Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 26 Hex Heart Type I Codename: Zaun Fireworks

Chapter 26 Hex Heart Type I-Codename: Zaun Fireworks

"There is a medical room on the ship with top-notch equipment and professional medical staff. It will definitely meet your needs. Is there anything wrong with your health?"

Du Feld spent a lot of money to invest in this group of people to make a name for himself. If anyone died of illness halfway, it would be a big loss.

Scientific research is a bottomless pit, and Du Feld has already made a lot of money, so he doesn't care about the small money.

"No, but the child's heart is not very good. I promised her that I would take care of it for her."

"That fur girl? Valve defect or blood vessel."

"Congenital cardiogenic heart disease. If it weren't for the constitution of the fur tribe, I guess she wouldn't be able to hold on long ago. Originally, I planned to take her to another country to deal with it after a while."

The medical level in the Kingdom of Sorbe is very average. There is indeed an operating room here, but that operating room...

If the person survives the operation, it can only be said that he is lucky.

"I can help you with medical issues. I am also a doctor myself, but have you found a suitable heart source?"

Vegapunk himself has made some achievements in medicine, and has overcome many difficult and complicated diseases. It would not be difficult for them to just do a thoracotomy, but the problem is the source of the heart.

The human body is a very complex thing, fragile and powerful at the same time. It is difficult to recreate a strong heart, and rejection will eliminate most options.

Even if the two are compatible, whether they can persist through the rejection period and whether it will affect their subsequent lives will be a question.

"I don't recommend heart transplant. Conservative treatment may allow her to live longer. After all, she is a fur tribe, and the difficulty of matching the heart is too high."

Although humans and fish-men and other races bleed the same blood, there are still obvious differences in their organs. The fish-men's dual respiratory system and the fur-men's electrical discharge ability make their hearts somewhat different from humans.

"Director Bega Punk, you may have misunderstood one thing. I never said that I wanted to find the source of my heart."

Vegapunk's worries were not a problem in Oran's view. Vegapunk made one mistake from the very beginning. What limited Oran was not technology and mental resources, but the basic environment of the Kingdom of Sorbey.

Even some basic parts cannot be manufactured here, and the quality of the citizens does not meet the recruitment requirements for some products.

For example, if someone can produce bricks, then Oran can teach them to build walls from bricks.

The problem is that these people don't even know how to dig the soil for burning bricks. They have blocked a road from the root. If they develop here step by step, they can probably make incense for Kate.

What's more, this thing called Xinyuan

Even in places where the situation is relatively peaceful and the system is relatively complete, it is difficult to find it. There are not many people willing to donate bodies, and there are even fewer people who can find hearts that can be used. Even if they can be equipped, there will be more in the future. There are a series of questions.

Killing for such a purpose is not in line with Olan's principles, not to mention that he has no use for such low-level methods.

"Don't be so limited to the physical body. Machinery is also another option."

Hextech Heart, this is the plan Oran had in mind when he planned to deal with Kate's heart problem.

After all, there was more than one such example in Piltover in the original timeline. Whether it was the Green Steel Shadow-Camille or the Clockwork Demon-Orianna, the hearts of both were replaced by Hex's heart.

The former is for strength, the latter is for survival and fatherhood.

Excessive transformation can dehumanize, as long as it's not something completely uncontrollable.

"Mechanical? With all due respect, there is currently no machine that can run as powerfully as the heart for decades."

"That's just because you don't know. Director Vegapunk, you are being imprisoned by your cognition. This is a taboo for scientists."

Vegapunk's movements suddenly stiffened. Olan's words made him realize a recent problem of his. He had been trying to use known means to overcome future problems, which instead led him to a dead end.

With Vegapunk's thinking, he would not dwell on this matter for too long, but Olan's words saved him more time.

“I have heard a saying that humans cannot imagine things they have never seen before, and all fantasies are based on their own cognition.

Artificial hearts are not one of them. At least I think it is much easier to make such a thing than to imagine a color that has never existed.

Since you can agree to my conditions, then I have no problem. It just so happens that you plan to stay here for a few days, and I will finish the things at hand in these few days. "

Olan's conditions and Vegapunk have agreed, so there is nothing wrong with joining an organization that is beneficial to his research.

As for the possibility of attracting the attention of the world government after setting sail, it is not a problem.

First of all, no member of the World Government has seen Oran's true appearance. The only Celestial Dragon who had close contact with him has long since died. Even those who fled together at the time, most of them do not know Oran's name and face. .

Oran used a gas mask to cover his face when he was in the Valley of the Gods. Now he has changed his hairstyle and taken off his glasses. In this world where prosopagnosia is very common, this is already a very strong cover.

The World Government itself has no idea what happened on the island during that period. Countless pirate groups have turned the place upside down, and now there is not even a stone left. It is hard to trace it.

Now there is no news from the Valley of the Gods on the sea, and the concealment of the World Government has begun to show its effectiveness. In this case, even if you want to find someone, it is impossible to issue a wanted notice.

According to the World Government's usual efficiency, even if you can find it, Nika should come out to dance by then.

After confirming the intention, Vegapunk took Oran to visit the medical room on the ship. After confirming that the facilities here are fine, Oran also found Kate and told her about his medical plan.

"Olan, do you mean you can handle my illness?"

"I remember I told you at the beginning that I was not trying to comfort you, but I just designed the specific plan not long ago. As I just said, the Hex heart will replace your original heart.

I am fully confident in this operation, and you will be able to run freely soon, but there are some important special matters that I need to explain to you first."

After talking about the operation, Oran's expression became serious. He was sure of the safety of the operation, but he could not control some of the randomness that would appear in it. That was the characteristic of the Hex crystal itself.

Looking at Oran's serious expression, Kate's mood, which had just relaxed, became tense again.

Although she always felt that she had let it go, when the choice really came, her mentality would still be different.

"Let's talk about the good side first. According to the racial characteristics of your fur tribe, I adjusted some of the structures of the Hex heart, which can enhance your control over the electric current.

I named this model of the heart - Zaun Fireworks."

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