Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 302: Really poaching Kaido’s people

Chapter 302: Really digging into Kaido’s corner

On another island, there were a lot of food packaging bags scattered around Leliana, as well as a huge skeleton and a “primitive” worshiping her.

This island is located in the Calm Belt, which is more isolated than the islands on the Grand Line.

The Calm Belt is not as empty as ordinary people think. There are islands here, some of which are inhabited. Nine Snake Island is the most straightforward example.

However, the Nine Snakes tamed the sea snakes. This kind of highly poisonous sea snake will even make the sea kings retreat. In addition to the survival mode of the whole country being soldiers, the Nine Snakes still have a way to enter and exit the Calm Belt.

This island is different. It has no contact with the outside world. It has lived a closed life for a long time, and its lifestyle is close to the tribal system.

When fighting Kaido a few days ago, it was this island that witnessed the battle between two dragon-shaped black shadows.

When Kaido landed on another island, Leliana also flew down. The people on these islands seemed to see the arrival of the gods. They took out the tribute and knelt down to her.

These people were probably people who moved in a long time ago to avoid the war. They had no trouble with language, did not develop a new language, and could communicate normally.

Leliana knew that in this environment, Bailey was as useless as waste paper. Seeing some people with wounds and suppuration, she gave them some anti-inflammatory drugs as an exchange of "tribute".

After the battle, her physical consumption was also serious. The same fighting time, the gold content is also different.

Roger and Whitebeard fought for three days, but those three days were like a joke. They fought during the day and rested at night, fought at a fixed time and ate at a fixed time, and the consumption was very low.

There are also some exceptions, such as Blackbeard did not sleep for three days and three nights because of his special physique, and Buggy seemed to stare at him for three days and three nights.

In the original timeline, Kuzan and Akainu fought for ten days, but they were both natural types. In a battle between natural types, except for the final victory or defeat, they basically did not touch each other.

Animal types are different. That is a pure hand-to-hand fight. The consumption of each moment is much greater than that of a battle between natural types, which naturally reduces the total duration.

"Huh, I'm full and almost recovered. I'm still not strong enough, otherwise why would I fight for so many days."

If you can eat a lot, your injuries will almost recover. When you are full, you will basically be fine. This is also a relatively alternative common sense on the sea.

Leliana is not very satisfied with her record. Even if she is still in the rising period, she can leave an indelible scar on Kaido at this time. This is enough to shock the sea, but Leliana still feels that it is not enough.

There are more than one such enemy on the sea. If such an enemy can make her waste so much time, then many goals are destined to be unattainable.

But if others know her thoughts, they will probably be angry and question her behavior for being Versailles.

"It's time to go home. We've been outside for a long time."

"Lord Dragon God, are you going back to heaven? Will the evil dragon come back?"

"I've told you all, there is no such thing as a dragon god. I'm just an ordinary person who is a little stronger. You can read, so remember to read the book I left for you carefully and don't do anything stupid again.

Evil dragons will definitely not come here. Just be careful of the sea kings in the sea."

News birds will not enter the Calm Belt. Even in the Nine Snakes, newspapers are rare goods. Therefore, even if these people can read, they have no chance to understand the outside world.

What Leliana left for them was a more practical encyclopedia, similar to the battlefield manual of the civilian science version, which is the standard prop for Piltover when it provides international aid outside.

After all, these people offered fruits and hunted barbecues, and she accepted the tributes. She always felt bad if she didn't leave something.

But after she left, the book was really passed down as a "heavenly book".

Maybe when Leliana passes by here again on a whim one day, she will be able to see her own statue.

Kaido and Leliana each took some time to set out on the road to "go home", and during this time, a ship sailing from Fishman Island has also arrived in the New World.

"Stop the ship!"

Shaq raised his hand and shouted, then picked up the sea chart and the record pointer to compare.

This is the route to Wano Country. After Oran talked to them about this, after consideration, Shaq decided to bring people here.

There are not many people on the ship, but they are all elite among the fishmen, with excellent physical strength and endurance, can swim longer distances, and are more suitable for deep-sea exploration.

"Brother Shaq, it's still far."

"I know, but let's stop here and swim the rest of the way, it's safer this way."

Kaido's reputation is still there, or rather, his bad reputation. Among the current sea emperors, Kaido has the worst reputation, and his usual style of behavior is also quite violent. In Shaq's opinion, this trip is not safe.

