Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 215: Model Minister, Princess Diplomacy

"Big Brother Shaq! What are you thinking about! Are you going to the human territory?!"

Compared to the shock of Fishman Island citizens to Otohime's decision, the reaction of Fishman Street was actually greater.

Most of the people living in Fishman Island are stable citizens. They may not support the ideas and suggestions above, but they will not resist. At most, they will not participate.

Fishman Street is different. It was originally a slum and a gathering place for gangsters. There are many violent elements here. Shaq's way of conquering this place is to beat them.

In terms of hatred for humans, Fishman Street also has more than the outside world. Therefore, after hearing that Shaq responded to Otohime's call, a group of people led by Arlong and Jinbei came directly to the door.

They don't understand why their big brother would do such a thing.

"Yes, Brother Shaq, the sea is our world. These days, the pirates will be obedient when they see us, and they dare not make trouble on the island. Isn't this good?"

"Along, Jinbei, don't be so extreme. I also hate those scum among humans. It's not too much to cut them into pieces, but there are good people among humans, just like there are bastards among fishmen.

You have to know that many of the trafficking of fishmen and mermaids are done by our compatriots."

The frequency of fishmen and mermaids leaving Fishman Island is relatively low. Except for those who are caught outside, they are done by people inside the fishmen.

"The guys who hurt their compatriots should die. But Big Brother Shaq, the kingdom of humans."

Along is different from Hodi Jones. From the perspective of humans in Cocoa West Village, Along will think he is a bastard, but from the perspective of fishmen, Along did not persecute them, but gave them a paradise.

Unlike guys like Hodi Jones, he was not after the fishmen from the beginning to the end, but his own power. As long as he didn't listen to him, he would be dead in Hodi Jones' eyes.

"Don't worry, Princess Otohime dared to go, what else should I worry about? Even if there is a problem, can't I just jump into the sea?

Don't hate for no reason, it will not benefit all of us."

In terms of hatred, Shaq will not lose to Aaron. He hates the Celestial Dragons of Mary Geoise, but Shaq did not expand his hatred to the entire human race.

After all, Shaq knows very well that the Celestial Dragons don't treat humans as humans either. They never think that they belong to ordinary humans.

"Okay, you will understand that there are good people in the human world in the future. Apart from other things, don't you know how much Whitebeard's flag has helped us?

During my absence, Fishman Island will be handed over to you."

With the princess and the eldest brother of Fishman Island taking the lead, many more people have gradually joined the accompanying team, and finally a visiting team has been assembled.

Whether it is Alabasta or the Kingdom of Ryugu, such things must be notified in advance, so before they set off, Oran on Firefly Island received relevant information.

"Otohime and Nefertari Titi? They both came together on this day, which is quite a coincidence."

Different locations require different times, but by chance, they will arrive on the same day.

Unlike ordinary guests, they are all princesses. In this sea, no matter what the reason, the princess's personal trip is enough to express the other party's importance, so certain diplomatic etiquette is required.

In addition, Oran did not take it too seriously. Otohime's coming was within his expectations. In the case of Fishman Island, no one would take this step without a leader.

According to Otohime's situation, she would not hand over this risky task to others, and would definitely be the first to do it.

As for why Alabasta came here, it was probably a deal.

Oran himself did not take it too seriously. As long as Piltover's national strength is placed here, even if there are some minor flaws, no one will care, but will be regarded as a local tradition.

Compared to Orlan, Brand was more excited.

For a country, diplomacy is undoubtedly extremely important, which means that this country has been recognized by the outside world, rather than a messy small group.

Therefore, Brand took the initiative to take on the activities of receiving foreign guests, and was busy setting up the venue at this time.

In terms of work classification, Brand and Xiong are responsible for the guard force on the island together.

Xiong's work content is combat support in emergency situations and personnel selection and training, internal political work, and he is the real top leader.

Brand is the first-line captain, responsible for more specific command execution.

But many times, Brand does some work that does not belong to him.

After all, Piltover has a special national condition, and there is no minister in the country.

Sometimes, it is a good thing to have no minister. If Piltover has a finance minister, it is likely to enter a periodic collapse time every day.

Similarly, there were no people here who studied complicated court etiquette every day to make things difficult for Orlan and his friends. They could do whatever they wanted.

