Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 249: Surpass me? Maybe in the next life

Germa Kingdom, a very special country, is the only country on the sea that does not have a fixed territory.

Usually, like a toy, a giant snail carries part of the country on the sea, and when needed, it will "combine" to reorganize the territory of the Kingdom of Germa.

A well-known killer clan in the underground world, unlike Piercro, a killer with stains all over his body and no way to become a regular, Germa solved this problem hundreds of years ago. After all, the situation is different and cannot be generalized.

The underground world has a little reputation, its own science and technology has promoted the revitalization of the country, and it has some connections, and can communicate with pirates and the world government.

Yes, it is Piltover.

In a sense, the current Germa is a degraded version of Piltover located in the North Sea, except that it has a longer inheritance time.

From this point of view, Judge can sit at the same table with Doflamingo.

In the development of this thing, collision is not terrible, whoever is weaker will be embarrassed, even if Judge acts earlier, he will become a poor imitator in the eyes of the outside world.

Of course, Judge didn't realize this at the time. Instead, he felt that he was quite wise. Even Orlan chose this way of development, which further reflected the correctness of this method.

"Dressrosa, King Riku is here!"

The royal family arrived one after another. Except for Orlan's acquaintances, others did not pay too much attention to Orlan's situation. They just sighed at the specialness of the ironclad ship.

And those who were more familiar with Orlan had gathered at this time.

"Olan, long time no see."

"Isn't this Judge? You guys have changed a lot."

"It's you who's weird, right? Seventeen years have passed, but you are the only one who looks exactly the same as when you first boarded the MADS research ship."

Vegapunk's head is getting bigger and bigger, Quinn has changed from a gangster to a ball, perhaps because of the horns, Caesar is the one who looks most like a young man.

And Judge has also changed from a thin version of Sanji to a middle-aged uncle.

"Why, do you want my secret to eternal youth?"

"Father, this is the line of the female doctor in the Drum Kingdom."

"Don't worry about the details, it's all the same. She's probably not as good as me in this aspect."

In terms of the actual results, Orlan is more successful than Gulewa, but in terms of the process, Gulewa's maintenance method is more feasible. After all, Orlan herself has not studied her own situation clearly.

This is true for both dreams and bodies.

".I want to say that you should have planned everything when you came here. I haven't heard of any Shichibukai who is qualified to participate in the World Conference."

"You will know in a while, but I don't know who will be unlucky."

The World Government now has more than 170 member countries, but only 50 countries are qualified to participate in the World Conference. If a new country joins, someone will have to withdraw from its position.

In order to get this position, the Woka Kingdom even planned to hand over Kaido to the Navy. At the cost of Kaido becoming a navy, the Woka Kingdom was qualified to officially participate in the World Conference instead of playing soy sauce on the periphery.

It can only be said that this king has some problems with his brain. As long as he can tie Kaido to his chariot, he will get the meeting seat sooner or later as he grows older.

Under the excellent micro-management of this king, the Kingdom of Woka failed to steal the chicken and lost a warrior like Kaido. It can also sit at the same table with the king of Charlotte Linlin's country.

"Your Majesty, the bubble pod is coming down, please move."

Before Judge asked the question in his mind, the bubble pod had already landed on the ground along the track on the red soil continent next to it.

This is the most formal way to go to Marijoa, because it is close to the Sabaody Archipelago, and the Red Port is still a climate airspace suitable for the existence of bubbles. The bubbles generated by the Archiman mangroves can still be used here as usual, which has derived this special means of transportation.

Because Marijoa is not too far away, the enhanced bubbles can also be used, and there is no way to go further away.

Orlan didn't even wait in line, and boarded this round of bubble pods with several kings around him, and this action also attracted the surprised eyes of those who were still in line.

The member countries of the World Government are equal in name, but only in name. Not to mention the fish-man island that is still discriminated against in the seabed, even human countries that can participate in the meeting are superior to other countries.

At this time, those countries that do not have the right to participate in the meeting, but come here to join in the fun and intend to take the opportunity to conduct diplomacy are waiting in line.

Only after the kings who are qualified to participate in the meeting have gone up, will it be their turn.

"Did that person just go up there?"

"Yeah, Piltover. The strongest country that the World Economic News Agency boasted about before? It seems that they accepted a pirate."