It's just that Orlan has helped Fishman Island so much, and they have to give back no matter what, so there are still many people willing to take this trip, including some mermaids.

Mermares are not as strong as fishmen, but they are one level ahead of fishmen in speed, and are known as the fastest swimming race in the ocean.

If it's just about measuring distance, mermaids are even more suitable for this kind of thing.

It's just that exploration has a lot of heavy physical work, so fishmen are the main force.

"This is the New World, there are many lawless pirates. If there is any danger, you should abandon the ship and return to Fishman Island. The same applies if we don't come back within three days. Do you understand?

Jinbei, don't follow me. You are in charge of the ship."

"Brother Shaq."

"I know what you said, but you are the only one who can make me feel at ease now. Tiger said he was going to travel and never came back. I don't know how he is now. I leave everyone to you."

Shaq didn't give Jinbei a chance to say anything. He jumped into the sea with his men and equipment and soon disappeared.

For ordinary people, the freezing cold sea water has almost no effect on the fishmen. This is another characteristic of the fishmen-cold resistance.

Born in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters, they have long been resistant to the cold. The low temperature that is fatal to humans has no effect on the fishmen.

They did not dive too deep, but were active at a depth of more than 100 meters.

As time passed, the tension in their hearts was also subsiding. This activity seemed to be the same as usual, with no difference.

They have already reached the vicinity of Wano Country, and no one has discovered them.

"Spread out, collect specimens and take them back!"

These people are also skilled workers. They began to collect specimens around the nearby seabed, but soon found a problem.

"Brother Shaq! No, it's too hard, we can't dig in!"

The excavation went smoothly at first, but as the drill bit went deeper, it was like it got stuck, and no matter how hard they tried, it didn't work.

"Good thing, change to drill bit No. 2."

Their drill bits are all specially made, and they have never encountered such a situation before. In addition to being able to target people with special abilities, the most famous thing about seastone is its hardness.

If it gets stuck, it is likely that they have really found something.

And drill bit No. 2 is the drill bit inlaid with seastone that this person specially prepared for this operation. As the mud and water surged, the surrounding vision became turbid, but the drill bit dug in smoothly.

After the sample was taken out, Shaq bit it again.

As expected, a few teeth were broken, but this was not a big deal for the shark fishman, and a new row could grow in minutes.

"Well, that's about it. Take some more samples nearby, and then our mission will be over."

Compared to the cautiousness at the beginning, the fishmen moved a lot more.

They realized that even the subordinates of these sea emperors didn't realize what they were doing underwater.

With the natural barrier of the sea, they didn't need to worry about so many problems at all. Most of the time, humans on the sea surface didn't think about what was under the water.

After all, in this world with a little bit of technology, submarines are rare objects, and anti-submarine or air defense have never been the key points of navigation, even when the Golden Lion was alive.

He is the only one who can create a large-scale flying force. Just send a master to keep an eye on him. This is much easier than mobilizing other things.

To be precise, Kaido himself has just returned to Onigashima.

And he didn't notice what was happening under the sea during the flight.

"Brother Kaido, your injury."

When Kaido returned to Onigashima, Jin saw the huge scar on Kaido's left chest at a glance.

The wound had already scabbed and fallen off, but Kaido did not sew or bandage it, just let it heal naturally. The scar formed by the newly formed tissue looked a bit scary.

"Well, it was that girl who did it, Sidiliel Leliana, I remember her name, this is an extremely powerful opponent. An opponent worth remembering for a lifetime."

Kaido has experienced many battles in his life, but there are few opponents worth remembering, and there are only four so far.

Roger, Whitebeard, Rocks.

These three people left a deep impression on Kaido. They are older than Kaido and can be said to be Kaido's predecessors.

In addition, there is Kozuki Oden, the man who left scars on him. As a peer, Kaido despises the other's brain while recognizing Kozuki Oden's force.

Now, Leliana has become the fifth person Kaido can't forget.

The first female strongman, and the first person younger than him.

His mentality quickly accepted this matter. What's wrong with being young? This is a good thing, at least it means that my life will not be boring in the future, and the other party will not enter the weak period due to age before me.

"Brother Kaido, did you hold back?"

"Hehe, how could it be possible? It's the difference in hard power, but I also gained something. Jin, your race has a long heritage. Do you think there are really only three kinds of domineering in the world? Are these the only limits of the body?"

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