Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 248 Your mission is to ensure the concert runs and the World Conference opens

Keep fighting and Redfield will win.

Both Leliana and Redfield recognized this, otherwise Leliana would not have given up directly.

But Redfield is facing that classic problem. A fourteen-year-old opponent deserves it if he wins, but if he loses, he has to reflect on himself.

The focus of Redfield's battle is not brute strength. At least among opponents of the same level, his strength attribute is weak.

But that refers to a monster of the same level. Facing Leliana's attack, his fighting instinct was telling him to avoid it.

The blessing of dragon species in terms of power is very significant, and it even shows an effect of 1+1\u003e2 on Leliana.

"I have been exposed to the entanglement of Overlord Se. I have good practice in Armed Se. However, I am not so good at Seeing Se. Do you want me to teach you about Seeing Se?"

Redfield felt that the sparring in Olan's words must have a deep meaning, and after thinking about it, it was just based on what he had heard.

"It seems we can't be so lax, otherwise we will lose face."

Redfield, who joined here, had some thoughts of retiring and planned to retire. Naturally, he didn't care about things on the sea.

The appearance of Leliana made Redfield plan to fight for a few more years. Although according to the growth curve, he would lose to the opponent sooner or later, but not so early.

At least it has to be delayed until the other party reaches adulthood.

While Leliana was summarizing experiences and lessons and planning the next battle, Redfield took off his helmet. He was a little curious about what the other party was thinking.

If you want to read minds, you only need to be within a certain distance. If you want to explore memories, you need physical contact, but Redfield doesn't want to explore deeper things.

Then he felt an unusually pure heart. There were not many distracting thoughts in Leliana's thoughts. Apart from thinking about fighting and wanting to become stronger, the only thing she could think about was what to have for lunch.

The blank Frankenstein, the mysterious Olan, and the pure Leliana, this family all makes Redfield feel a little curious.

Fortunately, Leliana was not a fighting maniac and would only fight with Redfield once in a while. Redfield also lived his retirement life smoothly.

Ledfield even adopted a river swift crab after hanging out on the island every day and listening to Brooke play music.

River crabs can be called swift crabs because they are not slow in the first place. According to rumors, there were once swift crabs that toyed with professional players in canyon rivers with their dexterous movements.

It's just that this kind of creature is not very intelligent and is only raised as a special food by Oran. However, Redfield was interested and got a large one as a mount.

Tie a rope to a candy cane and hang it in front of him to make it crawl forward.

Watching concerts (listening to music), walking crabs (walking birds), Redfield vividly reflects his retirement life, but others are not so relaxed.

"Sir, this is what the Red Earl has been doing during this period. Apart from occasionally doing combat training with Sidilil's daughter, he is as if he has retired.

Even riding the odd crab around the fields. "

"Take a ride on a crab? Alifa, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know it's weird, but it's true."

The World Government has no objection to the matter of Oran Zhaoan Redfield, but they are curious about what Redfield is doing, so this agent lurking on Firefly Island has his own job.

Oran also specifically told Redfield not to pay attention to the agent Alifa. If the World Government secretly replaced someone he didn't know, it would be troublesome in the future.

If it hadn't been for this request, she would have been discovered on the first day of action.

Even wearing a helmet, that prying gaze couldn't escape Redfield's intuition.

"Well, very good, continue to lurk and pay attention to concealment."

In addition to World Government agents, the Navy is also paying attention to Redfield's movements. For example, when Brooke performed again, many plainclothes Marines were mixed into the audience.

"Report to headquarters. We have found traces of Redfield. He is in the front row to provide support. Oh my god, he is actually playing WoTA."

"What is wota art?"

"It's just a support dance. What young people have done recently makes me think I might be dreaming."

Not to mention the Navy who was monitoring the situation, if Redfield's old acquaintances saw the legendary Alone Red with support peripherals, dressed in a skull trend, holding a light stick and cheering with others in the front row, they would think him crazy. .

"Forget it, make sure the concert goes smoothly and protect the King of Souls. This is your mission."


No matter what Redfield does, as long as he is really stable, it will be completely worth the effort.

The concert was held on the back of an island whale. Adult island whales can move faster than most wooden sailboats, and they can set off huge waves by swinging their bodies at will, which is enough to deal with most situations.

Respectable pirates will not come to rob the concert site, and there is no need for any veteran elites. An ordinary lieutenant general leading the team is enough to stabilize the situation.

