Dong, dong, dong.

Rhythmic knocks came from outside the door, and Tezoro, who was thinking about what to do next, was also attracted.

The knocks came from a very low position, obviously not a normal person would reach.

"Stella, do you have a guest?"

"No, why don't you go and take a look?"

The reaction of the residents after the knocks at the door at night can indirectly express the local security environment. In some places, let alone opening the door, the owner may directly take a gun just in case.

The security in Piltover is still relatively complete. After living here for a while, Tezoro and his friends have let down their guard.

But when Tezoro saw Nayafili's figure, his heartbeat began to accelerate instantly.

Nayafili's appearance is not amiable, but in Piltover, it represents "as if I am here in person".

Anyone who has not just arrived at Firefly Island knows that Nayafili is a royal power mouthpiece that can directly convey Orlan's orders.

[Arrive at the palace before noon tomorrow. 】

After opening the door, several large words appeared on Nayafili's optical mask.

After making sure that Tezoro saw these words, Nayafili left here, and only Tezoro was still standing at the door.

After calming down, he returned to the house.

Tezoro didn't know what happened after Kate left, but being summoned by the king was an opportunity for him.

Piltover has a regular promotion path, but that path is very slow, and it is long and difficult for Tezoro.

Without enough achievements, usually you have to follow the steps, but Tezoro's starting point is a bit low.

He was from a poor family and lacked education. He spent his time between the ages of 12 and 16 stealing and gambling. After meeting Stella, he sincerely repented, but he was also working hard.

The current cultural level is that he can read and speak but can't write. In short, he forgets words when he picks up a pen. There is no problem with normal communication and life. If he takes an exam, he will probably die in the written test.

Tezulo's ambition is actually quite big, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of taking shortcuts. According to his plan, these shortcuts are impossible to achieve, so he would take the slowest method.

"What's wrong? Who is it?"

"My chance has come. As long as we can grasp this, our lives will definitely change. Stella, believe me."

"I believe you, but don't work too hard. Safety is important."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to join the army, how can there be so many dangers."

Stella was not as excited as Tezulo, but a little worried. She fell asleep after Tezulo's repeated assurances, but Tezulo himself suffered from insomnia.

The excitement in his heart made him unable to sleep at all, and it was like this until he set out the next day.

At dawn, he left home and headed for the central royal city.

The news conveyed by Nayafili was that Tezulo arrived here at about 11 o'clock before noon.

There was no guard at the city gate, but the gate opened directly when he arrived.

"You are lucky, come with meow."

"Thank you, Lord Kate."

"You are welcome, meow, I said, you are lucky."

Through the elevator, Tesoro came to the city half suspended in the sky for the first time, and saw Oran on the throne.

"Your Majesty the King."

"No need to be polite, I heard you want a chance?"

At this time, there is no need for polite words, and Oran also cuts straight to the point.

"Yes, the great pirate era opened by Roger is still continuing, and it is still showing an intensifying trend. Our country's geographical location"

Tezolo tells the blueprint in his mind. Relying on the convenience brought by Piltover, Tesoro has a certain understanding of the world situation. With the local policies and national strength, Tesoro expresses some of his own ideas.

"Not bad, with some unique insights, but Tesoro, talking on paper is not enough to prove your ability.

I'll give you two choices. I have some businesses in the New World and the East China Sea. I'll give you some time. I want you to use real data to tell me how capable you are."

Practice can easily show a person's ability, and both the East China Sea and the New World business are new projects.

It makes no sense to test Tesoro with old projects. With Orlan's current base, as long as the person in charge does not mess around and develops normally according to the rhythm, there will be no loss.

Looking at Tesoro's career in the original timeline, the devil fruit brought him a lot of convenience. The gold-gold fruit allows him to control gold, enhance his military power and make better use of "money weapons".

The lucky fruit makes his casino win every time he gambles, and he quickly accumulates capital through this channel, but these fruits are not what he got in the early days.

If he hadn't met the Iron Mask Pirates and Shaq, he would have been treated as a slave by the Celestial Dragons, and two years later, he would have heard about Stella's death and completely turned to money supremacy.

Five years later, he was liberated by Tiger. Three years later, Tesoro snatched the Gold-Gold Fruit from Doflamingo's auction house with his subordinates. He began to rise in the next three years. It took another three years before he had sufficient subordinates and developed steadily.