"You only need to believe half of the World Economic Newspaper. That is a non-member country area. It is essentially a lawless area. It is not strange to accept pirates."

"We don't even know whether that place has formed a complete country. How can it be said to be the strongest in the world?

There is not even a navy to escort them. I'm afraid the navy doesn't care about them at all, and they can't afford the cost of the navy's deployment."

It costs money to let the navy carry out unplanned actions, and only member countries are eligible to spend money. The navy can even be regarded as a membership-based mercenary organization.

You have to pay to become a member before you can continue to pay for services.

"But he went up with those kings."

"And that ship. Is it made of iron? It feels more expensive than a warship."

The member states are the states, this is the common understanding in the member states circle. No matter how outrageous the bragging is in other places, as long as they have not seen it, it will be regarded as a rumor.

For example, almost no king present believed that Whitebeard was protecting his territory and the people on those islands. They only thought that Whitebeard was using force to oppress everything.

Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, a leaf is a blind spot. On the sea where information is not flowing smoothly, these kings prefer to speculate on some unknown things in their own cognition, even if many things do not make sense with their logic.

As they talked, they thought that the navy and the world government had made a mistake in the list, but these people's thoughts and discussions could not stop the bubble pod from rising.

"This curly eyebrowed girl is your daughter."

On the pod, Orlan looked at the royal family member brought by Judge. The curly eyebrowed girl was obviously Judge's bloodline.

"Well, she is Reiju, just like your daughter."

Judge is referring to Frankenstein. Leliana's birth is very mysterious. Like Stussy, she suddenly appeared on the ship shortly after docking.

Judge and Quinn have speculations, but there is no evidence. Frankenstein is different. The core members of MADS are very clear that this person who is raised as a daughter is a robot made by Orlan.

"Same, Judge, you are really bold."

"It will take some time, and she is not my most successful work, just a prototype. I will surpass you."

Others can't understand, but Orlan can. Judge's "same" means that this is also his own creation.

Although Reiju is a natural child and her birth process is more normal than Frankenstein and Leliana, her genes have been modified by Judge's bloodline factors, and she is essentially a superman.

She is four years old this year and is Judge's first work. She cannot disobey Judge's orders, but she retains emotions, which is a point that Judge considers unqualified.

"I see, you are quite persistent, Brand, look at that cloud. I think it is a bit annoying, what do you think?"

Olan did not express any opinion, but looked at the sky above.

The bubble pod had already climbed a lot before, but there were still clouds at a higher position.

"Your Majesty is right, that cloud does look very depressing."

When going out, Brand would agree with whatever Orlan said, which was a symbol of the majesty of the kingship.

"So, let's see the light, Jin, move a little."


In the puzzled eyes of other royals on the pod, Source Plan·Shi Ji suddenly drew a long sword from his waist and swung it at the clouds above.

[Chopping Wave! 】

The invisible sword energy cut through the sky, and the thick clouds were split open by Source Plan·Shi Ji's sword. The golden sunlight fell from it, emitting colorful brilliance under the reflection of the bubble.

"It's much more comfortable now. The conditions are limited, so I can only do this. If you want to surpass me, you have to work harder."

That is, Orlan did not bring Leliana with him, otherwise that would be the perfect answer to Judge, but the same is true for Project Shiki here.

This also has another meaning. Even if it is an emotionless creation, Judge is still far behind.


Except for Brand's clapping, the ship fell into silence for a while. The king of this pod seemed to be shocked by Orlan's behavior.

As the pod continued to rise and passed the sea of ​​clouds above, they could see the scars on the clouds that could not be healed for a long time. After the angle changed, the shock became even stronger.

Until the pod reached the top of the Red Earth Continent and stopped steadily, some people stayed in the pod in a daze.

"What? Aren't you going to get off? Or do you plan to sit on it and go down again?"

Olan, who walked down the pod first, looked back and urged the people behind on behalf of the guards above.

"Father, we're here."

Reiju pulled on Judge's sleeve.

One of the people who was stunned was Judge. He had been lost in thought since just now. All these years of hard work were to surpass the other party and prove himself.

Judge was making progress, and Oran did not stop moving forward. Unconsciously, Judge found that the other party had reached a more distant shore.

"Sidilier. You are still so annoying. Don't be stunned, Reiju, follow me."

Judge muttered in a low voice, and then walked onto the Red Earth Continent, and even threw a pot along the way.

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