Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 262: One year, following the offline king's guard corps

It is not easy to be a hero. When you reach that position, you will even be forced to do something.

If he is worthy of this position, he is a hero. If he is not worthy of it, he will be a stain that will be detonated. Anyway, no matter what direction it develops, it is beneficial to Orlan himself. It is nothing more than a different way of dealing with it.

In theory, Gaspard will be threatened to be a good person, and if he pretends to be a good person for a long time, then he will be a real good person.

The higher the position, the more people will be watching here. In the corners of the four seas, a base commander can block the news and turn the surrounding area into his own small kingdom, but the headquarters cannot do that.

This is a world of extraordinary force. Facing those powerful colleagues, you have to be more cautious in doing things.

The physical fitness of this world is generally strong. After recuperation for a period of time, the seriously injured ships have basically recovered, and they followed the warships that came to trade back to the headquarters with bandages.

Except for Gaspard himself, other navy officers did not know what Orlan said to him that night.

After saying all that, Orlan did not contact him, as if he had never appeared, allowing Gaspard to continue to grow with his original team like an ordinary navy.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

After three bells rang, the station gate closed and the last train drove into the idle track.

The staff cleaned the station, and people from each station set out to check the track conditions.

But Piltover was still bustling. The end of work time meant the beginning of leisure life, and the street vendors were also busy.

There was only one bank in the entire Piltover, the Zodiac Basement, and there were no branches, so there was no need to wait for the money transport truck to escort the money away.

Before night fell, Stella, a bank employee, had finished her work for the day.

There was a piece of paper next to the Den Den Mushi at the door of her house. It was a Den Den Mushi fax machine with added accessories.

As long as some extra parts were added to the Den Den Mushi, the function of a fax machine could be achieved.

[Everything is fine, don't worry]

Because of the difference in working hours, Tezoro just sent back a message to report safety.

He would also call Stella in his spare time, but now the business in the East China Sea has just started, and Tezulo is very busy. He has been relying on fax communication during this period.

After Roger's death, Rogue Town seems to have become a tourist attraction.

The execution platform has been preserved. Perhaps the original purpose was to deter pirates, but now the pirates who arrived in Rogue Town have to come to this place one by one.

In the end, this thing even promoted the development of tourism in Rogue Town, and this place has become a legendary check-in point.

Among the many countries in the East China Sea, Rogue Town is not the richest, but it has the most convenient transportation. Starting from here, Tezulo began his new round of struggle.

Time passed, in October 1503 of the Sea Circle Calendar, in the first half of the Grand Route, the Power Gear sailed on the sea as usual.

"No abnormality on the port side!"

"No abnormality on the starboard side!"

With the increase in driving time, the crew on the ship became more and more proficient in driving skills. With the improvement of Piltover's national status, the cruising radius of the Power Gear was also increasing.

Now the soldiers on the ship have become independent from the guard team and have become a separate army. Although the style of clothing has not changed, the color has changed from the dark blue of the guard team to white.

"Captain, the record pointer shows that there is an island nearby, which is very close to us. Do you want to go for supplies?"

This place has long exceeded the distance they originally sailed, and the surrounding area is completely unfamiliar.

"How much supplies are left on the ship?"

"One third."

"Go over to resupply."


There are emergency supplies stored by Orlan in books on the ship. If they really encounter a bad situation and cannot be resupplied, they can also allow the people on the ship to persist for a long time, but that is a special reserve and will not be used when they can be resupplied.

If there is an opportunity to replenish supplies, they must be replenished. This is also the default rule for sailing on the Great Route. No one can guarantee when the next supply will be.

Even if it is a familiar route, unexpected situations may occur.

"Captain, the port conditions here may not be suitable for us to dock. Let's put a small boat first to see."

The tonnage of the Power Gear is larger, which also means that it has a deeper draft. If the sea environment is not suitable, it cannot dock at all.

"No, there are pirate ships in the port! They are looting the island!"

"All members of the power armor team are dressed, and the firepower team is ready to support, action!"

