Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 283: Publicly funded concert, traces of Gamenio

Except for a very small number of elite students, this intense competition did not spread, and even the medical soldiers who treated Sakaski did not feel there was anything wrong.

They are the navy, and injuries are common. None of the current marshals and generals can say that they have never been injured since joining the navy.

It's just that Magma's body was actually burned, which made them a little confused.

This little thing that is not open to the public is nothing compared to the escort work on the other side of the navy.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is a Draconian patrol or an escort mission when a world conference is held, if the participating countries want to instruct the navy to do something, they have to spend money.

But as long as certain additional circumstances are triggered, the Navy will also start voluntary labor.

In this place, you can even see the navy assisting ticket collectors and security guards in maintaining law and order at the venue.

"Report to Major General Mitt! The chaos outside the venue has been stopped. The civilians who tried to use the chaos to rush into the venue have been intercepted, and the person who took the lead in inciting emotions has also been found.

He is a ticket seller who resells tickets at high prices. It is said that his reselling behavior was discovered by the authorities."

"Okay, no need to say any more, just lock him up and give him a warning. The concert will last for three hours. If you keep this guard, our mission is over."

Mitt's arm was still the steel prosthetic limb. After getting used to it, he even removed the outer bionic skin.

This has little impact on the function, but the metal mechanical style gives it a cool feeling.

"How's the old guy doing?"

"As in the past, I was sitting in the VIP seat in the front row, chatting happily with the young man next to me. Major General Mitt, is that man really a pirate? I have no idea at all."

"Not only a pirate, but also a rare and powerful pirate. Pay more attention to him. As long as he can stay stable, then it's easier than anything else."

Several years have passed since Redfield's semi-retirement days, and Navy leaders are well aware of where Redfield is now.

It should be said that the navy is aware of it. After all, this matter has made headlines in the newspapers a few years ago. However, because Redfield is too stable, most ordinary soldiers have forgotten about him.

They can still recall this person's name when they mention it again, but if no one mentions it, they will just think that he is an ordinary old man.

Rayleigh basically has the same nature. If this unstable factor is willing to retreat, the World Government will be happy to see it happen.

However, the Navy's attitude towards this group of people is not very friendly. After all, they were all pirates in the past. Even if they are much better than those pirates who robbed homes and destroyed homes, Redfield and others still cannot get rid of the fact that they were pirates in the past. .

Many marines instinctively dislike this kind of people, even if they are really strong.

The recruits are different. If you pick up a random person from the street and ask him what the newspaper headlines were in the past few years, not many people can answer the question.

Unless it is of extremely great commemorative significance, or something outrageous like a certain football team winning the World Cup, it is difficult for people to keep it in mind.

The mission of these navies is simple, to keep the concert running as usual and eliminate unrest.

"Major General Mitt, I have another question."


"After the concert, can we go to the King of Soul to get an autograph? Many of my friends like him very much. They all asked me after they heard that I was on a mission here."

"Go and line up by yourself after it's over, don't break the rules."


Mitte responded to his subordinates' questions while being alert to the surrounding situation.

At first, Mitt felt that this kind of task was very simple, no different from fishing, and did not require much effort.

But later, Mitt discovered that he had underestimated the human heart.

Seeing that the concert was very luxurious, the pirates who wanted to rob were just the most common trouble, and fists were enough to deal with those guys.

The trouble was that the audience underestimated Brooke's popularity at the beginning, and the crowd almost caused a stampede.

Those who broke in without tickets and caused a commotion, those who broke into the backstage to have a bastard meal, the mess was more complicated than a fight with a pirate.

The Navy couldn't figure out what could lead to Redfield's sudden outburst.

After all, they still haven't figured out why Redfield retired in this way and even followed the concert every day like the security guard.

In order to prevent accidents, simply do more things.

In the infield of the concert, Redfield was doing something that the Navy could not understand.

"Uncle, did you also come to the concert near Cecherir Island last year?"

During halftime, the person next to Redfield asked a small question.

The person sitting in the front row has a distinctive feature, more or less some skull paint on his face, which is regarded as Brooke's fan logo.

Because of this sign, at first glance it even feels like a gang gathering.

Redfield is one of the special cases. He even looks like a heretic with his clean face. This has the advantage of at least making it easier for others to recognize who he is.

"Yeah, I've never been absent from every concert."

