Tezoro is working hard for his future, but hard work may not produce results.

From sunrise to sunset, Tezoro has not seen Kate, and the first step of his plan has failed.

Kate is indeed still in Piltover and did not return to Zou immediately. She has not thought about this matter yet.

The reason why Tezoro did not meet Kate was simply because he misjudged one thing. Kate's actions have no rules at all, and she is mainly free to do whatever she wants.

As the captain of the royal guard of the palace, if anyone can find out her whereabouts, that would be the biggest problem.

Not to mention Tezoro, even the cats in the cat cafe don't know when Kate will appear.

Only in the royal city can Kate have certain rules, and only those who have gained trust can master these rules.

If Tezoro can really master this rule, then Alifa, who is undercover here, may have to come to learn from him.

It is not a simple thing to get in touch with the circle of Orlan. In addition to various strange life forms, there are even two people in this circle who can read minds.

Tezoro persisted in this place for half a month before he met Kate again.

Although Tezoro got the rules wrong, he was not wrong about one thing. This is indeed the place where Kate often appears.

"Lord Kate, I have something to say. Please give me a chance. I want to..."

"If you want to be a soldier, go to the recruitment office. If you want to be an official, go to the exam. It's useless to find meow."

Unfortunately, Tezoro was beaten back before he finished speaking. There are many such people in Piltover, and they all want to take shortcuts.

Maybe there are a few people with real talents, but most of them can only talk about war on paper.

To be precise, if they really have the ability to talk about war on paper, they are still qualified as staff. Most of these people are only ambitious and have no practical ability.

Ten years after the founding of the country, Piltover's political system has completely broken away from the shadow of the past Fafler royal family, and has undergone considerable adjustments and changes. It has been basically stable recently.

The highest level is Orlan himself, who is also the only king, followed by members of the royal family and family members.

Strong men like Redfield are exceptions. Although he is semi-retired, his status in this country is not low. The nickname of the Red Earl can really be regarded as a real title here.

Next down are the officials, the highest national ministers, such as the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

These ordinary people are difficult to get involved in. Either the androids with advanced AI programs are responsible for sharing the pressure, or they are appointed by confidants like Ginny. Brand is already a special case.

The second-level officials are the ministers of each region of Piltover. This position is the limit of what ordinary people can do, responsible for managing a district.

The third level is no longer a minister, but a simple public official, which can be roughly divided into three levels.

The superiors include assistants who assist the ministers of each region, who are responsible for assisting the regional ministers in managing the officials below.

The parliamentarians without real power can give feedback to the upper level based on policy changes.

The middle level includes various senior officials, such as the captain of the guard.

The subordinates cover the widest range, including civil servants, members of the guard, tax collectors, etc.

The military has another system, where the officers are directly under the command of the king, and the guard is actually included in this range.

There are bionic people in many key positions, which is also a way to increase execution, and this is also a channel for promotion for the lower level.

Then there are ordinary citizens. Those who master technology and power belong to special citizens, with slightly higher subsidies, and no difference in other aspects.

The rest are ordinary citizens, who enjoy the same rights but slightly less subsidies, and the last non-citizens, who only have the right to live freely but are not eligible for welfare.

"This country is growing and growing, it needs more talents, and I need an opportunity."

Compared with Tezoro's self-recommendation, Kate cares more about the little white cat in her hand.

Unlike the fur tribe, a minority group that has evolved into a civilization, white fur is not a plus point in the society of cats alone.

Unless it is in a place with snow all year round, it is difficult to see this pure white animal. Without protection to hide its fur color, it will become more difficult to hunt or hide.

This is also one of the reasons why Kate herself likes this cat more, and she has been excluded.



"You have a bit of patience to stay here for so long.

But can you charge into battle and destroy an army by yourself?

Are you capable of lurking and assassinating, gathering intelligence?

Or, can you invent and save the dying and the wounded?"

Kate had some understanding of Tezoro's actions during this period through communication with the little white cat.

At least he did some investigation and insisted on taking action. If he really had the ability, she wouldn't mind giving him a chance.

It's just that the options Kate mentioned are all things that Tezoro can't do at present.

Piltovo has its own rules. If you want to break these rules, you have to show extraordinary abilities.