It is also very reasonable for the navy to help stabilize the order of large gatherings, and it can even give some navy the opportunity to participate in concerts at public expense.

The navy present did not say anything. He felt that some of the navy who became fans undercover might really be fans.

Redfield attracted most people's attention to a certain extent, and the last month of 1501 passed quietly, and the day of the World Conference was also here.

Ginny and Bear returned to Firefly Island with a lot of travel souvenirs. For Bear, this was even an improvement in his ability. The more islands he visited, the more places his Meatball Fruit could take people to.

And the most excited person on the entire island was still Brand.

"Your Majesty Oran, based on the past experience of the Kingdom of Fafleur, when you attend the World Conference, you should bring two equally powerful guards to ensure your safety.

At the same time, there will be someone accompanying the royal family. When the royal family is in a meeting, other members of the royal family will usually communicate with people in the leisure hall. This is a good opportunity to expand social interaction."

"Well, Kate, you and Brand will take on the duties of guards.

I will bring the Source Plan Shiki, plus the firepower of the Power Gear, so there is nothing to worry about on the road.

Riley, you will be responsible for national security during my absence."

Olan roughly arranged what to do after he left. Rileyana is old enough to be regent, her mind is very mature, and with the help of the androids, it is enough to keep this place running as usual for a long time.

"Don't worry, Dad, I can handle this."

"Your Majesty Oran, if there is a real need, I will also help. This is the promise I made at the beginning."

"Of course I feel relieved with you here, but I guess there is no opponent worthy of both of you to attack at the same time."

Even if the sea emperor of the New World is pulled here alone, he will lose to Redfield and Leliana at the same time, which will only cause considerable damage to the country.

"Fran, you should come with me too. It's the first time we meet, so don't provoke them too much. I'll leave the diplomatic affairs to you. If you think someone is compatible, just chat casually."

Piltover is not Fishman Island, and the deal between Oran and the World Government is still there.

As long as the heads of the Five Elders are not kicked by donkeys at the same time, stupid things like Charlos wanting to capture a person as a slave in public will not happen in Oran.

After roughly arranging the manpower, Oran and his party set out on the road to Mary Geoise.

The navy did not escort Orlan this time. Every year at this time, the navy's manpower would become a little tight, and there were many pirates who wanted to take the opportunity to rob or kidnap the king.

Orlan and his men were too familiar with each other, and ordinary generals could not even protect Orlan now. Therefore, after some discussion, the navy only sent a small team as a representative to board the Power Gear and go to Marijoa with Orlan and his men.

Half a month later, the Power Gear arrived at Chigang, which is the port below Marijoa and the only way to legally cross the Red Earth Continent.

Many kings of countries that are eligible to participate in the World Conference have already arrived here, and even some countries that do not have the right to participate in the conference have come.

They just don't have the right to sit at the conference round table, but they can still find an opportunity to conduct diplomacy after the meeting.

However, there are not many such countries. After all, the navy will not provide full escort for them to come here, and the degree of danger is relatively high.

"The King of Ramen from the Kingdom of Flowers has arrived!"

"The King of Han Burg from the Kingdom of Balewood has arrived!"

"The King of Yumi Bing from the Kingdom of Shixia has arrived!"

"The King of Cobra from Alabasta has arrived!"

Many reporters gathered at the Red Harbor. Whenever the navy called out the name of a king, they would gather around to take photos and report, and send the first-hand news back to their newspapers.

During this process, a special ironclad warship attracted the attention of many people.

Among the wooden sailing ships, such a majestic ironclad warship is already very special, but what is even more special is the owner of the ship.

Many acquaintances have recognized who the ship belongs to.

"That ship is..."

"It's the Power Gear, why is he here?"

The kings of Cobra and the Drum Kingdom were puzzled by this, after all, this is not the place where Orlan should appear.

"Piltover! King Oran is here!"

The navy pushed a higher moving staircase to the Power Gear, and a group of people also walked down from the ship. Brand also put on a shiny mecha, just forming a pair of metal guards with Project Shiki.

"Oran? You actually came here?"

Among the many royal families below, one person's eyes could not leave Oran for a long time. He was none other than another old colleague of Oran.

Former MADS member, now Germa Kingdom, Vinsmoke Judge.

This morning's work is over, take a break

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