Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 284 I have a plan to take revenge on Kaido

In fact, Caminho himself has few choices.

Caminho who defected would definitely be unacceptable to Whitebeard. To protect his own forces, he must at least have the ability to compete with Whitebeard.

The sea has not yet formed the so-called Four Emperors, but the sphere of influence has basically been determined.

The scattered pirate alliances are definitely not considered, none of those guys can resist.

In addition to Kaido, the only alternatives are Wang Zhi of Beehive Island and Charlotte Linlin of Cake Island.

The main reason for choosing Kaido is that Kaido's main goal is to recruit people regardless of whether they are meat or vegetables. As long as they are capable and willing to join him, Kaido will basically accept them all.

With the Phoenix reproduced by the fruit ability, Caminho did not waste too much time to join Kaido.

As for the conflicts caused by Caminho before, Kaido did not know about those things.

At the beginning, the focus of the world was the battle between Leliana and Whitebeard, a confrontation between the strong of the new era and Whitebeard, who was hailed as the strongest man in the world.

In another world, Leliana could be quickly labeled as a role model based on her gender.

Compared to them, no one cared about the trigger of Carmenio. If Kaido had known earlier, he would have really considered the specific situation.

"Changing the camp is really no burden for a scum like you."

"You hairy bastard, where do you think this is? This is not a neutral island, but the base camp of the beasts!"

"Of course I know where this is? Why don't you use your brain to think about why I came here? Speaking of which, you are quite good at choosing places. How long can you last here without sneezing?"


Animal ability users and mammals are Carmenio's weaknesses, but what the beasts lack the most is this kind of ability users, not to mention that there are many people who can't change their forms freely after using the second-generation potion.

"What's wrong, why are you quarreling?"

When Absalom and Carmenio quarreled and even showed some signs of fighting, a tall man in black leather clothes and a pair of black wings behind him walked over.

He is King, Kaido's right-hand man. His original name is Abel, and he is a survivor of the Lunaria tribe.

Like the bear's Bakhaniya tribe, they are all races hunted by the World Government.

The World Government's attitude towards the Lunaria tribe is even more serious. They don't need to capture them. They only need to provide effective intelligence information to get a high bounty of 100 million Baili.

King and Kaido have a laboratory relationship. After being rescued by Kaido, he has been following Kaido.

Unlike Quinn, who often short-circuits his brain, King is very reliable in most cases.

When Kaido often goes out to run around and find trouble, most of the affairs of the beasts are handled by him. He can be regarded as a Katakuri with a more extreme personality.

Because of his previous experience, King does not have the friendship with other pirates that Katakuri has with his brothers and sisters. He just follows Kaido simply. Even Quinn thinks King is a pervert who likes to torture.

"Lord Jin, this guy and I..."

"We have a grudge. We had conflicts when this stupid lizard was still under Whitebeard's command. I didn't expect that he would become one of yours now. He is a troublemaker. You'd better be careful."

"With him? Are you talking about the previous battle with Whitebeard?"

After hearing what Absalom said, Jin looked at Gamenio but didn't say anything.

Thinking of the previous battle and what Absalom said now, anyone with a little brain can think of what happened.

But this is the Beasts, and the boss of the Beasts is only Kaido. Unless Kaido instructs, Jin will not make decisions on his own.

Correspondingly, as a trader, Absalom and Jin will also ensure the safety of the other party.

"Kameño, that's Kaido's important guest, don't meddle.

Come with me, what is that idiot Quinn doing? Kaido is fighting with Miss Yamato, so he probably won't be able to spare any time for a while."

The most common thing for pirates is to hold banquets, but in the banquet hall of Onigashima, Kameneo was surprised to find that Absalom's seat was closer to the front than his, and he seemed to be familiar with the governor and senior officials of the Beasts.

After the banquet, Absalom almost walked out with Quinn arm in arm, but he didn't do so simply because of the height difference.

"Kameño, Kaido wants to see you."

While Kameneo was still thinking about this question, a pirate came over to pass on a message for Kaido and took Kameneo over.

"Caminho, I didn't ask you why you defected from Whitebeard, but Jin just told me something about the past.

Now I'm very curious about what happened back then."

Kaido sat in his seat, with a little bit of alcohol on his face, but his eyes were unusually sober, and the alcohol on his body was just a little disguise at most.

