Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 285 White hair is all black when cut

[You, a white-haired, red-horned man, have a black heart. ]

This is the meaning of Absalom's expression. He knew that the relationship between the father and daughter was not very harmonious, but he did not expect that there was someone who wanted to escape every day.

"Please, there are no outsiders here at all.

Oh, no, besides you, there are also those people from the World Government in white suits who will come here, but those masked people don't look like good people. And no one is more suitable for escape than you."

"Isn't Kaido your father? Your status here is second to none, right? Do you hate this place so much?"

"It's because of that bastard dad that I don't want to stay here! Look at these bandages, this is not tomato juice, it's real blood! If you stay like this, sooner or later you will be beaten to death by him!"

When it comes to Kaido, Yamato has nothing but complaints. It seems that if she is asked to list Kaido's crimes, she can talk for days and nights.

"Why don't you cooperate with him and run away when you take the ship out in a few years."

"No, I don't know how many years it will take. I'm not sure if I can live until then. Besides, I don't want to be a pirate! That bull-headed gorilla looks like a reckless man, but he's actually very cunning.

If I want him to trust me, I have to do something I don't want to do. I heard from other pirates that the guy is preparing handcuffs for me, and they're the kind that can explode.

This may be my last chance to escape. I've even prepared my luggage. You just need to help me hide and take me out of Onigashima."

When Absalom heard Yamato say that he didn't want to be a pirate, he had some understanding of the conflict between father and daughter.

On the sea outside, it's normal not to want to be a pirate. Most people won't choose to embark on the road of pirates.

Even if there are countless pirates going out to sea every year, they are only a small part of the huge population base.

But in this kind of pirate family, saying that you don't want to be a pirate is the same as the grandson of a navy hero saying that he wants to be the Pirate King, except that Kaido will be more ruthless and have a stronger desire for control.

He thinks it is right to do so, so he asks Yamato to do the same. He doesn't need his daughter to have any dreams, he just needs her to listen to his orders and obey his arrangements.

Kaido, who ignores the process and simply wants the result, and advocates stick education, gets pure rebellion. The more he wants Yamato to do something, the more Yamato hates it.

Children who have never received love can't understand what love is.

"And didn't Dr. Oran say."

If Absalom understood the general problem just now, then now Absalom knows the cause of the matter. This seems to be something he did himself.

Oran doesn't write a diary. If something is put on paper, it must be for others to see. He can complete the function of a diary with his special memory. At most, he spends some time recalling something.

But just because he didn't write it himself doesn't mean that people around him won't make some strange summaries. Maybe in a few years, Oran will see something like "Olan Quotations".

"The defense of Onigashima is actually very lax. The main problem is that I can't get a boat. That bastard dad will definitely not find it. There is no risk for you."

The terrain of Wano Country makes it easy to defend and difficult to attack, difficult to enter and exit, but the management of the beasts here is not ironclad, but rather quite chaotic.

The most outrageous situation is the battle of Onigashima in the original timeline. Kaido has 30,000 members under his command, but in addition to these 30,000 people, there are 5,000 enemies who sneak in. On average, one in every seven people is an enemy.

The main means of transportation restricts Yamato. Kaido's men control the submerged port, and the small boat can't go out at all. Yamato, who can't sail, has no ability to sail far away by himself.

The risk of being exposed on the beasts' ship is also very high. According to Kaido's character, she is sure that the other party can really lock her up. As long as she fails once, everything will be over.

However, Yamato didn't know Absalom well enough. He was struggling with the question of whether he would have to say goodbye to Hanamachi if he helped Yamato leave here.

Although even if he did so, Kaido had no sufficient evidence to prove that he did it, but pirates were not the navy.

The World Government and the Navy advocated procedural justice, and they had to have legitimate reasons for doing things, but pirates didn't need them.

For safety reasons, it's better not to come.

"I say, don't worry about it, we are not allies, and even if we are allies, it's normal for pirates to make trouble with each other.

That bastard dad has accepted that chameleon, don't you want to do something?"

"Wait a minute, let me sort it out, I'm a little confused"

Absalom took out a small box and fiddled with it. It was a special communicator. He thought it would be better to ask about some things.

It takes some time to transmit the signal. Different worlds have different characteristics. This pager-like decoration is a long-distance radio based on the principle of long-distance telephone bugs. It also takes a little time to receive the signal.

A minute or two after Absalom sent the message, Oran received it.

"Dad, this is Abu's message. He said he encountered something... weird in Wano Country."

Olan's device was just on the table. Leliana saw it and conveyed it on behalf of Absalom.

"It seems that their family relationship is not very harmonious. How should I reply to Abu?"

"Let him do what he wants. It doesn't matter. Just do it if he wants to. By the way, I remember you mentioned that Gamenio has a serious hair allergy? Can he still find the beasts?"

"Who knows? Then I will reply to Abu "whatever"?"

"Just reply like that."

The transaction between them and the beasts is a pure seller's market.

A lot of seastone and iron ore have been stored over the years. Orlan is still talking about some things with the fishmen. When the excavation work here starts, some transactions will become dispensable.

Moreover, the transactions between major forces will not be interrupted so easily. The World Government has weapons and seastone orders from Kaido every year. As long as it is not to the point of completely overturning the table, even a small conflict will not affect the transaction, unless Kaido is willing to give up these beast-like potions.

Whether the transaction continues or not, it will have no effect on Piltover.

As for the psychological burden, this thing does not exist.

Just like what Yamato knows, they have never been allies, but just trading partners. Apart from contacting each other once a year for trading, they have no other intersections.

Sharing life and death, advancing and retreating together are allies. They have only sold things for a few years, and this superficial relationship is not an alliance at all.

Kaido will not do things for Orlan in the New World for his benefit, and Orlan will not work hard for the development of the beasts. It is nothing more than taking what they need.

Moreover, the alliance between pirates is just a group of people with the same interests temporarily holding together for warmth. Now Piltover has gradually grown into an unshakable giant, so others are willing to negotiate transactions in a peaceful way.

If this giant falls one day, the seemingly friendly people will show their fangs. Let alone helping this giant up, it would be good if they don’t take the opportunity to step on it.

"Maybe it's good news for you. Lord Orlan has no objection."

Absalom is very familiar with Orlan's habits. Although he often acts as a riddler, he is still very clear when giving orders. If it cannot be done or must be done, then he will give a standard.

This casual answer means that Orlan doesn't care at all. As long as the people below are satisfied, they can do whatever they want.

"No. It's just a flower street. How can you be controlled by this desire? If you can't even control this thing, how can you do great things for the master in the future?"

Absalom muttered to himself, looking very entangled in his heart, but in the end, he made his own decision as if he had suddenly realized something.

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