Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 303 The heart of a strong man, the capital of pride

Kaido still remembers the punch that was made by combining heroic spirit with domineering spirit. He recalled this power more than once along the way and tried to learn it, but he still didn't get the hang of it.

Jin's race is a secret among the beasts, but Kaido and Quinn both know about it. There is no one else around, so Kaido didn't hide anything and asked Jin directly.

That was the Lunarians who were called the race of gods in ancient times. Maybe there is some unknown inheritance.

"I don't know, brother Kaido, I have never heard of such news before."

"Is that so? It seems that I can only figure it out slowly by myself."

The power contained in the domineering mind and body, except for the occasional awakening of observation color and armed color, can be controlled through training, only the domineering color depends on qualifications.

This has been passed down for many years, and Kaido had never thought about this problem before today's incident.

After all, Kaido never thought about how far away the person who taught her this kind of "qi" was from here.

"Roger's God's Retreat, the Giants' Mighty Country. I'm looking forward to the future more and more. Jin, give the order to hold a banquet today!"

"Yes, Brother Kaido."

Banquets are an extremely important part of pirate culture. They are held when they are happy and when they are sad.

They hold banquets to welcome new friends and when friends are leaving. As long as there is an excuse, they can directly start a carnival.

The battle between Leliana and Kaido seemed to be unnoticed by anyone, but it was still reported by Morgans in the newspaper.

[Shocked, another person who scarred Kaido! ]

The reporters of the World Economic News Agency can be said to be everywhere, and Kaido is not a quiet person. After he has recovered and held a banquet, he began to look for fights everywhere in the New World.

How can squatting in a corner to practice improve strength faster than going out to fight? The scar on his body was also noticed by people. It is not something that ordinary people can do to leave scars on such a strong man, so Morgans took it and barely made it a headline.

This newspaper finally produced many fake people, who said that Kaido's scars were cut by themselves, in order to enhance their reputation and recruit more subordinates.

Some people described the scene at that time vividly, so that some people really believed it, and the result was that Kaido himself was led over.

This kind of thing represents different things in the eyes of other people.

"Riley, it's a loss."

On Firefly Island, Frankenstein gave his own evaluation. Leliana had returned here a few days ago, but Morgans' newspaper was a little late.

"It's not a loss, so how can there be a loss."

"No, it's a loss if there is no profit."

There is a reason for the assignment of tasks between Leliana and Frankenstein. Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of character, Frankenstein is not suitable for dealing with external issues, because she does not have "give in" in her eyes.

If Frankenstein is asked to negotiate with other businessmen, then in Frankenstein's eyes, the other party will pay money for free work, which is the final result, so he mainly serves as a regent in the country.

She is used to dealing with problems in a procedural manner and is very suitable for things like rules and regulations.

The exception is when executing liquidation missions. Frankenstein is always very decisive in taking action against people who cause his family's forces to lose money. He will check all suspicious targets within the range until the mission is completed.

"Sister Fran, don't be so stingy. You can only gain if you give up. I think I have gained something. Kaido's control over the fruit is very good, and there are also things worth learning from.

I just don't know why, he likes to use the dragon form. I think the dragon form is more convenient."

Although Leliana and Frankenstein are the same age, Frankenstein's eldest sister has been like this 18 years ago.

Blitz gradually turned into a household all-purpose type because of the versatility of his abilities. Frankenstein did a lot of things at the time.

From experimental assistant to helping take care of children, Frankenstein has done everything, and the child he took care of was Leliana. Frankenstein was Leliana's sparring partner back then.

Leliana is the "only daughter" who was raised by a whole family in the true sense.

When she got older, the number of people in the family began to increase.

Although she has become stronger and the tallest person in the family, she is still treated as a child occasionally.

"By the way, where is Dad? I haven't seen him since I came back."

"Father is in the lab, still studying that biological metal. Maybe it will come out soon."

"Then I'll go over and see you. See you at dinner."

Before Leliana could go over, Orlan had already walked out. The research over there had come to an end for the time being. With the help of Neeko's cell arrangement and combination, this experiment was successfully pushed forward a step, but it was not enough to succeed directly.

"Dad, I had a fight with Kaido and won."

"Well done. It's not too much for you to say that you are invincible in a one-on-one fight. At least among the people who are still active in this sea, you should not be able to find an opponent in a 1v1 fight."

"Active? Are there still many monsters hiding in the sea?"

"Well, Rocks, those old guys in Mary Geoise, and those monsters from hundreds of years ago all have some special powers.

