Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 286 Foreign Legion and Bartholomew Bonnie

Chapter 286 Foreign Legion and Bartholomew Bonnie

As Yamato said, Onigashima's defense is comparable to a fishing net. Even Absalom's ability to become transparent may not be able to detect it, not to mention that Absalom is carrying a large book on his back.

Yamato's body is not as supermodel as Leliana. As long as she doesn't resist, Absalom can easily hide her in the book and then take her out of here.

And the fact is just as Yamato said. Not to mention that they found out at the time, the people of Onigashima realized that Yamato was missing three days later.

This is a foreshadowing left by Kaido. Because of the conflict between father and daughter, Yamato usually disappears as a normal thing, often disappearing for one or two days.

It's just that in the past, she would run to the main island of Wano Country at most, and she would be discovered after two days at most.

The reason is very simple. The natives of Wano Country don't welcome her either. The identity of Kaido's daughter is welded to her like a label, causing her to be isolated and helpless in Wano Country.

Therefore, as long as you ask around in Wano Country, you can more or less find traces of Yamato. This time is different. Yamato seemed to have disappeared for several days, and finally someone found a note in her room.

[Goodbye! I don't want to be a pirate according to your idea! I'm going to pursue my dream! I'll come back and knock you down later! ]

The slightly threatening words were sent directly to Quinn. As for why it was Quinn

Although Quinn is not a good person, it is safer to communicate with him than to talk directly with Kaido. Jin is doing things outside for Kaido. If he goes directly to send a letter to Kaido, Kaido will be unhappy, and then Lei Ming Bagua will serve him directly.

As for whether Quinn will be beaten or not, it has nothing to do with them. With such a thick layer of fat, she can't be killed no matter how hard she tries.

"That's what happened, Brother Kaido. It looks like Miss Yamato ran away secretly."

"Heh, chasing dreams, it's enough to just listen to me and become the general of Wano Country according to my orders in the future. You really did a lot of unnecessary things on your own."

The decoration style of Onigashima is very retro, and Kaido threw the note into the brazier beside him with disdain.

According to his plan, Yamato should be in charge of Wano Country in the end to provide him with a steady stream of troops and weapons for the war.

"Quinn, do you think this kid went to find her idol?"

"This. Maybe?"

The one who boasts the most about Oran in Wano Country is Quinn. As a former colleague, the stronger Oran is, the more valuable Quinn is.

In terms of idol creation, it's not just Absalom who is working hard. He comes here at most once a year.

In addition to Quinn's flattery, it depends on Kaido's reverse comparison.

Yamato didn't know if Orlan was really good, but she had experienced how bad Kaido was. With a yearning for beauty, she naturally couldn't stand this broken place.

Now Yamato had successfully escaped, and Kaido suddenly asked this question, and Quinn, who was left behind, was a little panicked.

"Do you want me to go out and catch her, Brother Kaido?"

"Hehe, you may not be able to find her. No matter what method she uses, it is her ability to escape. This time I was indeed negligent in guarding against it.

I am looking forward to her overthrowing me, if she didn't die outside."

When Quinn was nervous to prevent being beaten, Kaido suddenly laughed.

If Yamato just clamored to do something, Kaido would lose interest. This kind of action put into practice accidentally suited Kaido's appetite.

After all, Kaido advocates a special value theory. Only those who have proved their ability can be considered as people with existence value.

Even if she borrowed the power of others, it was better than just empty talk, but it didn't mean Kaido would let her pursue her dreams outside.

"She'd better pray that I don't catch her back, otherwise, I will let her experience the cruelty of the new world better, ugh!"

While praising Yamato's pursuit of independence, Kaido also had a plan that was more fatal to Yamato, but Yamato herself didn't know about it.

It took three days for the beasts to find out that she was missing, and it took another two days to report it. When Kaido received the news, Absalom had already arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

Having arrived at this place, he let Yamato come out of the book, and then... Absalom wondered if he had brought the wrong person when he came out.