The time when Bakara, the user of the Lucky Fruit, joined Tesoro was probably during the last period. If Tesoro had this BUG ability in the early stage, he would not have been so unlucky as to encounter the Celestial Dragons just when he had collected enough money.

To be able to lay this foundation by himself, Tezoro's ability is not low, but he is not black now.

According to the logic that whitewashing is weaker than three points since ancient times, he needs an exam.

"New World East China Sea"

"The new world has more opportunities and greater risks. The East China Sea may be slower, but it is stable there. After all, the East China Sea is a symbol of peace."

"Call me to choose the East China Sea."

[Be careful.]

If he is alone, Tezoro will choose to fight in the new world. He is not lacking in courage.

But now that he has a bond, he dare not take too big a step.

"Have you decided on the East China Sea? Then let me tell you about the situation there.

Piltover's previous business was concentrated in the Grand Line, and there was less contact with the Four Seas. Only the South China Sea had a small amount of commercial exchanges. The East China Sea can be regarded as just starting."

The development of the Grand Line is undoubtedly ahead of the Four Seas, whether it is strength or economic conditions. Even the Navy's prosthetic equipment has just begun to be equipped to the Four Seas.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kingdom of Solbe had a certain foundation at the beginning, I'm afraid there would be no connection in the South China Sea.

"How much time do you think you need and what results can you achieve?"

"Your Majesty, give me three years. As long as you support me, I am confident that the East China Sea will catch up with the Great Route in terms of profit within three years."

In terms of area and volume, any sea area in the Four Seas far exceeds the Great Route, but because of the different levels of crisis, the consumption power is also different.

Bailey is the universal currency of the entire sea, but the price difference is very large. In a small place in the East China Sea, a few hundred Baileys can be used for a full meal.

Therefore, Tezoro gave a more stable number in his cognition. The opportunity is in front of him. If you don't fight at all, it would be a pity.

"Very good, I will give you three years and what you need. As long as you can achieve your goal, I will give you everything accordingly.

But, Gild Tezoro, you have to understand that if you are just playing tricks on me, you can't afford the consequences."

There was no change in the tone, but Tezoro felt that the air around him became a little dense, and the invisible momentum made him a little breathless.

Orlan was still sitting on the throne, but Tezulo seemed to see a humanoid beast.

Demigods of ancient times, ascenders of legendary times, celestial spirits, fallen dark descendants, demons of the abyss.

Tyrants, wise kings, ambitious people.

Whether enemies or friends, Orlan has met countless people.

What Orlan has experienced is more exciting than many people's lives, and with his vast mental power, a little pressure is just a piece of cake for him.

"I understand, Your Majesty Orlan, if I can't achieve the goals I set for myself, I am willing to be punished."

"Here is a phone call. It's a businessman in Rogue Town, who is also a local there. He took the initiative to send a letter of surrender, but I have not had much energy. You can consider contacting him when you act.

I'll give you a week to prepare and settle your family affairs before setting off."

Tezulo did not plan to take his family to the East China Sea. Even though the East China Sea is known as the Sea of ​​Peace, Tezulo still thinks that Firefly Island is safer.

Besides, Tezulo felt that even if he wanted to take Stella with him, Orlan would not agree to take such a large amount of money with him to work.

He didn't know what happened after he left the palace.

"Ginny, what was he thinking about before?"

"It's almost the same as what he said, he is very honest. Besides, it's about his wife, he wants to give her a better life, he is quite family-oriented.

By the way, he also wants to perform on stage, and he has a dream of being an actor, nothing else."

Ginny summarized the general content and conveyed it to Orlan.

Now Tezulo has no level of observation Haki, let alone resistance, he can't even detect Ginny's mind reading. It is actually quite difficult to defraud Orlan.

After leaving the royal city, Tezulo returned home and told Stella the news after she got off work.

"His Majesty Orlan gave me a chance, but I'm afraid I have to leave for a while. Stella, believe me, I will bring you a brand new life in three years."

Rejecting Stella's idea of ​​going together, Tezoro began to pack his luggage, and Yibensong, the owner of the weapon shop in Roger Town, was also proud at this moment.

When Roger was executed, he recognized Orlan at the scene and applied to become a dealer here. Although Orlan remembered him, he never contacted him for so many years.

His wife often used the reason that "the other party, such a big man, doesn't remember you at all" to let Yibensong give up his fantasy, but Yibensong firmly believed that "this is an agreement between men and will never be let down."

At this point, he finally had new hard evidence.

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