Don't worry about them for now. You still have plenty of time. You have the capital to be proud now."

"I won't be proud. The sea is the strongest. This is my goal. I'll talk about it when I achieve that day."

Leliana is not lacking in the heart to become a strong person. Those fake people boasted every day that they hurt Kaido, but Leliana, the person involved, could treat it with a normal heart and had no intention of bragging about it.

"Let's go, combine work and rest. It's rare that everyone is free. Let's hold a family gathering tonight and watch a movie. It will be time to hold a world conference in a while, and then we will be busy again."

There are naturally ways to show movies on the sea, but the movies here in Oran are not regular movies on the sea, but the theater replays in his books.

Not only his daughters, but also the bear family, Kate, Blitz and Zack, Terra and Nayafili were brought into the book together and appeared in a house that looked like a theater.

"Brother Oran, I know that everything in the book world is built by you, but is there anything special about the structure of this house?"

"No, just some memories. Do you want to take Bonnie with you? It's okay to put her aside for a while after coaxing her to sleep."

"Don't worry, Brother Oran, she won't make a fuss, and she's very brave, just a little greedy."

A baby who can't speak yet cries mainly because of physical discomfort or seeking something, and some are simply making trouble.

With the enhanced observation color of the Thunder Fruit, even if the baby has not yet been born with a complete mind, Ginny can at least understand what Bonnie wants or where she is uncomfortable, which makes it much easier to take care of the child.

In a room similar to a cinema screening room, Perona took one seat next to Oran, and Kate took the other seat with Uta.

The content of the film seems to be very educational-in short, the will of mortals.

It tells the story of Aristotle, a warrior who has been defeated repeatedly and fought repeatedly, and finally became a new war spirit.

Today is the day for family members to reunite, and also the day for some gamblers in Piltover to go bankrupt. After several years of polishing, the statue in the square is finally completed.

It cannot move now, which is the goal of subsequent research. The current statue is just a giant sea stone sculpture.

Those who guessed the appearance of the statue at the beginning all guessed wrong without exception. No one thought that Orlan would carve such a winged statue. The only information they got was that the statue was called the Colossus of Justice, Galio.

After some trivial matters, the World Conference of 1506 arrived as scheduled, and the navy entered the busy stage as usual.

As a member country that had been scheduled for a long time and had the right to participate in the World Conference, Piltover naturally embarked on the journey a long time ago, but there were some changes in the candidates. Tezoro also became an accompanying staff member of the conference.

He became an extremely rare "civil official", whose task was to negotiate with people from some countries at the conference to complete certain business transactions.

Frankenstein did not accompany Mary Joa this time because he disliked that she could not find a place to charge.

Uta is young, and Leliana thinks it would save time to wrestle with Terra, so she takes Perona with her.

Along the way, Tezoro is still exercising under Brand's command. Tezoro now has a desire for strength. He doesn't want to be powerless and unable to protect others.

"Tezoro, have you read all the information?"

"Yes, our minerals have an absolute price advantage, even with the freight. I am confident that I can contact more customers if no one else obstructs."

The cheapness of seabed minerals is a huge blow to countries that rely on mineral exports, so this group of people has formed an alliance against seabed minerals.

Correspondingly, countries without minerals are very supportive of the supply of seabed minerals. It can be foreseen that this matter will inevitably be the root cause of a big quarrel.

The king only decides whether to do this matter or not, and the details are handed over to his ministers.

Even Orlan has delegated many things about the country to others, instead of doing everything himself.

As expected, when the World Conference opened, a group of kings quarreled over this matter, without any elegance before the meeting.

However, no matter how much the opponents opposed, they could only ban such things in their own countries, and they could not control other places in the sea.

This issue finally achieved a result, and after that, Oran proposed a very special issue.

Based on the principle of international aid, Piltover is willing to build public libraries around the world for free for people from all countries to read for free. In addition to providing a piece of vacant land and houses, other kingdoms do not have to do anything.

"King Oran, why are you doing this?"

"For international aid, the cultural levels of various countries are very different, and some places are so bad that I can't stand it, that's all."

When you go out, you give yourself a character. Many years ago, Oran was fighting pirates on a voluntary basis, giving people a feeling of brushing up his reputation. It seems that there is nothing wrong with what he said.

But these days, free is the most expensive. Oran wants to build libraries around the world simply to cooperate with his fruit ability.

Today, there is no Ming Wan

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