Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 261 Young man, do you want to be a naval hero?

Gaspardi, a marine who appears in "The Adventures of Death's End".

In the original timeline, when Luffy had gone to sea, his military rank was Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but he later defected from the Navy and was called a despicable person with a stain on the Navy, with a bounty of 95 million Baileys.

Now, he is just a new recruit in the navy, but because he is a capable person, he is more valued by the navy, and he is currently serving as an orderly next to the major general.

Not everyone can be a general's orderly. Bogart also started as Garp's orderly back then, and now he is a deputy, and has been doing so for decades.

Devil Fruit is something that is close to cheating. After eating it, the general strength can achieve a qualitative change. The Navy has the entire sea as a source of troops, and the real strong men have long been trained in the headquarters.

Except for a few peak combat forces who can suppress the sea, what the navy needs is this kind of people who can grow up quickly.

As the number of pirates increases, the navy's expansion speed also increases, and the requirements for character are gradually declining.

The major general who led the team allowed the wounded and some soldiers to stay on Firefly Island, while he led his people to continue the mission.

They couldn't wait here forever. When the time came, they would just let the injured soldiers return to the team on their own, and Gaspardi became one of the people left behind.

Judging from the intention of the major general, it seems that he intends to temper the other party. No matter what happens in the future, the major general still trusts the other party.

"Ginny, come with me. I have something to do tonight."

At this time, Oran in the royal city called Ginny and arranged a somewhat strange task.

in summary

When you were out in the field, your boss called your wife away in the middle of the night, saying that he had an important task to perform.

"What's going on?"

"As for a navy, you can help me understand his little thoughts when the time comes."

Neither micro-expressions nor body language are as reliable as mind reading.

There are people who can resist this kind of mind-reading, but Gaspardi is definitely not one of them.

"I understand. Speaking of Brother Olan, it's time for Bear Boy to come back."

"Under normal circumstances, he should have just arrived in Rogge Town. Why, do you miss him now?"

"Actually, I told him that I wanted to have a baby, and then Xiong ran out. If he didn't give birth when he came back, it would look like I was getting high, but I was a little unprepared. I heard that giving birth was very painful. of."

Although the previous actions were very fast, there were still some delays in key steps. After all, if Ginny really wanted to take the drug, she should have done it years ago.

It's just that the bear's personality is like cotton. Even if a stranger hits him, the bear will tolerate it, resulting in Ginny not being "exposed" at all.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. Just do an autopsy. It's no different from natural birth."

"Don't we still need to make a cut?"

"It's different. The usual caesarean section incision is on the surface of the peritoneum and incises the peritoneum, so it only hurts during recovery. If I come, I will use extraperitoneal caesarean section, which does not require incision in the peritoneum. The pain is light and recovery is quick."

Xiong's status and bloodline dictate that outsiders cannot come into contact with his and his heir's blood at will. Xiong himself will avoid this matter, and they are even more worried about other people coming to the doctor.

"I don't quite understand, but what is extraperitoneal better?"

“Theoretically, yes, it’s just that it’s more expensive and tests the doctor’s skill. Most people will just make an incision and let the patient heal on his own.

All in all, just do whatever you want and I will take care of the aftermath for you. "

Little did Xiong know that while he was still out in the field, even the child's name and postpartum care had to be arranged.

Even if this matter is implemented immediately, it will still be a year later. The current matter is still about Gaspardi.

With the development of the economy, Piltover's nightlife began to rise. Gaspardi was ordered to accompany and take care of the injured sailors. However, there were nurses in the hospital, and Gaspardi felt that he was not needed at all.

"Jonatan! What did your doctor order? 250 energy pack plus 10 grams of potassium? If you want to go in, don't hold me back!"

With the nurse's roar, Gaspardi walked out of the hospital, intending to relax.

He didn't notice any problems along the way. Even when he was sitting in the tavern, it was normal. But at some point, the people in the tavern began to leave gradually.