The purpose of the Power Gear going out is to fight pirates and provide humanitarian relief. They are no longer the recruits who couldn't even shoot accurately, but elite soldiers tempered by the flames of war.

As the order was issued, the soldiers on the ship also took action one after another.

Kate's other identity is the leader of the Guards, and she has the right to lead the Guards. However, the Guards of Piltover have always been unmanned guard mechas, and new teams were not formed until the soldiers of the Power Gear matured.

The power armor on the ship is between the heavy mechas such as the Guards and the ordinary exoskeletons of the guards, and belongs to medium-sized power armor for war.

"Prepare for a hard landing!"

The soldiers wearing power armor came to a strange device, which is a special landing device, and its main function is to help these soldiers wearing power armor complete offshore landings.

In layman's terms, this thing launches "human cannonballs."

With the help of the power armor's defense and their already strong physique, these people can fully withstand this impact.

Discovering pirates and attacking pirates is the daily routine of the Power Gear.

Although this direct way of sending troops seems a bit reckless, these soldiers have grown up rapidly in this mode.

On the island, the town was burning in flames. The originally prosperous town has now become a ruin, with corpses and scattered property on the ground.

A group of pirates are looting property here, and blood-stained Baileys and banknotes are piled up in one box after another.

"Hahahaha, this town is really rich. I didn't expect to rob so many treasures."

"It seems that deviating from the course is not without any benefits. This time I made a fortune."

There are sea charts on the Grand Route. At least in the hands of major forces, the distribution of islands on the Grand Route is not a secret.

However, the sea charts of the Grand Route are often redundant. Even if the location of the island is known, there is no record pointer, and the direction cannot be identified.

The role of the sea chart is just to let people know what kind of island they will arrive at in front of them, so as to prepare in advance.

If you are lucky enough, even if you don't have the record pointer, you may accidentally reach another island. This is how this group of pirates appeared here.

The sudden storm made them lose their direction, but they arrived at a new destination.

"Unfortunately, there are no decent opponents on this island. They are all too weak and it's boring."

The reason these pirates kill people is not to steal things, but simply to have fun and find excitement from killing.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to meet a monster like the admiral? We almost died in the East China Sea."

The boss that randomly refreshes in the East China Sea area, Garp, is fatal in that place even if Garp throws a few shells casually.

This group of guys can enter the Grand Line safely because Garp was attracted by a larger group of pirates and did not notice them.

They were lucky and bypassed the most dangerous route in the subsequent seven routes, which is where Piltover is located.

However, as time goes by, the crisis level of the Grand Line is also being refreshed, especially after the "hunting" range of the Power Gear is expanded, these pirates in the Novice Village will face a greater crisis.

"You are too careful, how can that kind of monster be everywhere?"


Boom! Boom!

Several huge black shadows flew from a distance and landed roughly on the beach near the coastline. The soft sand further reduced the impact force. In a moment, the power armor group completed the assembly.

This group is the most heavily trained group on the Power Gear, and is also responsible for tasks such as attacking and landing on the beach.

Anyone can use the police exoskeleton mecha, but the military enhanced version requires some physical strength. Under high-intensity training, this group of people is also the strongest in the legion.

With the determination of the national political system, Piltover's military system has also been rebuilt into a legion system. There are currently four legions. The combatants on the Power Gear are the reorganized First Legion, also known as the Guards Legion.

Adhering to the principle that the king will not stay at home honestly, this guard corps will naturally not stay by the king's side every day, but will make a name for the country abroad.

Let alone them, even the real guards, those guard mechas at the beginning also have other uses. Except for supporting the scene when foreign guests arrive, they are generally not used in the palace.

The remaining three are ordinary kingdom troops in the country, foreign legions composed of foreign populations, and recruit training camps.

Whether in terms of equipment or combat experience, Kate's team is the best.

"Information confirmed, Iron Thorn Pirates, captain is Iron Thorn Wilk, bounty 67 million Baileys.

Group one, group two, carry out annihilation missions, group three prepares to rescue survivors on the island, group four builds a beachhead, action!"