Brand planned to make some preparations to prevent the situation from evolving into a situation where the princess of another country had to ask for directions and take the tram to the palace after arriving.

In the end, Brand discussed with Kate who had returned from duty and borrowed all the guard mechas to serve as the guard of honor.

These mechas rarely appeared in public at ordinary times, but under the reason of "for the face of His Majesty Orlan", these mechas had an additional part-time job.

On the day when they were about to arrive, Shiki even went for a walk around to prevent some blind pirates from destroying Piltover. This was the first time since the founding of Piltover that royal families from other kingdoms came to visit.

"Alabasta, Princess Didi is here!"

As the ship docked, there was a sound of neat footsteps below. The mechas divided into two rows took a heavy step at the same time, and then retreated back, leaving a way forward for the Alabasta people.

Etiquette is mutual, not only to show respect for each other, but also to show the strength of one's own country, and in Piltover, the mecha troops are the best group of people to do this.

"Princess Didi, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come this way. His Majesty the King is already waiting for you."

Brand himself did not wear his own mecha, but just wore regular clothes to greet him.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Didi often attended various events with Kobra, and even participated in world conferences together. She was very good at etiquette, and walked towards the direction of the royal city under Brand's guidance.

"Are there any other guests coming?"

After walking this distance, Didi found that the members of the honor guard had not dispersed and were still standing in place, so she casually asked Brand.

"Yes, there is also the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom who is coming. It is a coincidence that the two of them are coming on the same day."

"Dragon Palace. Kingdom."

Didi was also stunned for a moment. Fishman Island has been out of sight of humans for so long that the name of the country is occasionally forgotten.

"She's the princess of Fish-Man Island. Do you have any questions?"

"No, it's just that I have never seen the royal family of this country, so I am a little curious."

Didi is not the one who discriminates against the fishmen, which is good news for Brand, so there is no need to arrange the two princesses in different places.

At the same time, at the port, the ships from Fish-Man Island have also arrived.

It's not that the murlocs can't build boats. Not only do they know how, they also have many excellent shipwrights in the tribe. However, most of the time, the murlocs don't have much chance to use boats.

"Princess Otohime, we are here. This is the territory of King Oran of Oran."

Shaq also temporarily changed his title. At this time, calling Olan Big Brother in front of other fishmen would easily have a negative impact and affect his rule over the fishman street. When Olan's reputation spreads throughout the fishman island, it will alright.

Then Shaq opened a wheelchair and placed it in front of Otohime.

Whether it's the bubbles produced by bubble coral or the bubbles produced by Alkimanthus, they can only be used near the Shampoo Islands. They will break when you leave there. This is one of the reasons why the mermaids live there.

Mermaids can only separate their legs when they are thirty years old. At this time, Otohime is still under age and cannot move in environments other than water. She must use other tools.

"I see it, okay everyone, relax, don't be so nervous. This is a step that we must eventually take. If we don't take it, our descendants will have to pay more hardships."

"Ms. Otohime, you are obviously more nervous than us."

"Yes, I see that you are a little restless."

Otohime is also a very easy-going representative on Fishman Island. People who came with her dared to joke with Otohime. What they said was true. Otohime was actually more nervous than anyone else.

She didn't know whether Olan's attitude could represent the entire country. What they would face after leaving the deck was unknown.

"Welcome to Piltover!"

"Hello, friends of the deep sea!"

The welcoming voices around them made Otohime's inner worries lessen a lot. These were not requests. Brand only said when announcing the news that these were Oran's guests, and the people spontaneously chose to welcome them.

There are no unified standards in this world, so the educational materials in each region are different. For example, over the North Sea, Rolando the Liar is a very popular enlightenment fairy tale with the purpose of teaching people to be honest.

The basic material for Piltover was written by Oran, which describes different races in more detail and also promotes equal treatment of others.

This matter is a common understanding among the entire Piltover leadership, and it naturally affects the people below.

Otohime can feel emotions, and she didn't detect any malicious intent. These people really welcomed them from the bottom of their hearts, and the worries and worries along the way were relieved at this moment.

On September 27, 1499 in the Hainan calendar, Fish-Man Island once again established contact with the land after hundreds of years and took the first step towards peace. The history of Fish-Man Island calls this day , Princess Diplomacy.

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