"Governor Kaido, this is what happened."

Faced with Kaido's question, Caminho roughly explained what happened at the time, and emphasized that he was extremely dissatisfied with Whitebeard's handling plan, so he made the decision to defect.

"Caminho, I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense, you don't have to explain why you betrayed Whitebeard. Betrayal is the norm among pirates. Since I have chosen to accept it, I won't care about this kind of thing.

You are afraid of that old guy, but I am not."

Things are different now. Kaido now is not the Kaido of a few years ago. When Oden was alive, Kaido had to avoid Whitebeard when he came.

Not only are the troops under his command stronger now, but Kaido himself has also grown up, so he will not be afraid of a white beard.

"As for those contradictions, I don't care. After all, I let you join my army. How can I just hand you over?

But I have to remind you that if you want to retaliate or do something in private, I will not clean up your ass like the old guy Whitebeard."

If Kaido knew about this contradiction before Carmenio joined, he would most likely reject Carmenio.

Although Carmenio is a talented and valuable subordinate, he is not enough to make Kaido sacrifice other interests.

But if he has agreed, the result will be different.

As the captain of a pirate group, he has no reason to hand over the subordinates who have already joined.

Just as he said when he recruited Jin, "Just follow me, I will never hand you over!", this is also another principled issue.

Kaido never cares about the character of the other party when recruiting people. As long as they can fight, he will take them in no matter how bad they are, unless there is a person named Arceus who conducts political review, which can make Kaido restrain himself a little.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know about the previous things. Kaido will not deal with troubles for others indefinitely. He gave a heads-up in advance because he thinks that Carmenio has some potential.

"Yes, I understand."

"There is one more thing. I don't care if you betray Whitebeard, but if you betray me, I will let you know what hell is."

Kaido has a bit of double standards. Carmenio just has good potential, but it is not worth Kaido's full attention on him, so naturally he doesn't have that preference.

Looking at the entire Beasts Pirates, perhaps Jack is the newcomer that Kaido values ​​the most. Even if he has failed so many times, in Kaido's eyes, it is still because the enemy is too strong.

But this is also a fact. The two fur tribes who opened the moon lion, the elephant master, and the old man, the old lady, and the blind trio, Jack has never challenged simple people.

Kaido gave some warnings to Gamenio, and Quinn was talking about the same topic with Absalom.

"Did that kid do such a thing?"

"Yes, the princess did teach him a lesson, but I didn't expect him to come here."

"After all, that idiot violated Whitebeard's taboo and always had to find someone to protect him. If you had come a few days earlier, I could have suggested to Brother Kaido not to accept that kid.

But Brother Kaido had already made a decision, so I have no choice."

"It's okay, after all, we are just doing a deal, I won't get entangled in such a small matter."

The two sides are not allies, but just trading partners. Although they have a say in the new world, they will not fight or do other things for the interests of each other.

Gamenio did not interfere with Absalom's normal process. He delivered the goods, went to the flower street, and then told Yamato about the outside world. Normally, after completing these three tasks, Absalom should prepare to return to Piltover.

However, when taking the last step, someone made a suggestion to Absalom.

"I heard that the pirate my father recruited offended Dr. Orlan?"

"It's not that he offended Lord Orlan. It's a bit exaggerated to say so, but it can't be said to be wrong."

"In this case, I have a suggestion."

Yamato came to Absalom with great interest, and then said something that Absalom couldn't believe.

"Since that bastard dad has such an annoying subordinate, it's reasonable for you to do something else for revenge, right?"

"Why should I take revenge?"

"That bastard dad knows how to torture me every day, and he always finds reasons to beat me up. I tried to escape several times but failed.

Aren't you the user of the transparent fruit? Use your fruit ability to take me out, so that you can anger that bull-headed gorilla!"

Yamato clapped her hands, and even had little stars in her eyes. At this time, she felt that she was extremely smart and could come up with such a brilliant plan.

"I think you just want to leave here."

"Don't care about that kind of details. Isn't the result very good? They won't be able to find it for a while. By the time they find it, we should all be in Piltover."

Absalom guessed correctly. Yamato wanted to leave Kaido's control more, but no one on Onigashima could help her. The only outsider who could provide assistance was Absalom.

Six thousand, no early morning

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