Compared with her shrewdness on Onigashima, Yamato was obviously much more naive after she came out. At least the vendor selling bubble cars in the Sabaody Archipelago successfully fooled Yamato and made her want to buy a bubble car.

At this time, Absalom didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, Yamato had been confined to Onigashima by Kaido and didn't know the situation outside. It was normal for people who came to Sabaody Archipelago for the first time to be deceived.

But on the way back to Piltover, this situation still happened from time to time, so that Absalom suspected that he had seen hallucinations some time ago.

The brain occasionally gets stuck, but after years of torture from Kaido, Yamato is still alive. He can still fight.

After eliminating some insignificant little things, they successfully returned to Piltover.

"Wow, is this Firefly Island? It looks much better than Onigashima."

The first thing that came into view was the Royal City, which was almost floating in the air. The ivory-white stone walls were inlaid with sky-blue crystals, and below was a vibrant town. The modern country was mixed with a little sci-fi style. The most important thing was that Yamato could see smiles on these people's faces.

It was not the forced smiles of Wano Country, but a real smile from the heart.

"This is the country built by Lord Orlan, and it will only get better in the future."

Originally, Absalom thought that Yamato would be very excited to go with him to see Orlan immediately. After all, she had regarded him as her idol for so many years.

But Yamato rejected Absalom's plan to take her to the Royal City, and just asked Absalom to give her an ordinary place to live like he settled ordinary immigrants.

"Don't you want to meet Lord Orlan?"

"Of course I do, but I don't want to do it this way. I want to work hard on my own and then walk up to him with dignity."

"What are you going to do?"

"Isn't the Piltover Foreign Legion the best way to obtain citizenship? I'll get citizenship this way and then be received by the king as the most outstanding soldier.

Although I hate that bull-headed gorilla, thanks to him, I'm still quite good at fighting now. Of course, there's another reason. Dr. Orlan won't allow a pirate to take away his soldiers."


Absalom didn't say anything. Yamato was right. This was indeed the rule of Piltover.

The moment a person joins the Foreign Legion, he automatically obtains citizenship of Piltover and is protected by the kingdom.

But Absalom didn't understand. For some reason, Yamato, who seemed a little dull on the road before, would become particularly smart as long as he talked about Kaido.

Absalom didn't interfere with Yamato's decision, but mentioned it in the report afterwards.

Because of the different situations in the world, the standard for recruiting new members in the foreign legion is strength, not age or height. As long as you have the ability, you can naturally use your ability here.

If you do not choose to retire after the expiration, you can also transfer to the official legion. If you perform well and become an officer, it is also the fastest way for ordinary people to achieve class transition.

"Master, this is the situation. She seems to be very interested in this."

"I know, let her go, you should take a rest for a while."


The fact that Absalom helped Yamato escape seems to have been temporarily forgotten by both parties. Kaido can't figure out where she is now, so he just wanders around in the New World and stirs up trouble as usual.

Carmenio also got a place to stay temporarily, but the news that Carmenio defected from Whitebeard and joined the Beasts also reached Whitebeard's ears with Carmenio's activities.

New and old hatreds, several conflicts broke out between Whitebeard and the Beasts, even Whitebeard and Kaido himself also participated in the battle, which ignited a wave of war in the New World.

However, both sides seemed to have maintained a certain degree of restraint, and neither side attacked the other's base camp, but only fought in the marginal areas.

Time passed bit by bit into 1505. Yamato made many friends in the foreign legion and became a role model in the eyes of those female soldiers.

Yamato seemed to prove that in addition to Princess Leliana, other women can be equally powerful.

And many bizarre things happened on the sea.

"Olan, new news, a kingdom seems to have been destroyed because of Ivankov."

In Oran's office, Kate was reporting on what happened on the sea this year. After becoming a member country, Piltover has a deeper connection with countries around the world, so it also needs to better understand national affairs.

"Ivankov? How did he destroy the country?"

There are many people on this sea who have the ability to destroy a country, not to mention the sea emperors of the New World. Even their cadres have the ability to destroy a country. After all, many places are called countries, but they are essentially just towns.

