Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 46: Prelude to Fame on the Ocean

In the first half of the Grand Line, on Tamonda Island, MADS's ship was docked here for a rest. The island was not originally peaceful. The two countries had been fighting for the real right to rule the island for many years.

Today, both the rulers and the people are tired of this war, but for the sake of fighting for that breath, no one is willing to take the lead in stopping the war.

The opportunity for their truce was the GP·flower invented by Vegapunk.

After Kate's actual combat experience, she believed that Vegapunk's flower bombs were not suitable for the front battlefield, but suitable for the infiltration of special teams, so Bajin became the hired labor again.

Taking advantage of the night, she threw the flower bombs into the arsenal of the vanguard of both sides. When they fought again the next day, no matter the gun barrel or the gun barrel, only flowers were sprayed out. Even the tanks charging on the plains were finally covered by flowers.

This long-lasting war finally came to a halt in the sea of ​​flowers. The two sides began peace talks. The reporters of the newspaper also arrived on time under the arrangement of Feld, and Oran's design was sent to the headlines of the newspaper.

"Olan! Today's newspaper!"

[The list of candidates for the Ibel Prize is announced, the friendship between a genius doctor and a genius scientist. ]

Kate returned to the ship with today's newspaper, which published half-truthful information about Oran and Vegapunk. Under Feld's money offensive, the reporters of the newspaper did not mind spending more time to boast about Oran and Vegapunk.

It was even a bit too much, and Oran, the person involved, looked weird.

Because Oran's goal was the medical award, and Feld's staff felt that the two scientists were a bit redundant, so they emphasized the breakthrough of Oran's prosthetic technology in medicine.

"For the sake of peace, we embark on a journey. Like-minded friends will bring new gospel to the world. These people dare to say anything."

Olan put down the engine in his hand. The technology tree of this sea is not normal. For example, the people on this island pointed out the technology tree of tanks. Although the tank armor is a thin can in Orlan's eyes, it is enough to block the bullets of flintlock rifles.

The only thing that interests Orlan is the engine of these tanks. Originally, Orlan thought that the technology tree of tanks was pointed out on this island, and there should be stable crude oil mines.

As a result, their energy source is charcoal burning. The people here have found a way to drive light tanks under limited conditions.

"I think they are right. Aren't you changing the world?"

"This is not a change. It's just a beginning. If those rubbish are always allowed to sit in the highest position, there will be too many restrictions."

There are many negative comments about the world government, whether it is the chaos deliberately caused to maintain the necessity of its own rule, or the oppression of the entire sea under the supremacist thinking of the Celestial Dragons.

It can be said that it is bad but not bad. Today's World Government does have the strongest military force on the sea, but in Oran's eyes, the efficiency of the World Government is shockingly low.

Rather than saying it is the World Government, it is better to say that the entire World Government is the steward of the Celestial Dragons. They have never considered development and progress. Everything they do is to make the existence of the Celestial Dragons more reasonable.

Whether it is for their own return gift or to carry out a more ambitious plan in this world, change is an indispensable step for Oran.

"It's too early to say this now, Kate, be prepared for battle, we will probably be very busy in the next few days."

The newspaper also revealed their current location. If Piercro has any ideas, this is his best opportunity.

And this is also a test to test whether the World Government has any clues about what happened in the Valley of the Gods.

It stands to reason that there will be no problem. After all, only Kate and a few others know his true identity. Most people don't even know his name, let alone his face that was covered tightly at the time.

The rest of the people were scattered to different places after escaping. In the huge population base and inconvenient transportation environment, these people are just a drop in the ocean.

Not to mention that the World Government has no idea what happened, and can't even find the head, let alone investigate it later.

But after all, we have to do something just in case, and make the worst-case plan to deal with different changes. If there is any trouble this time, then Orlan will activate his backup plan.

That is a small equipment on him, a replica of the Z-type drive device.

The genius boy from Zaun, the time assassin-Ike accidentally created an unexpected product, and its effect is very simple-traveling through time.

Due to the differences in the structure of Hex crystals, the differences in construction and the limitations of materials, Orlan's can only be used once.

But compared to Ike's, Orlan's work is more stable and can span longer time, which can give him a chance to start over in a critical moment. It is now Orlan's biggest trump card.

When Orlan and his team were preparing to deal with the troubles that might arise next, people in other areas also saw the news in the newspaper.

In the South China Sea, the Kingdom of Solbe, Xiong was studying the notes left by Orlan and learning relevant knowledge.

Orlan handed the factory over to him and Ginny, which at least gave them a stable source of finance and they no longer had to rely on chopping wood or fishing to make a living. Over the past two years, the church where they lived was renovated and their lives improved significantly.

"Xiongxiong! It's news from Brother Orlan, look at this!"

Ginny pushed the door open with a newspaper. There were some oil stains on the newspaper, which showed what she had been doing before.

"Nomination for the Ibel Medical Award. Brother Orlan is really a very gentle person. This way, those who are disabled due to accidents can be saved."

"I heard that as long as the nomination is published in the newspaper, then winning the award is a sure thing, but is this Brother Orlan's goal? It seems that this alone cannot achieve his goal."

"That's not important. Brother Orlan must have his own ideas. We just need to handle the things he gave us, but we can't live up to his trust."

Grand Line, Kama Baka Kingdom.

"Little Ivan~ This is today's newspaper, keep it~"

Ivankov left the Kingdom of Solbe first, and by chance came here, an island where transsexuals gathered.

Here, he seemed to awaken his true self, and began to learn the unique food and cuisine here from the people on the island, and gradually became stronger in the way of new humans.

"Olan?! I knew he was not a man willing to be lonely. Sure enough, he has started to act? Hehe!"

"Is he an acquaintance of yours, Little Ivan? Her Majesty the Queen also said that he is an amazing man~"

"Of course, I have to work harder, come on Marilyn, let's start today's practice!"

"You are really full of energy, then I won't be polite, the secret of the new human demon boxing method is the secret of health preservation! Youthful dream-breaking kick!"

The name and voice are very feminine, but the unshaven face has already explained the other party's undefinable gender. They are at the forefront of the version and have long derived a unique set of techniques.

However, not everyone has this attitude. In a dark room, Piercro, wearing a laughing clown mask, kicked over the table in front of him.

"Damn guy, I finally found your news!"


A huge sickle appeared in Piercrot's hand. As the sickle was swung, the newspaper with Orlan's photo was split in two, and the huge sickle was directly embedded in the bricks and stones beside it.

"I won't let you get away this time. Notify all the idle assassins in the headquarters and contact the people of the organ trafficking assassination group. Seize this opportunity and kill him!"

Note: On the cover page of Chapter 1073 of the comic, there is indeed a country that points out the technology tree of tanks

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