In addition to force, which can be demonstrated by the body, inventions can also be proved by finished products, and other things need to rely on some platforms.

Unfortunately, Tezoro can't show what he can do now.

The only skills that Tezulo can demonstrate on the spot are stealing and gambling, which were discovered by others in the past. In Kate's opinion, this is a typical case of not being able to grasp the opportunity.

After staying for a while, they left here, and only Tezulo stayed there to ponder.

After half a month of squatting, this aspect was considered a failure. There was still a Brand who could be contacted, but there were rumors in Piltover that the guy was suspected to be a gay, which made Tezulo hesitate.



The sound of the knife cutting across the plate sounded, and Leliana's arm almost left an afterimage. A roasted sea beast on the table quickly disappeared, and the high-calorie fat was not filling Leliana's stomach.

While eating, she even had time to share some meat with Terra.

Elemental dragons eat soil and ore, but they will not refuse ordinary food.

Frankenstein was bored and ate batteries on the side. This is a new way of charging, which mainly allows her to have more participation at the table.

At this time, Zack took some bones into his body, allowing those bones to be corroded directly by the strange liquid to replenish energy.

"By the way, meow, I met another person who wanted to take a shortcut today. Although he still wanted to take a shortcut, he was very determined. He waited for me at the cat cafe for a long time. Maybe he is suitable for the Intelligence Department."

With the help of the clever cat tongue, Kate scraped the fish meat stuck on the fish bones cleanly, and then talked about what happened during the day.

"What's Gilder Taro? I forgot to ask his name, Xiaobai didn't say it clearly."

In this regard, Tezoro was obviously not proficient enough, and he didn't even leave a self-introduction first, causing Kate to not remember his name at all. He even had to thank the cat, otherwise his name would become that person.

"Really? The Field Department is short of people. I'll go and see tomorrow."

Ginny has developed a very special ability. She can clearly express what she wants to say while stuffing a lot of food in her mouth. This is also a rare talent.

"Kate, are you sure it's Taro and not Tezoro?"

"Meow, I'm not sure. Oran, do you know him?"

"Maybe. I know him."

In a sense, whether it's Taro or Tezoro, the creatures of the M78 Nebula should not be able to find a human body in this place. Oran is still inclined to think that Kate heard the name wrong.

"Household register."

Olan snapped his fingers, and then a book appeared in his hand.

Piltovo has its own population archive department, but after each update, Oran will also use his ability to read the household register to facilitate the search.

"Gilder Tezoro."

As Oran's ability was activated, the book opened automatically, and with the rustling sound of the pages, he quickly turned to the corresponding page.

Luckily, there was no one with the same name on the island.

"Kate, is it him?"

"Yes, it is him, and he was born a slave, sent by Shaq. Such people can be absorbed, he does have some perseverance. His wife was also born a slave. This family should not be friendly to the World Government."

Looking at the information on the household registration, Kate felt that the other party's origin in Piltover was simply "red-blooded".

"He is indeed a talent. I will handle it myself. You really accidentally brought an interesting person here."

Even before Piltover became a member country, immigrants would arrive periodically. Orlan would not pay attention to who everyone is.

If Tezoro hadn't bumped into him today, it would probably take some time to find him.

Not to mention, the ability of this "Golden Emperor" in the original timeline to make money is quite excellent. He can rely on huge funds to make the World Government recognize his ship as a unique legal country. He can be regarded as a god of wealth.

According to the household registration records, he was still a dock worker some time ago, and he is still in a humble position now.

"Nayafili, go and take the message."

The double swords hanging on Oran's waist once again transformed into wolf form and ran towards the address of Tezoro recorded in the record.

"Let me see how capable this person is."

Making money is difficult and easy, but if the foundation is good to a certain extent and the opportunity can be seized, this thing will really "reproduce" by itself.

But without initial funds, the road will become very difficult. If there is only funds but no connections, the outdated news will be eaten up by outsiders.

Olan has funds and connections, but what he lacks is someone who can make judgments. Now he is preparing to test Tezoro.

After all, he can make money in the original timeline, but it does not mean that he can make money now.

At this time, Tezoro is still struggling with what to do next. Giving gifts is not feasible in Piltover. Humans will be greedy, but androids are not. Those androids mixed in public officials can well prevent this situation.

It was at this time that there was a knock on his door.

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