Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 25 Spiritual Victory and Conditions

"Mr. Sidillier, I formally invite you to join us as the director of the MADS Institute. I believe that the environment in this country will only limit your talents. Only by stepping out of the limitations here can you better realize your ambitions."

Vegapunk extended the invitation sincerely, but as he spoke, his tongue hung down like a tie. In addition to his extremely big head, his long tongue is also his characteristic.

Today, Vegapunk is in his prime, and his tongue can be retracted when he is not talking. When he gets older, his tongue will really become an external decoration like a tie.

At this time, there was no one on the beach of Solbei Kingdom. The local residents had already gone home and were ready to rest. The sound spread loudly in the quiet sea breeze, and Gaji and Quinn, who were lying on the beach exhausted, did not exception.

Hearing Vegapunk's words, Oran didn't say anything, but the two of them jumped up first.

"Vegapunk! What are you talking about?! You actually invited him?"

"That robot just beat us up, didn't you see?"

The resentment in their bodies seemed to give them both physical strength again, but Vegapunk didn't care about it.

"Isn't this more proof that Sidilir's technology is stronger than yours?"

MADS does not explicitly prohibit infighting, but the method of comparison is to rely on its own technical products. Winning can prove that its own technology is superior.

There were usually fights between Gaji and Quinn, but this time they were knocked down together by Blitzcrank.

Vegapunk's words were like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts. The most unacceptable thing for them was to admit that their skills were inferior to others.

"If you are not convinced, just build one just like it. If you can do it, I will give you part of my research funds. Do you want to try it?"

Du Feld sponsors a lot of money, but the total amount is fixed, and no additional money will be given out due to the increase in the number of people. So essentially, the fewer people in the institute, the more funds they can personally use.

It doesn't matter to ordinary researchers. Those people are just assistants and cannot touch their funds. However, Vegapunk personally invited him to join, which is obviously because of his ability. If Olan officially joins, their activity funds will definitely be divided. part.

That's why they objected in this way, but Vegapunk's reasons prevented them from saying anything at all.

"Vegapunk, remember what you said, there are two of us!"

After a moment of negativity, Quinn seemed to think of something, and then looked at Gaji beside him.

"Gaji, let's join forces first. If we join forces, we will definitely be able to surpass these guys. We will split the funds in half by then!"

"I agree, let's join forces first. Let's start now. If it doesn't work, bring in that guy Caesar."

"Mhahaha, you are quite smart at this time. Although Caesar's trash will take part of it, as long as you can defeat Vegapunk and the guy he likes, it will be worth it!"

The two supported each other and walked towards the MADS research ship while laughing.

Gaji and Quinn have even convinced themselves mentally. Judging from their current performance, it seems that they have won.

"Blitzcrank, Meow thinks we should find a chance to beat them up again, they haven't learned their lesson at all.

This guy actually thinks he is better than Oran. "

"Blitzcrank agrees with you, but it requires a reason."

Kate and Blitzcrank, who were smoking fish not far away, witnessed all this and even began to think about their next plan. At the same time, Vegapunk had his eyes on Blitzcrank.

This kind of robot that is highly close to human thinking made him more and more curious.

"How about it, Mr. Sidilir Oran, I am very serious."

"What can I gain by joining you?"

Olan has no objection to joining this research group, which will also be of great help to him. Ready-made high-quality ships and research assistants with qualified basic knowledge can already be of great help.

Moreover, the MADS research project involves one of the most mysterious things in the sea - bloodline factors.

Having already come to this sea, Olan will certainly not give up research on this kind of thing. Rather than starting from scratch, it is naturally best to have something to learn from.

"Funds, materials, equipment, we can also explore new ideas together. Your robot seems to have a wonderful way of supplying energy. What if we can expand it?

The goal of this organization is to contribute to peace. The conflicts in the world originate from the competition for resources. So if there is an endless energy source, can people put aside their disputes?

Ah, I accidentally said too much. This is my personal goal, don’t worry about it. "

"A good goal, but not very realistic. Human ambition will expand infinitely. Once it starts, it will not stop. Even if you create this kind of energy for the world, someone will have greater ambitions."

“If you don’t try it, how can you know whether it’s right or wrong?”

Neither Olan nor Vegapunk had any intention of criticizing the other's ideas, they just made suggestions from their personal point of view, because they both knew that it was a difference in philosophy.

The conditions given by Vegapunk are all what Oran needs. The Kingdom of Sorbe cannot provide Oran with huge funds, and there is no way to find research materials. Devil fruits seem to be common, but based on the entire sea, it is still Quite rare.

Unknown devil fruits whose names are unknown can be sold for at least 100 million Baileys, and only those powerful forces can have them.

Although he had the intention to join, Vegapunk took the initiative to invite him, and Orlan also planned to take this opportunity to set more conditions.

"Others cannot interfere with my research. I need an independent research room and sufficient funds."

"That's as it should be. The robots you made have already demonstrated your level, but the specific amount depends on the sponsor's situation."

This request is nothing to Vegapunk, but a very reasonable request.

"Second, I need devil fruits for research, no limit on types."

The Kingdom of Solbe has no channels, but Orlan believes that MADS has this channel to find it.

"This is one of our research projects, and it's not a problem, but if you want to use a fruit alone, we need to discuss the situation together, after all, there are not many such resources."

Vegapunk agreed to these two conditions without much thought, or in Vegapunk's view, these are not difficult conditions.

"There is one last thing, I need an operating room.

An operating room with a sanitary environment that meets the standards, complete equipment, and sufficient medical staff."

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