Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 255: A country on the cusp of the trend, a person looking for opportunities

"Well done, Abu. Keep training with Brand."


If it was a normal person on a field trip, Oran would tell him to take a rest, but Absalom was an exception.

To be precise, it was Absalom who was an exception after he came back from Wano Country. Oran knew very well what he did in Wano Country.

But Absalom worked very hard and knew the priorities, so he didn't take such trivial matters to heart.

"Zou's life card"

The life card left by Absalom shook from time to time, and even changed direction. After all, Zou was a living giant elephant. Because he made an unknown mistake and was punished, he had to walk on the sea all the time.

Its path of action was unpredictable, and only this life card could point to that place.

Going to Zou was actually more difficult than Fishman Island. Fishman Island would not run away. As long as you could reach the Sabaody Archipelago, you could dive there. It was nothing more than a more dangerous journey.

As an "island" that can run and not be recorded by the pointer, Zou does not exist on most sea charts. Only the fur tribe has always had a way to go back and forth.

The few life cards that have drifted to the outside world are also because the fur tribe that went out has encountered an accident.

In the previous stage, Oran had never seen something similar in the outside world. If Absalom had not stolen one back, it would probably take longer.

"Kate, do you want to go back and take a look?"

The World Conference ended not long ago. During this period, the Power Gear did not continue to sail out, so Kate was naturally very leisurely.

Oran did not need a bodyguard in the royal city. When Oran found Kate, she was basking in the sun next to a swing on a cat climbing frame.

"Is this the life card for Zou?"

"Yes, I got it. Absalom encountered some problems in Wano Country and took it from the Minks there. According to Absalom, they still have one, so it doesn't have any impact."

"Zou has indeed been away for a long time."

Zou is the hometown of all the Minks, but Kate doesn't have much nostalgia for this hometown.

A piece of land alone cannot bind people. Memories and ties are the roots of people's attachment to their homeland.

Kate has few memories of Zou. Now her new memories are all in the open sea, in the emerging country of Piltover.

But there are some childhood memories on Zou, which are the only remaining beauty of the past.

"If you miss me, go back and see me. With the seat of the Allied Nations in hand, Piltover is not so tense here. You have to have your own life and don't have to stay with me all the time.

But the New World has not been peaceful recently. Let Project Shiki or Riley accompany you. Let me know when you decide.

By the way, you keep the life card yourself."

"Meow knows, but aren't you curious about what Zou looks like?"

"I have heard of the Wu Kingdom on the back of the elephant. I can go with you if I have the chance. Let's talk about it after I finish the things at hand. There are quite a lot of things going on recently."

"Meow thinks it may be Brand and the androids who are busy."

"You seem to be right, at least in diplomacy. I still have some research to do. You can do whatever you want."

Olan turned around and entered District 13, while Kate was swinging on the swing, not knowing what she was thinking.

After the member states' seats were confirmed, diplomacy became busy. As a huge organization that has existed for hundreds of years, the World Government has formulated many rules. Although many of them have not been implemented, there are some valuable things.

For example, this World Government also has the role of the World Trade Organization. After joining, it is assumed that it can have more frequent transactions with all countries.

Although Piltover had transactions with neighboring countries before, they were all private transactions. Now it is the real trade.

As Brand, who is still learning and serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he is working overtime happily and happily at this time, and the contact list in his hand has become richer.

In addition to Ikalem and the Kingdom of Dragon Palace, there are also many lists of members from other countries. Well, there are also some who want to buy mechas.

After all, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is just an assistant. To make a real decision, Orlan still has to make the final decision.

What Brand does is actually similar to that of the androids, but with more human thinking.

As the country becomes a member state, a series of changes have also taken place in its internal policies.

For example, the tax has been slightly increased, but the citizens do not think there is anything wrong with it. The increase is obviously Heavenly Gold.

And compared with the period of the Kingdom of Favre, these shares are quite small. What makes them more curious is the year-end rebate.

According to the notice, this is a national welfare. Every official citizen can receive a sum of money at the end of the year, which is just about the same as the increase in taxes.

Piltover’s Heavenly Gold is just a process. According to the agreement, the World Government will return it together with the research funds.

