Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 304 Lighting up the world

The book generated by the Book-Book Fruit is a space in itself, and as Orlan gradually completes his skill tree from top to bottom, the application of the Book-Book Fruit is becoming wider.

Recently, Orlan has been able to communicate with the space between Book-Book Fruits. In the same set of books, he can enter from the first volume and leave from the second volume, rather than being limited to one book.

However, the movement distance is currently limited, and can only move a short distance within the territory.

As for Orlan's ability to send letters, he also needs to rely on beacon books. Those beacon books are stations for Orlan.

As long as there are enough stations, he can lay a complete railway all over the world. If there are beacon locations all over the world, as long as there is enough time, Orlan can transfer what he needs little by little.

This thing is like the crystal tower of the Protoss. It may not be used at ordinary times, but if there is a ready-made crystal tower in a place, it will definitely be much more convenient.

Orlan's goal is to fill his "eye positions" all over the world. It may not have any practical significance in the near future, but it will be useful sooner or later.

At the same time, this is also an invisible cultural output.

In this world, knowledge is precious, especially in those underdeveloped countries, where ordinary people have no way to read books.

This is a subtle influence, an opportunity to increase Piltover's popularity around the world.

"This is a good thing, just a piece of idle land and a house that is not used. Everyone here is a famous king, so you won't be embarrassed by such a thing, right?

Alabasta agrees with King Oran's suggestion. Isn't such a library also beneficial to the development of the country?"

Cobra was the first to agree with Oran's idea. After all, this idea sounds harmless. The people present could not imagine what a library, or more precisely, a book in the library, means to Oran.

The more the kings consider the lives of their people, the more they approve of Oran's idea. Although here, they value Oran's identity as a king more, they have not forgotten his dual identity as a physician and scientist.

The books provided by such a famous scholar must be very good.

"Well, Dressrosa seconded the motion. Although our country is not very rich, we can still afford a house and vacant land. It is a good thing to give citizens more opportunities to access knowledge."

"Oppose, what's the point of letting those ignorant people know so much? Wouldn't it be better to let them obey the rule honestly?"

They are all monarchies, but the differences in monarchies between different countries are also very large. The monarchies of some countries are the monarchies of the feudal empire period, while others are similar to slavery, but they are just against slavery on the surface.

But no matter which system, ignorant people are implied, after all, such people are easier to manage.

"Yes, King Oran, do you want to repeat the Frevans incident and let them petition again? The ambition is really not small.

The people of the selection committee actually let you win the Peace Prize and the Medical Prize at the same time. Double awards for one person, it's really a compliment to you."

That was after the Frevans incident. Oran won both awards at the same time. The Medical Prize was because he conquered platinum lead disease and saved countless platinum lead disease patients.

The Peace Prize was because he avoided a bloody massacre against Frevans and reduced a fatal dispute in the North Sea. Now it has become a reason for others to be sarcastic.

"You are really worried about a lot, this king whose name I can't remember, but according to your attitude of treating the people as slaves, their rebellion is only a matter of time, right?

As for the petition, that is the evil result planted by the royal family of Frevans themselves. The people support you, why do you worry about such things?"

Oran leaned back in the chair lazily, well, not comfortable at all.

The chairs in this conference room are purely hard boards prepared for meetings. Let alone ergonomics, there is not even a little arc. Apart from symbolizing a special status, it is worthless.

Many of the suggestions made by Oran are about the redistribution of interests. As the original vested interest, he will naturally object. This kind of sarcasm has been selectively ignored by him.

"These are just some personal ideas. If you don't agree, will I force you to repair the library? I won't do things that are thankless. If you are willing, let's contact each other after the meeting. Let's stop talking about this topic."


After these words came out, some kings were stunned. They seemed to have misunderstood something.

At present, Orlan simply wants to leave some teleportation points. As an initial stage, one within a certain range is enough. If someone takes the initiative to respond, why bother with those who oppose it.

It's just that some people in some countries are very cautious about Piltover's current "hegemony". They thought that Orlan meant that all countries must accept this request and cannot refuse. In the end, they found that they thought too much.

This kind of thing is not impossible. There is no need for anything else. Iron Oz stands at the door of someone else's house, and whatever Orlan says is what it is.

But there is no need to do this. Showing your fangs too early will only make others wary.

The seven-day meeting finally ended in quarrels, which brought this world conference to an end. There was some progress on the issue of the merfolk. Although they still did not have an advantage in the vote, some countries had already begun to support this matter.

Wait for some new changes in the next few years, and this matter will basically be settled at the next meeting.

There have even been some abstract things in the social square these days. Now that Piltover's international status is getting higher and higher, it has become an ideal marriage partner in the eyes of many countries.

However, there is nothing that Piltover needs to exchange for marriage. The desire for marriage has become the wishful thinking of others, and there are always some people in the royal family who don't understand the situation and think they are powerful.

"No wonder Sister Fran doesn't like to come to this place. These people are really annoying."

The chattering boy in front of her, who claimed to be a prince of a certain country, made her feel very annoyed. She couldn't get rid of him like a dog-skin plaster.

But he didn't make any moves, and he didn't break the rules of this place. Guards and the like couldn't attack him directly.

To be precise, there was no need for guards. Perona could handle this problem by herself. When she walked to a position closer to the corner, she saw that the other party had not given up, and a small negative ghost flew out of her hand.

After that, rumors spread that a prince suddenly felt inferior at a world conference and even frightened a princess from another country, thus losing his right to choose a mate first on this occasion.

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