Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 45 Seastone and Historical Text

"Are you serious? That's a windless zone."

"I never joke about this kind of thing. In fact, passing through the windless zone is not as complicated as you think. It only requires a small modification to the ship."

On both sides of the Grand Line are special sea areas called the Windless Zone. As the name suggests, there will be no wind in this sea area.

This means that once a wind-driven ship enters this sea area, it will lose its main source of power. If it is just this, it will not be fatal, but below the windless zone is the gathering nest of the sea kings.

These deep-sea behemoths pose a devastating threat to ships. It is precisely because of the barrier between the windless zone and the red earth continent that the four seas were separated.

The official forces of the World Government can cross the Red Continent at specific ports and complete their journey by changing ships. This is different for pirates and illegal traders in the underground world.

For them, the Grand Line is not only difficult to enter, but also difficult to exit.

Umit is called the deep sea current simply because he controls the direction of several secret sea currents, but even he has no way to use the windless belt. If he wants to send things from different sea areas to another sea area, he can only Can find a way to pass through the port of Red Earth Continent.

After this trip, he bribed officials and dealt with the food and drink, and he was able to share most of his profits.

"If this is the case, then the situation has really reversed. Sidilir, do you want to invest in technology? You hand over this technology to me, and I will handle the rest. After that, the profits from this part will be divided into 30%. "

Du Felder also has his own ambitions, and just using this technology to make Umit stand in line is not enough to satisfy him. At this time, Felder's idea is to temporarily cooperate with Umit to stabilize him, but in fact, he quietly builds New fleet.

As long as the technology is mature, he can completely replace Umit. If they can kill Piecro as planned, then half of the underground world will belong to him, Feld, and he will be the well-deserved underground emperor.

"Mr. Feld, you should understand that you can bite off more than you can chew. If it gets to that point, I'm afraid your opponents won't just be people from the underground world.

But I agree with your suggestion. The method is very simple, just inlaid sea tower stones on the bottom of the ship. "

Sea floor stones are a collection of sea energy. As long as some sea floor stones are inlaid on the bottom of a ship, the perception of sea kings can be shielded, allowing them to regard the ship as the sea, so that they can pass through the windless zone smoothly.

Of course, if you happen to encounter a Neptune species basking in the sun on the sea surface, you will still have to fight hard, but this has greatly reduced the possibility of exposure.

Inlaying sea-floor stones on the bottom of a ship can be done with skill, but any professional shipwright can do it. The only difficulty is the source of the sea-floor stones.

As the origin of the Sea Tower Stone, the country of Wano was still in a closed state at this time. Kaido was also slowly developing and had not set foot in that country, so the number of Sea Tower Stones smuggled out was not large.

At present, Olan has no energy to run additional fleets, so he directly used this technology to make a new deal with Felder. The rest is not his thing to worry about.

"Olan, will that guy really keep his promise?"

Kate waited quietly and waited until Oran hung up the phone before asking the question she was worried about.

“For the time being, I never trusted him and he never trusted me.

He wants more technology, and I need the money in his hands. As long as we still have common interests, the contract will be stable.

Some people can have heart-to-heart conversations, but most people can only talk about interests.

I know what's going on, so you don't have to worry. "

From the moment the table was served, Olan was ready to overturn the table. There were some things that he didn't have to do, but he had to take measures to deal with it.

"You should go and clean it too. We will be busy in the next time. Piecro has almost started to do it."

"Meow will not let those villains get close to you. Meow will kill as many as they come."

“Don’t be careless, those people can survive in the new world.

Although he lives in the cracks of the new world, it is much more difficult to deal with than the people in the first half. It may be a tough battle.

Become proficient in the Haki you learned before as soon as possible, and practice with Fran more often. It is still unknown whether Fran's body can master the Haki. If he can master it, it would be great. "

The Age of Pirates has not yet officially begun, but the battles in the new world are much scarier than those in the first half, so it always pays to be more prepared.

The pirate problem has been solved, Kate and Frankenstein started the cleaning work. Barkin threw Dylan's head into the formalin solution, planning to exchange it for the bounty the next time he docked, and gave it to Ga I wrote some experience on using Zhi’s weapons.

The people who were chased by the pirates before also completed their encounter with Vegapunk.

"Olan, come here and take a look, there is something very special."

Vegapunk was previously invited to board O'Hara's expedition ship, and not long afterward he returned and called Olan, as if he had discovered some big secret.

When O'Lan entered O'Halan's expedition ship at the invitation of Vegapunk, what he saw was a square stone tablet.

"Historical text? Is this why those pirates are chasing you?"

"That's not true. They thought we found treasure from the ruins, but in fact the most valuable thing there is this. Doctor Sidilir, thank you for taking action before."

Cloba was not particularly unfamiliar with Oran because of Vegapunk. After learning about the previous situation, he sincerely thanked Oran for sending his subordinates.

Kroba did not stay for too long. After a brief conversation, he left the area under the cover of night. They had already accomplished their goal and it was time to return home.

Vegapunk had an extra note in his hand. It was the content of the historical text, which was a summary of ancient technology.

"I can't believe that people hundreds of years ago actually had such ideas."

"The development of the times is not necessarily progressive, it may also be regressing, but Kroba and his people... this will lead to destruction."

"It's just research, there shouldn't be such a big reaction, right?"

"Punk, I understand the World Government better than you. They are afraid of history, there are things they are afraid of, and if it really comes to that, they will do whatever it takes."

In Oran's memory, O'Hara was destroyed because of this. The artillery fire of the Demon Slayer Order destroyed everything. If it weren't for Kuzan, who was carrying out the mission at the time, letting him go, there would never be any survivors on the island.

But Kroba couldn't be persuaded. The navy arrested him several times but failed to change his mind, not to mention a few words from others.

Orlan and Kroba were not that familiar with each other, so a few words of advice was the limit. Although that period of history might have the key to defeating the World Government, Orlan was not very interested.

After all, the World Government still existed, which meant that they had already failed once. Instead of repeating the failed plan, it was better to believe in their own abilities. Orlan's technology did not need archaeology to be upgraded.

For MADS, this incident was just a small episode in the voyage. Vegapunk was very interested in the technology in history, but he also knew that Orlan's words made sense, so he just analyzed the intelligence secretly by himself and did not tell others.

In the following period of time, the underground world of the New World could be said to have launched a new battle. In places that ordinary people could not see, battles took place every day. Feld, Piercro and others were launching a new round of fighting for their own interests.

And the nomination for the Ibel Award was finally settled with the passage of time. The names of Orlan and Vegapunk appeared in the newspaper again.

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