When Gaspardi came to his senses, even the owner of the bar was gone.

"Gaspardi, are you interested in chatting with me?"


Olan was sitting at the original seat at the bar, staring at Gaspardi expressionlessly, which made Gaspardi scared for a while.

Assuming that the other party wanted to kill me, I might not even know how he died.

"Don't be so nervous. I want to kill you, but there's nothing you can do."

"Dr. Sidriel, aren't you a friend of the Navy?"

"Of course I am, but people always have their own ideas. Let me just say it bluntly. Do you want to be a naval hero? Captain Gaspardi."

This is a small purpose of Olan. He wants to promote a naval hero, which is not difficult in terms of execution.

Naval heroes need reputation more than strength. As long as the reputation is big enough to boost the morale of the navy, then this person can be a naval hero.

Garp can hit himself, but Kerby can't. Kerby is not called a naval hero because he sacrificed the punch Garp made.

In the original timeline, he inexplicably cooperated with Blackbeard to kill Wang Zhi on Beehive Island and rescued many people, which earned him the title of hero.

Even if Gaspardi can't grow up, he can still reach the level of a major general, at least better than Kerby at that stage.

Even Kirby can be a naval hero. If he works it out, others can naturally do the same.

"Navy hero. Doctor, you are kidding me. How can I do that?"

Unknowingly, Gaspardi found that his collar was soaked. He seemed to be involved in some big crisis inexplicably.

"I said you have it, you have it. Gaspardy, tell the truth, why did you join the navy."

"For justice in the Navy!"

Gaspardi spoke righteously, but Ginny had clearly heard what he was thinking.

"Brother Oran, he is lying. He is doing it for money and fame."

Where Gaspardi couldn't see, Ginny was reading his inner thoughts, which was pretty much what Oran had guessed.

Defecting the Navy also depends on how he defected. Zefa quit the Navy because the World Government recruited Weibull, who cut off his arm and killed his students in the original timeline, to become the Shichibukai.

Sauro is because of the disapproval of justice, Kuzan is more complicated, but there are also factors in this aspect.

Gaspardi, on the other hand, robbed the warship and defected overseas. Later, while plundering other ports, he found the rare steamship "Saloman Serpent" and seized the ship. In the death contest held every year in Hannabal, he has been using Dirty means to get bonuses.

The purpose of this kind of person joining the navy is not that simple. Revenge, justice and the like have nothing to do with him.

He is simply making a profit.

"Power, money, fame."

Every time Olan said a word, Gaspardi felt like a sledgehammer hit his chest. He was actually seen through like this. He had never mentioned this kind of thing to anyone.

"I can provide you with some traces of pirates, I can give you the credit, and you can be promoted smoothly within the navy. You can get what you want without leaving the navy, isn't that great?"

"So...what do you get?"

"You will know when it's time for you to know."

The dark child does not have to be activated. In a short period of time, Oran does not want Gaspardi to provide anything, and even in the later stage, it will only be some information.

A chess piece can only be activated at the most critical moment.

Oran is very familiar with the navy, Zefa, Kuzan and the like are all old friends.

The contacts with Garp during the Warring States period were good, but none of these people would tell him the secrets of the navy, and Zefa was no exception. He had been helping Oran within the rules of the navy and still had a certain amount of trust in the navy.

At this time, you have to send someone up to get some special information, and use it as a basis to lift the curtain on the navy at the critical moment.

Source Project Garp itself has a similar purpose.

The Navy more or less knows the people around me. It is unrealistic to send them undercover. Recruiting additional people will require a more troublesome process. Finding someone who is already in the Navy can save a lot of trouble.

"Aren't you afraid if I tell the navy these words?"

"Hahaha, do you think the Navy Headquarters will believe your words as a captain, or will they believe my words?

