, but both led by the princess, all began to prepare, and were ready to sail with Firefly Island as the final destination.

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