The citizens do not know about this. Normally, Oran can count it as internal treasury and use it himself.

But this little money is not necessary. Heavenly Gold is collected per person. It is better to use it as citizen welfare to increase the sense of identity.

Oran is short of money, but not in this aspect.

At the dock, Tezoro is working here now. In the past year, he and Stella successfully bought a resettlement house and have their own little home.

Stella successfully applied for a job at the Zodiac Basement with her outstanding appearance. She is currently a bank clerk. Although her work is a bit busy, her income is not low.

And she can get in touch with things that ordinary people cannot see.

The bank's capital flow and interest rate adjustments can reflect many things. Tezulo seems to be naturally sensitive to this aspect. The result of his analysis is that the economic situation in Piltover is very good and is still far from the peak.

"Stella, we need an opportunity."

That night, after a day's work, Tezulo suddenly mentioned this to Stella.

"Opportunity? What are you going to do?"

"I don't want to be so unknown. Although this small family is warm, I don't think it's enough. This country is a rising star, and there are opportunities everywhere.

If you can make good use of this opportunity, even if it is a broken sampan, you can reach the end with the wind."

Tezulo's original dream was to become a world-class singer, and Stella's dream was originally to be a dancer.

Before, they temporarily put aside their dreams for survival. Now that they have a certain foundation, they should naturally pursue their dreams.

"Do you know what I saw at the dock today? The immigration policy has changed."

It has been a while since Piltover became a member state, and Orlan, who was in a meeting, has returned from Mary Geoise.

According to calculations, if someone wanted to move here before hearing about the member state, they should have arrived long ago.

The difficulty and risk of moving to a non-member state and a member state are different, and the benefits will change accordingly.

The original policy of Piltover was that anyone who moved here, obeyed local laws, and had no felony convictions could automatically obtain citizenship.

Now, those who land are still free people, but they will not be directly granted citizenship.

If you don't have skills or knowledge, or superhuman talents, you can only be a non-citizen. You can't obtain citizenship or enjoy citizen benefits before making certain contributions to the country.

Including but not limited to medical assistance, compulsory education, and year-end benefits.

There are currently three ways for foreign populations to obtain citizenship: paying a certain amount of money at one time, which can bring progress in some aspects, or participating in the newly established Foreign Legion.

When you join the army, you will automatically obtain citizenship. If you die in an accident or serve for five years, your immediate family will also obtain citizenship.

"We got a bargain. If we came a few years later, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to obtain citizenship."

The two of them didn't have any skills at the time. They were good at singing and dancing, but this thing didn't mean much when they immigrated.

It would be fine if they were world-famous, but without this reputation bonus, this talent is far inferior to the real skills.

"I understand, you go ahead and do it, I will support you."


"I mean, do whatever you want, my job can support the family."

"But you"

"If both of you pursue your dreams, what will happen to life? In fact, my current life is satisfactory to me, free and happy."

"I understand."

Singer is Tezoro's dream, but strictly speaking, it was a dream in the past.

In the human trafficking field, he realized the importance of money, power, and strength.

Stella now also made him firm in this idea. He needed enough strength to protect his home. For this, he needed an opportunity, an opportunity to contact the upper class.

The next day, in a cat cafe near the royal city, Tezulo was petting a cat and won the favor of a white cat with the cat cans sold in the store.

[The Power Gear did not go out to sea. She should still be in the country. Today is Sunday. If nothing unexpected happens, she will come here before noon.]

[This white cat is her favorite one. Normally, she will talk to it every time she comes. Now it is here, so there is a chance to communicate]

[I need a chance to prove myself]

Tezulo, who was petting the cat, kept his eyes on the door. The "she" in Tezulo's mouth was Kate, the close minister of the king.

This was the result of Tezulo's careful consideration. He had no direct way to contact Orlan.

The princesses would also be active in the outside world, but Tezulo was worried that contacting the princesses would cause misunderstandings from the king.

The most active ones left were Kate and Brand.

Compared to Brand, the captain of the guard, Kate, the captain of the royal flagship and the leader of the guards, is obviously Orlan's confidant.

Tezoro believes that as long as there is a platform, he will be able to prove himself.

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