This power armor group has only 20 people at full strength. After the order was issued, 15 people kept a certain distance and began to move towards the center of the island in a fan shape. The other soldiers on the ship also began to land with the help of the landing ship.

"What are those things?"

Although the distance was not close, the movement on the coast still attracted the attention of these pirates.


Looking at the black shadows gradually approaching the coast, the pirates in the town had not figured out what they were before they heard a burst of explosions.

When the pirates realized that they were attacked, the pirates who shouted that the people here were too weak had a scar as big as a bowl on their chest, and their backs were bloody.

In this sea, the human body is the strongest defense. Except for a few people with weak bodies, human shields can even block a blow from the giants.

If it were a more conventional world, it would be possible to smash a person directly with this shot.

"Alphonse, you are so impatient."

"This kind of scum is annoying to look at. The captain's annihilation order has come down. What else is there to wait for."

These power armors look similar. Anyone who is not blind can see that they are the same model, but the weapons equipped are different.

Alphonse has a sniper rifle in his hand.

The positioning of snipers on the sea has always been awkward, especially when they are on the side of the strong. What snipers compete on is not their marksmanship, but their domineering strength.

If the observation Haki is not strong enough, the enemy's position cannot be locked. If the armament Haki is not strong enough, it cannot break the defense even if it hits. Those snipers' marksmanship is indeed strong, but what is stronger is their own domineering.

However, in this level of battle, larger caliber and longer range can determine the outcome of a battle.

When the pirates could only see an outline, the soldiers responsible for fire support in the power armor group had already locked their bodies.

No one aimed at the head because it was unnecessary.

The large-caliber weapons in their hands were enough to kill as long as they hit the body, and leaving a complete head would be convenient for exchanging bounties with the navy in the future.

"Let's do it, brothers! If we don't hurry up, the enemy will let these guys rob us all!"

For the country, fighting pirates is good for reputation, but this kind of thing has no direct benefit for soldiers.

It is true that many people have a kind of disgust towards pirates, but pirates are also equivalent to military merits in the legion. In this chaotic era, the army is the fastest way to upgrade the class.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. There is a similar reward mechanism within the navy. It is better to say that it is this mechanism and the temptation of mecha that make the soldiers more proactive.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of gunfire continued, but the pirates were retreating step by step.

"Captain! I can't rush through. Their firepower is too strong!"

The road leading to the beach in the town has become a death zone. Pirates holding swords will be shot into sieves before they can even touch the soldiers on the power gear.

The muskets in their hands can do nothing except eject a few sparks outside the power armor, and the artillery that may pose a threat has long been cleared.

The cavalry's desperate charge against the tank can still use the blind spot to get through, but now these hundreds of pirates are suppressed by 15 people.

"Don't charge! Hide! Wait for these guys to come over! As long as we pull them out of those tin cans, we will win!"

The remaining pirates hid in the surrounding houses one after another. Their counterattacks failed to delay the power armor's progress, and they completely delayed the advancement of the power armor with their lives.

Now that they have retreated, the power armor has reached the town unimpeded.

"These bastards. It seems that we are a little late. Rescue team!"

"No life signal."

Power armor also has a medic model. The special equipment can not only perform emergency surgery on the wounded, but also give a friendly electrotherapy to the approaching enemy.

There are also special life detection devices on their power armor, but there is a certain distance limit.

"No! There is still a living person here!"

After checking the body again and again, the soldiers had basically given up hope, but found a life signal in a sealed box.

The soldiers hurriedly opened the box, and a baby with half red and half white hair was lying quietly inside.

"She didn't wake up despite all the noise. Is she still alive?"

"She's alive. It looks like someone gave her sleeping pills and hid her in a box. She probably wanted to hide from the pirates."

After checking with the medical equipment on the power armor, the medic came to a new conclusion. He also found a piece of paper in the box. However, it didn't contain any key information. It just had the child's name and birthday written down in a few strokes.

"Utama, okay guys, it's time to avenge this kid's parents and send these pirates to hell!"

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