Will the world government eliminate me in order to maintain "purity", or will it erase you, the person who raised the question? "

Oran dared to tell Gaspardi directly, and he was not afraid that he would report it. Gaspardi could not prove that these things were true.

Even if he recorded these words and took them to the Navy Headquarters intact, Olan could still escape smoothly. Isn't it just to ask a Navy man if he wants to be a hero? Zefa shouted this every day in the recruit camp.

What's more, as Olan said, his own value is far greater than that of a mere captain. Even an ordinary lieutenant general is useless here.

After weighing the pros and cons, the world government and navy will not break with others over an ordinary general.

"Or let's change the question, Captain Gaspardi, do you think the Navy will make things difficult for me if you die here tonight? Maybe they will send a special envoy to comfort me that I don't have to take this kind of thing to heart. ”


Gaspardi swallowed. His purpose in joining the navy was simple, to get promoted and make a fortune. He didn't expect to be targeted here.

"I don't seem to have the right to refuse."

"Of course you can refuse, I respect your choice."

"No, I think this opportunity is perfect. I want to be a naval hero!"

Hearing Olan say the word "respect", Gaspardi still chose to accept the proposal. At least for now, it sounded like it would do him no harm.

"Work hard. You can't be a captain. You have to be a colonel anyway. I hope that when I see you next time, your military rank has changed."

Oran didn't intend to help the opponent from the grassroots level. At least he wanted to see what Gaspardi could do after forcing the opponent.

He himself is a superhuman-type person with the ability of gummy candy. He is immune to blows and slashes, but his body will still feel pain.

Things like flour can allow people to touch his entity, and the fruit has good properties. As long as he works hard, he will definitely be a general.

Gaspardi didn't know when Olan left. When he looked up again, Olan was gone.

But there was a mechanical phone bug and several bundles of banknotes in front of his desk, about three million beli.

"Oh, I seem to have blacked out just now. What happened?"

"Forget it, never mind, keep drinking!"

The people in the tavern said some strange things, and Gaspard put away the Den Den Mushi and the money after being stunned for a while.

"Brother Oran, he accepted it, at least he accepted it now, but he has a lot of complaints about you in his heart."

On the roof of the tavern, Ginny and Oran were basking in the moonlight, and Ginny continued to give feedback on Gaspard's thoughts.

"But Brother Oran, is this guy credible? I feel like he is a bit of a scum."

"Scum also has its advantages. Such people are more suitable for this position. He doesn't have his own justice, so it's better to change his mind."

There are many stubborn people in the navy. They can almost give everything to practice the justice in their hearts.

"To enslave a scum, use money as bait and fear as a whip. As long as he is scared enough to not dare to resist, and then give him a little sweetness, this guy will naturally obey."

"What if he is disobedient and defected after he is in a high position?"

"Under normal circumstances, this is impossible. After tasting the sweetness, this kind of person will never give up the benefits in hand."

Even if Gaspard chooses to "endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens", when he has enough power, he will not be able to get rid of Orlan.

Everything he has is facilitated by Orlan. Orlan will have countless handles on him. Once all this is made clear, it means that Gaspard will lose everything.

With this criminal record, the best result is to retire in an idle position, and even when it is exposed, he will face the risk of being killed at any time. This kind of person will not make such a sacrifice.

What's more, he may not succeed in defecting. Gaspard does not have the evidence tonight. In the eyes of outsiders, this is Orlan's promotion of a "naval hero", which is a good thing.

Now this naval hero has turned his face and refused to recognize him, which is ungrateful.

"He is greedy, and it is precisely because he is greedy enough and has no perseverance that he is worthy of trust.

Even in the worst case, this is enough to shake some people's minds."

If the soldiers knew that the hero was a person who was seeking fame, the impact would be huge.

Human nature and desire are sometimes fatal, but Oran's things are just the surface.

The demons on the Valoran continent will prove with their actions that this is nothing. Those guys are the monsters who really master desire and turn people into puppets.

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