"Uncle, you are really awesome. Tickets for the King of Soul's concerts are extremely hard to get. Some places are too far away and difficult to get to. I have only gotten them twice in so many years, and I have missed a lot of new songs."

In addition to the iconic repertoire, Brooke's tour will change the repertoire every year. With Olan here, Brooke doesn't have to worry about the repertoire at all, and he can have as many as he wants.

This gives those fans more reasons to follow Brook's footsteps. According to the customs of this sea and the abnormal brain circuits, if Brook shouts that he is going to be a pirate one day, maybe he can really attract some followers.

"It's not easy to rob twice. My situation is special and you can't replicate it."

As long as there is a helmet to help and not read minds, it is still a pleasant thing for Redfield to be with such a group of people with common interests.

"Major General Mitt, a pirate ship was found in the southeast, and its behavior is unknown."

"Get ready."

"Major General Mitt, the ship was sunk. It was Princess Leliana who did it. It seems that she happened to pass by?"

"Okay, don't worry about it. There won't be any problems here. Just treat this operation as a paid vacation."

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Mitt completely relaxed. The place where the concert could be held was a relatively peaceful sea.

If a concert is held in a place like the Devil's Triangle, even if it is free, no one may come. The warships led by the major general are enough to deal with 90% of the problems.

The Navy couldn't send an admiral to watch the concert. If there was such a madman, Redfield would have to deal with it himself.

Now that Leliana has come to the venue, there is no need to worry.

After a while.

"I'm back!"

After the concert, Leliana followed the island whale back to Piltover, and soon returned to the royal city.

"I'm back. How do you feel about the new generation of the Navy?"

"Well, Uncle Kuzan is as lazy as ever.

Borsalino didn't see it, but he's too fast. If a fight really breaks out, it's going to be hard to keep him.

Sakaski is pretty solid, should he be able to get even stronger?"

Recalling the previous battles, Leliana roughly summarized.

"By the way, Dad, ask Blitz to get me a few more pairs of shoes. I've been wearing them out a bit lately."

Sometimes the human form causes damage, and it's easy to lose shoes that are lost in fierce battles. In addition, when the dragon form is more excited, the shoes are broken, so it's time for Leliana to restock.

Blitzcrank is not only able to synthesize raw materials, but also can directly produce finished products with the right materials. It can be called a universal synthesis factory, which is comparable to the operation tables of those cube people.

"Blitzcrank is in the laboratory, you can go find him later."

"Okay, by the way, where is Abu? Hasn't he come back yet?"

"The transaction with the Revolutionary Army wasted some time, and then he went to Wano Country again, it will probably take another month."

After chatting casually for a few words, Leliana went to replenish the things she needed, but in Wano Country, Absalom met an unexpected person.

"You stupid lizard are here? What's wrong? Does Whitebeard don't want you?"

"Gurgle gurgle gurgle~ I gave up that old thing. He actually punished his son for that kind of thing. What kind of "father" is this guy?"

"You can really make excuses for yourself. You caused trouble for your captain and thought he was not protective enough. It was a mistake that the princess didn't crush you to death directly."

The person Absalom saw was none other than Caminho.

After defecting from the Whitebeard Pirates, Gamenio fled for a while. The Copy Fruit is a higher level of the Imitation Fruit. It can not only copy other people's fruit abilities, but also copy facial and physical features.

Relying on countless faces, Gamenio evaded Marco's pursuit several times. If he had chosen to retire from the past, it would be difficult for the Whitebeard Pirates to find him.

As for the life card, it is not an ID card. It is generally only relatives and friends who have a good relationship with each other who hold each other's life cards, and the production materials and technology are also quite complicated.

The prisoners imprisoned in Impelton were not made life cards. Perhaps in their view, the escape of the Golden Lion was just an accident. No one can escape from this place again, so there is no need at all.

However, Gamenio is not the type who is content with loneliness. It is a bit too difficult for him to live in seclusion honestly.

Gamenio also knows that he has violated Whitebeard's taboo, so he wants to find a new backer.

Ordinary pirates don't have the courage to accept him, and there is no reason for Gamenio to surrender.

Recalling that Whitebeard's ship mentioned that Whitebeard's brother Oden died in Wano Country, and Whitebeard was worried about the heavy casualties and did not go to Wano Country for revenge, Kamenio finally chose to join Kaido.

I am still updating even when I take leave!

It's just that I update less!

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