"It's not the destruction of a country, it should be called a scandal. The king of that country seemed to be planning to seek medical treatment, so he went to the Kingdom of Kamabarka.

But for some reason, he became a transvestite after returning to his country. The local citizens and other royal family members seemed unable to accept this. In the end, a major rebellion broke out and the rule of that country was disintegrated."

The medical industry in Piltover is very developed. Many people on the sea know about this, but knowing it doesn't mean they can come.

The dangers of sailing make them make different choices, such as going to the Kingdom of Kamabarka.

"This is really dramatic."

"It's just a rumor. There are also reports that the king wanted to become a woman, but the result is true. That country has been removed from the sea.

By the way, because of the people of the World Government, our military sales orders have increased a lot recently."

Kate took out a financial report and placed it in front of Orlan. Many countries have increased their demand for firearms and artillery.

"World Government? What did they do? Did they do propaganda for us?"

"It was a CP agent named Rob Lucci. He..."

This time it happened in a member country. A group of pirates invaded a country. The soldiers fought hard, but the pirates had a lot of artillery. In the end, the soldiers were defeated and captured.

The pirates threatened the king to abdicate with the lives of the soldiers.

"Your Majesty, although the firepower of the pirates is strong, the main force of the Kingdom Army and the Guards can take them down. We cannot agree to their demands!"

"The soldiers who risked their lives to fight but became hostages are also my people. We cannot watch them die. The throne can be taken away and there is still a chance to take it back, but human life is more than that."

"But even if we agree to them, the pirates may not release the hostages."

When the king was still struggling with the ministers, the people sent by the World Government also arrived, although they were only 13 years old.

Rob Lucci pretended to surrender, and then was taken to the place where the hostages were held, killed all the captured hostages, and then solved the angry pirates by himself, calming down the incident.

"I can only say that he is worthy of being trained by the World Government. He obviously has the ability to kill those pirates directly, but he ignored the local king's request of "putting the safety of hostages first" and killed all the soldiers first, and then killed the pirates.

Maybe he felt that the surrendered soldiers lost face for the member countries.

Thanks to him, some countries realized that relying on the World Government is prone to accidents and want to increase their self-protection capabilities."

Kate didn't understand what Rob Lucci was thinking. Among many ways, he chose a plan that no one had expected.

"CP people are a group of brainwashed lunatics. You can't use normal people's thinking to figure them out."

"Indeed. Bear? Is she going to give birth? I see, I'll come over."

What happened in these two countries is a typical example. The rest is not a big deal for the time being. When Kate wanted to say something, Bear called Oran.

Ginny's delivery date is earlier than Oran's estimated date, and now she is waiting at the hospital.

"Kate, go see Uta, she misses you a lot, I'll go to the hospital."

"Meow understands."

When Orlan arrived at the hospital, Ginny's face was not very good, but it was not pain, but anger.

The pain level of childbirth pain is extremely high, but Bear took all the pain and chose to bear it himself.

The Bear, who never refused Ginny's request in the past, did not choose to stop even when he saw Ginny angry.

"This is also my child, it's reasonable to bear this pain. You know my body, it's okay."

The Bear said these words in a flat tone, but the movement of his hands did not stop. Pain is not a one-time thing.

"You two stop flirting here, Bear, you stop first, if there is no pain perception, I can't judge Ginny's condition, don't do good things with bad intentions."

Pain is the body's warning. The body tells the brain in this way that it is very dangerous to do so. The absence of pain means the loss of warning of danger, which is a big deal.

However, a lot of preparations were made in advance for this matter. Although Ginny did not have the terrifying physique of Charlotte Lingling to be able to dominate the world while pregnant, she was not a weak person and had good physical fitness.

The preoperative examination showed that the baby was large in size, and the operation was finally performed as agreed before.

The process was very smooth, and there were no medical problems. The operation was completed in 20 minutes.

"Bear, no need to pray, don't you still believe in my ability? Mother and daughter are safe, you can go see little Bonnie."

Still the same.

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